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        가계의 사교육비 지출과 자녀의 학업성취: 중학생 자녀를 중심으로

        이성림 ( Seong Lim Lee ),한윤선 ( Yoon Sun Han ) 한국소비자학회 2016 소비자학연구 Vol.27 No.2

        본 연구는 2012년 한국아동ㆍ청소년패널 중학생 조사 자료를 사용하여 사교육비 지출 수준의 차이에 따른 자녀의 학업성취 분포를 파악하고, 상, 하위권 성적 차이를 각 집단의 사교육지출 수준의 차이에 기인한 부분과, 사교육지출의 한계효과의 차이에 기인한 부분으로 분해함으로써 가계의 사교육비 지출이 자녀의 학업성적에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하였다. 주요 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 중하위 소득계층에서도 상위층과 같이 높은 수준의 사교육비를 지출하는 가구 층이 25% 이상으로 상당히 두터운 층을 이루고 있다. 둘째, 사교육비 지출 분위가 올라갈수록 평균 성적이 높은 경향이 있으나, 사교육비 지출 수준 차이에 대응하는 커다란 성적 차이는 나타나지 않아서 사교육 효과가 크지 않음을 시사한다. 셋째, 사교육비 지출은 성적에 유의한 양의 효과가 있지만, 사교육비 지출의 한계효과는 0에 가까울 정도로 매우 작으며, Oaxaca-Blinder 분해 결과는 성적 상위권과 하위권 집단 간 사교육비 지출 수준의 차이가 이들의 성적 격차에 대한 기여도는 5%미만으로 매우 미약하게 나타났다. 이상의 분석 결과를 토대로 가계의 사교육비 지출은 자녀의 학업성적을 증진하는 효과가 있지만, 효과의 크기는 매우 작다는 결론이 도출되었다. 이상의 결과는 현재 사교육비 지출이 극대점에 도달할 정도로 충분히 이루어졌으며, 향후 사교육비 지출 증가 추세가 지속되지 않을 것임을 시사한다. Using the data from 2075 second-year middle school students, collected by 2012 National Youth Policy Institute (NYPI) Panel Survey, we investigated the association between academic performance and private educational expenditure. Mean test scores were compared across private educational expenditure deciles; percentile distributions of the test scores within the private educational expenditure decile were compared; truncated regression analysis and Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition were conducted to sort out the effects of the different level of private educational expenditure on the difference in the test scores between upper and lower academic performance groups. The major findings were as follows. First, more than a quarter of lower and middle income class spent a comparable level of private educational expenditure to those of upper income class, which may result in their heavy economic burden. Second, the differences in the level of private educational expenditures were apparent across the private educational expenditure decile; the differences in the test scores were not correspondingly distinct, suggesting a week association between private educational expenditure and academic performance. Third, a positive marginal effect of the private educational expenditure on the academic performance was so low as to be close to zero. The result of Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition indicated that the different level of private educational expenditure contributed to only less than 5% of the difference in test scores between the upper and lower academic performance groups. A positive marginal effect of private educational expenditure on academic performance was feeble at this point of time, suggesting that current parental investment on child’s private education was large enough to approach the maximum point, and further increase in the private educational expenditure would be stagnated.

      • KCI등재

        소비생활에서의 행복과 갈등

        이성림 ( Seong Lim Lee ),손상희 ( Sang Hee Sohn ),박미혜 ( Mi Hye Park ),정주원 ( Joo Won Jung ),천경희 ( Kyung Hee Chun ) 한국소비자학회 2011 소비자학연구 Vol.22 No.1

