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      • 소집단 역동을 이용한 간호대학생의 의사소통 훈련프로그램의 효과

        원정숙 ( Jeong Sook Won ),신현숙 ( Hyub Sook Shin ) 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 2008 동서간호학연구지 Vol.14 No.2

        본 연구는 소집단 역동을 이용한 의사소통 훈련 프로그램이 간호대학 신입생의 의사소통 능력과 인간관계에 미치는 효과를 확인하기 위해 수행되었다.소집단 역동을 이용한 의사소통 훈련프로그램 적용 후에 간호대학생의 의사소통 능력이 유의하게 향상되었다. 이는 Ju(2006)가 대학생을 대상으로 시행한 의사소통 훈련에서 그들의 의사소통 유능감과 인간관계가 유의하게 향상되었던 것과 유사한 결과이다. Ju (2006)의 프로그램은 전체 10회기를 주 2회씩 5주간 시행하였고 매 회기의 소요시간이 90분에서 120분이었다. Choi (2004)는 의사소통 기술 집단상담프로그램에서 고등학생들을 대상으로 8-13명의 집단으로 8주동안 8회기를 진행하였는데 1회 50분 동안 집단상담을 진행하여 이들의 자아개념 일부요소에 변화를 가져왔으며 의사소통 능력향상에 효과가 있음을 보고하였다. Choi (2004)의 프로그램은 주로 자아표현을 하는 것과 자기이해를 하는 것에 초점이 맞추어져 있지만 본 연구에서의 프로그램과 8회기가 같은 유사점을 가지고 있다. 본 연구에서의 소집단 역동 의사소통 훈련프로그램은 총8회 1회 150분 8주동안 진행되었다. 의사소통과 인간관계를 변화시키기 위한 프로그램들은 Choi (2004)와 Ju (2006) 외에도 상당히 많은 프로그램들이 진행되었지만 이들 프로그램들은 일반적인 의사소통 맥락에 기반을 두고 있다. 본 연구에서 사용된 소집단 역동을 이용한 의사소통훈련프로그램은 기본적 인골격은 선행 프로그램의 주요 주제들을 사용하고 있지만 향후 현장에서 대상자와의 다양한 의사소통 유형을 경험하게 되고 인간관계가 중요한 업무가 될 간호대학생에게 적합한 사례와 문제로 재구성되어서 Johari의 창을 이용한 자기노출, 공감, 교류분석 등의 이론들이 실제 간호현장사례에 맞추어 개발되었다. 이 때문에 간호학과 1학년이나 2학년에 주로 실시되는 의사소통 과목을 전통적인 강의형식보다는 효과적인 교육방법으로 효과적으로 사용될 수 있음을 보여주는 계기가 될 것으로 사료된다. 의사소통 능력과 함께 프로그램 적용 후 변화를 살펴본 인간관계 정도는 그 평균점수는 상승하였으나 p값이 .06으로 유의수준 .05를 기준으로 하였을 때 유의하게 지지되지 못하였다.비교군에서는 인간관계의 전 영역에 있어서 사전사후 점수차이가 유의하게 나타나지 않았던 점을 보았을 때 실제로 동질하게 시작하였던 실험군과 비교군에 있어서 프로그램이 어느 정도 확산의 영향을 미쳤음을 유추해볼 수 있다.그렇지만 인간관계의 하부항목을 분석해 보았을 때 만족도와 의사소통, 이해력, 개방성 측면의 점수는 의사소통 훈련 이후 점수가 통계적으로 유의하게 상승되었다. Kim (2008)은 대인관계의 영향을 미치는 요인 중 의사소통 요인에는 자기개방의 두려움, 자기이해 부족 등이 포함되는데 즉, 내가 어떤 생각을 하고 있는지에 대하여 있는 그대로 상대방에게 이야기 한다면 상대방이 나의 부정적인 측면을 알고서 나를 좋아하지 않을 것이라는 자기개방의 두려움이 크다고 말했으며, 또한 Kim (2003)의 연구에서도 자기이해의 부족으로 자기자신을 제대로 인지하지 못한 상태에서 상대에게 온전히 자기 자신을 보여줄 수 없기 때문에 회피를 통하여 문제해결을 하려는 태도가 대인관계향상에 저해요인이 된다고 분석한 것을 볼 때, 본 연구의 인간관계 하부요인의 이해력과 개방성이 유의하게 상승한 것은 의사소통 및 인간관계 교육의 바람직한 큰 효과라고 볼 수 있다. 유사한 대상자를 대상으로 한 선행연구(Ju, 2006)에서 작은 규모의 대상자를 대상으로 적용한 프로그램의 결과 인간관계가 유의하게 향상되었던 것과 비교할 때, 본 연구에서는 소집단단독으로 시행한 것이 아니라 대집단 속에서 소집단으로 나누어 대집단 역동과 소집단 역동이 함께 작용하는 과정에서 규모가 커짐으로 인해 의사소통 유능감 향상과는 달리 본질적인 인간관계를 변화시키기에는 대집단이 장애요인으로 작용한 것으로 파악된다. Lee와 Chung (2004)은 인간관계의 향상까지 가져오기 위해서는 상호 간에 피상적인 교제에 머물지 않고 신뢰를 형성하여 심층적인 대인접촉이 이루어지도록 구성해야 한다고 시사하고 있다. 또한 대인 관계 향상을 위한 교육 프로그램이 소집단 규모로 적용되는 것이 더 효과적인지에 대해서도 계속 연구 과제로 남겨져야 할 것이다. 본 연구에서 소집단 역동을 이용한 의사소통 훈련프로그램은 소집단 역동을 의사소통 교육에 적용하고자 하였다. 