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      • KCI등재

        냉전 체제 고착과 GHQ의 정책 변화 : 군국주의자 공직추방에서 레드 퍼지로의 전환을 중심으로

        유지아(Yoo, Ji-A) 일본사학회 2021 일본역사연구 Vol.54 No.-

        Military occupation policy of Post-war Japan divided into three parts: 1) Ask responsibility for the Asian-Pacific War and establish democracy. 2) Controversial plan to modify Japan as an ally of US with boosted economy - It was preferred response for emerging new Cold War regime after 1947. 3) Official peace treaty with ratification of alliance after Korean War. This article studied how external influence affected postwar democracy of Japan, especially emphasized changing occupational policy started from expulsion of militarist from public office to the Red Purge. Post war GHQ disarmed war factories to state ‘physical demilitarization’ and executed public office expulsion to start ‘intellectual demilitarization’. Expulsion was targeted towards war criminal, military personnel, militarist and ultra nationalist. These were advocates or executors of war. However, such attempt ended imperfectly and GHQ failed to apply expulsion doctrine into every field of Japanese society. Militarists and totalitarians outside military field were waived. It caused diluted sense of war responsibility. It came from changed US policy direction which intended to set Japan as the ‘Anti-communism shield’ of Asia with economic independence. Thus, edict 101 of expulsion used for legal evidence to oppress left wing in Japan. Post war Japanese democracy was changed from militarist expulsion to the Red purge. Right wing developed such change into the public office expulsion of left wing. Imperial military personnel were also released from public office expulsion and reassigned to the Japanese Self-Defense Force (JSDF).

      • KCI등재후보

        아이돌봄지원사업의 쟁점과 과제 : 길버트와 테렐의 분석틀을 중심으로

        유지아(Yoo, Ji-A),윤경미(Yun, Kyeong-Mi),이주연(Lee, Ju-Yeon) K교육연구학회 2020 사회과학리뷰 Vol.5 No.1

        본 연구는 양육 지원 정책에서 아이돌봄지원사업의 문제점을 확인하고 이를 개선하기 위해 길버트와 테렐이 제시한 할당, 급여, 전달체계, 재원의 네 측면을 중심으로 정책분석 틀을 이용하여 분석하였다. 이러한 분석은 보다 현실적이고 효율적인 양육제도로서 아이돌봄지원사업의 역할을 규명해 볼 수 있다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같이 정리할 수 있다. 첫째, 할당에서 실제 수요를 예측하여 중복되지 않도록 연령을 세밀하게 설계하고 이용시간에 대한 조정이 필요하다. 둘째, 급여에서 소득 수준에 있어 경제적 부담을 가지고 있는 이용자들이 있어 이에 대한 소득 수준을 완화할 필요가 있다. 셋째, 전달체계에서 각기 다른 운영체계로 직접적인 서비스를 제공하는 기관의 체계적 관리를 위해 조직체계를 개편하고 기관 운영의 내실화가 요구된다 넷째, 아이돌봄지원사업의 재원은 지방자치단체 재정자립도에 의해 서비스의 질이 결정되어 중앙정부의 현실적인 재원 지원이 필요하다. 이러한 결과로 볼 때 저출산 해결을 위한 대안으로 아이돌봄서비스가 보다 세밀하고 체계적인 서비스로 지원될 수 있는 방안이 요구된다. This study identifies issues of the governmental child care support services, and analyzes those with the Gilbert and Terrell’s framework(2005), focusing on the four aspects of allocation, benefit, service delivery system, and finance. It aims to find ways to improve the child care support services as a more realistic and effective policy measure. The results of this study show as follows. First, it is necessary to carefully design the age segmentation of children and adjust the hours of care by forecasting the actual demand of the services and preventing from duplicated use. Second, in order to relieve the burden of low income users, it is needed to lower the threshold of income level. Third, the service delivery system needs to be reorganized since it cannot otherwise oversees service providers whose management systems are different, and to be reinforced. Fourth, the financial capacity for the child care support services are determined by the local government s self-reliance ratio of finance, so the central government needs to provide financial support to improve the quality of services especially in the area with insufficient financial investment from the local government. In addition, in order to provide alternative to resolve the low birth rate of Korean society, it is required to improve the services as a more detailed and systematic ones.

