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      • 공공공사 총사업비 관리제도 내 자율조정제도 특성 분석

        이승후(Lee, Seung-Hoo),박문서(Park, Moon-Seo),이현수(Lee, Hyun-Soo) 대한건축학회 2019 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.39 No.1

        Uncertainty is one of the main characteristics of the construction industry, For this reason, during design or construction phase there often is an increase in cost or duration due to unforeseen vaiables at the early planning stage of the project. While various contingency plans are operated in advanced countries to prepare for such risks. But, in Domestic, the Self-Adjustment system in the central government in the overall project cost management guideline is not efficiently operated to the purpose of this system. The purpose of this is to analyze characteristics of Self-adjustment system of Total cost management system by using system dynamics method.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        후안 마요르가(Juan Mayorga) 『하멜린(Hamelin)』의 ‘몬테로’ 연기접근 방법 연구

        이승후 ( Lee Seung-hoo ),조준희 ( Cho Joon-hui ) 한국예술교육학회 2021 예술교육연구 Vol.19 No.4

        후안 마요르가(Juan Mayorga)의 『하멜린(Hamelin)』은 거시적으로 아동성추행사건을 해결해나가는 판사의 권선징악이 중심 테제인 것처럼 보이지만, 그 이면의 권력을 향한 욕망에 의해 피해 받는 사회적 약자들을 부각시키는 포스트 서사극(Post-Epic Theater)이라고 할 수 있다. 포스트 서사극은 연극의 재현성을 부정하면서 텍스트의 해체에만 의존하는 포스트드라마(Post-Drama)의 한계를 극복하고, 연극의 정치적·사회적 비판 능력을 회복하기 위해 브레히트의 서사극 기법(Epic Theater)을 창조적으로 계승한 새로운 극적 양식이다. 그러나 포스트 서사극에 관한 연구는 국내에서 이론 중심으로 이루어지고 있으며, 특히 포스트 서사극으로서의 『하멜린』과 인물의 연기접근 방법에 관한 실제적 연구는 전무하다. 그래서 본고는 『하멜린』 ‘몬테로’ 역할 창조 연구를 통해, 포스트 서사극의 인물 형상화 작업에 적용 가능한 연기접근 방법론을 고찰하고, 실제 프로덕션 과정을 중심으로 검증하고자 한다. 이를 위해, 포스트 서사극에 대한 이론적 연구를 선행하였고, 『하멜린』에 나타나는 포스트 서사극적 특성을 세 가지로 도출하였다. 그것들은, 첫째, 병렬적 구조의 장면구성과 복층 서사구조를 통해 이야기에 대한 관객의 감정이입(Empathy)과 동시에 생소화 효과(Alienation)를 유도, 둘째, 해설자의 역할놀이로 관객의 생소화 효과의 경험을 통한 이성적 사유 촉구, 셋째, 『피리 부는 사나이』 동화 삽입을 통해 관객의 변증법적 의미창발(Emergence)을 자극하는 것이다. 이에 따라 몬테로 인물구축 과정에서 드라마로 관객의 집중을 유도하고, 동시에 적절한 거리를 두어 관객에게 질문을 던지는 비판적 사유의 기회를 제공하고자 하였다. 그 결과, 다음과 같은 몬테로 역할창조의 목적을 도출하였다. 첫째, 사회적 계층으로 드러나는 몬테로의 욕망단계의 층위, 둘째, 이중적 잣대의 모순을 드러내는 몬테로이다. 그리고 이러한 분석을 통하여 『하멜린』에 나타나는 사회적 문제를 더욱 극명하게 시각화하기 위해 게스투스(Gestus)를 적극적으로 구축하였다. 또한 인물구축 과정에서 급격한 배우와 인물간의 전환(Transformation)을 수행하기 위해서 신체 중심의 연기론이 요구됨을 확인하였다. 이를 위해, 내적 충동을 신체적 움직임으로 시각화할 수 있는 루돌프폰 라반(Rudolf von Laban)의 라반 움직임 분석(Laban Movement Analysis, LMA) 중 ‘에포트(Effort)’를 활용하여 몬테로의 포스트 서사극적 캐릭터를 구축하고자 하였다. 실제 프로덕션 과정을 통한 역할창조 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 해설자의 직접발화에 대응하는 인물 행동의 즉각적 변환, 둘째, 게스투스 구축을 통한 내면적 갈등의 시각화, 셋째, 신체성의 변화를 활용한 관객의 능동적 의미창발 유도가 그것이다. 본고의 궁극적 목표는 포스트 서사극의 이론적 토대를 기반으로 실제 프로덕션 과정에서 감정이입과 생소화 효과의 동시작용을 불러일으켜, 관객이 능동적인 참여자로서 작품의 정치적, 사회적 의미를 사유할 수 있는 실제적 방법론들을 확인하는 것이다. Juan Mayorga’s “Hamelin” seems to have the central theme of the judge’s recommendation and disciplinary action to solve child sexual harassment cases, however, it can be said to be a “Post-Epic Theater” that highlights the socially disadvantaged suffering under the desire for power. “Post-Epic Theater’ is a new dramatic stlye that creatively inherits Brecht’s Epic Theater to overcome the limitations of ”Post-Drama“, which relies only on the dismantling of text and denies the reproducibility of the play. However, researches on ”Post-Epic Theater“ are done with only centered theories by several scholars in Korea, and there are also no practical studies on ”Hamelin“ as a ”Post-Epic Theater“ and characters’ acting approach. Therefore, by studying on the role creation of ”Hamelin“ and ”Montero“, this paper intends to examine the approach methodology applicable to the character shaping work of ”Post-Epic Theater“ and verify it focusing on the actual production process. To this end, a theoretical research on ”Post-Epic Theater“ was preceded, and three characteristics of ”Post-Epic Theater“ in ”Hamelin“ were derived. The three characteristics are first, inducing the audience’s empathy and alienation of the story through the scene composition and the double- story narrative of the parallel structure, second, urging rational thinking through the audience’s ”unfamiliar effect“ experience through role playing, and third, stimulating the audience’s dialectical meaning. Accordingly, in the process of constructing the ”Montero“ character, it attempted to induce the audience’s to concentration through the drama, and at the same time, to ask questions to the audience and to provide opportunities for critical thinking. Therefore, the following goals of creating the ”Montero“ role were derived. These include 1. ‘the level of Montero’s desire stage revealed as a social class’, 2. ‘Montero, who reveals the contradiction of double standards’. And through this analysis, Gestus was actively established to more clearly visualize the social problems that appear in ”Hamelin“. In addition, it was confirmed that the body-centered acting theory was required to perform rapid treansformation between actors and characters in the process of character construction. To this end, we tried to construct a ”Post-Epic Theater“ of ”Montero“ by using ”Effort“ of Laban Movement Analysis(LMA) by Rudolf von Laban, which can visualize internal impulses as physical movements. The research results through the actual production process are as follow. First, ”immediate tranformation of the character’s behavior in response to the commentator’s direct utterance“, Second, ”Visualization of internal conflict through the construction of Gestus“, and Third, ”inducing the audience to actively develop meaning by utilizing physical changes.“ The ultimate goal of this paper is to identify practical methodologies that allow the audience to think about the political and social meaning of the work with the effort of inducing participants’ simultaneous empathy and unfamiliarity effects in the actual production process based on the theoretical basis of ”Post-Epic Theater“.

