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        《논어》 “문막오유인(文莫吾猶人)” 재탐(再探)

        이예성 ( Lee Yesung ),이강재 ( Lee Kangjae ) 한국중국어문학회 2016 中國文學 Vol.88 No.-

        본 논문은 《논어》〈述而〉편에 출현하는 “子曰, `文莫吾猶人也, 躬行君子則吾未之有得。`” 장 중, 역대 주석가들의 異說이 존재하는 `文莫`의 해석에 전적으로 동의하기에 한계가 있어, 통사 · 어휘적 의미 분석을 통하여 諸家의 견해를 재검토하고, 《좌전》의 `莫`의 용례와의 비교, 자형 · 화용 · 음운 측면의 분석을 추가하여, `文莫`에 대한 가장 적합한 의미를 찾고자 하였다. 이를 통해, 기존 주석에 의존하지 아니하고 새로운 시각으로 원문 본연의 의미를 파악하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        “누구에게나 `어려움`은 있다”: 정신적 장애 개념의 대안적 실천과 한계

        이예성 ( Lee Yesung ) 한국문화인류학회 2017 韓國文化人類學 Vol.50 No.2

        본 연구는 한국 사회에서 나타나는 정신적 장애 개념의 의미를 한 청년대안학교의 사례와 이 시설의 구성원들의 경험을 통해 탐구한다. 서울시에 위치한 청년대안학교 드림칼리지는 대부분 정신적 장애 진단이 있는 학생들로 구성된 시설이지만, 이곳은 장애인을 위한 학교 임을 표방하지 않으며, 특히 이곳에서는 장애라는 개념이 사용되지 않는다. 반면 드림칼리 지에서는 보다 관계적이고, 맥락적이며, 유연한 개념인 `어려움`이 존재한다. `어려움`은 상황 에 따라 발생하고 조절되는 것으로 학생들이 주로 인식하는 `어려움`은 장애 그 차제는 아니다. `어려움` 개념을 바탕으로 이루어지는 드림칼리지의 대안적 실천에도 불구하고, 드림칼 리지와 학생 및 부모는 외부 사회에서 요구하는 현실 때문에 장애라는 개념을 불러와야 하는 상황에 마주한다. 이것은 대안적 개념과 실천 방식 자체의 한계 때문이 아니라 정신적 장애 개념이 가지는 사회적 권위 때문이라고 해석된다. 이러한 이해를 바탕으로 본 연구는 한 국사회의 정신적 장애 개념의 의미를 장애인 복지제도의 역사적·정치적 맥락, 정신적 장애의 진단 및 등록 과정, 이를 둘러싼 부모와 학생들의 경험을 분석한다. `어려움`과 비교하여 정신적 장애는 부모를 포함한 개인에게 귀속되는 개념이고, 전문적·관료적 영역에서 범주 화되며, 탈맥락적인 특성을 가진다. 이러한 특성으로 인해 장애는 개인의 몫, 가족, 특히 부모의 몫으로 개별화되는 경향이 있으며, 정신적 장애를 가졌다고 여겨지는 청년들은 끊임 없이 사회에서 고립될 가능성에 노출되어 있다. 드림칼리지의 학생들과 가족은 장애와 `어려움`이라는 두 모호한 개념 사이에서 살고 있지만, 두 개념이 내포하는 전제와 지향에는 큰 차이가 있다. In this article, I explore the meaning of the concept of mental disability in South Korea through the experiences of youth in an alternative school for adults. I also explore the traits of the facility, Dream College. Most of the students have mental disabilities and other related diagnoses. However, Dream College is not a facility for the disabled since the concept of disability is not used. Instead, there is the notion of “difficulty.” “Difficulty” is not merely an alternative terminology of disability but has conceptual differences. Hence, what the students feel to be difficulties are not consistent with the diagnoses of disability. Despite the alternative practice, which is based on the concept of “difficulty,” Dream College sometimes faces a situation in which it is necessary to use the concept of disability because in the outside world, they are just treated as disabled. Not only is the concept of “difficulty” not prevalent outside, but government or financial support organizations demand the definite definition of the students as disabled. This paper suggests that this situation is not because of the limits of the alternative practice itself, but because of the social authority of the concept of mental disability. I analyze the meaning of the concept of mental disability based on the historical and political context of the welfare system of the disabled, diagnosis or registration process of mental disability, and the experience of parents and students surrounding it. Compared with “difficulty,” mental disability is attributed to individuals such as the patient and patient`s parents, categorized in the professional and bureaucratic domains, and easily intervened in a decontextualized manner. In relation to this conceptual characteristic, disability is personalized to the individual, family, and especially to the parents. In this context, young people who are considered to have mental disabilities are exposed to the possibility of constant isolation from society. Students and families at Dream College live between two blurred concepts of disability and “difficulty,” but there are differences between the premises and the orientations that the two concepts imply.

