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      • KCI등재

        개인발표 : 이원수와 70년대 아동문학의 전환 -한국아동문학가협회의 창립과 아동문단의 재편 과정-

        원종찬 ( Jong Chan Won ) 한국문학교육학회 2009 문학교육학 Vol.28 No.-

        The establishment of the Korea Juvenile Literature Authors Association led by Lee, Won-su in February of the year 1971 was a very important turning point in the history of juvenile literature, because it created a new trend of realism in juvenile literature independent from the Korea Authors Association, which had kept close relation with the then dictatorial political power during the period of the division of the Korean peninsula. Since the Korean War, the literary world of juvenile literature had been dominated by those who had juvenile literature department of the Korea Authors Association in their hands through the line of anticommunists. They justified escapism by disseminating the trends of creating infantile children`s verses and instructive fairy tales. Lee had placed emphasis on realism on the basis of national reality in the juvenile literature world by creation and criticism since Independence Day of Korea. He organized the Korea Juvenile Literature Association, published organs, and held seminars to systematically carry out these activities. Lee, O-deok`s criticism and Kweon, Jeong-seng`s creation, who were influenced by Lee, Won-su, made those trends more securely settled. Therefore, we can consider Lee, Won-su as the starting point of realism juvenile literature in the period of division of the Korean peninsula.

      • KCI등재후보

        북한 아동문학의 기원

        원종찬(Won, Jong-Chan) 한국아동청소년문학학회 2012 아동청소년문학연구 Vol.- No.10

        Division of our country is new historical accident in Korean children’ literature. Largely, the period from independence in 1945 until ceasefire is reorganization period of children’ literary circles in South and North Korea. This paper tried to explore origin of N. Korean children’ literature by investigating the process of reorganization of children’ literary circles during the period. As ‘orth Chosun arts union’was organized in Pyungyang on March 25, 1946, literary circles with different pursuit each other were formed in South and North Korea. And writers in KAPF in Japanese ruling era played an important role in the process of arranging N. Korean literary organization. They are important figures of ‘eomgunsa’such as Song Yeong, and Park Se-yeong, KAPF members such as Shin Go-song, Lee Dong-gyu, Kim Wu-cheol, Lee Won-woo, Jeong Cheong-san, Hong Goo, Park A-ji, Eom Heung-seop etc ?the KAPF members actively acted in 『Byeolnara』and『Shinsonyun』. They actively acted for establishment of N. Koreanliterary circles fit to way of the political party during the period from ‘orth Chosun arts union’to ‘hosun literature and the arts union’including 6.25 war. N. Korean children’ literature formed active lineup in 1950s under the influences of defected writers to N. Korea who can be KAPF ‘on-convert axis’and existing writers in N. Korea. Especially, Song Yeong, Park Se-yeong, and Han Seol-ya were initial essential figures who instructed children’ literature part which remained in weak area until then. In short, N. Korean literary circles had this history to be formed: Yeomgunsa(1923)―KAPF(1925)― Chosun proletarian literary union(1945)― North Chosun literature and the arts union (1946)― Chosun literature and the arts union (1953). There are such clear flow and major writers of 『Byeolnara』and 『Shinsonyun』were in the center of the flow as beginning forces. From this, it can be known that N. Korean children’ literature in 1950s when division situation was fixed was originated from literature movement based on socialism connected to ‘eomgunsa’in Japanese ruling era. However, from 1960s, historical origin was changed by influences of Caesar due to characteristics of N. Korean political system. That is, status of KAPF fell and literature of anti-Japan revolution focused on Kim Il-seong newly appeared. Accordingly, it is necessary to identify that present N. Korean children’ literature becomes more far from tradition of children’ literature in Japanese ruling era.

      • KCI등재

        북한 아동문단 성립기의 "아동문화사 사건"