이때의 소집단 역동은 의사소통에 관한 새로운 과제를 소그룹으로 사전학습 과정을 통해 함께 토의하고 이를 요약하고 프로그램 시간에 발표하고, 이후 구체적인 사례와 문제에 사전토의된 내용을 다시 한 번 적용하고 이를 다시 토의를 통해 정리한 후 발표하는 과정을 통해서 지속적으로 소집단 내에서 구성원 상호간에 영향을 주고받고 상호작용에 의한 힘의 전달이 일어나면서 형성되는 역동이 결론적으로 구성원 개개인의 의사소통 능력을 향상시키는 결과를 가져왔다고 할 수 있다. 특히 이러한 의사소통 능력의 향상이 비언어적 의사소통에서 유의하게 나타난 점은 추후 분석이 필요하다고 사료된다. 한편, 실험군과 비교군의 종속변수 동질성 검증결과 동질한 집단으로 나타났지만 연구의 진행과정에서 간호대학생을 실험군에 배치하고 동일한 시기에 교양과목을 수강하는 타과학생을 비교군에 배치한 것이 연구 결과를 확대 해석하는데 제한점으로 작용할 수 있다. 간호대학생과 간호사를 대상으로 한 선행연구(Ammentorpet al., 2007; Tocomo, 2003)에서 삶의 경험과 임상경험 등이 이들의 의사소통에 중요한 영향을 미치는 것으로 보고하였는데 본 연구의 대상자들은 대학 1학년생이기는 하였지만 향후 3학년 이상의 간호대학생의 실습경험과 생활경험 등이 이들의 의사소통과 인간관계에 미치는 영향에 대해 분석해 본다면 유능하게 의사소통을 할 수 있는 의료인을 교육하는데 일조할 수 있을 것이다. 한편, 의사소통 훈련을 하고 있다는 사실을 실험자 들이 인지함으로써 발생할 수 있는 실험자효과를 통제할 수 없다는 것도 본 연구 결과의 해석에 있어서 제한점으로 고려되어야 할 것이다. Background: Communication training in nursing college students is an integral part of the development of their competen-cy in dealing with patients. However, the traditional lecture style of training delivery may not be desirably effective. Purpose: This study investigated the effects of a communication training program utilizing a small group dynamic on the communi-cation competency and human relationships in nursing college students. Methods: One hundred twenty six freshmen in auniversity in Seoul participated in this study. The instruments of communication competency (Primary Communication Inventory) and human relationships (Relationship Change Scale) were used at the beginning and conclusion of the training period. Eighty-three students from two nursing classes were assigned to the experimental groups and 43 students from other classes were assigned to the control groups. Each of the 11 small groups was composed of 7 or 8 students. The weekly program that ran during the 2007 fall semester from October 1st to December 11th consisted of effective communication strategies including therapeutic communication skills, Johari`s window, empathy, active listening, and transactional analysis. Results: The experimental group of students reported significantly greater improvement in communication competencies, specific nonverbal competencies, and human relationships compared with the control group. Specifically, the experimental students demonstrated greater improvement in nonverbal communication competencies and satisfaction, communication, and awareness of human relationships. Conclusions: Small group based communication training can be an effective alternative method of communication education for college nursing students.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        건강운동 프로그램이 여성노인의 신체 유연성 및 건강행위 이행에 미치는 효과

