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      • 성인 ADHD 환자의 지능특성: 소검사 항목 특징을 중심으로

        이원익 ( Won Ik Lee ),허윤석 ( Yoon Seok Huh ) 중앙대학교 의학연구소 2017 中央醫大誌 Vol.42 No.1

        이 연구는 WAIS-I 지능검사를 통해 소항목 검사를 중심으로 성인 ADHD 환자 지능검사결과의 특징적인 소견을 확인하여 성인 ADHD 진단에 도움을 주며 그 특징을 파악하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 마음누리 정신건강의학과 외래를 방문하여 DSM-IV 진단기준에 의거하여 성인 ADHD로 확진된 18~56세 사이, 약물치료를 받지 않은 상태의 185명에 대해 고지능군(전체지능 110 이상~107명)과 평균지능군(전체지능 110 미만~78명)으로 구분하여 WAIS-I 지능검사결과를 분석하였다. 그 결과, 첫째, 평균지능군과 고지능군 사이에 인구역학적인 차이가 유의미하게 나타났다. 평균지능군에서 30세 미만, 미혼의 비율이 높았지만, 고지능군에서는 대학이상의 학력비율, 직업이 있는 비율이 유의미하게 높았다. 둘째, '빠진 곳 찾기'와 다른 지능 소검사 항목 사이의 차이를 비교한 결과, '빠진 곳 찾기'가 유의미하게 점수가 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, '토막 짜기' 점수에서 빠진 곳 찾기 점수를 뺀 점수 차이는 두 집단에서 모두 컸지만, 고지능군에서 이런 점수차이가 유의미하게 높았다. 넷째, '빠진 곳 찾기' 소검사와 가장 상관관계가 있는 소검사 항목은 고지능군과 평균지능군 사이에 차이를 보였다. 고지능군과 평균지능군 모두 '빠진 곳 찾기' 수행이 저조했고, 평균지능군에서는 '모양맞추기'와 '바꿔 쓰기'가 빠진 곳 찾기와 중등도의 상관관계를 보였지만 이런 양상은 고지능군에서 나타나지 않아, 평균지능군에서 동작성 지능 저하가 더 일관적으로 나타난 것으로 확인되었다. 시각적 예민성, 시각적 조직화 능력, 시각적 집중력과 함께 사물의 본질-비본질적인 부분을 파악하는 능력을 측정하며, 시각적 기민성, 환경에의 기민성, 시각적 조직화, 지각적 조직화, 본질적인 부분과 비본질적인 부분의 구별(사물의 핵심을 파악하는 능력), 집중력, 자동적 및 표상적 수준에서의 조직화, 시간적 압력 하에서의 작업 능력, 불확실할 때 반응하는 능력 등을 의미하는 '빠진 곳 찾기'점수의 유의미한 저하는 성인 ADHD의 지능검사에서의 특징인 것으로 확인되었으며, 지능검사가 특히 전체지능 110 이상인 고지능 성인 ADHD 진단과 특징을 파악할 수 있는 유용한 도구가 될 것으로 판단된다. The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of adult ADHD patients' intelligence test and to identify and characterize adult ADHD diagnosis by using WAIS-I intelligence test. For 185 patients who had not received any medication between the ages of 18~56 who were admitted to the adult ADHD according to the DSM-IV criteria, the results of the WAIS-I intelligence test were divided into the high intelligence group (110 total intelligence, N=107) and the average intelligence group (total intelligence 110, N=78) and were analyzed. As a result, first, there was a significant difference between the mean intelligence group and the high intelligence group. In the average intelligence group, the ratio of unmarried people under 30 years old was high, but in the high intelligence group, the ratio of education ratio and occupation was significant higher than the average intelligence group. Second, as a result of comparing the difference between the 'Picture Completion' and other intelligence subtests, The 'Picture Comlpetion' showed a significantly lower score. Third, the difference between the score of the "Block Design" score and the score of the 'Picture Comlpetion' score was larger in both groups, the score difference was significantly higher in the high intelligence group. Fourth, the subscale items correlated most with the 'Picture Completion' subtest showed a difference between the high intelligence group and the average intelligence group. Both the high intelligence group and the average intelligence group performed poorly in the 'Picture Completion', and the average intelligence group showed a moderate correlation with the 'Object Assembly' and the 'Digit Symbol', but this pattern does not appear in the high intelligence group. These findings confirmed that the decline of the Performance Intelligence was more consistent in the mean intelligence group. The significant decline of the 'Picture Completion' score, which measuring the ability to grasp the essence-non-essential part of an object with visual sensitivity, visual organization ability, visual concentration, visual agility, environmental agility, visual organization, perceptual organization, distinction between essential and non-essential parts (ability to grasp the core of things), concentration, organization at automatic and representational level, ability to work under temporal pressure, and which means the ability to react when uncertain, has been confirmed that ADHD is a characteristic feature of adult ADHD, and the intelligence test will be a useful tool for diagnosing, especially diagnosing ADHD adults with high intelligence level of 110 or more. Chung-Ang J Med 2017; 42(1): 7-15