      • KCI등재

        식생활 라이프스타일에 따른 식품소비행동의 시장세분화에 관한 연구

        이승후(Lee, Seung-Hoo) 한국식공간학회 2021 식공간연구 Vol.16 No.1

        본 연구에서는 식생활 라이프스타일에 따른 인구통계와 외식소비행태의 차이를 분석하고, 라이프스타일에 따라 외식행태에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 분석하였다. 연구의 표본은 한국농촌경제연구원에서 제공하는 2019년 식품소비행태조사(성인 가구원) 원시자료를 활용하였으며, 표본의 수는 6,176명을 분석에 사용하였다. 가설 검증을 하기 이전에 탐색적 요인분석을 통해 4개의 요인으로 추출되어 각각 편의추구형, 경제추구형, 건강추구형, 유행추구형으로 명명하였으며, 시장세분화를 위해 4개의 요인을 K-평균 군집분석을 실시하여 ‘경제추구’, 무관심 집단‘, ’유행추구집단‘, 편의추구집단’ 4개의 군집으로 분류하였다. 군집에 따른 시장세분화 결과 경제추구집단에서는 60대 이상과 여성의 비율이 높았으며, 무관심집단에서는 20~30대와 남성의 비율이 높고 식생활 만족도가 낮은 사람들이 대거 밀집되어 있었다. 유행추구집단에서는 30~40대와 여성, 수도권 응답자가 많았으며, 식생활 만족도 및 외식빈도가 높은 응답자들이 소속되었다. 편의추구집단에서는 20대와 남성이 많은 분포를 보이며, 식생활 만족도가 낮고 외식 및 배달음식 이용 빈도가 높은 사람들이 밀집되어 있었다. 또한, 4가지 집단에 따른 식품소비행태의 영향력을 비교한 결과 유행추구집단과 경제추구집단에서 높은 식생활 만족과 긍정적인 식품소비행동이 이루어지고 있는 것을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 본 연구를 통해 올바른 식품소비행태와 높은 식생활만족도를 위해서는 새로운 식문화를 수용할 필요성이 있으며, 식품 구입 시 품질, 영양성분, 가격 등의 비교를 통한 식품구매 습관을 가질 것을 제안하였다. In this study, the difference between population statistics and dining-out behavior according to the lifestyle was analyzed, and how the dining-out behavior was affected by the lifestyle. The samples of the study used raw data from the Consumer Behavior Survey for Food 2019 provided by the Korea Rural Economic Institute, and 6,176 samples were used for analysis. Prior to hypothesis verification, four factors were extracted through exploratory factor analysis and each was named convenience, economic, inconcern and trend seeking. For market segmentation, four factors were classified as economic seeking , inconcern , trend seeking and convenience seeking by conducting a K-means clustering analysis. As a result of market segmentation due to clusters, the proportion of women in 60s and older was high in the economic seeking group. In the inconcern group, the proportion of men was high and those with low dietary satisfaction were included. In the trend seeking group, there were many respondents in 30s and 40s, women and metropolitan areas, and those who were satisfied with their dietary satisfaction and frequently dining out belonged to them. In the convenience seeking group, men in 20s showed a large distribution, and people with low dietary satisfaction and high frequency of dining out and delivery food were concentrated. Accordingly, this study suggested that food purchasing habits should be made by comparing quality, nutritional ingredients, and prices to ensure proper food consumption behavior and high dietary satisfaction.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        능동이완기법이 만성 허리통증 환자의 통증, 요통장애지수 및 골반비대칭에 미치는 영향