      • KCI등재

        1910-20년대 일본의 다이쇼 데모크라시와 제국주의의 변용

        유지아(Yoo, Ji-A) 한일관계사학회 2017 한일관계사연구 Vol.57 No.-

        20세기 초, 일본은 러일전쟁에서 승리함으로써 서양과 우호적인 외교관계와 공감대 형성하게 되었다. 그리고 일본인들은 입헌 민주주의 도입, 지속적인 산업 성장, 대중 교육의 확립, 대중 매체의 영향을 받아 새로운 생활 방식을 추구하였다. 뿐만 아니라 같은 시기 일본은 민주주의를 수용하고 생활화하면서 자아를 확립하였고, 서양과 일본, 그리고 아시아에 대해서도 새롭게 인식하게 되었다. 이 시기를 다이쇼 데모크라시라고 한다. 다이쇼 데모크라시 시기, 일본 사회에는 세 가지 양면성이 있었다. 첫째는 열악한 경제력을 강력한 군사력으로 보충하여 서양 열강과 대등한 관계를 맺고자 한 면이다. 둘째는 천황제가 내포하고 있는 전제주의적인 면과 입헌주의적인 면이다. 마지막으로 일본 국민들이 안으로는 데모크라시를 밖으로는 제국주의를 추구했다는 점이다. 다이쇼 데모크라시 시기에 일본에서는 다양한 계층에 의해 기존의 사회구조와 질서에 대항하는 사회운동이 활발하게 전개되었다. 그리고 사회운동의 저변에는 일본 사회의 양면성이 적나라하게 드러나면서 다이쇼 데모크라시의 이중성도 강화되었다. 특히 식민지 국민에 대한 인식은 일본 국민의 배외주의적인 인식과 연결된다. 따라서 일본에서는 내부적으로 자유와 인권이 정착되어 갔지만, 대외적으로는 일본인의 자유와 인권을 보장하기 위해 아시아의 패권을 장악하려고 하는 양면성이 작용하고 있었다. 이 시기, 일본인의 인권을 보호하기 위해 보통선거법이 실시되었다. 그러나 선거권은 여성, 식민지인을 제외한 본국에 있는 성인남성에게만 주어졌다. 이와 같이 극히 한정된 보통선거였기 때문에 여기에 포함되지 못한 사람들을 배제하기 위한 체제로 치안유지법이 같이 만들어졌다. 국민에게 선거권을 주었으니 선거권을 행사하되, 사회운동은 금지한다는 논리였다. 이러한 한계는 식민지 한반도에도 그대로 적용된다. 일본은 3·1운동 이후, “문화정치”를 표방하면서 조선에서 어느 정도 정치적 활동의 자유를 허용하는 문화적 통치방법을 강구하였다. 그러나 이는 동화주의 지배체제를 실현하기 위한 방법상의 전환일 뿐, 조선인의 자치나 민족자결을 염두에 둔 것은 아니다. 따라서 일본제국은 이러한 동화주의에 저항하는 세력에 대해 치안유지법을 확대 적용하여 더욱 강하게 제재하고자 하였다. 일본은 사회주의나 공산주의뿐만 아니라 각종 독립운동을 탄압할 수 있는 법적 근거를 치안유지법에 두고 식민지 지배의 도구로 삼았다. 이후 일본은 치안유지법으로 조선인을 대대적으로 검거하면서 식민지 지배구조를 구축해 나갔다. In early 20th century, Japan established hospitality and empathy with western dominions by winning the Russo-Japanese War. On the same time, Introducing Constitutional Democracy, continuous industrial growth, formulating public education and massmedia influenced Japanese to face new lifestyle. Also, introduction and adaptation of democracy helped Japanese to understand themselves and expand recognition upon the others such as western and Asian cultures. This era is called Taisho Democracy. During this era, there were three ironic aspects existed : First, Japan tried to reinforce their weak economic power by enforcing military strength. Second, The Emperor system of Japan included both absolutism and constitutionalism. Lastly, Japanese civilian advocated democracy for their inner society and imperialism for the outer world. During the era of the Taisho Democracy, many social movements were actively held in Japan by various social groups. They tried to resist the formal social hierarchy. Processing such movements emphasized the ironic aspects in Japanese society. Thus the Taisho Democracy became more duplicated. Especially, understanding the colonial citizens related to the xenophobic ideas in Japanese society. Freedom and human rights were adapted in Japanese society. However, because of the irony and duplicated aspects inside the Japanese society, dominating Asian region was understood as an essential action to ensure the freedom and right of the Japanese people. On this era, Common Elections Law was launched to protect Japanese right. However, only Japanese male received right to vote – Japanese female and colonial civilians were excluded. Such extremely limited common election caused the emerge of the Police Suppression Law. This law was made to keep such excluded people being excluded. Police Suppression Law stated that civilians cannot perform the social movement because they received the right to vote. Such limitation applied toward the colonial Korean peninsula, also known as Chosun. After 3 1 Movement, Japan present “Culture Politics” to ensure their cultural ruling by permitting limited political freedom for the movements. However, this was the procedure for the transferred ruling method which did not count the autonomy of Chosun or National self-determination. Therefore, Japan tried to expand their range of the Police Suppression Law to sanction groups harder which opposed their Assimilationism. Japan set this Police Suppression Law as legal basis for their colonial ruling and suppression toward the socialism, communism and other movements for the independence. Later on, Japan arrested enormous Chosun people based on the Police Suppression Law and established stronger colonial ruling structure.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        전후 레짐으로부터의 탈각과 역사인식 - 아베 담화의 분석을 중심으로 -