        원정숙 ( Jeong Sook Won ),현경선 ( Kyung Sun Hyun ),한상숙 ( Sang Sook Han ),김원옥 ( Won Ock Kim ),김귀분 ( Kwuy Bun Kim ),이명희 ( Myung Hee Lee ) 경희대학교 동서간호학연구소 2004 동서간호학연구지 Vol.10 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the stretching and recreation exercise including health education on physical flexibility and health behavior compliance of women in elderly. Subjects included 28 women elderly who were residents of H Dong, Dondae moon-Gu, Seoul. The treatment intervention was applied during total 8 weeks as 5 times/week for stretching exercise with 2 times/weeks for health education. Data collection were from February to April, 2004. SPSS Window program was used by aims of this study for data analysis. The results were as following: 1. 75 old age above (39.3%) was the most of age in subjects. None education (42.9%) was the most of subjects in this study. Perceived health state was the most as 71.4% in moderate and good health state. 2. Physical flexibility of both shoulder(right z=-4.301, p=.000)(left z=-4.306), both arm(right z=-3.623, p= .0001)(left z=4.111, p= .0001), heel on both ankle(right z=-3.472, p= .0001) (left z=956, p= .0001), both before food(right z=-4.205, p= .0001)left(z=4.191, p= .0001) and both knee(right z=-4.118, p= .0001)(left z=4.082, p= .0001) was increased after 8 weeks more than before stretching and recreation exercise including health education were done. 3. Health behavior compliance(z=-4.073, p= .0001) was significantly on the effect. Therefore, it is confirmed that stretching exercise included health education is an effective nursing intervention for physical, mental, and psychological health management in elderly. Accordingly, authors are proposing that variously effective health management exercise programs must be developed for elderly, at the same time, the application and following up on the programs will be more important in the future.

      • KCI등재

        경로당 여성노인을 위한 건강증진프로그램 적용 효과

        원정숙 ( Jeong Sook Won ),김원옥 ( Won Ock Kim ),김귀분 ( Kwuy Bun Kim ),현경선 ( Kyung Sun Hyun ),한상숙 ( Sang Sook Han ) 경희대학교 동서간호학연구소 2005 동서간호학연구지 Vol.11 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop and to evaluate on health promotion program for elderly women. Method: Subjects included 56 women elderly who were residents of H Dong, Dondae moon-Gu, Seoul. The study was deviced in the way of nonequivalant control group pretestposttest design. The treatment intervention was applied during total 8 weeks as 5 times/week for stretching exercise with 2 times/weeks for health education. Data collection were from May to Sept, 2004. SPSS Window program was used by aims of this study for data analysis. Result: 1. 71 old age above (69.7%) was the most of age in subjects. None education (53.6%) was the most of subjects in this study. 2. Physical flexibility of knee(z=-3.83, p=.000), arm(z=-3.92, p=.000), shoulder(F=40.0, p=.000), heel on ankle(z=-3.305, p=.001), was increased after 8 weeks more than before stretching and recreation exercise including health education were done. 3. Health behavior compliance(z=-4.50, p=.000) was significantly on the effect. Conclusion: This program is proved to promote the health of elderly and verified as an effective nursing intervention program, because the outcome of this program ascertains that this program enhances physical flexibility, health behavior compliance, helps promoting the understanding of heath behavior.