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        폐경에 따른 자궁경부 세포진 검사상 AGUS 의 임상 분석

        원익(Won Ik Seok),이광범(Kwang Byum Lee),이종민(Jong Min Lee),엄기남(Gi Nam Um),윤성준(Seong Jun Yoon),최수란(Soo Lan Choi),김석영(Seok Young Kim),김광준(Kwang Jun Kim),이순표(Soon Pyo Lee),이지성(Jee Seong Lee),박찬용(Chan Yong Pa 대한산부인과학회 2002 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.45 No.6

        Objective : To evaluate the clinical significance of AGUS including histologic results and diagnostic modalities according to menopausal status. Methods : One hundred and four patients with AGUS were identified. Corresponding biopsies were available for 87 of these cases. The evaluation for histologic results and diagnostic modalities was made according to menopausal status. Results : Among the 87 patients with AGUS, the number of premenopausal and menopausal patients were 46 (52.9%) and 41 (47.1%), respectively. Over all, 70 (80.5%) of 87 patients were found to have important histologic findings and of them, premenopausal and menopausal patients with invasive diseases were 19 (41.3%) and 31 (75.6%) respectively. There were significant differences in pathologic findings between premenopausal and menopausal patients indicating more invasive lesions in menopausal than premenopausal patients (p=0.002). For the evaluation of diagnostic modality, the second arm was significantly more needed for menopausal than premenopausal patients (p=0.018). Conclusion : AGUS on pap smear represents a cytologic diagnosis associated with high incidence of underlying preinvasive and invasive lesions, especially in postmenopausal patients. Thus aggressive work-up is recommended to rule out the potential pathologic conditions in endocervix, endometrium and rarely extrauterine lesions such as gastrointestinal, tubal, ovarian or breast in patients otherwise unexplained AGUS after careful first arm work-up.

