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      • KCI등재

        미군정기 한국 농업 기술기구의 변천과 농업 기술관료

        이송순(Lee, Song Soon) 한국사학회 2020 史學硏究 Vol.0 No.137

        본 연구는 미군정기 농업 기술행정 기구와 조직, 이에 참여한 한국인 관료들의 갈등과 순응과정을 살펴보았다. 미군정은 조선총독부 농업시험장 체제를 인수하여 농업기술 연구를 진행하고자 했으나 시험장의 직급을 급격히 격하시켜 시험장 직원 및 관리자의 반발과 저항을 불러일으켰다. 1947년 12월 농사개량원의 설립은 일제 식민농정의 하향식 관치주의 를 탈피하고자 농무부에서 분리시켜 농업생산력 증가를 위한 연구․교육사업과 민주적 농민지도 사업을 추진하려는 구도를 갖고 있었다. 그러나 제도적 한계와 정치 상황의 변화로 지속되지 못했다. 일제 관변농민단체였던 조선농회도 민주적 농민단체로의 전환을 추진했지만, 오히려 관제성이 강화되면서 성과를 거두지 못했다. 미군정기 남한의 농무행정 최고 담당자는 이훈구였다. 초대 농산국장 현근도 미국 유학파였다. 이훈구 - 현근 라인은 미국의 대한정책에 입각하여 자본주의국가 건설에 걸맞는 농무행정을 지향하면서 전체주의적 관치행정을 탈피해 ‘민주적’ 농무행정을 구현한다는 입장이었지만 실현되지 못했다. 해방 이후 일본인 관리 중심의 구조였던 식민지 행정체계의 공백을 메우는 것은 간단한 일이 아니었다. 농사시험장 초대 장장인 계응상은 한국인 관리의 자부심과 실무적 능력 배양을 위한 과정이 필요하다는 입장이었으나 미군정과의 소통 부재와 불화로 6개월여 만에 해임되었다. 후임자 김호직은 미군정에 대한 협력과 순응의 태도를 보였으나 농사 시험장은 침체되었다. This study explores the agricultural technocratic organizations of Korea during the U.S. Military rule and the Korean technocrats’ initial conflict and subsequent compliance with the U.S. Military rule. The US Army Military Government in Korea (USAMGIK) adopted Joseon Government General’s Agricultural Experiment Stations system as it was but lowered the Stations’ technocrats staff level by more than three ranks, which causedthe technocrats’ opposition and resistance. The USAMGIK established Agricultural Improvement Service in Dec.1947 to deviate from top-down agricultural technocracy of the colonial period. Agricultural Improvement Service was separated from the Agricultural Department to initiate research and educational projects to increase agricultural productivity and encourage democratic practices in agricultural businesses. However, systematic limitations and volatile political landscape hampered their progress. Korea Agricultural Association, a government-sponsored agricultural organization, attempted to transform into a democratic agricultural organization but failed as its bureaucratic nature became stronger. The Head of Agricultural Department during the US Military rule was Lee Hoon- Koo. The first Chief of Bureau of Agicultural Production was Hyun Kun, who studied abroad in the United States. Lee Hoon-Koo and Hyun Kun together supported the establishment of anti-Communism, capitalistic nation promoted by the United States, while deviating from authoritarian bureaucracy and implementing ‘democratic’ agricultural administration. But such plan did not realize. The first Chief of Agricultural Experiment Stations Keh Ung-Sang proposed that the training system to develop practical administrative skills and confidence as Korean administrators. But due to the lack of communication and conflict with the USAMGIK, Keh was laid off in six months. The successor Kim Ho-Jik conformed to and cooperated with the USAMGIK but Agricultural Experiment Stations staggered.

