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국내기존 기업의 e-Business화 추진방안에 관한 실증적 연구
유석천(Seuck Cheun Yoo),백진현(Chin Hyon Paik) 한국경영학회 2003 經營學硏究 Vol.32 No.2
As an internet revolution is taking Place recently, much of the focus by researchers has been on radical new business models simultaneously developed and market teated by start-up firms, However, there is no more doubt that traditional businesses have to do much of the really hard work and make most of the profits in this big transition. E-Business of traditional companies is evolving in three ways : getting higher managerial efficiency: keeping touch tightly with their loyal customers by internet, and digitalizing their Products and services; obtaining high efficiency in their supply chain, We explore a macro aspect of the relationship among supply chain, e-Business technology, customer service, and Performance by examining an empirical experiment on the Korean domestic companies. We observe that supply chain management does give tittle effect un reducing costs yet, but some Positive effect on increasing both qualify levels and Product varieties. Improvement of the service level in ordering processes is closely related with thee-Business level of partners in the supply chain, the fitness of the corporate strategy and SCM, and regulatory social infrastructure on e-Business. The level of the e-Business technology infrastructure in organizations is Playing an intermediate rule between managerial activities in the supply chain and improvement of customer service levels.
유석천(Seuck-Cheun Yoo),정욱(Uk Jung),박찬규(Chan-Kyoo Park) 한국경영과학회 2010 한국경영과학회지 Vol.35 No.2
Understanding the antecedents of high public usage of national R&D facilities is a critical issue for both academics and facility managers. Previous researchrelated to general service management has identified service quality and user satisfaction as important antecedents of reuse and recommendation intention. The current paper reports findings from a survey which looked into the impact of service quality dimensions and user satisfaction on reuse and recommendation intention in the field of R&D facility public usage. Findings indicate that service quality appears to be linked to user satisfaction, and user satisfaction to be linked to reuse and recommendation intention. Findings also indicate that user satisfaction played as a mediator on the relationship between service quality and reuse/recommendation intentions in R&D facility public usage domain.
유석천(Seuck-Cheun Yoo),박찬규(Chan-Kyoo Park),정욱(Uk Jung) 한국경영과학회 2010 한국경영과학회지 Vol.35 No.4
When purchase prices of a raw material fluctuate over time, the total purchasing cost is mainly affected by reordering time. Existing researches focus on deciding the right time when the demand for each period is replenished at the lowest cost. However, the decision is based on expected future prices which usually turn out to include some error. This discrepancy between expected prices and actual prices deteriorates the performance of inventory models dealing with fluctuating purchase prices. In this paper, we propose a new inventory model which incorporates not only cost but also risk into making up a replenishment schedule to meet each period's demand. For each replenishment schedule, the risk is defined to be the variance of its total cost. By introducing the risk into the objective function, the variability of the total cost can be mitigated, and eventually more stable replenishment schedule will be obtained. According to experimental results from crude oil inventory management, the proposed model showed better performance over other models in respect of variability and cost.
2단계 네트워크 DEA를 이용한 세계 주요 공항 성과 분석
유석천 ( Seuck-cheun Yoo ),맹결 ( Jie Meng ),임성묵 ( Sungmook Lim ) 한국품질경영학회 2017 품질경영학회지 Vol.45 No.1
Purpose: The performance of global major airports is evaluated and several research questions are examined relative to the measures characterizing airport performance. Methods: The two-stage internal structure of airport performance is considered by decomposing it into physical operations and revenue generation. In the physical operations stage, operating costs, number of runways, terminal area and number of employees are used as inputs, while passenger throughput, cargo throughput and aircraft movements are taken as outputs. Subsequently, in the revenue generation stage, the outputs from the preceding stage are taken as inputs, while revenue is used as output. Results: Based upon this two-stage modeling of airport performance, a multiplicative two-stage network data envelopment analysis model is employed to calculate the overall and stage efficiencies of 59 airports using the recent data in the 2014 Airport Benchmarking Report published by the Air Transport Research Society. Several internal and external factors are also considered such as airport size, airport geographical location, proportion of international passengers, ownership (listed or not) and management style, and statistical analysis is performed to examine their impacts on airport performance. Conclusion: It is shown that the airports exhibit statistically significant difference across regions, and also some statistically significant factors affecting airport performance are identified.
