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        야나기 무네요시와 조선의 공예

        이병진(Lee, ByungJin) 중앙대학교 일본연구소 2020 日本 硏究 Vol.0 No.52

        Yanagi first visited Joseon in 1916, about 100 years ago. At the time, he traveled to Joseon and China, a 27-year-old young man who was forcibly incorporated into imperial Japan. Through the absolute cooperation and teachings of Japanese assassin and Takumi, who were produced during the trip to Korea, Yanagi discovered the beauty of Joseon crafts, and at the same time continued to express respect for the Korean people who produced it. It appeals to the need for understanding. For Yanagi, I would like to consider what folk crafts of Joseon mean and what problems he left behind through his activities in Joseon. Yanagi sees that the establishment of reality, a philosophical ground demand, can be proved through the aesthetic experience of art. He argues that nature and art are philosophical ideas. Such a strong interpenetration of Yanagi’s religious and artistry secures legitimacy to turn away from the reality scattered around him by releasing opposing concepts and praising the free world in which they unite. In the era when Japan was immersed in the imperialism of colonization, Yanagi was committed to the construction of the Shirakaba Art Museum, the Joseon National Art Museum, and the Japanese Folk Art Museum in Japan and Joseon, and through the Hall of Fine Arts presented by him. Focus on the realization of the ideal of art and religion as the Trinity. This was to restore the oriental values lost in the process of modernization. Through the aesthetic experience gained from the conceptual medium of Joseon crafts, he crossed the East and the West and asserted a universal philosophy in Pian’s aesthetic world beyond the political conflict between Japan and Korea.

      • 고밀도 암흑물질이 만들어내는 펨토 중력렌즈 효과로 인해 변조된 중력파의 파형 분석

        이병진 ( Byungjin Lee ),신창섭 ( Chang Sub Shin ) 충남대학교 기초과학연구원 2023 충남과학연구지 Vol.40 No.1

        In this study, we derive the waveform of a gravitational wave modulated by the gravitational lensing effect during propagation. Gravitational waves are created from the merging event in a binary black hole system, while gravitational lensing effects are driven by the distribution of dark matter between the source and Earth. We compute the gravitational lensing effect on propagating gravitational waves by analytical and numerical methods. It was shown that the modulation of the waveform is induced by constructive and destructive interference between diffracting gravitational waves. We use Matlab to plot the waveform as a function of time for different parameter values, and show that the waveform contains dark matter information. For this reason, gravitational waves can be used to investigate the properties of dark matter.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        바이오가스 직접 개질을 위한 플라즈마 수소 추출기 운전 특성 연구

        이병진 ( Byungjin Lee ),위수빈 ( Subeen Wi ),이동규 ( Dongkyu Lee ),황상연 ( Sangyeon Hwang ),송형운 ( Hyoungwoon Song ) 한국공업화학회 2023 공업화학 Vol.34 No.4

        바이오가스 직접 개질을 위해 플라즈마 방전영역을 확장할 수 있는 3상 글라이딩 아크 플라즈마 수소 추출기를 설계하고 스팀과 메탄의 부피 비율, 가스 유량, 플라즈마 입력 전력에 대해 개질 특성을 평가하여 운전 조건을 최적화했다. 수소생산효율은 플라즈마 에너지 밀도가 작을수록 증가하는 것으로 확인되었지만 C<sub>X</sub>H<sub>Y</sub> 혹은 carbon soot와 같은 촉매내구성에 영향을 줄 수 있는 부산물들이 발생했다. 부산물 생성을 억제하기 위해 스팀과 메탄의 비율 혹은 플라즈마 에너지 밀도를 높여야 했고 플라즈마 개질기 최적 조건으로 스팀과 메탄의 비율을 3, 플라즈마 에너지 밀도를 5.5 ~ 6.0 kJ/L로 선정했다. 또한 플라즈마 개질기에서 발생하는 열이 반응가스를 500 °C 이상까지 올려줄 수 있어 바이오 가스 버너의 연료사용량을 줄여 수소생산효율을 높일 수 있을 것으로 기대할 수 있다. For the direct reforming of biogas, a three-phase gliding arc plasma reformer was designed to expand the plasma discharge region, and the operation conditions of the plasma reformer, such as the S/C ratio, the gas flow rate, and the plasma input power, were optimized. The H<sub>2</sub> production efficiency is increased at a lower specific plasma input energy density, but byproducts such as C<sub>X</sub>H<sub>Y</sub> and carbon soot are generated along with the increase in H2 production efficiency. The formation of byproducts is decreased at higher specific plasma input energy densities and S/C ratios. The optimized operation conditions are 5.5 ~ 6.0 kJ/L for the specific plasma input energy density and 3 for the S/C ratio, considering the conversion efficiency, H<sub>2</sub> production, and byproduct formation. It is expected that the H2 production efficiency will improve with the decrease in fuel consumption in biogas burners because the heat generated from plasma discharge heats up the feed gas to over 500 °C.