      • KCI등재

        재난심리 지원에 대한 국민 인식도 조사

        이송은(Song-Eun Lee),이나빈(Nabin Lee),유선영(Seonyoung Yoo),박도원(Dowon Park),전경선(Kyoungsun Jeon),황태연(Tae-Yeon Hwang),이정현(Jung Hyun Lee) 대한신경정신의학회 2021 신경정신의학 Vol.60 No.1

        Objectives This study examined post-disaster mental health problems and related public perception of disaster-related mental health services. The differences of these perceptions according to the disaster experience and disaster type were also investigated. Methods Data were collected via telephone and online surveys, and information from 2928 respondents was analyzed. The participants were allocated across age, sex, and residence area. Results Those who had experienced disasters showed a more negative perception of post-disaster mental health services than those who had not. While natural disaster survivors most often reported financial problems as secondary stressors after a disaster, social disaster survivors were more likely to report mental health problems. Regarding national mental health support for disaster, disaster-experiencing respondents more often tended to prefer mental health services than non-disaster-experiencing respondents. Conclusion The current study can help understand the public perception of disaster-related mental health and the needs of mental health services. These findings could suggest directions and grounds for policies of a national support system for disaster-related mental health.

      • KCI등재

        Strengthening Students’ Multicultural Competences in Foundation Courses: Contents Analysis Study in Universities in South Korea

        Song-yi Lee(이송이),Jeaah Jung(정지아),Sung-eun Park(박성은) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2016 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.16 No.7

        본 연구는 한국 대학생의 다문화 역량강화를 위하여 다문화 관련 전공과정이 아닌 교양 과목에서의 다문화적 요소를 분석하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위해 전국의 4년제 대학교 중 교양교육원이 설치되어 있는 144개 학교에서 2013년 2학기와 2014 년 1학기에 ‘다문화’ 키워드로 검색되는 강좌를 추출하였다. 144개 학교 중 ‘다문화’키워드 로 검색하였을 경우 학부 교양과정에 다문화키워드로 개설된 강좌가 검색되지 않은 학교가 106학교, 교양교육원 교육과정상에는 나와 있으나 2013년과 2014년에 개설되지 않았거나 강의계획서가 웹상에 게재되어 있지 않은 22개 학교를 제외한 16개 학교의 강좌 27개를 최종 분석대상으로 삼았다. 본 연구의 결과를 살펴보면 총 6개의 영역인 이주, 세계의 문화, 다문화 현상, 다문화주 의, 다문화 실천, 다문화 교육 등으로 구분되었다. 이주 영역은 디아스포라, 이주현황, 이주민에 대한 정책으로 분류 되었고, 세계의 문화 영역은 아시아, 중앙아시아, 서아시아, 동아시아, 세계 등으로 분류 되었으며, 다문화 현상 영역은 한국의 상황, 아시아 상황, 세계의 상황 등으로 분류 되었다. 다문화주의 영역은 다문화 개념, 다문화이론, 다문화 역사, 다문화 철학 등으로 분류 되었으며, 다문화 실천 영역은 사례, 이슈, 프로젝트, 역량 등으로 분류되었고 다문화 교육은 교육문화, 교수 학습, 다문화 상담, 다문화 언어 등으로 분류되었다. 본 연구를 통하여 한국의 다문화 교과과정의 내용이 다문화 역량을 측정하는 다문화감 수성의 요인을 모두 포함하는 것으로 나타났지만 다문화 정책에 초점이 맞추어진 교과내용이 주를 이루었다는 것이 나타났고 실천적인 측면에서 프로젝트의 방식도 주요하게 도입되었으나 학교별로 편중되어 있는 것으로 나타났다. This research is to examine the current status of multicultural education at four year university level by analysing the lecture courses syllabi covering multiculturalism, and thereby to provide information for future lecturers with scopes and guidelines for teaching. To achieve this goal, we examined 27 lecture courses from 16 universities that were offered in the fall term of 2013 and spring term of 2014. We have categorized our contents into six categories based on analyzing keywords that showed repetitively in the syllabi; migration, world cultures, multicultural phenomenon, multiculturalism, multicultural practice, and multicultural education. The most important finding of this analysis is that most of them focus on policy implications of the forthcoming multicultural society. Therefore, in order to strengthen multicultural competences of the university students, a further developed curriculum focusing on both practice and theory, is suggested for future university instructors.

