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        Foreign Correspondents and Their News Frames: A Study of News Contents on North Korea

        이병종 한국사회과학협의회 2009 Korean Social Science Journal Vol.36 No.1

        News contents about foreign countries can be misleading because they are often shaped by government policies related to national interests. But individual journalists’ attitudes and news organizations’ ideologies also affect news contents about foreign countries. In the case of foreign correspondents dealing with international news, how do these three factors — government policy, corporate ideology and individual attitude — affect their news coverage? To answer this question, the paper analyzed the news frames of foreign correspondents based in Seoul as pertaining to their news stories about North Korea’s nuclear issue. Eight newspapers from five nations with high stakes in the issue — the U.S., the U.K., Russia, Japan and China — were selected for the analysis. In-depth interviews with the Seoul correspondents of these newspapers were also conducted. The results show that government policy is a main factor deciding their news frames. But the role of individual attitudes increases in relation to the capabilities of the individual correspondent. That is, those correspondents with longer experiences and better knowledge of local culture or language were found to have more control in their news frames. News contents about foreign countries can be misleading because they are often shaped by government policies related to national interests. But individual journalists’ attitudes and news organizations’ ideologies also affect news contents about foreign countries. In the case of foreign correspondents dealing with international news, how do these three factors — government policy, corporate ideology and individual attitude — affect their news coverage? To answer this question, the paper analyzed the news frames of foreign correspondents based in Seoul as pertaining to their news stories about North Korea’s nuclear issue. Eight newspapers from five nations with high stakes in the issue — the U.S., the U.K., Russia, Japan and China — were selected for the analysis. In-depth interviews with the Seoul correspondents of these newspapers were also conducted. The results show that government policy is a main factor deciding their news frames. But the role of individual attitudes increases in relation to the capabilities of the individual correspondent. That is, those correspondents with longer experiences and better knowledge of local culture or language were found to have more control in their news frames.

      • KCI등재

        뉴욕타임스에 나타난 한국의 이미지 변화 추이 연구 한국의 소프트 파워를 중심으로

        이병종 한국PR학회 2010 PR연구 Vol.14 No.3

        South Korea is gradually emerging as a cultural powerhouse in the international arena, indicating its shift of interests from hard power to soft power. The news coverage of Korea by international media is also diversifying from the hard-power topics of national division, security concerns and economic crisis to the soft-power topics of culture, sports,Korean Wave and Korean foods. These soft-power elements dealing with culture, values and lifestyle make a country look more attractive to other nations, hence making the country’s news coverage more positive. In order to see whether this is indeed reflected in international media, this paper analyzed Korea-related articles of the New York Times during the four selected years of last 15 years. The results show that the New York Times has gradually broadened its Korean coverage from defense, politics, economy and other hard-power topics to culture, arts, sports, values, philosophy, education,lifestyle and other soft-power topics. The tone of the articles has also changed from negative to positive. The newsmakers of the articles also changed from organizations and structures to individuals. The narrative of the articles changed from “growth and danger” in 1994∼1995 to “crisis and pain” in 1999∼2000 to “pride and prejudice” in 2004∼2005and to “elegance and sophistication” in 2009∼2010. 한국이 국제 사회에서 점차 문화 강국으로 부상하고 있고 이는 이제 한국의관심이 하드 파워에서 소프트 파워로 변하고 있다는 점을 시사한다. 한국 관련국제 보도도 과거 분단 국가로서의 안보 문제나 경제 위기 등의 하드 파워적주제에서 김연아, 한류, 한식 등 소프트 파워적 주제로 점차 확산되고 있다. 문화, 가치, 삶 등 이러한 소프트 파워적 요소들은 한 나라를 더욱 매력적으로만들기 때문에 이러한 요소들을 주제로 한 한국 관련 기사 역시 보다 긍정적인논조를 띠게 된다. 이러한 점이 국제 언론에 나타나고 있는가를 알아보기 위해지난 15년 중 4년의 기간을 선정하여 뉴욕 타임스의 한국 관련 기사를 분석했다. 그 결과 뉴욕 타임스의 한국 관련 기사들은 시간이 갈수록 국방, 정치, 경제등 하드 파워적 주제보다는 문화, 예술, 스포츠, 가치, 철학, 교육, 생활 등 소프트 파워적 주제를 다루고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 기사의 논조 역시 점차 부정적에서 긍정적으로 변하고 있었다. 또한 기사의 주체도 정치 단체나 기업 집단등에서 점차 한국인 개인으로 변하고 있었다. 한국에 관한 서술 묘사는 점차“성장과 위험(growth and danger)”에서 “위기와 고통(crisis and pain)” 다음으로 “자부심과 편견(pride and prejudice)” 그리고 “우아함과 세련됨(elegance and sophistication)”으로 변하고 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        1. A Study on Korea’s Brand Image Perceived by Foreign Correspondents: 2. Focusing on National and Regional Differences