      • KCI등재후보

        페노바르비탈의 장기 투여가 흰쥐 뇌성장에 미치는 영향

        이원익(Won-Ik Lee),최병준(Byung-Joon Choi),김영훈(Young-Hoon Kim),황경태(Kyung-Tai Whang) 대한소아신경학회 1995 대한소아신경학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        저자들은 페노바르비탈(phenobarbital, PB)의 용량(0.06 mg/g, 0.03 mg/g)과 관련하여 포유기와 유약기의 쥐에서 뇌성장에 미치는 영향에 차이가 있는지, 그리고 뇌부위(대뇌, 소뇌)에 따라 이 약물에 대한 뇌조직의 민감도에 차이가 있는지를 알아보기 위하여, 포유기와 유약기 흰쥐(Wistar rats) 64마리를 고용량 PB투여 포유군, 조용량 PB투여 유약군으로 세분한 후, 이들 각 군에 PB를 장시간(포유기의 쥐, 생후 5일부터 생후 21일까지: 유약기의 쥐, 생후 3주부터 생후 6주까지) 피하주사하였다. 시일에 따른 체중변화를 축정하였고, 도살후에는 대뇌 및 소뇌의 중량을, 그리고 뇌조직에서는 DNA, RNA, 단백, 콜레스테롤 함유량을 각각 정량분석하였다. 포유기의 실험군 및 대조군의 쥐는 한배의 새끼 쥐들로 두 마리의 어미쥐에서 얻는 6마리를 각군에 배정하였다. 1. PB투여후 체중의 성장지연은 고용량 PB투여포유군의 쥐에서 현저하였으며, 대조군의 값과 비교하여 23.0%가 감소되었고, 이는 통계학적으로 유의한 차를 보였다. 3. 뇌성장의 생화학적 지표인 DNA, RNA, 단백 및 콜레스테롤 함유량의 감소는 고용량 투여 포유군의 쥐에서 현저하였으며(P<0.05), 소뇌에서 이들 값의 감소는 대뇌에서 보다 더욱 심하였다. 4. 유약기의 쥐에서 고용량 도는 저용량의 PB투여후 체중, 대뇌 및 소뇌 중량, 그리고 DNA, RNA, 단백 및 콜레스테롤 함유량은 각각 대조군의 값과 비교하여 감소되어 있었고, 또한 고용량의 PB투여군의 쥐가 저용량의 PB투여군의 쥐와 비교하여 더욱 감소된 값을 나타냈으나 이는 통계학적으로 유의하지 않았다. 이상의 실험결과로 보아 포유기에 있는 흰쥐에 소용량의 PB투여는 뇌세포분열의 속도를 지연시켜 뇌성장과 발달의 지연을 초래할 수 있으며, 또한 포유기에 있는 흰쥐에서 PB에 대한 뇌조직의 민감도는 대뇌에서 보다 소뇌에서 더 현저함을 알 수 있었다. 사람에서 PB의 지속적인 투여가 조기 뇌발육에 영향을 미치는 지에 대하여는 아직 활실히 증명되어 있지 않으나, 경련발작이 있는 영아기의 소아에서 항경련제로 PB를 선택하는데는 충분한 검토가 선행되어야 할 것으로 사려되었다. Objective : This study was designed to evaluate the dose-related effects of phenobarbital on brain growth in two groups of rats, suckling and juvenile. We also attempted to find the most vulnerable area of the brain to phenobarbital. Material & Method : We used two groups of 12 suckling(from 5 to 21 days) and 20 juvenile(from 3 to 6 weeks) rats of Wistar strain, and each group was divided into the high(0.06 mg/g) and low dose(0.03 mg/g) phenobarbital group. Phenobarbital was given to experimental group by subcutaneous injection, and saline solution to control group during the experimental period. These rats were sacrificed by decapitation, and then the brain was quickly removed from the cranial cavity and divided into cerebrum and cerebellum. The content of DNA, RNA, protein, and cholesterol were measured by modified Schmidt-Thannhauser-Schneider method with the tissue extraction. Result : 1. in the high dose phenobarbital group of suckling rats, there were significant reduction of body and brain weight compared with those of control group. The reduction was 23.0% in body weight, 21.4% in cerebral and 26.3% in cerebellar weight. 2. Biochemical parameters of brain growth. such as content of DNA, RNA, protein, and cholesterol, were significantly reduced in the high dose phenobarbital group of suckling rats. The reductions were more severe in cerebellum than in cerebrum. 3. In the group if juvenile rats, there was no significant reductions of all parameters in both high and low dose phenobarbital group. Conclusion : It can be suggested that the administration of high dose phenobarbital inhibit the proliferation of brain sells, and eventually cause growth retardation of central nervous system in the suckling rats.

      • KCI등재

        멜리에스 영화의 원형신화 구조와 이야기의 길

        이원익(Won-Ik Lee) 한국콘텐츠학회 2017 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.17 No.10

