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        헤이리예술마을과 쏭좡예술지구 비교 연구 - 창조적 장소만들기의 관점에서 -

        원가신(Yuan Jiaxin),김선영(Sun-Young Kim) 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 2024 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지 Vol.18 No.3

        본 연구는 창조적 장소만들기의 관점에서 한국과 중국의 예술인마을의 형성과 발전 양상을 비교 분석함으로써 상호 간 벤치마킹할 수 있는 방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 이를 위한 사례로 한국 최대의 예술인마을인 파주 ‘헤이리예술마을’과 중국에서 가장 큰 규모를 가진 베이징의 ‘쏭좡예술지구’를 선정하였다. 연구방법으로는 각 사례에 대한 현장 관찰과 해당 지역의 예술인, 주민, 관련 기관 종사자 등을 대상으로 한 심층인터뷰를 채택하였다. 연구 결과, 두 대상지는 공통적으로 형성 전에 예술인의 흡인력이 부족했지만 조성 후에는 정부 지원, 민간 투자 등을 이끌어내며 주변 지역 발전을 촉진하는 구심점 역할을 하고 있었다. 차이점으로는 ‘쏭좡’의 경우 형성되기 전 생활 여건이 조성되어 있었지만, ‘헤이리’는 근린시설이 전혀 없는 공터였다. 또한 형성과정에서 ‘쏭좡’은 주변 지역과의 상호작용이 어느 정도 이루어졌지만, ‘헤이리’는 주변 지역과의 교류가 활발하지 않아 발전의 걸림돌로 작용했다. 형성 결과 현재는 두 지역 모두 예술인이 떠나는 추세인데, ‘쏭좡’은 내부 관리 시스템이 부재하고, ‘헤이리’의 경우 지나친 상업화로 인해 창작환경이 악화되었기 때문으로 분석된다. 이러한 연구 결과가 시사하는 바는 예술인마을의 입지는 생활인프라의 유무와 밀접한 관련이 없으며, 주변 지역과 의 상호작용은 예술인마을의 정착을 앞당길 수 있고, 예술인마을의 발전을 위해서는 예술인의 참여와 관리 조직 및 제도의 정비가 이루어져야 하며, 상업과 문화예술의 균형을 유지하기 위한 세심한 계획이 요구된다. This study attempted to suggest a way to benchmark each other by comparatively analyzing the formation and development of artist villages in Korea and China. For this purpose, ‘Heiri Art Village’ in Paju, Korea’s largest artist village, and ‘Songzhuang Art District’ in Beijing, the largest in China, were selected. The research method used was on-site observation of each case and in-depth interviews with artists, residents, and employees of related organizations in the area. As a result of the study, both sites lacked the ability to attract artists before their construction, but after their construction, they served as a focal point for promoting the development of the surrounding area by attracting government support and private investment. The difference is that in the case of ‘Songzhuang’, living conditions had been created before it was formed, but Hei-ri was an empty lot with no neighborhood facilities at all. In addition, during the formation process, Songzhuang achieved mutual synergy with the surrounding regions, but Heyri was acting as an obstacle to development due to lack of active exchange with the surrounding regions. Therefore, in order for an artist village to develop, exchange and cooperation with surrounding areas must be strengthened, and detailed planning is required to maintain a balance between commerce and culture and arts.

      • KCI등재

        The Impacts of Industrial and Technical Districts on Housing Prices : Evidences from Baoding City

        우치앤,원가 한국부동산연구원 2017 부동산연구 Vol.27 No.2

        With the deepening of China's reform and door opening, the Chinese real estate market has gradually played a significant role in its economic growth. Since “Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development policy” was introduced in 2014, Baoding city has taken on the task of receiving industry transfer from Beijing and Tianjin by developing industrial and technical districts. The policy has improved Baoding’s economic development, while it might also affect the house prices in this city. So, what influences industrial and technical districts (driven by industrial transfer) have on housing prices are important and worth exploring. This study therefore employs transaction data collected from Baoding’s housing market to investigate the effects of multiple factors, such as geographical, construction, and neighborhood characteristics on housing prices using the hedonic method. My empirical results show that the distance to high-speed railway, high-tech industrial development zone and science and technology park affect housing prices significantly in the city.

      • KCI등재

        An Empirical Study on the Mechanism of College Students’ Green Consumption in China

        고결,원가,송재훈 아시아.유럽미래학회 2019 유라시아연구 Vol.16 No.1

        With the rapid development of the economy, the problems of environmental pollution, climate change and resource exhaustion have become increasingly prominent. With the rapid development of the global economy, the problems of environmental pollution, climate change and resource exhaustion have become increasingly prominent. For these environment problems, the international community has put forward the development model of low-carbon economy, required every country to change their production and consumption patterns, reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment in recent years. Faced with the pressure of international community and the requirement of domestic sustainable development, Chinese government has proposed to reform deeply and drive by innovation, foster ecological culture, and adhere to the development of green and low-carbon cycles. The construction of ecological civilization should start from young people, start from the education of family and school, and comprehensively accelerate the transformation of the whole people into a diligent, green and low-carbon way. The number of Chinese college students with a college degree or above is 3,017.54 million in 2018. A large number of college students with high-level scientific and culture are easy to accept new things and more concerned about the fate of human beings. Therefore, researching on the influencing factors and driving mechanism of college students’ green consumption is not only helpful to guide and educate the college students’ green consumption, but also to explore and cultivate the potential main force and future leaders of green consumption. Currently, the research on green consumption focuses on the analysis of consumers’ subjective will variables, while it involves individual objective ability and external situational factors, but mostly ignores the interaction between them and subjective will. Because green consumption is affected by subjective and objective factors, internal and external factors, it is necessary to introduce individual subjective will, individual objective ability and external factors into the green consumption model at the same time. Firstly, through sorting out and comparing the relevant research theories, it found that interpersonal behavior theory, environmental literacy model, responsible environmental behavior theory, planned behavior theory, attitude-behavior-condition theory, and value-belief-norm theory are the six most influential environmental behavior models. This paper proposes an improved responsible environmental behavior model through appropriately adjusting Hines’ responsible environmental behavior model. In combination with the characteristics of Chinese College students, environmental emotion, environmental problem cognition, environmental responsibility, social cognition, vipassana control, utility values, objective ability, subjective will, face culture and policy incentives are selected as the main influencing factors of green consumption, which are divided into three groups: individual subjective will, individual objective ability and external situational factors according to the improved responsible environmental behavior model. Secondly, the sample data of the impact mechanism of green consumption of university students are obtained through the analysis of 812 valid questionnaires issued and retrieved by junior college students, undergraduate students and doctoral students from four university towns.This data was tested for reliability and validity test, correlation analysis, hierarchical regression, multiple regression and adjustment effect analysis by SPSS and Amos. Thirdly, the relevant hypotheses are verified by different types of regression analysis methods. Simple regression analysis method is used to validate the relationship between subjective will and green consumption of assumes H1, the relationship between objective ability and green consumption of assumes H2; Hierarchical regre...

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