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      • KCI등재

        [특집. 국어 학습사전의 현황과 전망] : 초등 학습용 국어사전의 성격과 거시 구조의 쟁점 탐색

        이병규 ( Byounggyu Lee ) 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2015 民族文化硏究 Vol.66 No.-

        이 글에서는 초등 학습용 국어사전의 거시 구조상의 편찬 현황과 쟁점을 살펴보고 개선 방향을 논의하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 먼저 초등 학습용 국어사전의 성격을 규명한바, 대상이 초등학생이라는 것, 국어과는 물론 타 교과 학습에 유용해야 한다는 것, 일상생활에서 다양한 분야의 독서와 글쓰기에 활용이 가능해야한다는 것으로 정리되었다. 그리고 이러한 성격에 입각하여 초등 학습용 국어사전 6종류의 거시 구조 편찬 현황과 쟁점을 탐색하였다. 거시 구조와 관련된 내용은 표제어 선정 방법의 현황과 쟁점, 표제어 등재 현황과 쟁점, 동형어 분할 현황과 쟁점으로 나누어 살펴보았다. This paper will try to examine the current status and issues on macrostructural compilation of Korean dictionary for elementary schoolchild, and discuss the improvement of the dictionary. In order to do this, key characteristics of Korean dictionary for elementary schoolchild were set up as it is to be: intended for elementary schoolchildren; useful for learning other subjects as well as Korean; and applicable for reading and writing in many different fields in everyday life. Based on the characteristics this paper investigates the current status and issues on macrostructural compilation with 6 kinds of Korean dictionaries for elementary schoolchild. Discussions related to the macrostructural compilation were approached with three categories: the current status and issues of selecting method of headwords, registered headwords’ current situation and issues, and that of isomorphic division.

      • KCI등재

        초등 교육의 국어사전 활용 맥락 탐색

        이병규(Lee, Byounggyu) 한국사전학회 2018 한국사전학 Vol.- No.31

        Dictionaries are a good ones when users can conveniently provide the information they want. In this sense, In this sense, the Korean Dictionary for Elementary Schools should be compiled so that elementary school students can utilize them effectively in the context of Korean studies and other curriculum learning situations. Elementary Korean dictionaries should be distinguished from general Korean dictionaries at the level and scope of description. This is because elementary school students are different from adults in terms of cognitive development and learning characteristics. Based on this consideration, Based on this consideration, the micro-structure and macro-structure of the dictionaries for the elementary students should be created. For this purpose, This article has examined how Korean dictionary for elementary school education is utilized and searched the educational value of Korean dictionary for elementary learning and contexts in which Korean dictionary can be used in elementary school education.

      • KCI등재

        문법과 읽기 교육의 융합

        이병규 ( Lee Byounggyu ) 연세대학교 언어정보연구원(구 연세대학교 언어정보개발원) 2018 언어사실과 관점 Vol.45 No.-

        This article looks at how grammar can contribute to reading comprehension. First, we discussed the concept and scope of grammar. The discussion of the concept and scope of grammar is necessary in terms of showing the rendezvous aspect of grammar and reading education. In this paper, we discussed the grammatical knowledge which is the intellectual foundation of the Korean language proficiency. Reading was divided into reading of letters and reading of meaning, and the knowledge of grammar involved in each was discussed in relation to reading. Character reading has shown that phonetics, phonology, and Korean norms are involved. The meaning reading is divided into de-contextual reading and context-dependent reading, and the former is related to morphology, lexical theory, syntax, semantics, and the latter is related to pragmatics, discourse analysis and text linguistics.