      • KCI등재

        일본 비교문학 연구 동향 - 도쿄대학 비교문학비교문화코스를 중심으로

        이병진 ( Lee Byungjin ) 한국비교문학회 2016 比較文學 Vol.0 No.70

        근대일본은 도쿄제국대학을 중심으로 일본 각지에 산재한 제국대학들은 선진 유럽의 다양한 전문가들을 초빙해서 그들의 문화를 일본에 소개하고 현지화 했다. 당시 일본은 정부주도하의 전략적인 서구 문화를 수용하고 있었다. 예를 들면 러시아의 철학자이자 음악가였던 라파엘 폰 케벨(Raphael von koeber, 1848-1923)은 메이지(明治)정부의 고용외국인 자격으로 1893년부터 도쿄제국대학에서 21년간 철학과 서양고전학을 강의하며 많은 일본인 학생들을 양성했다. 그로부터 미학, 철학, 그리스 사상 등의 폭넓은 지식을 교육받은 일본인 제자들은 후에 일본문단을 대표하는 문학가와 사상가로 자리를 잡는다. 이러한 교육환경의 구축은 서구 중심의 교양과 철학을 중시하고 섬세한 감수성을 중시하며 스스로 원전(原典)을 읽고 해독하려는 학문적 풍토에 이바지한다. 그 연장선에서 1930년대부터 일본은 자각적으로 비교문학연구를 시작하게 된다. 예를 들면 『세계문예대사전』(1935-37년)에서 시마다 긴지(島田謹二, 1901-1993, 비교문학연구자, 도쿄대교수, 비교문학연구 영역을 개척)가 집필한 「비교문학」, 「포우와 보들레르-비교문학사적 연구」 항을 보면 프랑스 비교문학의 변천과 현황 및 비교문학의 일본에서의 의미를 자세히 설명하고 있다. 아마도 자각적으로 서구의 비교문학을 일본에 소개하고 그 필요성을 강조한 최초의 언급이라고 할 수 있다. 일본에서의 비교문학연구에 대한 관심과 더불어 대학 연구기관으로서는 1953년 도쿄대학 대학원에 비교문학비교문화과정이 처음으로 만들어지고 시마다 긴지가 강좌주임을 맡는다. 다음 해 東大比較文學會가 결성되어 기관지 『比較文學硏究』를 창간한다. 같은 해 도쿄여자대학에도 비교문화연구소가 창설되어 『比較文學』이 창간된다. 이후 1962년에는 와세다대학에도, 대비(對比)연구 노작인 『롤랑의 시와 헤이케(平家)이야기』를 집필한사토 데루오(佐藤輝夫, 1899-1994, 중세 프랑스문학연구자)를 실장으로 하는 비교문학연구실이 만들어지고 1965년 『比較文學年誌』를 창간한다. 이 밖에도 많은 대학에 비교문학 강좌가 개설되고 계몽활동적인 공개강좌와 강연회가 각지에서 개최되기에 이른다. 일본의 비교문학은 이처럼 종래의 문단적 문학을 대상으로 하는 틀에서 벗어나 비교문화사, 국제적 문화관계사와 같이 독창적인 새로운 영역에까지 관심을 가지게 된다. 그러한 배경에는 일본의 근대화 과정에서 볼 수 있는 세계 속의 일본이라는 자국중심의 비교문학 비교문화의 논점이 강한 일본 중심의 성향과, 외래문화와 학문에 대한 개방적인 사회적 분위기와 학문적 풍토가 자리하고 있었던 것이다. Japan is the starting point of comparative literature generally around 1890 Tsubouchi Shoyo (坪 內 逍遙, 1859-1935, novelist, critic) under the name "Treviso (比照) literature at the Tokyo College (now Waseda University) poses four ( looking into a river in the center of "comparative literature (comparative literature)" (1886) of HM Posnett). Bow River is a value used in the Japanese market spirit of the European City (詩歌) spirit, it recognized the need for a comparison of European and Japanese literature and literary history and comparative literary composition hayeotdago climate. It thus starting a comparison of Japanese literature gave vital help to reach a global awareness across the country of Japan can come up with the presence of foreign hydrologist (ohgeoseu Tuscan wood, Lafcadio one) who hold the teaching, etc. at the time of the University of Tokyo, they received training in earnest from a variety of disciplines such as systems of Western modern literature and art Ogai Mori (森鷗外, 1862-1922, writer), Natsume Soseki (夏目漱石, 1867-1916, English scholar and novelist), empty Ueda (上田敏, 1874-1916, is the emergence of the Japanese scholar of English literature, poet, etc.). At the time of the Imperial University in Japan it centered around the Tokyo Imperial University and had a role to introduce and localize the Japanese culture of the West actively by inviting experts in various fields of advanced Europe. At the time of Japan`s modernization was accepted under a government led by aggressive Western culture was performed at the same time