      • KCI등재

        상호교류분석으로 본 간호학생의 자아상태와 스트레스 대처방법 및 건강상태에 관한 연구

        원정숙 ( Jeong Sook Won ),김정화 ( Jeong Hwa Kim ) 경희대학교 동서간호학연구소 2002 동서간호학연구지 Vol.7 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the type of ego states and stress coping style on female college students who are in the course of nursing study. This study is performed in the view of Transactional Analysis and designed to scrutinize descriptive correlations between the type of ego states and stress coping style. The subject is consists of 144 freshmen and sophomore, 138 junior and senior students group, who are students of K nursing college located in Seoul. The sampling investigation period is on Sept. 14, 2002 to Oct. 26, 2002. The measuring instrument used for Transactional Analysis ego state is 50 items Ego-gram research paper devised by Dusay(1997). For studying coping style, Folkman & Lazarus`s measurement(1984) was adopted, which is translated and modified by Han, and Oh,(1990). Health states is adopted by standardized health inspecting instrumental table (Cornell Medical Index:CMI) which is desinged for Korean people by Ko and Park(1980) Statistic average and standard deviation were generated by using SPSS PC+, t=test and Pearson correlation. The results were as follows: 1) In the type of ego states on both groups indicated the arithmetic apex NP(maximum value), then the point A was high and the data made a down slope to point AC. In the comparison to type of ego states between two groups, only at point CP, the data value of upper year students represented higher than that of lower year ones by c(t=2.28, p= .023). 2) Stress coping style of whole students were highly and affirmatively dedicated to research. Especially hopeful aspect(t=.67, p=.05), relaxation of tension(t=-2.16, p=.03) made significant difference each other in the view of arithmetic calculation. 3) In view of nursing students` physical health states, there is significant difference in past history(t=2.50, p=.013) and in case of mental health states, there are considerable discrepancies between lower group(73.52) and upper group(75.11)(p<.05). In view of all field, state of tension(t=2.13, p=.048) has difference. 4) While verifying coping style in terms of ego states level between lower and upper students group, In type CP, high level ego states group indicated significant difference on stress coping style area than low leveled group and made such sequences as the central point of problem, In type NP, sequences such as the central point of problem, In type A, the central point of problem, In type FC, hopeful aspect and In type AC, hopeful aspect and indifference were derived significantly different (p<.05). 5) While verifying health state differences in the level of lower and upper ego states, In type FC, low level group(150.29) marked higher point than upper group(145.19), there is remarkable discrepancy and so did whole health state(p=.014), In type AC both mental state(p=.000) and whole health state (p=.015) showed differences. 6) When analyzing correlations between whole students` ego states, copying style and health state, all type of ego state showed differences(p<.001). In correlations between ego state and health state, in type FC physical state had an apex and there are inverse correlations among the other types. Especially, type FC showed inverse correlations with great discrepancies(p<.05). In mental state, type NP(γ=.198, p<.001) and type A(γ=.166, p<.05) represented straight correlations with remarkable differences. Especially, In type AC showed inverse correlations(γ=.282, p<.001). In case of correlations between copying style and health state, indifference(γ=-.157) and relaxation of tension(γ=-.158) presented great difference(p<.05). In mental state, central point of problem and search for social support showed straight correlations with great discrepancies(p<.05), hopeful aspect and indifference showed inverse correlations with considerable differences(p<.001).