        원종찬 ( Jong Chan Won ) 건국대학교 동화와번역연구소 2010 동화와 번역 Vol.20 No.-

        1946년 l2월 건국사상총동원운동과 더불어 문학예술 분야에서 반동적 경향과의 투쟁이 전개되었고, 이러한 문단 정비 과정에서 시집 `응향` 사건이 발생한 것은 잘 알려진 사실이다. 아동문학 부문에서도 `응향` 사건과 대응하는 `아동문화사` 사건이 발생했다. 북한의 공식적인 문학사에서는 `아동문화사` 사건에 관한 언급이 없지만, `해방 후 l0년간의 조선문학`을 돌아보는 1950년대의 문헌들에는 `해방 직후 아동문화사에 잠입한 순수문학 신봉자들의 정체를 폭로하는 투쟁으로부터 시작하여 이러저러한 형식주의 경향과 부르주아 이데올로기 잔재를 성과 있게 숙청했다`는 기록이 소략하게 나와 있다. 사건의 전말을 살필 수 있는 자료는 나타나지 않지만, 작가동맹의 기관지『아동문학』의 초창기를 회고하는 글들을 통해 어느 정도 이 사건의 윤곽을 그려볼 수 있다. `아동문화사` 사건은 이곳에서 발행되는 『어린 동무』 와 『어린이신문』 및 단행본들의 계급적 성격을 문제 삼아 내부 `불순분자`를 제거하고 출판사 명칭까지 바꾼 사건을 가리킨다. 아동문학 분야의 사상투쟁은 `응향`(1946. 12) 사건 이후인 1947년에 전개되었으며, 그 해 7월에 창간된 『아동문학』은 그 정점이었다. 이 잡지의 창간호는 이후와 다른 성격을 지녔다고 한다. 문제의 `아동문화사`에서 발행되었는데, 아동은 읽을 수 없는 `연구적 성격`의 이론 잡지였고, 잡지의 나아갈 방향도 명확하지 않았다는 회고글이 발견된다. 박세영의 「건설기의 아동문학」 이란 평론이 여기 발표되는 등 부르주아적 잔재를 소탕하는 투쟁에서 박세영·이원우·김우철의 역할이 지대했다는 기록이 보인다. 이 당시 사상투쟁의 결과로 `아동문화사`의 간판이 내려진 것이다. `아동문화사`는 `청년생활사`로 이름을 바꾸고 계급적 성격을 강화해서 새로 『소년단』을 펴냈다. 『아동문학』은 2호부터 박세영이 출판부장으로 있는 북조선문학예술총동맹 직속의 문화전선사에서 나왔다. `아동문화사` 사건은 `응향` 사건보다는 파장이 적었지만, 아동문학 부문의 첫 번째 사상투쟁으로 자리매김 된다. It is a well-known fact that, in December 1946, a fight against reactionary trends began in the literature and art area together with a campaign to promote the national ideal envisioned on the founding of a country, and a collection of poems `Eunghyang Event` happened during this rearrangement process of the literary world. Also in the children`s literature area, `dongmunhwasa Event` similar to `Eunghyang Event` took place. Although `Adongmunhwasa Event` is not mentioned in the official literature history of North Korea, `We successfully cleaned up formalism and vestiges of bourgeois ideology including a conflict disclosing pure literature advocators who infiltrate Children`s Culture Magazine right after the 1945 Liberation` was recorded briefly in documents written in 1950s reviewing `Korean literature for 10 years after the 1945 Liberation`. Even though detailed materials showing the whole story of the event are not found, the outline of the event can be drawn to some extent through writings recollecting the first stage of Children`s Literature, an official magazine of the Union of Writers. During the `Adongmunhwasa Event`, rebellious elements in the publishing company were eliminated and the company name was changed due to characteristics of classes of Young Friends, Children`s Newspaper and other separate books published by the company. The ideological fight in the children`s literature area began in 1947 after `Eunghyang Event`(December 1946), and Children `s Literature that was founded in July of the year was at the zenith of it. It is said that the inaugural issue of the magazine had different characteristics from issues after that time. There is a recollection that the magazine was an academic and theoretical magazine that couldn`t be read by children, and the object of the magazine was not clear. There is also a record that Park Se-yeong, Lee Won-wu and Kim Wu-cheol played a great role in cleaning up vestiges of bourgeois ideology, for example, a criticism by Park Se-yeong titled "Children`s Literature during the Construction Period" was published in the magazine. The signboard of `Adongmunhwasa` was forced to come down as a result of ideological fights at that time. `Adongmunhwasa` changed its company name to `Cheongnyeonsaenghwalsa` and began publishing Sonyeondan by reinforcing characteristics of classes. From the second issue, Children `s Literature was published by Munhwajeonseonsa that was directly under North Korea Literature & Art Union where Park Se-yeong worked as a manager of Publishing Department. Although `Adongmunhwasa Event` has smaller effect that `Eunghyang Event`, it is considered the first ideological fight in the children`s literature area.

