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        The Genus Martensia Hering (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) with M. albida sp. nov. and M. flammifolia sp. nov. on Jeju Island, Korea

        이용필,Lee, Yong-Pil The Korean Society of Phycology 2006 ALGAE Vol.21 No.1

        The genus Martensia (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) is characterized by thalli composed of one to several blades that consist of proximal membranous sections and distal latticework. Nerves or veins are absent in the membranous sections. The life cycle of Martensia is accomplished by isomorphic alternation of generations. The gametophytes of Martensia are dioecious, and the male and female gametangial plants are morphologically similar. The type species of Martensia is M. elegans Hering. In this study, nine species were confirmed to occur in the subtidal regions of Jeju Island, Korea: M. albida sp. nov., M. australis Harvey, M. bibarii Y. Lee, M. elegans Hering, M. flammifolia sp. nov, M. fragilis Harvey, M. jejuensis Y. Lee, M. palmata Y. Lee, and M. projecta Y. Lee. Three of these, M. australis, M. fragilis, and M. elegans, are new records in the flora of Korea. The results of molecular analyses of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) 1 region in the nrDNA showed that M. elegans is identical to M. australis, and M. fragilis coincides with M. bibarii. It may be a less effective tool for the species discrimination in Martensia.

      • KI-novation - FEA를 아시나요?

        이용필,Lee, Yong-Pil 한국정보보호진흥원 2009 정보보호뉴스 Vol.136 No.-

        KISA 내 6시그마를 도입, 추진한지도 벌써 3년째로 접어들고 있다. 2008년 말부터는 새로운 6시그마 과제가 추진되고 있으며, 이를 위해 팀별로 1개 과제를 선정해 과제 담당자가 3$\sim$4개월 이상 컨설턴트와 매주 미팅을 통해 과제를 추진하고 있다. 지난 2008년 말부터 수행중인 6시그마 과제에 대한 중간보고는 오는 3월초 수행할 예정이며, 4월 중순 과제 완료보고가 이뤄질 예정이다. 그런데 과제를 수행하는 대부분의 직원들은 지금까지 진행됐던 6시그마 활동결과에 대해 여러 궁금증이 들 것이다. '과제별로 성과가 얼마나 났을까?', '그 성과는 어떻게 객관적으로 측정할 수 있을까?', '성과가 과대포장 되거나 하진 않을까'하는 궁금증 말이다.

      • KCI등재

        The Red Algal Genus Scinaia (Galaxauraceae, Nemaliales) on Jeju Island,Korea

        이용필,고용덕,Lee, Yong-Pil,Ko, Yong-Deok The Korean Society of Phycology 2006 ALGAE Vol.21 No.3

        We report six species of the genus Scinaia (Galaxauraceae, Nemaliales) from Jeju Island, Korea. Five of the species, S. cottonii Setchell, S. tokidae Kajimura, S. okiensis Kajimura, S. flabellata Kajimura, and S. confusa (Setchell) Huisman, are newly recorded in the Korean flora. Scinaia okamurae (Setchell) Huisman was previously recorded. Scinaia japonica Setchell, which is known from Korean waters, was not found. We examined thallus habits, vegetative morphology, and reproductive structures in all six species. We also appraise several morphological characters for their value in separating Scinaia species.

      • KCI등재

        近江政權의 氏族基盤과 그 성격

        Lee Yong Pil(李鎔弼) 일본사학회 1998 일본역사연구 Vol.7 No.-

        Antagonism between Crown Prince Naka no Ooe and Emperor Kotoku broke out after they seized power by eliminating Soga Iruka. The Crown Prince returned to the pro-Paekche policy by getting rid of the Abe clan and the scholars who had returned from Tang China and Silla. This policy change caused a crisis in Japan’s relations with T’ang China. Japan tried to cope with this crisis by military mobilization which aroused the discontent among aristocrats. The Crown Prince decided to move the capital from Asuka to Omi to stabilize his power. He had to rely on the help of the pro-Paekche clans such as the Soga and Otomo clans who maintained the anti-reform stance. The new capital was populated by the clan members of Paekche origin. They were allowed to own be no tami. After the fall of Koguryo the Omi government chose to recover its relations with Silla by giving up its close ties with Paekche. It was unwilling to help the Paekche forces to restore its rule. This ignited a power struggle among the ruling elites, and the pro-Paekche group lost its control over the government. Japan’s pro-Silla policy created a mounting crisis its relations with T’ang China. Military mobilization continued and intensified. This caused the widespread discontent among the ruling elites and people, and the Omi government became isolated by losing its power base. Under these circumstances the new coalition government of powerful clans of Kinai led by the Soga clan emerged. It recognized the ownership of be no tami by the powerful clans. This policy meant that the new government tried to reverse the political course set up by the Taika reform government. The grand coalition of anti-Omi government supported by the imperial family, the Otomo clan, the Abe clan, and the small clans of local areas emerged. The Omi government was no longer able to maintain its power and was toppled by the civil war of 672 led by Prince Oama.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        제주도산 해조류 (海藻類) - 바위두둑과 (과) -

        이용필(Yong Pil Lee),이인규(In Kyu Lee) 한국식물학회 1988 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.31 No.4

        Morphotaxonomic study was made on the Leathesiaceae of Cheju Island. One species of Petrospongium, P. rugosum, and three of Leathesia, L. difformis, L. sphaerocephala, and L. verruculiformis, were found in Cheju Island. Myriactula species was not found in the locality. L. verruculiformis was described as a new species of the genus Leathesia. L. verruculiformis was characterized by the less compact cortical layer, clavate assimilating filaments, and plurilocular sporangia born in tufts.