        유지아(Yoo, JiA) 동아시아일본학회 2022 일본문화연구 Vol.- No.81

        1990년대 버블경제의 종말과 더불어 시작된 경기침체 위기가 30년 가까이 지속되면서 일본 국민에게 각인된 위기의식은 아베라는 인물에 대한 기대와 지지로 발현되었으며, 아베는 이러한 기대를 역으로 이용하여 일본의 체제를 바꾸고자 하였다. 일본에서 전개되고 있는 ‘전후체제로부터의 탈각’라는 말은 주로 일본의 ‘우경화’와 연관시켜 분석하는 경향이 많다. 전후 일본의 본질은 미국에 종속되고 있는 것도 아니고, 절대평화주의의 풍조가 강해진 것도 아니다. 불완전한 종속 아래, 나라의 존재방식이 어중간한 채로 줄곧 계속되어 왔던 것이다. 전후 탈각의 변화를 보면, 나카소네 시대에는 ‘전후 정치의 총결산’에서 아시아의 정치적 리더쉽을 확립하는데 전후 처리 문제가 큰 걸림돌이 되고 있다고 판단하여 일단 전쟁의 침략성을 인정하고, 최소한의 ‘사과’를 행한다는 궤도수정을 했다. 반면, 아베 시대에는 ‘전후체제로부터의 탈각’이 침략전쟁을 부정하는 역사 인식으로 나타나고 있다. 그리고 국제정치에서는 적극적 평화주의를 내세워 보통국가, 전쟁을 할 수 있는 국가를 만들겠다는 의지를 선명하게 비치고 있다는 점에서 기존의 ‘전후레짐’과 큰 차이를 보이고 있다. In Japan, the economic crisis that began with the end of the bubble economy in the 1990s continued for nearly 30 years, raising awareness of the crisis among the people. And this sense of crisis was expressed in expectation and support for Abe. Abe reversed this expectation and tried to change the Japanese system. The term ‘breaking away from the post-war system’ that is being developed in Japan tends to be analyzed mainly in connection with Japan’s ‘rightward shift’. The essence of post-war Japan was not subordinated to the United States, nor was the trend of absolute pacifism strengthened. Under the imperfect subordination, the way of existence of the country has continued all the time with an ambiguity. Looking at the changes in the post-war breakout, the Nakasone era tried to use the ‘total settlement of post-war politics’ to establish political leadership in Asia. Therefore, considering that the post-war problem was a major obstacle, the trajectory was revised to acknowledge the aggression of the war and to make a minimum ‘apology’. On the other hand, in the Abe era, ‘breaking away from the post-war system’ appears as a historical recognition that denies war of aggression. And in international politics, it is very different from the existing ‘post-war regime’ in that it clearly shows the will to create a normal state and a state capable of war by advocating active pacifism.

      • 청소년이 지각한 어머니의 양육행동, 자아인식 및 학교적응 간의 구조적 관계

        유지아(Yoo, Jia․,Jeong),정혜숙(Jeong, Hyesuk),김영희(Kim, Yeonghee) 충북대학교 생활과학연구소 2019 생활과학연구논총 Vol.23 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to examine the structural relationships among mothers’ parenting behavior, adolescents’ self-perception and school adjustment based on a survey data. The study participants were 772 middle school student. Data were analyzed in SPSS 21.0, and the model test was done with an analysis of the correlation matrix in AMOS 21.0, using structural equation analysis. The results were as follows. First, mothers’ parenting behavior had direct effects on the adolescents’ self-perception and school adjustment. Second, the adolescents’ self-perception has a direct effect on school adjustment. Furthermore, the adolescents’ self-perception had mediated between mother’s parenting behavior and adolescents’ school adjustment. In conclusion, the results of this study implied the significance of mother’s parenting behavior as well as adolescents’ self-perception to improve adolescent’s school adjustment.