      • KCI등재

        새 일상(new normal) 시대 교사의 문법 교수 역량 탐색

        이병규 ( Lee Byounggyu ) 반교어문학회 2023 泮橋語文硏究 Vol.- No.65

        이 논의의 목적은 ‘뉴 노멀(new normal)’ 시대 국어과를 가르치는 교사의 ‘문법 교수 역량’을 탐색하는 것이다. 이 주제의 핵심어는 ‘뉴 노멀’과 ‘문법 교수 역량’이다. 따라서 이 주제를 탐색하기 위해서 ‘뉴 노멀’이 무엇인지를 밝히고, 그에 부합하는 문법 교수 역량의 특성을 규명했다. ‘뉴 노멀’은 ‘새 일상’과 ‘새 기준’ 두 가지 의미로 사용되고 있음을 보았고, ‘뉴 노멀’로서 ‘새 일상’의 모습을 ‘사회적 측면’과 ‘교육적 측면’에서 논의했다. 이를 바탕으로 ‘새 일상’이 요구하는 교사의 문법 교수 역량으로 ‘새 기준(new normal)’을 제시했다. 문법 교수 역량으로서의 새 기준은 학습자의 문법 지식 탐구 능력 신장을 지원하는 교수 역량, 문법 지식 탐구 교재 재구성 역량, 과정 중심의 평가 계획 및 수행 역량, 문법 성취 기준 융합 역량, 기초 문식성 교수 역량, 미디어 문식성 교수 역량‘을 구체적으로 논의했다. 그 외에도 에듀테크 역량, 블렌디드 교수 역량도 필수적임을 지적했다. The purpose of this discussion is to explore the ‘grammar teaching competencies’ of Korean language teachers in the ‘new normal’ era. The key words in this topic are ‘new normal’ and ‘grammar teaching competence’. Therefore, in order to explore this topic, we identified what the ‘new normal’ is and identified the characteristics of grammar teaching competencies that correspond to it. We understanded that the term ‘new normal’ is used in two senses: ‘new daily lives’ and ‘new standards’, and discussed the appearance of ‘new normal’ as ‘new daily lives’ from ‘social aspects’ and ‘educational and curricular aspects’. Based on this, the ‘new normal’ as ‘new standards’ was proposed as the grammar teaching competency of teachers required by the ‘new normal’ as ‘new daily lives’. The new standards for grammar teaching competencies discussed in detail the teaching competencies for enhancing learners’ ability to explore grammar knowledge, the competencies for restructuring textbooks for exploring grammar knowledge, the competencies for planning and implementing process-oriented assessments, the competencies for integrating grammar achievement standards with achievement standards of speaking․listening․ reading․writing, the competencies for teaching basic literacy, and the competencies for teaching media literacy.

      • KCI등재

        초등 국어 교과서 문법 단원 변천 연구

        이병규 ( Lee Byounggyu ) 한국문법교육학회 2020 문법 교육 Vol.40 No.-

        This thesis attempted to examine the changes in the grammar unit in elementary Korean textbooks. The curriculum of the Korean language course has been revised 9 times since the first curriculum was established. According to the curriculum, Korean language textbooks have been compiled at that time. In the case of elementary school, one type has been developed according to the state textbook development system and has been used until now. Therefore, grammar textbooks were not developed and used separately. In this discussion, the changing process of the grammar unit was investigated by examining the aspects that grammar has been reflected in the unit structure of elementary Korean textbooks. To this end, first, the changes in the Korean language textbooks were examined in terms of the changes of the system and unit composition. Within this framework, we looked at the changes in the aspect of grammar unit execution.

      • KCI등재

        텍스트 분석이 글쓰기에 미치는 효과 연구

        김정은(Jeongeun Kim),이병규(Byounggyu Lee) 한국국어교육학회 2019 새국어교육 Vol.0 No.119

        Purpose:The purpose of this study is to suggest that text analysis can be one of the effective measures for writing method and to confirm its effectiveness. Methods:In order to accomplish this research purpose, the criteria for text analysis were prepared based on text grammar, and the report was prepared by guiding first-year university students to writing using text analysis. First-year university students were asked to write reports using text analysis, comparing the reports with the control group. Results:The analysis results showed that the characteristics of the report were determined by analyzing the text, the report was written to match the characteristics of the report. Conclusion:For learners with high self-directed learning ability, providing experience to find the characteristics of text in the process of analyzing text helps produce text that can recognize the potential for change in text and effectively communicate their intentions. This article will explore the possibilities of text analysis as an effective way of writing method 목적:이 연구는 텍스트 분석이 글쓰기 지도에 효과적인 방안 중 하나가 될 수 있음을 제안하고 그 효과성을 확인하는 데 목적이 있다. 방법:이를 위해서 텍스트 갈래 지식에 기반하여 텍스트 분석 기준을 마련하고, 대학교 1학년 학생들을 대상으로 텍스트 분석을 활용한 글쓰기를 지도하고 보고서를 작성하도록 하였다. 수합한 보고서는 대조 집단의 보고서와 비교하여 효과성을 확인하고자 하였다. 결과:텍스트 분석을 통해 보고서의 특성을 파악한 뒤 보고서를 쓰게 하였을 때, 학습자들은 보고서의 특성에 부합하는 글을 썼으며 특히 보고서의 맥락과 표현 측면에서 높은 점수를 보였다. 결론:자기 주도적 학습 능력이 높은 학습자의 경우 텍스트를 분석하는 과정에서 텍스트 갈래의 특성을 파악해 보는 경험을 제공하는 것이 텍스트의 변화 가능성을 인식하고 자신의 의도를 효과적으로 전달할 수 있는 글을 생산하는 데 도움을 준다. 이 글을 통해 효과적인 글쓰기 지도 방법으로써 텍스트 분석의 가능성을 살펴볼 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.

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