      • KCI등재

        1970년대 한국 대중의 정치의식과 "반공국민"으로 살아가기 -개인일기 4종을 통해 본 1970년대 대중의 정치의식

        이송순 ( Song Soon Lee ) 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2016 民族文化硏究 Vol.71 No.-

        이 글은 1970년대 유신체제를 살았던 한국의 일반 대중의 정치의식과 냉전체제하 반공의식을 일기를 통해 살펴보았다. 살펴본 일기는 〈 대곡일기 〉 〈 창평일기 〉 〈 박래욱일기 〉 〈 아포일기 〉 4종이다. 일기에 기록된 그들의 일상적 삶보다 4인 모두를 함께 둘러싸고 있던 그날의 대한민국 정치적 상황에 초점을 맞췄다. 1960년대부터 본격화된 경제 성장은 그 시대 인식의 가장 강력한 기준이자 지표였다. 여기에 공산주의, 북한이라는 외부의 위협은 경제 성장과정의 부작용이나 정치적 독재체제에 대한 불만과 우려를 잠재울 수 있는 ‘여의봉’과 같았다. 이시기 언론은 대중의 감성적 경험을 사실화, 이데올로기화하는 역할을 하였다. 또한 향토예비군, 민방위, 반공교육 및 체험 활동 등은 냉전 체제하의 국가 안보를 위한 의무적 활동으로 선전·시행되었고, 이를 거부하는 것은 ‘비국민’ 혹은 ‘빨갱이’라는 내부의 적으로 간주되는 상황이었다.이 글의 일기 필자들에게 격렬한 경험이자 트라우마는 해방 이후 전쟁과 가난이었다. 한국전쟁 과정에서 이념적 갈등, 가족과 주변 친지들을 잃은 원초적 분노와 슬픔, 전쟁의 물리적 폭력으로 인한 삶의 기반 파탄에 따른 극한의 가난도 경험했다. 이런 상황은 감성적 ‘반공국민’으로 자연 발화하여 경제 개발과 성장이라는 가치를 우선으로 하며 정치적 독재체제는 이를 위한 필요악으로 여기는 ‘수동적 합의’를 가능케 했다. This work examines the South Korean general public’s . ‘the small people’s’ . political consciousness and anti-communist sentiment recorded in their personal diaries in the context of the Cold War during the Yushin regime in the 1970s. < Daegok diary >, < Changpyung diary >, < ParkRaeWook diary > and < Apo diary > are the four documents that this work will analyze. This work focused on the diary authors’ perception and understanding of political events that they all experienced together, rather than their personal stories of everyday life. Though all of the South Korean general public of the period share the memory of events such as the Joint Communique of 4th July 1972 between the South and the North Korea and the promulgation of Yushin Constitution, these events had different significances to different individuals, including the four authors of the diaries. And their diaries show us some of these different significances that these events had. Economic growth in South Korea from the 1960s was the key standard and indicator in how these people perceived and understood their period. On top of this, external threats such as communism and North Korea were like “magic” that could quash the discontents and concerns about side effects of the economic growth and political dictatorship. What was traumatizing for the diary authors was the war and poverty after the liberation rather than the discrimination under the colonial regime. In the course of the Korean War, the public experienced anger and sorrow of losing their families and neighbors over the ideological conflicts and extreme poverty following the destruction of their basic livelihood due to physical violence of the war. Such circumstances enabled people to voluntarily become “anti-communist citizen” and prioritize economic growth, ‘passively agreeing’ to consider dictatorship as a necessary evil.

      • KCI등재

        유아교육기관에서의 안전사고 예방을 위한 이론적 고찰

        이송이(Lee Song Yi) 한국육아지원학회 2006 육아지원연구 Vol.1 No.1

        유아교육기관에서 발생하는 안전사고의 예방에 대한 방향을 제시하기 위하여 유아교육기관에서 빈번히 일어나고 있는 안전사고의 종류, 현재 진행 중인 안전사고 예방 프로그램 및 법적 규정에 대해 살펴보고, 유아교육기관의 안전사고에 영향을 미치는 위험요인과 보호요인을 물리적 특성, 인적 특성, 정책적 특성으로 구분하여 분석하고 이에 대한 개선방안을 제시하였다. 유아교육기관에서의 안전사고를 예방하기 위해서는 구조화된 물리적 환경으로 정비하고 인적 자원의 질을 향상시키고 안전사고를 예방할 수 있는 안전망으로서 체계적이고 명확한 법적 규정이 필요함을 제기한다. The Purpose of this study was to investigate risk factors and protective factors effecting safety accidents in kindergarten, which were considered in physical, human, political aspects. It is helpful to examine what kinds of safety accidents are made, how safety accidents are prevented, and how strong regulations are for safety accidents prevention in kindergarten. Through investigation of risk factors and protective factors effecting safety accidents, results shows organized physical environment, qualified human resources, and systematic regulation are needed for prevention of safety accidents in kindergarten.