      • KCI등재

        야스쿠니 문제의 국제화와 일본의 보수운동 : 나카소네 총리의 공식참배 문제를 중심으로

        유지아(YOO, Ji-A) 한일민족문제학회 2020 한일민족문제연구 Vol.39 No.-

        本研究は、1985年に中曽根康弘首相が靖国神社を正式に訪問した時期を 扱っている。それ以来、靖国神社への靖国首相の訪問の問題は国際的な問 題に発展し、保守的な運動につながる。靖国神社問題は東アジアの歴史紛 争の重要な問題の1つであるが、1985年までは東アジアの観点から考えることが できなかった。そのため、日本政府は1978年に靖国神社に7人のA級戦争犯罪 者を合祀した。その後、中曽根首相が正式に靖国神社を訪問すると、国際社 会は日本人の歴史観を批判し始め、日本では中曽根首相の靖国神社参拝問 題と靖国問題に対する論争が始まった。日本の各新聞では、「近隣諸国への 配慮」や「靖国と国際社会」などの表現が見られるなど、靖国問題をもっと真剣 に受け止めた。韓国と中国では、A級戦争犯罪者が靖国神社に合祀される と、靖国神社への関心がさらに高まるとうになった。アジア諸国で批判の声が高 まるにつれ、靖国神社での崇拝の問題は国際的な問題になった。 一方、1990年代の日本の政治は、冷戦崩壊という国際情勢や、自民党の 長期執権の崩壊という国内情勢など、変化の過程であった。中曽根政権は、 「戦後政治の総決算決」をスローガンに、敗北により失われたよいところを回復さ せるという政策目標を提唱した。このような状況の中で、中曽根首相の靖国神 社参拝の問題は、国際的にも批判されているだけでなく、国内の訴訟へと広がっている。訴訟の結果は靖国神社の公式訪問の合憲性が疑われるところが あるにも関わらず、申し立てを判断する必要はなく、原告はいかなる権利または 利益も侵害されなかったとし、却下された。しかし、靖国訴訟は日本の保守派 を団結させた。最終的に、保守議員らは保守議員連盟を結成し、保守運動を 開始した。また、他の保守勢力と連帯して、教育の正常化、歴史教科書の編 集、新憲法の提唱など、強力な国民運動を展開し、日本の保守化に影響を 与えている。 This study deals with the time when Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone (中曽根康弘) officially visited the Yasukuni Shrine in 1985. Since then, the issue of Prime Minister Yasuhiro’s visit to the Yasukuni Shrine has developed into an international issue and led to a conservative movement in Japan. The Yasukuni Shrine issue is one of the key issues in East Asia’s history conflicts, but until 1985, it was not viewed from an East Asian perspective. Nevertheless, the Japanese government incorporated seven A-class war criminals at Yasukuni Shrine in 1978. Then Prime Minister Nakasone was officially the Yasukuni. And the international community has begun to criticize the Japanese for their perception of history. Therefore, in Japan, the issue of official visit to Yasukuni Shrine by Prime Minister Nakasone and the Yasukuni issue began to be discussed simultaneously. In each Japanese newspaper, expressions such as “caring for neighboring countries” and “Yasukuni and the international community” appeared, taking the Yasukuni issue more seriously. In Korea and China, interest in Yasukuni Shrine increased even more when A-class war criminals were incorporated into Yasukuni Shrine. As the voices of criticism increased in Asian countries, the issue of worship at Yasukuni Shrine became an international issue. Meanwhile, Japanese politics in the 1990s was a process of transition from the international situation of the collapse of the Cold War to changes in the domestic situation such as the collapse of the LDP(自民 党)’s long-term power. The Nakasone regime advocated a policy goal of reviving the good things lost due to the defeat, with the slogan of “the total settlement of postwar politics”. Under such circumstances, the issue of Prime Minister Nakasone’s visit to Yasukuni Shrine has not only been criticized internationally, but has spread to domestic lawsuits. The result of the lawsuit was dismissed because there was a suspicion of the constitutionality of the official visit to Yasukuni Shrine, but there was no need to judge the allegation, and the plaintiffs were not infringed on any rights or interests. However, the Yasukuni lawsuit brought the conservatives of Japan to unite. Eventually, conservative members formed a Conservative Parliamentary League and launched a conservative movement. In addition, in solidarity with other conservative forces, it has been influencing the conservativeization of Japan by developing a strong national movement such as normalizing education, editing history textbooks, and advocating a new constitution.