      • KCI등재

        현덕의 『광명을 찾아서』와 리얼리즘 소년소설의 계보

        원종찬 ( Won Jong-chan ) 인하대학교 한국학연구소 2016 한국학연구 Vol.0 No.40

        본고는 현덕의 장편 소년소설 『광명을 찾아서』에 관한 필자의 이전 논문의 후속편이다. 이전 논문에서는 현덕의 모든 작품들을 대상으로 ‘부권부재’ 양상의 상호텍스성을 살펴 작가의 월북동기를 밝히는 데 초점을 두었다. 이번 논문에서는 『광명을 찾아서』의 아동문학적 가치를 ‘리얼리즘 소년소설의 계보’라는 관점에서 살피는 데 초점을 두었다. 여기에서 확인되는바, 정부 수립 직후에 나온 『광명을 찾아서』는 식민지시대 리얼리즘 소년소설 계보와 분단시대 리얼리즘 소년소설 계보를 잇는 핵심고리였다. 카프(KAPF) 작가를 방계로 친다면, 직계는 ‘방정환-이태준-현덕-이원수-권정생’으로 이어지는 그림이 그려진다. 이 계보는 한국 소년소설의 전개에서 등뼈에 해당한다. 이 계보의 소년소설이 보이는 공통점은 ‘불우한 소년주인공’과 ‘폭력적인 시대 환경’으로 요약되는데, 현덕은 ‘소년의 성장’이라는 요소를 추가함으로써 ‘소년소설의 리얼리즘’을 본궤도로 올려놓은 중간 전환점이었다. 엄밀한 의미에서 그에게 ‘소년소설의 개척자’라는 칭호를 부여할 수 있는 이유가 여기에 있다. This study is one just followed previous thesis about 『In Search of Light』 written by Hyun Duk. The previous study focused on figuring out his motive of going to North Korea, investigating intertextuality of ‘absence of paternal authority’ situation in all the works of Hyun Deok. On the other hand, this study focused on exploring value of children’s literature from viewpoint of ‘genealogy of realism juvenile novel’. As identified here, 『In Search of Light』 published just after the foundation of Korean government was a link to connect genealogy of realism juvenile novel in colonial era with genealogy of realism juvenile novel in the era of divided country. The KAPF writers could be classified to collateral line while this would be a direct line-‘from Bang Jeong-hwan, Lee Tae-joon, Hyun Duk, Lee Won-soo, to Gwon Jeong-saeng’. The genealogy would be a backbone in the development of Korean juvenile novel. The common points shown in the juvenile novel in the genealogy are summarized as ‘unfortunate boy hero’ and ‘violent environment of the era’. Hyun Duk developed ‘realism of juvenile novel’ into further elaborate form by adding the element of ‘boys’ growth’ to above two points. This is the reason why the title of ‘a pioneer of juvenile novel’ can be given to him in the strict meaning.

      • KCI등재

        ACCase 저해 제초제 cyhalofop-butyl에 대한 경남지방 수집종 피의 저항성

        원종찬,원옥재,하준,임일빈,강광식,변종영,박기웅,이증주,Won, Jong Chan,Won, Ok Jae,Ha, Jun,Im, Il-Bin,Kang, Kwang Sik,Pyon, Jong Yeong,Park, Kee Woong,Lee, Jeung Joo 한국잡초학회한국잔디학회 2018 Weed & Turfgrass Science Vol.7 No.2