        이병종 한국세계지역학회 2012 世界地域硏究論叢 Vol.30 No.2

        A country’s brand image is formed through various channels. Among them, the most important channel is media. For that reason, foreign correspondents play a key role in the formation of the images of the nations where they are stationed. But their reporting is not fully objective. By nature, foreign correspondents interpret and report events in their host countries based on their internal perceptions. This paper is designed to analyze Korea’s brand image perceived by foreign correspondents stationed in Korea through in-depth interviews with them. The results show that their image of Korea has four features: Economic and industrial development; Coexistence of tradition and modernity; Popular culture represented by Hallyu; and Tensions related to national division. Of the four, U.S. and European correspondents focused heavily on national division and Asian correspondents on popular culture. As such, Korea’s image of the latter was more positive than that of the former.

      • KCI등재

        U.S. Public Diplomacy in Korea Through Social Media: An Analysis of Embassy Facebook Messages and User Reactions

        이병종 한국정보사회학회 2016 정보사회와 미디어 Vol.17 No.1

        Social media are becoming one of the most important tools in today’s public relations strategies because their participatory, open and sharing nature enables two-way communications needed in public relations. As a result, there is an increasing number of studies on how companies, governments and non-state actors use social media to build and maintain relations with their publics. Studies on their effectiveness are also growing. However, these studies tend to focus on social media activities carried out domestically by organizations. Yet the power of social media lies in their abilities to transcend national boundaries as they allow organizations to communicate instantly with anyone anywhere in the world. For that reason, it is meaningful to examine how social media are used in international relations. Particularly, the use of social media in public diplomacy, which is to communicate and build positive relations with foreign publics for the purpose of national interests, deserves much attention. Against that backdrop, this paper attempted to see how Facebook is used in public diplomacy with what kind of effects. More specifically, this paper analyzed the Facebook postings of the U.S. embassy in Korea and the reactions (like, share and comment) of their users. The embassy was found to send mainly informational messages, but users were more reactive to relational messages.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        신공공서비스론의 관점에서 경찰서비스의 개혁방안