      • KCI등재후보

        보육시설 평가인증지표 관련연구에 관한 메타분석

        이송이(Lee, Song Yi),손여경(Son, Yeo Kyoung) 한국유아교육·보육행정학회 2009 유아교육·보육복지연구 Vol.13 No.4

        본 연구는 2000년부터 2009년까지의 보육시설 평가인증지표 관련 연구들을 메타분석하여 평가인증지표에 대한 종합적인 결론을 도출하고자 수행되었다. 그 결과, 보육시설 평가인증지표 중 가장 중요하다고 인식하는 영역은 보육환경, 상호작용, 안전, 건강과 영양, 보육과정, 운영관리, 가족 및 지역사회 영역순이었으며, 보육의 질과 가장 밀접한 관련이 있다고 인식하는 영역은 보육환경, 상호작용, 건강과 영양, 안전, 보육과정, 운영관리, 가족 및 지역사회 순이었다. 가장 어렵다고 인식하는 영역은 보육환경, 상호작용, 운영관리, 가족 및 지역사회, 보육과정, 안전, 건강과 영양 순이었고, 평가인증 후 평가인증지표 전체영역에 대한 인식의 변화에서는 효과크기 0.69, 백분위점수 73.24로 나타나 23.24%만큼 향상되어 여러연구를 종합한 결과, 평가인증 이후 평가인증지표 영역에서 질적 개선이 이루어졌음을 확인하였다. The purpose of this study is to review the researches from 2000 to 2009 related to index of child-care center accreditation by meta-analysis. As results, the perception of importance degrees to the subcategories of accreditation showed ranks of educational environment, interaction, security, health and nutrition, educational curriculum, management, and, family and local society cooperation. The perception of educational quality to the subcategories of accreditation was educational environment, interaction, health and nutrition, security, educational curriculum, management, and,family and local society cooperation by rank and educational environment, interaction, management, family and local society cooperation, educational curriculum, security, and, health and nutrition were perceived as difficult subcategories to accomplish the accreditation by rank. After receiving an accreditation, the effect size of the perception for accreditation was 0.69 and 75.49% in percentile.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        공자의 사회질서관에 관한 연구

        이송호(Lee Song Ho) 경찰대학 경찰학연구편집위원회 2013 경찰학연구 Vol.13 No.4

        This paper was intended to carve a whole picture of Confucius’s Social Order theory out of his analects, to analyze why Confucius suggested this kind of theory, to evaluate its merits and faults, and to draw lessons for the authorities in charge of social order today. As a result, this paper found out that his theory of Social Order was based on righteousness of names and courtesy of behavior, composed of spirits and rituals of courtesy, and dependent on education and practice of courtesy and musics, leading role of rulers, and equitable distribution of wealth, as a leverage to realize it. This paper suggested an explanation that the theory of Confucius’s Social Order was born out of his diagnosis and prescription. The diagnosis was that all disorders and crimes in the age of Spring and Fall were due to the breakdown of traditional courtesy order among ruling class. The prescription was that social order should be restored on the basis of humanity, mutualism and reinterpretation of traditional ethics. This paper illuminated that his theory of social order contributed to humanization of instruments for social order, application of courtesy beyond the ruling elite to the ruled people, and change of criteria for new social class. It indicated, as fault of his theory, lack of effectiveness, ignorance of system, and service to the ruler rather than the ruled. Finally, this paper drew a lesson that the government authorities of social order should pay attention to Confucius’s pursuit for order of humanity and efficiency and emphasis on ethics and social responsibility of government leaders.