      • KCI등재

        자녀를 잃은 부모의 젠더에 따른 상실감 차이에 관한 연구

        이현정(Lee, Hyeon Jung),이예성(Lee, Yesung) 한국가족학회 2018 가족과 문화 Vol.30 No.3

        본 논문은 세월호 참사로 자녀를 잃은 유가족 부모가 젠더에 따라서 어떻게 상실감을 공통적으로 혹은 다르게 경험하는가를 살펴보고자 하는 목적으로 작성되었다. 본 연구를 위해, 4.16기억저장소에서 수집하여 편찬한 <4.16구술증언록: 유가족편> 1권부터 25권까지 총 25권의 구술공개본이 분석 자료로 활용되었다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 먼저, 세월호 참사로 자녀를 잃은 유가족 부모는 아버지 어머니 구별 없이 공통적인 감정을 경험하고 있었는데, 그 내용은 무엇보다 자녀에 대한 견딜 수 없는 그리움과 자녀에게 충분히 잘해주지 못한 것에 대한 미안함이 주를 이루고 있었다. 또한 세월호 참사가 가지고 있는 이후 상황 전개의 특수성으로 인해, 국가, 언론, 참사 책임자 및 지배집단에 대한 분노 및 실망감과 가족, 이웃, 종교로부터의 상처와 소외감을 부모 모두 경험하고 있었다. 그러나 부모가 서로 다르게 경험하는 부분도 나타났다. 아버지의 경우에는 돈벌이에 집중했던 삶이나 자녀와 가깝지 못했던 태도에 대한 후회가 주를 이뤘으며, 참사 이후 직장과 사회생활에서 멀어져버린 자신의 삶을 실패로 규정하기도 하였다. 또한 알코올 의존과 인지기능 장애가 나타나는 양상을 보였다. 반면 어머니의 경우에는 주로 자녀가 어릴 때 좀 더 충분한 보살핌을 제공하지 못했던 것에 대해 구체적인 에피소드를 통해 아쉬움과 미안함을 표현했으며, 또 손상된 자녀의 시신을 직접 만지지 못했던 자신에 대한 원망과 후회도 있었다. 자녀를 잃어버린 이후에 남편을 비롯한 시가족에 대한 불만이 솟구쳐 오르는 모습도 나타났으며, 우울증이나 신체적인 통증을 호소하였다. 이번 연구는 세월호 유가족의 상실감이 한국 사회의 젠더 규범과 상당히 조응하고 있다는 점을 드러낼 뿐 아니라, 앞으로 이들의 감정적 경험에 대해서 보다 세부적이고 깊이 있는 이해가 필요하다는 점을 환기시켜준다. 또한 유가족 부모의 삶의 재건을 위해서는 젠더별 차이를 고려한 보다 효과적인 지원책이 마련될 필요가 있다는 점을 시사한다. This paper aims to examine how the parents who lost their child in the Sewol ferry disaster have experienced the feeling of loss differently according to their gender. For this study, 25 volumes of 4.16 Oral Testimonies: The Bereaved Families compiled at 4.16 Memory Archive were used as the main data for analysis. The results are as follows. On the one hand, the bereaved parents who lost their child in the Sewol ferry disaster have experienced common feelings of loss, regardless of gender, particularly in terms of unbearable longing and sorrow for their lost child. Additionally, due to the unique nature of the post-disastrous situations, fathers and mothers have felt anger and disappointment at the government, officials, the media, and professional elites. They have also been hurt and alienated from their families, neighbors, and religious organizations. On the other hand, however, fathers and mothers have experienced feelings of loss differently. In the case of fathers, they have regretted their previous lives focusing on making money and their indifferent attitudes toward their child. Moreover, no longer continuing their jobs and social life, fathers have tended to regard their life as failure. They have also showed signs of alcohol dependency and cognitive impairment. Comparatively, mothers have rather felt sorry about not having been able to provide more care for their children when they had been little. Mothers have also showed remorse for not having been able to touch their child s damaged body when they first met the corpse at the port. Furthermore, after the child loss, they have tended to make distance from their families, particularly their husbands and in-laws, while suffering from depression and somatization.

      • KCI우수등재

        물질과 제품 사용에 의한 국내 중독(poisoning) 건수 추정

        박소영(Soyoung Park),이예성(Yesung Lee),문은찬(Eunchan Mun),남민우(Minwoo Nam),김지원(Jiwon Kim),박지훈(Jihoon Park),최원준(Won-Jun Choi),최상준(Sangjun Choi),하권철(Kownchul Ha),전형배(Hyoungbae Jun),박동욱(Dong-Uk Park) 한국환경보건학회 2020 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.46 No.5

        Objective: South Korea still lacks systematic national poisoning data collection or a poison control center (PC). The objectives of this study are to provide estimates of poisoning incidents in South Korea and to stress the necessity of a national poisoning surveillance framework managed by a national PC. Method: The number of poisoning incidents was estimated based on the 2018 annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers’ National Poison Data System (NPDS). Our estimation of poisoning data was classified according to age group, reason for poison exposure, and case management site. Results: Total poisoning cases estimated numbered 326,636, which is tantamount to 631 cases per 100 thousand. Poisoning cases among those younger than five years old accounted for 71.7% in the United States. Fatal poisoning cases were estimated to be 210.63 (95% CI: 199.70-222.15). Non-intentional poisoning cases (250,378 cases, 95% CI: 249,992-250,764, 76.7%) were estimated to be far higher than intentional cases (62,399 cases, 95% CI: 62,207-62,593, 19.1%). Conclusion: Our results can be used to suggest the necessity of producing national poisoning data and establishing a PC despite the uncertainty of estimation.