        Repeated use of ACCase inhibiting herbicides for a long time has resulted in increases of resistant Echinochloa oryzicola populations in paddy fields in middle west area of Korea. This study aims to investigate current status of herbicide resistant E. oryzicola in Gyeongsangnam-do, in which there is less information about herbicide resistance. For resistance frequency and dose-response study, seeds from 100 individual plants of E. oryzicola in Gyeongsangnam-do were collected and tested with cyhalofop-butyl. Seven percent of plants from Gyeongsangnam-do was resistant at a recommended rate of cyhalofop-butyl. $GR_{50}$ values (herbicide rates required to reduce plant growth 50%) for one representative resistant populations and five susceptible populations were $738g\;a.i.\;ha^{-1}$ and 66-234 (average 147)$g\;a.i.\;ha^{-1}$, respectively, indicating average 5 times difference in resistance. Although lower rate of frequency of herbicide resistance in Gyeongsangnam-do than in Jeollabuk-do, increases of herbicide resistance are expected in this area because of increases of direct seeded rice fields and increases of dependence on a specific herbicide. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor herbicide resistance regularly and conduct integrated herbicide resistance management in this area. 경남지역 제초제 저항성 피의 발생현황과 저항성 정도를 알아보기 위하여 벼 재배 논에서 100개체의 피 종자를 수집하여 ACCase 저해제인 cyhalofop-butyl에 대한 약량반응 실험을 수행한 결과, 수집한 피의 7%가 저항성으로 조사되었다. 선발된 감수성 5개체의 $GR_{50}$값은 평균 $147g\;a.i.\;ha^{-1}$로 나타났고, 함양 지역의 저항성 개체의 $GR_{50}$값은 $738g\;a.i.\;ha^{-1}$ 로 R/S (ratio of resistance to sensitivity)값은 5.01배로 나타났다. 현재 경남지역에서의 저항성 피의 발생 수준은 낮은 것으로 나타났지만, 저항성 피의 확산을 지연시키거나 막기 위해서는 주기적인 저항성 피의 모니터링과 체계적인 저항성 잡초 관리방안을 마련하여 수행할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        문학 생활화의 방법 2 : 기획 특집 - 아동을 위한 문학 생활화의 방법 : 아동문학 생활화와 학교교육 / 한국 아동문학 연구 현황과 과제

        원종찬(Jong Chan Won) 한국문학교육학회 2001 문학교육학 Vol.8 No.-

        Korean juvenile literature is characterized by its combination with the children`s movement. It is a phenomenon that has been unparalleled in other countries. Most of the first generation of Korean juvenile literature can be said to have been the leaders of the children`s movement, the second generation has grown up mostly with the children`s movement. Korean juvenile literature was developed as a part of the national movement. This is why the trend of emphasizing enlightenment and reality occurred. It resulted in an imbalance that leaned towards creating a realistic fiction rather than creating a fairy tale or a fantasy. There has been a need for reflective discussion but there has never been enough. The research on Korean juvenile literature is low in quality compared to other general literature. The proof is the fact that the representative masterpieces of Korean juvenile literature are hardly outstanding. The activities of Lee Won-Soo and Lee Oh-Duk in criticism and Lee Jae-Chol in research have been getting attention. Whether it is due to criticism or research, the efforts have born fruit steadily in the literature aimed at the movement based on conscience and sense of mission. It is thinkable that the situation of the research aspect would be improved if the subject of juvenile literature could be established in the curriculum of the universities that train teachers for kindergarten and elementary school.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        윤석중과 이원수: 아동문학의 모더니즘과 리얼리즘

        원종찬(Won, Jong-Chan) 한국아동청소년문학학회 2011 아동청소년문학연구 Vol.- No.9

        This article intends to speculate the modernity issue of Korean juvenile literature by comparing Yoon Seok Jung and Lee Won So who had their one hundredth anniversary of the birth. So far, the evaluation of both poets showed a great difference. Many regard the core of Yoon Seok Jung's literature 'childlike' while that of Lee Won Soo's literature 'reality' arguing them to be opposite position. Such view reflects the conflict between left and right parties in the 20thcentury Korean literature. However, such opposite can be resolved if Yoon's literature is seen as 'modernism' and Lee's literature as 'realism'. Modernism and realism are aesthetical twins of the Korean literature working for the modem issues. They have formed interdependent relation as two faces from one root. Modernism of Yoon Seok Jung's literature is embodied as a sense of amusement and urbanity while realism of Lee Won Soo appeared reality and rurality. Yoon from urban birth used to embody 'playing children in the city' and Lee from rural area depicted 'working children in the field'. While Yoon's works focus on childhood readers, Lee's works direct on boyhood readers. It is safe to say that both are complementary to form a whole of juvenile literature.