      • KCI등재

        멘토링을 통한 예비화학교사들의 Pedagogical Content Knowledge 변화

        이송연 ( Song Yeon Lee ),민희정 ( Hee Jung Min ),원정애 ( Jeong Ae Won ),백성혜 ( Seoung Hey Paik ) 한국과학교육학회 2011 한국과학교육학회지 Vol.31 No.4

        이 연구의 목적은 예비화학교사들의 PCK가 어떠한지 분석해보고, 교육실습 전·후의 멘토링 과정을 통해 예비화학교사의 PCK에는 어떤 변화가 있는지 알아보는 것이다. 이를 위해 화학교육을 전공하는 4명의 예비교사를 멘티로 선정하고, 화학교육과 교수 한명을 멘토로 선정하였다. 예비교사의 PCK를 분석하기 위하여 멘티의 수업과 멘토링 과정, 면담 녹음 등의 자료를 수집하였다. 연구결과, 멘토링 전 멘티들은 거의 모든 PCK요소에서 부족함을 보였다. 이는 그들이 수업을 위한 실천적 지식의 필요성을 알지 못했고, 배운 지식을 어떻게 적용하는지 몰랐기 때문이다. 그러나 대부분의 멘티들은 멘토링을 통해서 PCK를 발달시켰다. 이 연구는 예비 교사들을 위한 대학교육에서 교육 실습 전 후에 잘 구성된 멘토링을 통해 예비교사의 PCK를 효과적으로 발달시킬 수 있음을 시사한다. The purposes of this study were to analyze the PCK of pre-service chemistry teachers and to know the changes of in PCK before and after the educational practice. For this study, four pre-service teachers majoring in chemistry education were selected as proteges and one professor of chemistry education department participated as a mentor. For the analysis of pre-service teachers` PCK, proteges` instructions, mentoring process, and semi-constructed interviews were collected. According to the results, most of the elements of the PCK were lack of proteges` instructions before the mentoring, because they didn`t know the necessary practical knowledge for instructions. They also didn`t know how they could apply their knowledge to the instructions. However, most of the pre-service teachers developed their PCK through the mentoring. This study shows that pre-service teacher`s PCK could develop effectively by well-formed programs of mentoring before and after the educational practice in college education for pre-service teachers.

      • KCI등재

        한말(韓末) 정부 관료 및 언론의 철도에 대한 인식과 수용

        이송순(Lee song-soon),정태헌(Jung Tae-Hern) 고려사학회 2013 한국사학보 Vol.- No.50

        This thesis analyzes how government officials and the elite in the early modern time perceived railroad system. In 1876, Kim Gi-su, who was dispatched to Japan as Susinsa after Korea opened its port, came to observe railroad system for the first time with awe and curiosity. Josa Sichaldan acknowledged the efficiency of railroad system as a means of transportation but pointed out the practical issue regarding provision of the necessary capital to institutionalize this system. Yu Gil-jun, who observed and experienced the modern Western culture in America, tried to understand railroad system from a more detailed and objective perspective. He did not only elaborately explain the history and technicality of railroad system but also the problem of utilizing private property in the process and how to solve this problem. Despite these analyses and efforts, eventually, it was the foreign power that established the railroad system in Korea. Both Gyeongin railway and Geyongui railway were constructed by Japan. There was a movement among the Koreans to construct railway on their own but it wasn’t realized. Due to the Japanese government’s scheme and the Korean government’s incapacity, the railway running through Korean peninsula fell under Japanese control and it later led to the Japan’s colonializing of Korea. The railroad system in Korea shows the typical duplicity of modern railroad system. As the construction of railroad started, the Korean press advertised and provided information on railroad system in their distinctive tones and from their own perspectives. ≪Dongnipsinmun≫ described railroad as an useful system of modern culture and the basis of civilization, praising the economic benefit and the spread of advanced civilization that it will bring. It didn’t recognize its invasive and exploitative nature. ≪Hwangseongsinmun≫ conformed to the international order of imperialism and the modernization, but at the same time, was concerned about losing the control over the railroad system and the potential of Japanese colonial power cornering the market. Simultaneously, it criticized the public’s ignorance and stressed the need to enlighten the public in order to restore sovereignty and national competence. ≪Daehanmaeilsinbo≫ addressed how unconditional ‘assimilation’ to and ‘imitation’ of Western civilization can endanger the nation by exposing it to exploitation and invasion, as it disclosed the Japanese exploitation in the process of railway construction. It suggested that we accept the railways that were already built and use the significance that railroad system has as a modern power to revolutionize and restore sovereignty.

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