조직의 효율성 평가를 위한 공통 가중치 DEA 모형에 대한 연구
유석천(Seuck-Cheun Yoo),임호순(Hosun Rhim),박명섭(Myongsub Park),백승기(Seungkee Baek) 한국생산관리학회 2005 한국생산관리학회지 Vol.15 No.3
조직구성원의 효율성을 복수시점에서 측정하기 위해 공통 가중치를 이용한 DEA 모형을 개발하였다. 기존연구에서의 공통 가중치는 특정시점 전체 DMU를 하나의 기준으로 효율성을 평가하기 위해 제안되었지만, 본 연구는 복수 시점에서 DMU간 개선 효과 비교를 위한 공통 가중치를 계산하는 DEA 모형을 개발하였다. 공통 가중치는 조직이 그룹으로 구분되는 경우, 그룹내 구성원을 일관된 기준으로 효율성 개선을 평가하는 그룹-기간 공통 가중치와 그룹효과가 생략된 개별 DMU의 효율성 개선을 측정하는 기간 공통 가중치로 나누어 제시하였다. 개발된 모형을 이용하여 국내 A은행의 콜센터 구성원의 효율성을 평가하였다. In this study, we develop a DEA model to evaluate efficiency of an organization for multi-periods of time. We introduce two concepts of common weights: period-only common weights and group-period common weights. We test the model using a data set obtained from a bank call-center in Korea. Stability of common weights of our model is compared with that of the ordinary DEA model.
편집사설 : 인천항의 서비스품질이 고객만족과 경영성과에 미치는 영향
김수만 ( Sooman Kim ),최해섭 ( Haesup Choi ),김연성 ( Youn Sung Kim ),유홍성 ( Hong Sung Yoo ),유석천 ( Seuck Cheun Yoo ),김서영 ( Seo Young Kim ) 한국품질경영학회 2012 품질경영학회지 Vol.40 No.4
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to propose useful suggestions by analyzing causal effect relationship between port service quality and customer satisfaction and performance in port industry. Methods: The collected data through the survey were analyzed using multi?regression analysis. The measurement tools used for this study were divided into three dimensions such as internal quality interaction quality and environmental quality. Results: The results of this study are as follows; regarding the influence of pot service quality dimension on customer satisfaction it was found that the effects of interaction quality and internal quality were significant and those of environmental quality was not significant on customer satisfaction. It was found that customer satisfaction made statistically significant influence on performance from the investigation of the causal effect relationship between customer satisfaction and performance. Conclusion: Incheon Port needs to act actively paying attention to port facilities efficient operation network cargo recruitment activities smooth communication and fast handling.
자동차의 제품 품질, 서비스 품질이 서비스 충성도, 제품 충성도에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구
배혜정 ( Hye Jeong Bae ),임호순 ( Hosun Rhim ),신호정 ( Hojung Shin ),양인석 ( In Seok Yang ),유석천 ( Seuck Cheun Yoo ) 한국품질경영학회 2012 품질경영학회지 Vol.40 No.4
Purpose: We measure service quality based on service process and examine relationships among product quality product and service loyalty. Methods: We develop a construct to evaluate process based service quality. We collect data from customers of auto maintenance centers to measure perceived product quality service and product quality. We test relationships between constructs using structural equation model and regression analysis. Results: Relationships among perceived-product quality service quality service loyalty and product loyalty are all significant. Conclusion: Perceived-product quality has a indirect impact through service quality and loyalty in addition to a direct impact on product loyalty.