        이병종 한국공안행정학회 2010 한국공안행정학회보 Vol.18 No.4

        전통적 행정은 능률성과 합리성을 목표로 하면서, 공무원이 행정서비스를 직접 전달하고 정치인에 대해 책임을 지는 계층제 구조와 관료제가 중심인 정치행정이원론의 구조였다. 그러나 뒤이어 등장한 신공공관리론은 생산성을 중요시하고, 시민을 고객화함으로 고객만족이 중요시되고 작고 효율적인 정부를 지향하였다. 최근 등장한 신공공서비스론은 민주적 가치, 시민권 그리고 봉사에 가치를두면서 시민을 고객이 아닌 주인으로서 진정한 봉사를 하여야 한다고 주장하고있다. 경찰서비스의 흐름도 행정서비스와 마찬가지이다. 경찰은 정치적 모델과 법률적 모델을 거쳐서 오늘날 지역사회경찰활동이 목표가 되고 있다. 지역사회경찰활동은 시민의 참여를 통한 범죄예방, 재량권의 확대와 분권화를 목표로 하고있고, 민주경찰은 민주주의의 정신과 인권, 시민권 존중 그리고 민주적인 경찰활동을 추구하고 있으므로 이들 삼자의 이상과 방향은 일치하고 있다. 따라서 이연구는 신공공서비스의 이론과 경찰서비스의 발전을 조명해 봄으로써 경찰서비스에서 민주경찰이 나아가야 할 방향을 수립함을 목표로 한다. 이에 따른 경찰서비스의 개혁방향은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 경찰의 시민에 대한서비스의 개선이 요구된다. 국민을 존경과 예의로 대하고, 권위적 행태를 불식하고, 과학적 기법의 활용이 요망된다. 경찰활동에서는 준법은 물론이고 시민의 정서와 관습을 배려하고, 경찰의 의사결정에 시민이 참여토록하며, 민원분야에서는민간인 활용의 검토가 필요하다. 또한 시민에 대한 차별을 없애고, 절제된 무력의 사용이 요망된다. 둘째, 경찰조직 관리의 혁신이 필요하다. 경찰조직과 업무를 재설계하여, 경찰기관을 학습조직화하고, 성공적인 조직변화의 달성을 위해서는 이해관계자들의 적극적인 참여가 필요하다. 아울러 현장순회업무를 강화함으로써 경찰업무 방식의 개선이 요구된다. 가장 중요한 것은 정치적 의지와 지지이다. 시민의 인권보호는 경찰관에 대한 교육훈련으로만 달성될 수는 없고 최고관리자의 실천이 요구된다. 셋째, 경찰인사관리의 개선이 필요하다. 좋은 경찰관의 채용을 위해서는‘솎아뽑기’, 배경조사 및 인성검사의 강화와 채용시험의 개선이 요구된다. 면접은 민관협동체제로 운영하고, 적극적 모집전략이 필요하다. 교육 ․ 훈련에서는 인본주의에 대한 가치와 서비스 철학의 함양, 전문교관과 피교육자가 상호 참여하는 성인교육, 교양교육의 강화, 평생교육을 위한 연계시스템의 구축 그리고 수요자중심이 되는 역량기반교육훈련이 되어야 한다. 승진의 경우‘특정업무센터’의 도입, 근무성적평정 시 지역주민의 참여와 주민만족도의 반영이 필요하다. 마지막으로, 경찰관과 경찰기관에 대하여 책임성을 확보하여야 한다. 고결한 명분은 법을 왜곡하는 것임으로 척결되어야 하며, 경찰관의 일탈행위에 대한 시민고발사건에 대해서는 시민이 참가하는 시민조사제가 조기에 도입되어야 한다. The Old Public Administration had primarily focused and sought the greatest possible efficiency in its operation and targeted efficiency as well as rationality. The public employees delivered their services by themselves and were responsible to the politicians concerned under the bureaucratic hierarchy and there was the distinction between politics(or policy) and administration. Following the Old Public Administration, the New Public Management pursued productivity as a first priority and regarded the citizens as the customers to use private sector and business approaches in the public sector. In this regard, satisfaction of the customers is a key issue in the area of public administration to run government like a business and small in its scope and size. In a recent days, the New Public Service Management has presented itself as an alternative to the traditional bureaucratic way of conducting the public's business and focused on democratic values. democratic citizenship, participation of citizens and serving to people, bestowing high values on the citizens as masters, not customers. Police service is in the same trend as the public service goes along with the mentioned change of science and democracy and efficiency are the main leading factors in the fields. In the view of American police history, at first the Political Model was established, following the Legalistic Model and finally the Community Policing anchored. Community policing is the logical combination of more than 30 years of police effectiveness research and decades of experimentation with police-community relations programs, crime prevention strategies, and team policing. In point of the both tracks between the police and the public science, the cores and visions of community policing and the new public service management are very close. Consequently, this analysis aims at classifying the new public service management theory in detail and police reforms can be found and accomplished, reflecting the principles of the theory. Police reforms are suggested as follows. First, police service to people should be improved. In the past, police role was regarded law or rule enforcement but today requested a lot of public services. The ordinary citizens who are in the police blue line and the others should be respected without suspicion and cynicism because they are entitled to receive the police service properly. In order to fulfill the legitimacy,policemen should be sticked to laws concerned but they must also consider customs and emotions of the people. For democratic policing,police should be given cares to dignity of human beings, transparency of decision-making, minimum use of deadly force and the organization should be built on the basis of democracy. Second, innovation of police organization is needed. The design of police organization be based on flexibility, decentralization and enlargement of discretion and be responsible to prompt responses to calls from people. The police be become a learning institution to perform continuous improvements and passional leadership, encouragement of employee motivation, protection of innovative integrity and support from people are necessary elements for success of police innovation. Third, good policemen are very important for improvement of police personnel management and recruiting and developing them are of great value. The good policemen exercise their authority, if necessary and are glad to be responsible and be ready for compliance with the requests of people, that means they be problem-solvers. Accordingly, recruitment, education, training and promotion of police personnel be underlined in the mentioned direction to proceed. Last, liability of policemen and police agencies be secured. Noble-cause corruption be abolished whatever their motivations are since it bends laws at their wills. Civilian review is an effort to control police behavior by establishing an external form of review for allegations of police misconduc...