      • KCI등재

        韓國戰爭 前後, 對日講和條約 論議에 의한 아시아 내에서 日本의 安保와 位相

        柳芝娥(Yoo, Ji-A) 한일민족문제학회 2010 한일민족문제연구 Vol.18 No.-

        1951年9月8日、サンフランシスコで開催された講和会議で、日本は連合国との講和條約を締結し、翌年1952年4月28日その講和條約が発效することによって連合国による日本の占領は形式上、終止符を押した。この対日講和条約は日本が独立国家として復帰したという意義を持つだけでなく、東アジアで日本と戦争状態にあった国家、または日本の殖民地下においてあった国家との関係にも少ない影響を及ぼしたと言える。講和条約の特性は朝鮮戦争の勃発を前後にしてアメリカはもちろん日本でも早期講和条約に対する論議が急変した事実で明確に現われる。アメリカは中国の共産化と米ソ冷戦が固着化して行く状況で、日本をアジアで自由主義陣営の堡塁として作りあげようとする計画を推進して行った。そして朝鮮戦争が勃発すると、アメリカはその計画を早期対日講和條約と自由主義陣営のみを対象にする断片条約として具体化した。サンフランシスコで開かれた講和会議には中国が招待されず、韓国も日本との間で交戦関係ではなかったという理由で招請されなかった。即ち、共産陣営または日本の独立回復や以後日本の再建に障害の素地を提供する可能性がある国家が完全に排除された資本主義陣営国家が中心になった単独講和という形態で条約が調印されたのである。これは日本が冷戦に主体的に加わる形態を取ることで独立を回復しようとする意図を現わした選択であると言える。また、対日講和条約締結過程で現われた特徴は講和條約自体が日米安保条約の締結と一セットになって締結されたとことである。朝鮮戦争勃発後、アジアで共産化の進行と米ソ冷戦の激化によって、吉田首相を中心にした日本政府は対日講和条約準備作業の一環として安保條約案を準備した。その理由はソ連に対する牽制と共産圏に対する憂慮をあげることができる。また、アメリカも同じような理由のために日本との安保條約を準備したと言える。しかし、日本はその安保条約によってアメリカに従属されることになった。それだけでなく、日本は自らアジアを軽視する路線を取るようになった。すなわち、対日講和条約による日米安全保障体制が日本とアメリカに安保上の下敷石になったといえども、日本のアジアでの立場はより退歩する結果をもたらした。特に韓国の場合、朝鮮戦争で日本との関係で積極的な代案を出すことができなかったために、サンフランシスコ条約に参加することができなくなった。そのために以後韓日関係は日本の領土問題処理を含めて、韓日予備会談で多くの難航を経るようになった。またこのような問題は現在歴史教科書問題など、他の解決されない問題を生じさせ東アジアの国際問題として残っている状況である。 Japan concluded the writing of a peace treaty with allied powers at a peace conference held in San Francisco on September 8, 1951. In the next year, the Japanese occupation by the Allies powers ended officially, as the Treaty entered into force at April 28, 1952. The Japan Peace Treaty was symbolic of Japan's comeback as an independent nation, as well as having a considerable impact on its relationships with other East Asian countries. The characteristics of the peace treaty appear in the fact that discussions on a peace treaty in Japan have been changing rapidly in Japan and the United States since the outbreak of the Korean War. The U.S.A. promoted the plan that Japan made as a fortification of the liberal camp in Asia in the situation that the Chinese Communist Party and U.S.-Soviet Union Cold War took power and started to work more actively to Asia as soon as the Korean War began. In addition, Japan signed a Japan-US security treaty along with the peace treaty as one set. After the outbreak of the Korean War, the Japanese Government, led by Prime Minister Yoshida, prepared for the security treaty as a ancillary means to the peace treaty. This was because of the containment of the Soviet Union and anxiety about the Communist bloc; in the same context, the U.S.A. had prepared for security treaty with Japan for a similar reason. However, not only did Japan end up being a subordinate to the U.S.A., but also Japan have been neglect the rest of Asia as a result of the security treaty. In other words, it resulted in a point where the relationship between Asian countries were more backward, even though it became a footstone for security positioning in Asia due to the new Japan-US security system in Japan and the United States. Korea was not able to participate in the writing of the San Francisco treaty at the time, due to the Korean War. Therefore, the Korea-Japan preparatory meeting incited a lot of new arguments including territorial issues. In addition, such problems are now left only in history textbooks and as problems confined only to East Asia.