PCS 기술 방식 표준화에 대한 정성적 분석에 관한 연구
유석천 東國大學校 1996 東國論叢 Vol.35 No.-
본 논문은 개인 휴대통신서비스라고 불리는 PCS(Personal Communication Service) 기술 방식의 표준화 정책에 대한 경제성 분석, 특히 정성적 분석에 관한 연구이다. PCS는 유무선 기술의 통합으로 제공되는 서비스로서 통신사업이나 통신 기술 발전 측면에 있어 상당히 중요한 역할이 예상된다. 또한 기술 방식의 표준화 정책은 PCS 사업 구도뿐만 아니라 국내 사업자의 해외시장에서의 잠재적 성장성 측면에도 상당한 영향이 준다. 그러므로 PCS 기술 방식의 표준화 결정에 앞서 여러 측면에서 심도 있는 검토와 분석이 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 기술 방식 표준화에 대한 판단 기준을 정립하기 위하여 먼저 PCS사업의 성격과 역할을 분석하고, 또한 정보통신서비스 표준화의 경제·기술적 의미를 분석한다. 이를 바탕으로 표준화 정책 결정을 위한 PCS 기술 방식별 특성 비교 분석과 표준화 정책 결정에 따른 문제점 및 보완 대책 등을 제시하고 있다. This paper considers a qualitative analysis on the standardization policy of personal communication service (PCS) technology, more specifically on the standardization of common air interface technology. In terms of communication technologies, PCS is an advanced integration of the wire and wireless communication technology. Considering impacts in aspects of technology and communication business, PCS business should be successful in domestic market as well as in international market. Standardization policy is also highly related to the future success of PCS. Thus a comprehensive study on these issues is needed in advance. In this paper, we first characterize the role and the mission of the PCS business by four aspects: providing a new telecommunication service, constructing another infrastructure in communication area, being as a milestone of development in the telecommunication industry, providing an opportunity to motivate the technology development in the telecommunication equipment manufacturing industry. We analyze the economical and technical meanings of standardization in telecommunication service. We discuss the comparative analysis between CDMA and TDMA by focusing on qualitative characteristic issues. In addition, we discuss the potential problems which might arise from the single CDMA standard, and provide an supplementary policy direction.
국내 금융기관의 정보시스템에 대한 전략적 아웃소싱 의사결정에 관한 연구
유석천,백진현 정보통신정책학회 2003 정보통신정책연구 Vol.10 No.1
지난 몇 년간 금융기관의 정보시스템에 대한 Outsourcing은 잠재적인 경영적 효율성 제고를 위하여 추진을 고려하는 기관이 많아지고 있다. 그러나 국내 금융기관의 경영층은 정보시스템 Outsourcing으로 인한 여러 가지 장단점 때문에 쉽게 의사결정하기 어려운 상황이다. 본 논문은 실증적 분석을 통하여 관련 의사결정과정을 연구함으로써 국내 금융기관 경영층의 정보시스템 Outsourcing에 대한 전략적 의사결정과정에 기여하는데 목적이 있다. 연구 결과 Outsourcing을 추진하는 목적은 경쟁우위 획득, 환경변화에 대응, 비용 절감 등인 반면, 정보시스템에 대한 통제력 상실, 정보 유출 우려, 비용 절감 등에 대한 회의 등이 Outsourcing 추진을 주저하게 하는 것으로 나타났다 주요 실증분석 결과를 요약하면, 금융기관 전략과 정보시스템 전략 등 내부 전략의 적합성 Test와 경쟁자 분석이 의사결정 과정에 주요한 단계이고, 조직 내부의 역학 관계, 최고 경영층의 적극적인 참여 및 지원 정도, 그리고 최근 기술 발전 추세 등이 의사결정상의 주요 요소임을 알 수 있다. 본 논문은 이런 결과를 바탕으로 좀 더 개선된 의사결정과정 모형을 제시한다. Over the years, an outsourcing of information systems has been steadily gaining stature in the financial institution because of the potential benefits on managerial efficiency. Due to the trade-off of benefits and risks related to outsourcing, however, its decision making process is a new challenging work to the managers in Korean financial institutions. The purpose of this paper is to study a decision-making process of strategic outsourcing of information systems in domestic financial institutes through an empirical study. The result of this study shows that the reasons of considering outsourcing are to obtain competitive advantages, responsiveness to environment changes, and cost saving etc. On the other hand, the fear of the control power loss of information system, the possibility of unlawful information outflow, and the uncertainty of cost saving through outsourcing are why they have not considered. The main findings are as follows: (1) the fitness test of internal strategy and the analysis of competitors' strategies is an important process in the decision making. (2) Some organizational influences, top management's supports, and the recent technological trend are also important factors in decision making. Based on these results from our empirical study, we propose an improved decision making process model.