      • 경찰의 시민권 존중에 관한 연구

        이병종 동국대학교 2005 大學院硏究論集-東國大學校 大學院 Vol.35 No.-

        This study focuses on police care for citizenship in order to cement the strong relationship between police and citizens. The both's originality is different in history though they are born in the comtemporary period and also police is policing citizens. They are confronting in original nature-police is engaging in law-enforcement with authority and power but citizens are binding to laws. But the both parties are destined not only to cooperate but also to live in harmony. First, role of policing is analysed.: law enforcement, public service, and order maintenance. Of the three mentioned elements, public service of police is increasing due to the change of life patterns of people, the surrounding environment, demand of people for the better quality of life and great expectation. In case of the surrounding environment is well known since FBI has changed its primary role from the law enforcement to the terrorism after The World Trade Center was attacked by the terror in the year 2001. Up to now, many police reports prove workload of police for law enforcement is diminishing, that means role of policing as a crime fighter is decreasing. Instead of it, demand of the public service is enlarging day by day. In public service of police, citizens are making a lot of complaints due to their authoritarian attitude to citizens, corruption, unfairness, discrimination and so on. Those factors make even worse the relationship between the two parties even though they are both eager to make better relations. In other to improve the relations between the police and the citizens, many ways of strategies including type of police such as co-production of policing like America and community policing including ⓐ citizen-police cooperation committee ⓑ citizen-police academy ⓒ on-the-job-training in police station with citizens participated ⓓ seminars and public hearings for crime prevention ⓔ recall systems for crime prevention ⓕ joining in public service activities ⓖ neighbourhood watch program and so on. However, police's respect for citizenship is one of the most important factors to smooth the ties. In this regard, the following six ways are most crucial and should be introduced and revitalized as early as possible: ⓐ protection of citizenship as a basic right that means police is binding to rule of law and citizens are under protection from the Constitutional Law and various laws that are related. ⓑ Adherence to democratic policing that means respect of human beings, police accountability to citizens, transparency on decision-making, and participation of citizens in policing ⓒ application of total quality management to police system to enhance service quality of police ⓓ revitalization of citizen-police academy (now Korea has 119 academies and their performance is highly evaluated) ⓔ recruitment of qualified policemen and in particular their training should be focused on management skill for conflicts and problem solving. And the last ⓕ reinforcement of police administration for democratic value in the top priority. For fulfillment of such said purposes, police administration should be focused on democratic values, citizenship, serving in public interest that are also well equalized with democracy as well as pride. In that sense, policing can deliver true democracy and honor, value their citizens. In order to reform the contemporary policing in a recent days, many managerial techniques have introduced. For example, strategies for market orientation are requiring for the preparation of the complexity of modern policing as an accountable police service to operate in a diverse society.

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