        이승후 ( Seung-hoo Lee ),남승민 ( Seung-min Nam ) 대한물리의학회 2020 대한물리의학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        PURPOSE: This study examined the effects of active release technique on pain, Oswestry Disability Index, and pelvic asymmetry in chronic low back pain patients. METHODS: Thirty five outpatients diagnosed with chronic low back pain were enrolled in this study. The patients were divided randomly into an active release technique therapy group(experimental group; n=18) and myofascial release technique therapy group(control group; n=17). These groups performed their respective therapy for a 40-minute session occurring twice a week over six weeks. The Visual Analogue Scale(VAS) was used to measure the subjects’ pain, and the Korean Oswestry Disability Index(KODI) was used to measure the subjects’ dysfunction. To assess the patients’ pelvic asymmetry, their pelvic tilt and pelvic rotation were measured using X-ray imaging. RESULTS: Both the experimental group and control group exhibited significant decreases in their VAS and KODI scores after the therapy(p<.05). The experimental group exhibited a significant decrease in their pelvic tilt and pelvic rotation after therapy(p<.05). A significant difference was observed between the experimental group and the control group (p<.05). CONCLUSION: These results suggest that active release technique is effective in decreasing the level of pain and dysfunction in chronic low back pain patients. In addition, the active release technique is considered to be more effective in improving the pelvic tilt and pelvic rotation than myofascial release technique. This can be an effective method for the non-pharmacological and non-surgical treatment of chronic low back pain.

      • KCI등재후보

        각 관절 가동술(Angular Joint Mobilization)이 어깨 유착성 관절주머니염 환자의 통증, 관절 가동 범위, 기능 향상에 미치는 영향 -사례 보고-

        이승후,윤지현,김영훈,이규창,Lee, Seung-Hoo,Yun, Ji-Hyeon,Kim, Young-Hoon,Lee, Gyu-Chang 대한고유수용성신경근촉진법학회 2018 PNF and Movement Vol.16 No.2

        Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the effect of angular joint mobilization (AJM) on the shoulder pain, range of motion, and functional improvement in a patient with shoulder adhesive capsulitis. Methods: The patient diagnosed with right shoulder adhesive capsulitis by an orthopedic surgeon was a 60-year-old male, right hand/arm dominant, with a height of 175 cm and weight of 75 kg. The patient received 12 sessions of AJM once or twice per week for eight weeks. AJM was applied for 5 min each of flexion, abduction, external rotation, internal rotation, for a total of 20 min per session. The visual analog scale, the goniometer, and the Oxford shoulder score were used to measure pain, range of motion, and shoulder pain & disability index, respectively. Results: After all the treatments, the pain decreased from 6 to 2 points. The range of motion increased in flexion by $54.3^{\circ}$ from $125^{\circ}$ to $179.3^{\circ}$, abduction by $38^{\circ}$ from $140^{\circ}$ to $178^{\circ}$, external rotation by $54.4^{\circ}$ from $30.3^{\circ}$ to $84.7^{\circ}$, and internal rotation by $25^{\circ}$ from $45^{\circ}$ to $70^{\circ}$. The shoulder disability index decreased from 33 points to 17 points. Conclusion: This study found that AJM has a positive effect on the improvement of shoulder pain, range of motion, and function in a patient with shoulder adhesive capsulitis. Further studies on AJM are needed in the future.

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