        이야기콘텐츠 창작 시 작동하는 무의식의 세계가 있다. 작가도 모르는 심연의 무의식 층은 전 인류가 연결되어있기 때문에 작가자신도 모르게 공통의 이야기를 만드는 길로 간다. 이렇게 만들어진 이야기가 원형신화고 오늘날 중요저작도구로 사용되고 있다. 이 원형신화가 발견되기 전에 제작된 무성영화 ‘달세계 여행’의 구조를 분석하면 여전히 원형의 틀을 찾을 수 있다. 이 영화는 동시대 네 작품으로부터 받은 영감을 작가가 직관적 상상으로 제작한 것임에도 원형의 틀이 완벽하게 드러났다. 이점은 신화의 원형이 지역이나 시간과 상관없이 관계하고 있는 것이다. 짧은 시간에 창작된 이야기가 오랜 시간 전승해온 신화와 같은 구조를 가지고 있는 이유는 인간의 집단 무의식속에 이야기의 원형들이 있기 때문이다. 이 원형이 이야기의 길을 결정해준다. 인간의 두뇌가 무한히 자유로운 상상을 하는 것이 아니라 이 원형의 길을 따라서 겉칠을 하며 응용을 하 는 것이다. 좋은 이야기 콘텐츠는 우리의 집단무의식속 원형이 제시하는 길을 가지 않으면 성공할 확률이 줄어든다. There is a world of unconscious that works when creating story contents. The unconscious layer of the abyss has the artist goes on the path of creating a common story structure without knowing because the human race is connected. It is monomyth and is now used as an important authoring tool. Analyzing the structure of the silent film “A trip to the Moon” made before the discovery of it, we can still find the frame of monomyth. Although this film is an intuitive imagination of the inspiration received from four contemporary works, the monomyth has been completely revealed.. This means its still working regardless of area or time. Thats why the story that was created in a modern short time has the same structure as the myth that passed down for a long time because there is archetype of story in human collective unconscious. This archetype determines the way the story. The human brain is not infinitely free to imagine but that it can be applied to the surface along the path of the archetype. Good story contents is less likely to succeed if it does not follow the path proposed by the archetype within our collective unconscious.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        자궁경부암종에서 방사선치료의 반응성과 p53 , bcl - 2 및 bax 단백질 발현

        이의돈(Eui Don Lee),이광범(Kwang Beom Lee),원익(Won Ik Suk),최준렬(Jun Ryeoul Choi),이종민(Jong Min Lee),이지성,박찬용(Chan Yong Park),하승연(Seung Yeon Ha),이규찬(Kyu Chan Lee) 대한산부인과학회 2002 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.45 No.10

        Objective : To evaluate the relationship between p53, bcl-2 and bax protein expressions and clinical response to radiation therapy in patients with cervical squamous cell carcinoma and possibility of using them as an useful marker for sensitivity of radiation therapy. Methods : This study included 30 patients with locally advanced cervical squamous cell carcinoma (stage Ⅱb and Ⅲ). The specimens were obtained from cervical squamous cell carcinoma before radiation therapy by colposcopic directed biopsy and processed for immunohistochemical staining against p53, bcl-2 and bax. Results : 1. P53 was more expressed in nonresponders than responders to radiation therapy, but it was not statistically significantly different (p=0.43). 2. Bcl-2 was significantly more expressed in nonresponders than responders to radiation therapy (p=0.001). 3. Bax was significantly more expressed in responders than nonresponders to radiation therapy (p=0.04). Conclusion : Expression of bcl-2 and bax are correlated with the clinical response to radiation therapy and would be considered as an useful marker for sensitivity of radiation therapy. However, it is necessary to further evaluate p53.

      • 실험계획법을 이용한 자동차용 휠 베어링 수명 최적화

        이승표(Seung Pyo Lee),이나연(Nah Yon Lee),차채영(Chae Yeong Cha),이인하(In Ha Lee),이상률(Sang Roul Lee),원익(Won Ik Kim),김태우(Tae Woo Kim) 대한기계학회 2012 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2012 No.11

        The automotive wheel bearing is one of important components in vehicle to translate the power and bear the weight. Bearing life is affected by many parameters such as bearing geometry, bearing specification, vehicle specification, loading conditions, lubrication conditions, material properties, and so on. In this paper, the optimization of the bearing life was performed using design of experiments. A factorial design was applied to carry out the bearing life calculation proposed by ISO 281:2007 and to investigate the design variables effects influencing on bearing life. The determination of the significance of effects in an experiment was made through the analysis of variance. The results showed that operating temperature and contamination affected the bearing life significantly.

      • KCI등재

        무인지상차량의 전역경로계획을 위한 지형정보 분석 시스템

        원익,이호주,김도종,Park, Won-Ik,Lee, Ho-Joo,Kim, Do-Jong 한국군사과학기술학회 2013 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.16 No.5

        In this paper, we proposed a system that efficiently provides support maps which includes the grid based terrain analysis information. To do this, we use the FDB which is defined as a GIS database that contains features with attributes attached to the features. The FDB is composed of a number of features and feature classes. In order to create support maps, it is necessary to classify feature classes that are associated with each support map and to search them in a grid map. The proposed system use a ontology model to classify semantically feature classes and the quad-tree data structure to find them in a grid map quickly. Therefore, our system is expected to be utilized for global path planning of UGV. In this paper, we show the possibility through an experimental implementation.

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