        본 연구는 현대 소비사회 속에 존재하고 있는 소비의 양면성 즉 행복과 갈등의 본질을 보다 깊이 있게 이해하기 위하여 중산층 주부 소비자를 대상으로 심층면접 하였으며, 이들의 진술을 Colaizzi의 분석방법을 활용하여 분석하였다. 분석결과 행복경험과 갈등경험 그리고 행복과 갈등경험의 내용과 정도를 결정하는 요인에 대한 의미 있는 결과를 얻게 되었다. 첫째, 행복경험을 구성하는 주제묶음은 ‘높은 효용가치’, ‘소유보다 관계’, ‘마음의 풍요’, ‘나만의 자신감’의 4개로 발견되었다. 이러한 소비경험은 소비자의 삶의 질을 추구하는 행위로서, 타인의 영향으로부터 자유로운 자율적이고 능동적인 결단과 행위를 바탕으로 한다. 따라서 소비생활에서의 행복경험의 본질을 “삶의 질을 추구하는 능동적 자유함”으로 파악하였다. 둘째, 갈등경험을 구성하는 주제묶음은 ‘부족함과 낭비’, ‘남들처럼 해야 하나/남들만큼 못하나’, ‘가족 간의 소비갈등’, ‘속성 재배하는 소비사회’의 4개로 발견되었다. 이러한 소비경험을 통해 참여자들이 느끼는 핵심감정은 허무와 공허라는 점에서, 소비생활에서의 갈등경험의 본질은 “속빈 강정 같은 공허함”이라고 파악하였다. 셋째, 참여자들의 행복과 갈등경험의 내용과 정도를 결정짓는 요인에 대해 파악한 결과, 자신감과 믿음, 소비자역량, 합리적 vs. 비합리적 소비원칙, 자율성의 부재 4가지로 나타났다. 참여자들은 소비에 대한 분명한 내적인 태도와 기준, 휩쓸리지 않는 소신, 소비생활에 필요한 정보, 지식, 소비기술, 합리적 소비원칙이 있을 때 소비생활의 만족이 높고 갈등경험이 적으며, 타인의 영향력에 많이 좌우되고 자율성이 적으면 소비생활 갈등과 낮은 자존감을 경험하게 됨을 보여주었다. 이러한 연구결과들을 통해 행복한 소비생활을 위한 시사점을 도출하였다. We intend to investigate the positive and negative aspects of everyday consumption experiences. The positive aspects of consumption experiences are analyzed in terms of happiness. Happiness can be defined as a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy. If the ultimate goal of consumption is to meet consumer`s needs and wants, happiness in consumption indicates the state of achieving consumer goals. The negative aspect of consumption experiences captures the state of discontent and uneasiness which is opposed to the happy state, and we define this state as a conflict in consumption life. The specific aims of this study are to describe the two opposite sides of the consumption experiences: happiness and conflict in consumption, and to investigate the consumer`s capabilities and characteristics which are necessary for managing happy consumption. We conducted indepth interview to nine married women from the middle and upper income classes who live in Seoul and its environments and analyzed their textual contents applying the qualitative data analysis method of Colaizzi`s. The feelings of the happy consumption experience are expressed with the terms such as “happy”, “freedom”, “thankful”, “joy”, “good”, “content”, “enough”, “affluent”, “comfort”, “relief”, “rewarding”, “thrilling”, and etc. On the other hand, the feelings of the conflict in consumption life are expressed as “unpleasant”, “uncomfortable”, “worried”, “repentance”, “sorry”, “inconvenient”, “pitapat”, “begrudge”, “burdensome”, “mental pressure”, “shameful”, “confused”, and “uneasy”. The four major components that describe the state of happiness in consumption are found: ``Obtaining economic benefits compared to the price paid, Relationship rather than possession’, Affluence in heart`, and ``Self-improvement and confidence. Since these experiences are based on the consumer`s autonomy and determination, we title these themes as the Active Commitment to Pursuing Freedom and Quality of Life. In the case of conflict in consumption experience we also find the four major themes. ``Insufficiency and extravagance``, ``Like others``, ``Conflict in the family``, and ``Fast growing driving force for consumption``. The subjects feel conflict when they face the budget constraint and cannot refrain from the consumption desire, and blindly follow the consumption patterns of their reference group. They feel difficulty and emptiness in catching up with the fast-growing standard of living. This phenomenon is described as “Swollen rice-cookie” which looks great but is empty inside in fact. The themes which describe consumer`s capabilities and characteristics that can lead consumers either to happy or anxious consumption include ``Self-confidence and belief``, ``Consumption skill``, ``Rational/irrational consumption principal``, and ``Lack of autonomy``. Happy consumption experiences have a common point that they are the means for the fulfillment of intrinsic value such as interpersonal relationship, moderation, self-achievement, and sharing. Consumers feel happy in the process of consumption which provides economic benefits and the opportunities showing one`s consumption ability. These results imply that the consumer`s choice of how to consume is more important than what to consume. The result that consumers from the middle and upper income classes feel deficiency is consistent with the notion of the happiness economists that the consumer needs and wants can never be met. Therefore, in order to be free from the endless desire for materials, consumers need to have the rationality and principals to direct themselves to fulfill what they truly want. In an affluent consumption society, the development of the consumer`s capability to manage consumption in a way to reach the happy state becomes increasingly important part of consumer`s education. Consumer`s choice for happy life can be expedited by consumer`s consciousness of what is truly important in one`s life and what is the nature of consumption desire, and also by decision making of how much time and money are to be spent for the innate self-achievement, care for others, and intimate relationship with family, friends, and colleagues. Finally, we suggest that happy consumption depends on consumer`s capability of balancing their consumption between work and leisure, and between oneself and others.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        자녀 양육비와 둘째 자녀 출산의도