      • KCI우수등재

        가습기 살균제 건강영향 모니터링에서 환경노출조사의 역할

        박소영(Soyoung Park),박주현(Ju-Hyun Park),이승희(Seunghee Lee),장우성(Woo-Sung Jang),김소연(So-Yeon Kim),박지훈(Jihoon Park),문은찬(Eunchan Mun),이예성(Yesung Lee),김현일(Hyunil Kim),김형철(Hyeong-Cheol Kim),박동욱(Dong-Uk Park) 한국환경보건학회 2020 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.46 No.2

        Objective: The objectives of this study are to update the information on the characteristics of humidifier disinfectant (HD) usage with HD associated health problems and to discuss the role of HD exposure assessment in the national program to monitor health problems in patients with HD associated diseases. Method: A total of 201 HD associated patients who registered to undergo clinical examination at Kangbuk Samsung Hospital was interviewed to acquire their responses regarding several HD use characteristics, including type of HD brands used, HD use duration, average daily HD use hours, and the volume of the room in which HD was used. The responses of the HD associated patients to HD use-related questions were compared between responses in the lung injury investigation and this study. Results: The responses of HD associated patients in this study were found to be different from those in the lunginjury investigation. In particular, some of the patients who had not answered in the lung-injury investigation were able to answer thanks to assistance from the investigator in this study. For their responses regarding the name of the most commonly used HD brand, the number of patients who did not answer (N=11) was reduced to eight in this study. Significant changes in the responses of study subjects to questions related to HD use were achieved through the interview in this study. Conclusion: This study found significant changes in the responses regarding HD use characteristics. HD exposure assessment should be included in the program in order to allow surveillance of HD associated health problems.

      • Wordsworth의 낭만적 자연관과 생태학적 태도

        이예성 경주대학교 1999 論文集 Vol.12 No.1

        It is not too mush to say that William Wordsworth was the first and the last poet, who recognized the importance of nature. The purpose of this study is to shed light on his romantic idea of nature and its relation to ecology. His belief in nature is ecological one. His ecological attitude toward nature can be a ray of hope for resolving today's environmental crisis. As E. C. Semple said, "man is a product of the earth's surface". But man has been regarding himself as the central fact of the universe and has thought that he is entitled to conquer or exploit nature at will. Such an anthropocentric interpretation of the universe is responsible for today's life-threatening ecological problems. These problems can be solved only through a revolution of our attitude toward nature. Now is the time to think that he must find special affinity between him and nature. We can see the ecological vision in Wordsworth's romantic idea of nature. His romantic idea of nature will help modern men work out the answer to the ecological problems. In a sense, he gave man warning against the anthropocentric arrogance. Wordsworth's idea of nature was romantic one. First of all, he respected nature. He had a sense of the sacredness of the created world. He thought of nature as a spiritual existence or as having personality and developed a faith in the beneficient power of nature. He thought that nature has the power to heal and cleanse the psyche. And then he emphasized the organic interrelatedness between man and nature. He regarded man as a part of nature and believed in the coherence of all beings. He tried to see "one life" or "mighty unity" in all things of nature. So men are unified with them in his world. At his best, Wordsworth's poetry is the visionary expression of eternity or permanence through the beauty of wild nature.

      • Larkin 시의 영국주의

        이예성 경주대학교 1999 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        English poet Philip Larkin(1922~1985) wrote his major poems from 1945 to 1975. At this period England lost its colonies and became secondary to the new imperial power, America. Thus analyses of "Englandism", or "Englishness" were a central aspect of the politics of this era. The English people tried to define their national identity. They began to long for the past. They began to long for England as "England". Philip Larkin was one of them. As one of the most influential members of "The Movement" group which emphasized "Englandism" and "Englishness", Philip Larkin was a most outstanding figure who felt regret for the past of England. He regretted the loss of Empire and a sense of community. In his many poems, there is most nostalgic regret for the past industrial age of English imperial and mercantile domination. He tries to find "home" and "Englishness" through English history and English society and life. He feels that he is an exile within his own country. He feels that he has no home in it. Thus his poems highlight the emptiness of England and are elegiac. Most impressively, he ends his poem "Friday Night in the Royal Station Hotel" with an image of the sea---so important to England's power. And the power was based upon mercantile trade outside England through the sea and the power helped the English people create the belief that England was the centre of the world. As a poet Larkin tries to cherish "Englishness" in his poems before it disappears in his country.

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