faithfully serve to propagate Western culture, one is selected government agencies and Imperial College to the inside Japan. For example, the Russian-born philosopher, who was a musician Rafael kebel phones (Raphael von koeber, 1848-1923) has taught Meiji (明治) Foreign Employment Eligibility 21 years philosophy and classics at the Tokyo Imperial University since 1893 by the government and a number of Japanese students It was a positive. Kebel from aesthetics, philosophy, ensuring a wide field of view than a wide and deep range of knowledge transfer through the Japanese students, such as Greece will ever have after working as a literary and thinkers representing Japan paragraphs. The educational foundations of Western center has greatly contributed to the emission of intellectuals to the delicate sensitivity and importance and emphasis on reading their own nuclear power plants (原典) decrypts the culture and philosophy of the western center. Since its extension in 1930 Japan will begin a comparative study of literature as subjective. For example, each time in a comparative literary intentions strong in Japan, "Dictionary of World Literature" (1935-37) is long (島田謹二, 1901-1993, comparative literature researcher, University of Tokyo professor, pioneered the comparative literature study area), "who wrote the comparative literature "," Poe and Baudelaire - comparative literature and look at the historical study "explaining the meaning of the term in Japan and in France compared to transition into literature and comparative literature wonderfully. This compares with the activation of the research institutes of the University of Literary Studies in Japan As a cross-cultural comparative literature courses are founded in 1953, The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Shimada is long is the course supervisor struggled to reverse development. The following year formed the 東大比較文學會 and will constitute the bulletin "比較文學硏究". And compared to the same cultural institute in Tokyo Woman`s Christian University is the creation of "比較文學" is launched. Since in 1962 in Waseda University, that is mounted against (對比) research nojak the "Kerala Hay and when Roland (平家) story," Sato, author of Teruel five (佐藤輝夫, 1899-1994, medieval French literature researchers) comparative literature lab has been created, and in 1965 founded the "比較文學年誌". In addition, it leads to the establishment comparative literature courses at many universities and enlightenment activities of public lectures and seminars held in the country. Comparison of Japanese literature is thus to advance in the prior paragraph of the enemy ingenious new areas such as comparative cultural history and international culture in the subsidiaries outside the framework to target the literature. Such a background would have been possible, with the modernization of Japan in the iteotgie always keep this in mind, the nationalist tendencies in the world, Japan, strong academic culture in Japan.