      • KCI등재

        국내 사이버 침해사고의 경제적 피해금액 산정

        이용필(Yong-Pil Lee),김태성(Tae-Sung Kim),유진호(Jinho Yoo) 한국경영학회 2020 Korea Business Review Vol.24 No.2

        본 논문은 기업들이 빈번한 사이버 침해사고를 당하고 있는 현실에서, 사이버 침해사고를 예방하기 위한 기업들의 적정한 정보보호 투자의사결정에 필요한 정보를 제공하기 위하여, 사이버 침해사고를 당한 기업들의 경제적 피해금액을 조사하기 위한 목적으로 작성되었다. 이를 위해 국내외 선행연구들을 참고하여 경제적 피해금액 산정모델을 개발하고, 최근 3년간 사이버 침해사고를 당한 국내 기업들을 대상으로 경제적 피해액을 산정하였다. 피해금액 산정모델은 정보보호 프로세스에 따라 탐지-사고조사-대응/복구-재발방지 과정별로 피해액 비용요소를 도출하되, Gordon & Loeb(2005) 모형을 참고하여 사고발생으로 직접적인 피해가 발생한 직접비용과 사고를 예방하고 탐지하는 과정에서 발생하는 간접비용으로 구분하였다. 피해를 당한 기업들을 대상으로 침해사고 분석 전문가와 함께 대면 인터뷰를 통해 침해사고 원인 및 피해상황을 재구성하고, 피해금액 항목을 도출하고, 피해금액을 산정하였다. 특히, 기업규모 및 산업 업종에 따라 정보보호 투자의사결정에 도움이 될 수 있도록 기업 규모별, 피해유형별, 산업 업종별 피해액을 산정하였다. 기업 규모별 침해사고의 경제적 피해액은 대기업(20.9억원), 중견기업(17.4억), 중소기업(4.4억원), 비영리재단(0.2억원) 순으로 기업규모가 클수록 커지는 것으로 조사되었다. 그러나, 직접적 피해액(직접비용)은 대기업(4.1억원)에 비해 중견기업(15.1억원)이 더 많은 것으로 나타났으며, 중소기업은 3.8억원이었다. 간접비용에 포함되는 침해사고 탐지, 재발방지 투자금액은 대기업은 16.8억원으로 직접적 피해액 대비 409%인 반면, 중견 및 중소기업은 각각 2.3억원, 0.6억원으로 직접적 피해액의 12%, 15%에 해당하였다. 이는 대기업이 예방 및 재발방지를 위해 노력한 결과 직접적 피해액은 상대적으로 적은데 비해, 중견 및 중소기업은 예방을 위한 투자가 적어 직접적 피해액이 큰 반면 재발방지를 위한 투자는 여전히 상대적으로 적게 되고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 중견기업, 중소기업 대상 가장 피해가 큰 피해유형은 랜섬웨어 공격으로 조사되어, 금전을 목적으로 랜섬웨어 공격을 하는 해커의 주요 타깃이 중견기업, 중소기업이 되고 있음을 확인할 수 있었으며, 중견기업 및 중소기업을 대상으로 정부의 후속 지원정책이 필요한 것으로 조사되었다. To help companies make cybersecurity investment decisions, we conducted a survey to estimate the costs of cyber incidents by company size, incidents type, and industry type for the first in South Korea. According to the survey, it was found that the costs of cyber incidents by company size increased in the order of size, large companies (20.9 billion won), mediumsized enterprises (17.4 billion won), small and medium-sized enterprises (4.4 billion won), and non-profit foundations (0.2 billion won). However, the direct costs was higher in mid-sized enterprises (15.1 billion won) than in large enterprises (4.1 billion won), and SMEs were 3.8 billion won. The amount of investment in detecting incidents and preventing recurrence included in indirect costs was 16.8 billion won, which was 409% of the direct costs, while mid-sized and small and medium-sized companies were 2.3 billion won and 0.6 billion won, respectively, accounting for 12% and 15% of the direct costs. As a result of the efforts of large companies to prevent and prevent recurrence, direct costs was relatively small, whereas small and mediumsized enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises had little investment in prevention, and the direct costs was large, while the investment to prevent recurrence was still relatively small. The most damaging attack types for medium-sized companies and small and mediumsized enterprises were surveyed as ransomware attacks. It was confirmed that the main targets of hackers attacking ransomware for the purpose of money are medium-sized companies and small and medium-sized enterprises. It was found that the government’s follow-up support policy was needed for medium-sized enterprises and SMEs.

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