      • KCI등재

        방정환 담론 변천사

        원종찬(Won Jongchan) 한국아동청소년문학학회 2018 아동청소년문학연구 Vol.- No.23

        본고는 방정환을 해석 가능한 텍스트로 간주하고 콘텍스트의 변화를 주목하고자 했다. 그리하여 연관 핵심어를 중심으로 방정환 담론의 변화를 추적해 보았다. 방정환 담론은 크게 ‘영토화’(남한 지배담론), ‘탈영토화’(북한 지배담론), ‘재영토화’(남한 저항담론)의 흐름을 보인다. 방정환 담론의 영토화는 색동회 계열이 주도했다. 색동회는 보수적인 기독교단체, 교육단체, 아동문학 단체들과 협력하면서 ‘어린이 사랑’ ‘나라 사랑’을 핵심어로 하는 방정환 상(像)을 만들었다. 이때 김기전, 천도교, 개벽사 등과 관련된 방정환의 좌파적 요소는 외면되었다. 이재철은 초등교과서, 방정환문학전집, 아동문학사 서술을 통해 색동회의 방정환 담론을 이론적으로 뒷받침했다. 방정환 담론의 탈영토화는 해방 전 아동문학을 계통적으로 정리한 해방 직후의 담론들에서 찾아볼 수 있다. 카프 계열의 박세영과 송완순은 방정환을 동심천사주의 계열의 원조라고 지적하면서 그의 영토에서 벗어날 것을 요구했다. 또한 송영은 북한 아동문학의 기초를 닦는 과정에서 방정환에 대한 탈영토화를 더욱 철저하게 수행했다. 분단체제는 남북한 정권의 적대적 의존관계로 유지 재생산되었다. 방정환을 둘러싼 남북한 주류 아동문학의 상반된 평가도 적대적 의존관계로 볼 수 있다. 그런데 북한과 달리 남한에서는 지배담론에 대한 저항담론이 존재했다. 이를 비주류라고 한다면, 이 흐름을 대표하는 아동문학가는 이원수와 이오덕이다. 이들은 주류와 다른 자리에서 방정환의 아동문학을 이어나가려고 했다. 이들의 방정환 담론은 재영토화의 흐름을 이루었다. 87년 6월 항쟁을 계기로 주류 아동문학에 대한 저항담론이 급부상했다. 그런데 이 흐름 안에서 다양한 분화가 이뤄졌다. 세기전환기 이래 아동문단의 지형은 과거의 이념적 구도에서 탈피하는 추세에 있다. 최근의 방정환 담론은 입각점의 차이에도 불구하고 모두 재영토화의 흐름에 속한다. This study considered Bang JeongHwan as an interpretable text and focused on the change of context. To do so I traced the change of Bang’s discourses with emphasis on the related keywords. Bang’s discourses were largely divided into ‘territorialization (dominated by South Korea)’, ‘de-territorialization (dominated by North Korea)’, and ‘re-territorialization (resisted by South Korea)’. Territorialization of Bang’s discourses was led by Saekdonghoe. Saekdonghoe cooperated with the conservative Christian organizations, educational organizations, and children’s literature organizations to create the portrait of Bang JeongHwan based on ‘love for children’ and ‘love for the country.’ At that time, Bang’s left-sided factors related to Kim KiJeon , Cheondogyo, and Gaebyeoksa were neglected. Lee JaeCheol theoretically supported Saekdonghoe’s discourses of Bang through elementary school textbooks, Bang JeongHwan’s Literature Collection, and History of Children’s Literature. De-territorialization of Bang’s discourses can be found in the discourses from right after liberation that systematically organized the children’s literature from before liberation. Park SeYoung and Song WanSoon of KAPF pointed out that Bang was the origin of ‘Theory of Children’s Innocence as Angels’ and demanded deviation from his territory. Also, Song Young strictly de-territorialized from Bang in the process of laying the foundation of children’s literature. The division of North and South Koreas was maintained and reproduced by the antagonistic dependent relationship of the two sides. The conflicting evaluation of Bang by the mainstream children’s literature of North and South Koreas is also born from that antagonistic dependent relationship. However, South Korea, unlike North Korea, had discourses that resisted the dominating discourses. If they were the fringe group, they were led by Lee WonSoo and Lee OhDeok. They attempted to succeed Bang’s children’s literature outside the mainstream. Their discourses of Bang formed the flow of reterritorialization. The resistant discourses against the mainstream children’s literature emerged radically after the protest of June 1987. There were various channels of differentiation within this flow. The topography of children’s literature since the new century tends to deviate from the ideological structure of the past. Despite the difference in perspectives, all of the latest discourses about Bang are categorized into the flow of re-territorialization.