      • KCI등재

        ‘무인양품(無印良品)’의 성공사례를 통해 보는 야나기 무네요시의 민예사상의 전통 연구

        이병진 ( Lee Byungjin ) 한국비교문학회 2019 比較文學 Vol.0 No.78

        야나기 무네요시(柳宗悅, 1889-1961)는 무명(無名)의 공인들이 기계를 사용하지 않고 수작업으로 만들어낸 일상잡기(雜器)에서 美를 발견하고 독자의 심미안(審美眼)을 통해 새로운 美의 개념과 민예(공예)이론을 전개했다. 야나기의 민예사상은 메이지시대(明治,1868-1912)에서 다이쇼시대(大正,1912-1926)로의 이행기인 20세기 초반에 등장한다. 이상주의적 낭만주의 성향의 시라카바(『白樺』) 그룹의 중심 멤버로 서구예술에 경도되었던 야나기가 한국, 일본, 중국 등의 동양 민예품에서 새롭게 美를 발견하고 그것을 서구의 보편적인 가치에 대응하는 것으로 자리매김 한다. 이것은 야나기가 일본인으로서 강한 자의식과 함께 서구의 보편적 가치를 통해 동양적 가치를 재발견한 것이었다. 또한 공예(craft)는 순수미술(fine art)과 달리 숙련된 기술(technology)을 중심으로 창출된 아름답고 실용적인 가치를 우선한다. 대표적으로 중세를 동경하고 산업혁명으로 인한 예술의 기계화에 반발하여 수작업의 중요성을 강조한 윌리엄 모리스의 ‘아트 앤드 크래프트 운동’(Arts and Crafts Movement)이 있다. 그것은 산업혁명 이후 기계화로 인해 소멸된 인간성의 회복과 전통적인 美의 복구를 주장한 것이었다. 이렇게 근대를 비판적으로 바라보고 회의하던 사상이 서구적 가치를 우선하고 따르던 일본에 동시에 유입되면서 야나기 무네요시의 민예사상의 기저를 이루게 된 것이다. 그 결과 야나기는 일본의 근대화시기에 근대를 회의하고 동양의 민중 공예품에서 동서양을 초월하는 보편적인 미의 가치를 발견하기에 이른다. 세상을 올바르게 하는 것은 정치적인 문제가 아닌 ‘예술’이라는 심미주의적인 색채를 강하게 지니면서도 생활과 미의 문제를 자신의 철학적 과제로 삼았던 야나기 무네요시. 그리고 쓰임새에 호응하는 형태의 도구(물건)가 본질적으로 아름답다고 하는 야나기의 공예 철학은 오늘날 세계적인 생활 잡품 의류 업체인 ‘무인양품(無印良品)’의 마케팅 철학으로까지 진화하고 있다. Yanagi Muneyoshi (1889-1961) discovered the beauty in the everyday nuggets created by hand without the use of machines by anonymous names, and through the aesthetics of his readers, And craft theory. The purpose of this paper is to provide a general overview of what Yanagi‘s folklore ideology has been formed in, and which cultural ideological position it currently has in Japan. The formation of Yanagi’s folklore idea overlaps with the period of Japanese modernization in the early 20th century, moving from the Meiji era to the Daisyou era. At that time, Japan was active in accepting Western art and literature as modern representations. Yanagi is a central member of the Shirakaba (literally “白樺”) literary movement group formed under idealist romanticism and serves as an introduction to Western literature and art in Japan. Since then, Yanagi, who has been hard at work in Western art, finds oriental beauty in crafts such as Korea, Japan, and China and highly evaluates and positions it as equivalent to Western universal value. It was a universality that was found in the Orient and Japan’s position corresponding to the so-called Western. It is a phenomenon caused by the accumulation of art and ideas that have been accumulated in the West for a long time, and it has been compressed and mixed with the influx of Japan into the emerging modern nation. In the case of craft, it means beautiful handicraft created by skillful technology, unlike fine art. At the same time, crafts are oriented toward practical artistic values. John Ruskin, who is considered to be an idealist in the life and workings of later medieval artists and craftsmen, and William Morris, who admired his influence and stressed the importance of manual labor by opposing the mechanization of art by the Industrial Revolution It is the Arts and Crafts Movement. It is claimed that the restoration of humanity and the restoration of traditional beauty, which had been extinct due to mechanization after the so-called industrial revolution. In this way, the idea of meeting critically with the modern world was introduced to Japan which followed Western values first, and it became the base of Yanagi Muneyoshi’s folk art thought. In the case of Yanagi, William Blake’s early philosophy of mystical religion has been firmly established and forms an aesthetic value that breaks the boundaries between absolute beauty and ugliness. These influences are combined with the Buddhist idea of Buddhism and develop into the folk art of Buddhism. As you can see, Yanagi meets modern times in the modernization period of Japan and finds the value of universal beauty that transcends the east and the west in the oriental folk crafts. Yanagi Muneyoshi, who made the world a right, not a political matter, but a philosophical task of life and beauty, with a strong aesthetic color called ‘art’. Yanagi’s craft philosophy, which is said to be essentially beautiful, is evolving into the marketing philosophy of the world’s leading fashion apparel company, Unmanned Products. In this paper, we examine the relationship between Yanagi ‘s craft philosophy and the marketing philosophy of’ unmanned products’. And what are the similarities and differences with the folk crafts of Yanagi, whose industrial design products, which are mass-produced by using machines like ‘MUJI’, are oriented to beautiful handicrafts? In what context did the unmanned manufacturing company develop the craft philosophy into a marketing philosophy? We review the limitations and possibilities of the current Yanagi’s Mingei movement as an idea.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        PEO-PPO-PEO 블록 공중합체를 이용한 PDMS의 친수성 표면 개질 방법