      • KCI등재

        성인여성의 가족기능, 의사소통 및 영적 건강과의 관계 연구

        원정숙 ( Jeong Sook Won ),장미희 ( Mi Hee Jang ),이명희 ( Myung Hee Lee ),박영미 ( Young Mi Park ),신성희 ( Sung Hee Shin ) 경희대학교 동서간호학연구소 2004 동서간호학연구지 Vol.10 No.1

        This study has verified Family Functioning, Communication and Spiritual Wellbeing, to increase the family functioning in Adult Women. 236 adult women were chosen as the samples for the study, they are now currently registered in the church adult women in Seoul. The instruments used for this study were the Family functioning scale by Olson, the communication scale by David H. Olson and Howard L. Barnes and spiritual wellbing Scale by Palautzian and Ellison Folkman. Data collection were form March to April, 2003. To get the descriptive statistics, SPSS Program, Pearson Correlation Coefficients and stepwise multiple regression were used for analyzing data. The results were as following: 1. Represents the degree of family functioning, communication and spiritual wellbeing, on subjects. Means scores of this study are following: spiritual wellbeing 67.92, lower level of cohesive(5.19) and adaptive(3.93), communication 58.14, lower level of open(5.15) and closed(4.71) and family functioning 95.58, lower level of religious(7.70) and existential(7.63). All each lower level of family functioning, communication and spiritual wellbeing, on subjects were derived significantly different(p<.05). There were significant correlation among the variables of subjects. The cohesive family functioning score was significant related to the adapted(r=.588). Especially, the closed communication score showed inverse correlations open family functioning(r=-.424) and open communication score(r=-.680). The existential spiritual wellbeing score also was significant related to the cohesive(p<.001) and adaptive(p<.05) family functioning, open communication(p<.05). Especially, the closed communication score showed inverse correlations existential spiritual wellbeing (r=-.202). The existential spiritual wellbeing score also was significant related to the religious(r=.815, p<.001). These results will not only emphasis the need of family functioning to elevate and decrease the Closed family communication but suggest the important points of gathering various data and analysis about economic, education and marital status. Finally, related to mental health nursing, a community can get the utmost out of these results to keep offering education and practice of family mental health for adult women.

      • KCI등재

        투과전자현미경을 이용한 공원 조경석 중 자연발생석면의 형태 및 크기 분포

        정숙녀 ( Sook-nye Chung ),김지성 ( Ji-sung Kim ),임기교 ( Ki-kyo Lim ),선정 ( Sun-jeong Won ),이지영 ( Ji-young Lee ),김광래 ( Kwang-rae Kim ),신진호 ( Jin-ho Shin ),신용승 ( Yong-seung Shin ) 한국환경분석학회 2021 환경분석과 독성보건 Vol.24 No.1


      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중년여성의 건강증진을 위한 단기교육과 강화요법 프로그램의 효과

        김원옥 ( Won Ock Kim ),원정숙 ( Jeong Sook Won ),현경선 ( Kyung Sun Hyun ),한상숙 ( Sang Sook Han ),김귀분 ( Kwuy Bun Kim ),이명희 ( Myung Hee Lee ),박영미 ( Young Mi Park ) 경희대학교 동서간호학연구소 2004 동서간호학연구지 Vol.10 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the short term education and reinforcement program to health promotion in women in mid-life. This study has been done between February and April, 2004 and the subjects of the study were 26 women in mid-life. The treatment intervention was applied during total 8 weeks as 5 days for the short term education and 7 weeks for reinforcement with 1 time per a week. The short term education included health education for menopause, effect of exercise, healthy diet, management of stress and management of chronic illness and stretching exercise and recreation. The collected data were processed using the SPSS Win(12.0) program and analyzed using Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. The result of this study are as follows: 1. The short term education and reinforcement program significantly effected on the total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglyceride. 2. The short term education and reinforcement program significantly effected on the anxiety, but not depression. 3. The short term education and reinforcement program non significantly effected on the sleep disturbance and self-efficacy of exercise. 4. The short term education and reinforcement program significantly effected on the practice of healthy life. In conclusion, the short term education and reinforcement program effected on the physical health index, anxiety and practice of healthy life.

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