      • KCI등재후보

        일제강점기의 동요ㆍ동시론 연구

        원종찬(Won, Jong-chan) 한국아동문학학회 2011 한국아동문학연구 Vol.- No.20

        동아시아 한자어권에서 참요(讖謠)의 뜻을 품고 있던 ‘동요(童謠)’가 아동문학 장르로 자리매김된 것은 일본에서 그 의미를 근대적으로 창안해서 사용한 이후부터이다. 일본에서는 어린이잡지 『빨간새(赤い鳥)』(1918) 동인이 새롭게 ‘동요’와 ‘동화’ 운동을 벌였는바, 이들 명칭은 색동회가 주도한 『어린이』(1923)를 통해 한국에 확고히 정착하게 된다. 그런데 일본에서는 명확히 구분되었던 ‘시인이 쓴 창작’으로서의 ‘동요’와 ‘어린이가 쓴 작문’으로서의 ‘아동자유시’가 한국에서는 구분되지 않았다. 이는 일제강점기의 한국아동문학이 소년운동과 함께 전개되었기 때문이다. 소년회는 일제로부터 탄압받는 비제도권 사회교육운동기관의 성격을 띠고 있었다. 근대적 기반이 허약했던 한국아동문학은 소년회를 기반으로 해서 발전할 수 있었다. 1920년대의 동요 이론은 ‘창가에서 동요로’라는 구호 아래 아동성, 예술성, 음악성을 강조하는 내용들이다. 이는 아동성을 낭만적으로 미화한 일본의 동요 이론에서 영향 받은 것이다. 그런데 일본어로 된 ‘창가’와 달리 한국어로 된 ‘동요’는 민족의식을 일깨우는 매개로 작용했고 학교에서는 이를 금기시했다. 동요가 지닌 이런 정치적 효과 때문에 소년운동의 지도자들은 소년문예운동을 전개했다. 1930년대의 동요 이론은 아동성, 예술성, 음악성을 현실적ㆍ계급적 관점에서 파악해야 한다는 내용들이다. 이때, 고정된 정형률로부터 벗어난 자유율의 ‘동시’를 주장하는 이론이 등장한다. 처음에 ‘동시’는 정형률에 서투를 수밖에 없는 10세 이하 어린이들의 창작을 고무하기 위한 방편으로 주장되었다. 이에 대해 10세 이상의 ‘소년시’를 주장하는 이론이 또 나와서 대립한다. 동시 이론도 역시 일본의 이론으로부터 영향 받은 것이지만, 그 역사적 맥락은 달랐다. 한국의 동시 논의는 프롤레타리아동요운동을 배경으로 한다. 즉 소년문예운동의 방향전환을 계기로 동요ㆍ동시 논쟁이 전개된 것이다. 아동문학의 운문 장르가 ‘동요’와 ‘동시’로 구분 정립되는 과정에서 기존의 연구가 간과한 신고송, 송완순과 프롤레타리아동요운동에 응분의 몫이 주어져야 한다. ‘Children’s song’ including the meaning of prophetic song in areas of East Asia in which Chinese characters had been using became the genre of children’s literature since its modern sense was invented and being used in Japan. Child magazine “Red bird” (1918) coteries newly launched movements of ‘children’s song’ and ‘children’s story’ in Japan and these names became firmly established through child magazine “Children” (1923) led by SaekDongHoe. ‘Children’s song’ as an ‘original written by a poet’ was clearly separated from ‘children’s free verse’ as a ‘composition written by a child’ in Japan, but they were indistinguishable in Korea. The reason was that Korean children’s literature in the Japanese colonial period had been developed with youth movement. Theories of children’s songs in the 1920’s were contents to emphasize nature of child, artistry and rhythm under the slogan of ‘from enlightening song to children’s song’. This was affected by a theory of children’s song in Japan in which the nature of child was beautified romantically. However, ‘children’s song’ written in Korean was acting as a medium to awaken the national consciousness unlike ‘enlightening song’ in Japanese, and it was prohibited in school. Leaders of youth movement developed the literary movements of the youth due to these political effects. Theories of children’s songs in the 1930’s were contents to understand the nature of child, artistry and rhythm under practical and hierarchical views. At this point, the theory to propose the children’s verse of free verse deviating from the fixed rhythm emerged. In Japan, ‘children’s free verses’ written by children were clearly separated from ‘children’s song’ or ‘children’s verse’ written by adults, but they weren’t in Korea. The theory of children’s verse was also affected by theories in Japan, but its historical context was different. Discussion of children’s verse in Korea was based on the proletarian children’s song movement. Debates related to ‘children’s song’ and ‘children’s verse’ had been deployed upon the change of direction of the literary movements of the youth.

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