        이병진 ( Byungjin Lee ),진시형 ( Si Hyung Jin ),정성근 ( Seong-geun Jeong ),강경구 ( Kyoung-ku Kang ),이창수 ( Chang-soo Lee ) 한국화학공학회 2017 Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHA Vol.55 No.6

        In this study, we optimized a method of PEO-PPO-PEO block copolymer embedding, for solving non-spe-cific protein and biomolecular adsorption and high hydrophobicic surface property, which is widely known as problems of poly (dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) that has frequently been used in basic biological and its applied research. We assessed its surface modification by controlling the concentration of embedded block copolymer, water-soaking time, and recovery time as variables by contact angle measurements. In order to evaluate its antifouling ability, adsorption of FITC-BSA molecules was quantified. Furthermore, we generated oil-in-water (O/W) emulsion as a proof-of-concept experiment to confirm that the optimized surface modification works properly.

      • KCI등재

        순차적 마이크로 몰딩 방법을 이용한 이방성 패치 입자 제조 기술

        이병진(Byungjin Lee),최창형(Chang-Hyung Choi),김종민(Jongmin Kim),강성민(Sung-Min Kang),남진오(Jin-Oh Nam),진시형(Si-Hyung Jin),이창수(Chang-Soo Lee) 한국고분자학회 2015 폴리머 Vol.39 No.5

        본 연구는 이방성 패치를 가지는 마이크로 입자의 제조를 위한 순차적 마이크로 몰딩 기술에 관한 것이다. 희석된 단량체와 젖음성 유체를 사용하여 PDMS 마이크로 몰드 상에서 1차적으로 구형의 입자를 제조하고, 물리적, 화학적 이방성을 가지는 입자를 간편하게 제조하는 기술이다. 본 연구팀은 실제 미키마우스 형태의 입자를 제조하여 제시한 방법이 실제로 구현 가능함을 입증하였고, 또한 휘발성 용매를 이용하여 단량체의 농도를 조절함으로써 미키마우스 형태 입자에서 패치의 크기를 15에서 31 μm까지 제어할 수 있었다. 더 나아가, 물리적, 화학적 특성 이방성을 동시에 가지는 정전기적 이방성 입자를 제조하였고, 수용액 상에서 전하를 가지는 형광염료를 통해 선택적인 염색을 하고 이를 형광 분석을 통해 입증하였다. 본 연구에서 제시한 마이크로 몰딩 기술은 간단한 방법으로 이방성 입자를 제조하는 것이 가능하며 이러한 방법은 자기조립 구조체를 제조하는 방법에 널리 이용이 가능할 것으로 판단한다. This study reports a simple sequential micromolding method to produce monodisperse anisotropic microparticles with precisely controllable patchy size and chemistry of compartmentalization. Specifically, our fabrication procedure involves sequential formation of primary and secondary compartments in micromolds via surface tension-induced droplet formation coupled with simple photopolymerization. We demonstrate the capability of sequential micromolding technique by generating Mickey mouse-shaped particles with precisely controllable patchy size and chemistry of compartment and the fabrication method needs no sophisticated control or expensive facilities. The micromolding technique applied in this study can control the size of patchy diameter from 15 to 31 μm by simply adjusting the concentration of photocurable monomer in ethanol. Finally, the Mickey mouse-shaped microparticles with negatively charged patches are confirmed by selective binding of positively charged fluorescence dyes. These results prove a simple, robust, and scalable fabrication of highly monodisperse and complex anisotropic microparticles in a controlled manner based on sequential micromolding.

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