      • KCI등재

        점령기 일본의 미군성폭력대책과 일본여성 멸시관 : 판판걸(パンパンガール)에서 아메조(アメ女)로

        유지아(Yoo, Ji-A) 일본사학회 2022 일본역사연구 Vol.57 No.-

        1945년 8월부터 시작하여 샌프란시스코 강화조약이 발효된 1952년 4월 28일까지를 공식적으로는 연합국의 일본 점령이라고 부른다. 그러나 이 또한 정확한 표현은 아니다. 처음부터 끝까지 점령에 대한 기본 정책을 정하고 점령기간 동안 일본에 관한 모든 문제에 명령권을 가진 것은 미국이었기 때문이다. 일본에 대한 미국의 지배적 위치는 공공연한 것이었기 때문에 미군의 지위 또한 독보적인 것이었다. 때문에 아시아태평양전쟁 후 미군도 점령지 특히 패전으로 인해 점령을 당하는 일본 각지에서 일본인에게 불법행위를 자행하는 일이 빈번하게 발생했다. 그러나 진주군에 대한 일본의 공식적인 여론은 점령군으로서 민주적인 점령정책을 실시했다는 평가가 주를 이룬다. 이와 같이 민주의 이름을 달고 시작한 대일점령은 많은 시행착오와 모순을 만들었다. 그 가운데 이제까지 주목하지 않았던 부분이 미군의 불법행위이다. 특히 가장 심각한 불법행위는 미군의 성폭력 범죄였으며, 점점 급증하는 성폭력 사건 때문에 일본은 스스로 연합군 병사관계 사고방지 대책을 강구해야만 했다. 본고는 아시아태평양전쟁 이후 미군의 성범죄행위와 이에 대응하기 위한 일본의 대응 양상을 밝히고 있다. 점령군 위안소는 일본 정부는 점령 후 사회문제로 대두되는 미군의 일본여성 성폭력범죄 예방대책으로 고안한 방안이었다. 미국은 늘어가는 미군의 성병예방에 효과적이라고 생각하여 환영했다. 그리고 이 과정에서 일본인 여성에 대한 멸시적인 이미지가 형성되어 ‘판판’에서 ‘아메조’나 ‘옐로캡’이라는 용어로 바뀌었을 뿐 현재까지도 멸시적인 이미지는 연속성을 띠고 있다. 이는 아시아태평양전쟁 이후 점령 체제의 연속선상에서 유지되어온 미군 주둔 체제가 동북아에 남긴 어두운 그림자이자, 전쟁 처리와 식민지 청산을 제대로 이루어내지 못한 동북아의 아픈 역사일 것이다. The period from August 1945 to April 28, 1952, when the San Francisco Peace Treaty goes into effect, is officially called the Allied occupation of Japan. However, this is also not an accurate representation. This is because the United States was the one who set the basic policy for the occupation from beginning to end and had the command over all matters related to Japan during the occupation period. Since the US dominant position over Japan was overt, the US position was also unique. For this reason, after the Asia-Pacific War, the US military also frequently committed illegal acts against Japanese in occupied territories, especially in various parts of Japan. However, Japan s official opinion on the Allied Forces is mainly based on the evaluation that it implemented a democratic occupation policy as an occupation force. The occupation of Japan, which started under the name of democracy, caused many trials and errors and contradictions. Among them, the part that has not been paid attention to is the illegal activity of the US military. In particular, the most serious illegal act was sexual violence by the US military, and the increasing number of cases of sexual violence forced Japan to devise measures to prevent sexual violence incidents on its own. This paper reveals the sexual crimes of the US military and Japan s response after the Asia-Pacific War. The Recreation and Amusement Association were devised by the Japanese government as a measure to prevent sexual violence against Japanese women by the US military, which became a social problem after the occupation. The United States welcomed it as it thought it would be effective in preventing the growing number of U.S. military sexually transmitted diseases. And in the process, a derogatory image of Japanese women was formed. The image has been changed from ‘panpan’ to ‘amezo’ or ‘yellow cap’, but the derogatory image has continued to this day. This is the dark shadow left by the US military presence in Northeast Asia, which has been maintained in the continuum of the occupation regime since the Asia-Pacific War. And it must be a painful history of Northeast Asia that failed to properly deal with the war and liquidate the colonies.

      • KCI등재

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