        이성림 ( Seong Lim Lee ) 대한가정학회 2010 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.48 No.10

        This study investigated the association between the expenditures for childrearing and the intention to have the second childbirth applying the recursive equation models. The major results were as follows. First, more than half of the households with one child did not have an intention to have the second childbirth. Second, about 40% of the household expenditure was spent for childrearing. About 36% of the childrearing expenditure was spent on the childcare and education, and about 64% on purchase of goods and services for child. Third, the variables which had a significant effect on the intention to have the second childbirth were child`s age, mother`s education, father`s income, the private educational expenditure, and consumption expenditure for child. The intention to have the second childbirth did not have a significant effect on the level of childrearing expenditure. The implications for the family policies were suggested.

      • KCI등재

        1인 가구의 식생활 행태와 식생활 라이프스타일이 식생활 만족에 미치는 영향

        이성림(Lee Seong Lim),이승주(Lee Seong Joo) 한국소비문화학회 2016 소비문화연구 Vol.19 No.3

        본 연구는 1인 가구의 식생활을 주관적인 생활 만족의 관점에서 진단하고, 1인 가구의 식생활 행태와 식생활 라이프스타일이 주관적인 식생활 만족에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 농촌경제연구원의 2014 식품소비행태조사 자료를 사용하여 요인분석, 군집분석, 위계적 회귀분석을 실행하여 산출한 주요 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 1인 가구의 식생활 라이프스타일은 건강추구형, 절약형, 무관심형, 편의추구형의 네 가지 유형으로 구분되었다. 이 가운데 1인 가구의 대표적인 식생활 라이프스타일은 편의추구형이며, 다른 유형과 뚜렷하게 구분되는 식생활 행태를 보이는데, 외식 의존도와 결식 빈도가 높고, 식사시간이 불규칙한 1인 가구가 가장 많이 분포한다. 둘째, 1인 가구의 식생활 만족도는 보통 수준이며, 건강추구형이 가장 높고, 무관심형과 편의추구형이 가장 낮다. 셋째, 회귀분석 결과, 건강 요인은 식생활 만족에 정의 영향을 미치며, 불규칙한 식사 시간은 식생활 만족에 부의 영향을 미쳤다. 건강추구형에 비해 절약형, 무관심형, 편의추구형 식생활 라이프스타일은 식생활 만족도가 유의하게 낮다. 이상의 결과는 식생활 만족을 증진하기 위하여 1인 가구는 식사 시간을 규칙적으로 유지하고 건강 요인을 중시하는 건강추구형 식생활 라이프스타일을 선택할 것을 제안한다. This study evaluated one-person households’ dietary life satisfaction, and analyzed the effects of eating habit and food consumption lifestyle on the life satisfaction on eating. Factor analysis, cluster analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis were conducted using data from 2014 Food Consumption Behavior Survey collected by Korea Rural Economic Institute. The major results were as follows. First, one-person households’ food consumption lifestyles were classified into four types-health oriented, convenience oriented, frugal, and indifferent lifestyles. Convenience lifestyle was most frequent, and had distinct features in terms of more frequent eating out and skipping meals, and irregular meal time. Second, the level of dietary life satisfaction of one-person households was mediocre on average. The level was highest in the health oriented lifestyle, and lowest in the indifferent and convenience oriented lifestyles. Third, the results of regression analysis indicated that the health factor of food consumption lifestyle was positively, but irregular meal time was negatively associated with dietary life satisfaction. The level of dietary life satisfaction was significantly lower in the frugal, indifferent, and convenience oriented lifestyles compared to health oriented lifestyle. The results suggested that choosing the health oriented food consumption lifestyle and keeping regular meal time would be effective to improve one person household’s dietary life satisfaction.

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