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        인문,사회과학편 : 아이스하키 선수의 사회적 교환관계와 운동만족도 및 팀응집력 간의 구조모형

        유창호(ChangHoYoo),오세이(SeiYiOh) 한국체육학회 2015 한국체육학회지 Vol.54 No.4

        본 연구는 아이스하키 선수의 사회적 교환관계와 운동만족도 및 팀응집력 간의 구조모형을 확인하여 아이스하키의 팀분위기 쇄신을 위한 기초자료를 제공할 목적으로 수행하였다. 본 연구의 조사대상자는 2013년-2014년 현재 대한체육회 아이스하키 연맹에 등록되어 있는 선수를 모집단으로 설정하여 편의표본 추출법을 이용하여 설문조사를 실시한 후, 최종 135명의 설문지가 통계목적으로 사용되었다. 조사도구에서 사회적 교환관계 즉, 감독-선수 교환관계(LMX)는 Graen & Uhl-Bien(1995), 송지준(2005) 등과 팀-선수 교환관계(TMX)는 Seers(1989), Seers, petty, & Cashman(1995) 등, 그리고 운동만족은 Hackman & Lawer(1971) 및 Hackman & Oldman(1976)이 사용한 척도를 참고하였다. 또한 팀응집력은 Brass(1984), MacCoun(1993) 등의 척도를 본 연구대상에 적합하도록 재구성하여 사용하였다. 자료처리는 SPSS 18.0과 AMOS 18.0 프로그램을 사용하였으며, 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 통계처리를 한 결과, 첫째, 아이스하키 선수의 사회적 교환관계는 운동만족에 정적(+)으로 영향이 미쳤다. 둘째, 아이스하키 선수의 사회적 교환관계는 팀응집력에 직·간접적으로 영향을 미쳤다. 셋째, 아이스하키 선수의 운동만족은 팀응집력에 정적(+)으로 영향을 미쳤다. 이 연구를 통해서 사회적 교환관계 즉, 감독-선수 교환관계와 팀-선수 교환관계를 동일차원에서 독립변인으로서의 영향력을 파악하였다는 점에서 의미와 시사점이 있다. The purpose of the research was to suggest a structural model among social exchange, exercise satisfaction and team cohesion of players of ice hockey. The population of this research target was registered to player in ice hockey federation of korea sports council in 2013 and 2014, and a total of 135 copies of questionnaires was set as valid samples. The verification of a measured model and a structural model of collected material was carried out by using Amos 18.0. The questionnaires for leader-member exchange had been developed by Graen & Uhl-Bieni(1995), Scandura & Graen(1984), team-member exchange had been developed by Seers(1989), Seers, Petty, & Cashman(1995), and Sin(2013), exercise satisfaction had been developed by Hackman & Lawer(1971), Hackman & Oklman(1976), and team cohesion had been developed by Brass(1984), MacCoun(1993), Park(1991), Song(2009. The following results were obtained through the above research method and procedure. First, it appeared that social exchange have a significant influence on exercise satisfaction. Second, it appeared that social exchange have a significant influence on team cohesion partly. Third, it appeared that exercise satisfaction have a significant influence on team cohesion.

      • KCI등재후보

        Agrobacterium을 이용한 PAP 유전자의 현삼으로 도입 및 형질발현

        유창,성은수,임정대,황선애,채영암 한국약용작물학회 2001 한국약용작물학회지 Vol.9 No.2

        현삼의 기내배양에서 낮은 농도의 2,4-D(0.01, 0.1mg/l) 와 TDZ(0.01, 0.1, 2.0mg/l)이 조합처리시 shoot 분화가 좋았으나, 2,4-D의 농도가 높아질수록 TDZ과 조합처리시 shoot 분화가 저조 하였다. 형질전환 확인을 위한 PCR 분석에서 선발표지 유전자로 사용되는 NPT II gene의 확인하였는데 형질전환되지 않은 식물체에서는 나타나지 않는 DNA 절편이 형질전환 식물체에서 나타났으며 kanamycin 50 mg/ l 첨가된 배지에서 선발된 식물체에서 NPT II gene(700bp)이 plant genome 안으로 삽입되었음을 확인하였다. 형질전환 식물체의 항균활성 검정에서는 Asperigillus awamori에 대해 대조구 식물체와 같이 항균성이 없는 것으로 나타났으나 항바이러스성 단백질인 PAP가 도입된 식물체에서는 IC50의 값이 Asperigillus awamori에 대해서 각각 320 μg/ml 과 300μg/ml, C. herbarum에 대해서도 IC50 값이 80μg/ml, 100μg/ml로 높은 항균성을 나타내었다. 형질전환 식물체와 형질전환되지 않은 식물체를 대상으로 SDS-PAGE를 수행하여 본 결과 감염된 형질전환되지 않은 잎과 감염되지 않은 잎에서는 나타나지 않는 30kDa의 분자량을 가지는 새로운 band가 PAP유전자에 의하여 형질전환된 식물체에서 각각 확인되었다. Asperigillus awamori의 경우에 PAP 형질전환체의 단백질을 첨가한 경우 모두 포자가 발아가 억제 되었고 균사생장이 지연되었으며 균사가 생장되더라도 포자와 생장하는 균사가 투명하여졌으며 생장하는 균사의 굵기도 가늘어지는 특성을 나타내었다. 병원균 접종 후 생육조사에 의하면 형질전환 식물체가 초장과 지상부, 지하부의 생체 중에서 모두 형질전환 되지 않은 식물체보다 다소 높게 나타났다. Fusarium에 의한 전형적인 병징인 뿌리썩음 병과 유관속 시들음 증상이 형질전환 되지 않은 식물체에서 병징의 scale은 3.2와 3.0으로 나타나는 반면 형질전환된 식물체에서는 2.0과 2.5으로 비교적 낮게 나타났다. Exogeneous application of pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP), a ribosomal-inacivating protein in the cell wall of Phytolacca americana (pokeweed) protects heterologous plants from viral and fungal infection. A cDNA clone of PAP introduced into Scrophularia buergeriana Miquel by thransformation with Agrobacterium tumefaciences. For plant transformation, explants were precultured on shoot induction medium without kanamycin for 2-5 day, and then they were cocultured with Agrobacterium for 10 minutes. The explants were placed on co culture medium in dark condition, 28℃ for 2days. After explants were washed in MS liquid medium, they were transferred into selection medium including kanamycin 50mg/L (MS salts+1mg/ l BAP+2mg/ l TDZ+0,2mg/ l NAA+MS vitamin+3% sucrose+0.8% agar, pH5.8). From PCR analysis, NPT II band was confirmed in transgenic plant genome and showed resistance against fungi in antifungal activity test. Micro assay to which protein extracted from transgenic line were added, revealed hyphae growth inhibition and no spore germination at high concentration. The characteristics of inhibited hyphae was represented transparent and thin. Expression of PAP in transgenic plants offers the possibility of developing resistance to viral and fungal infection.

      • KCI등재

        주거실태조사자료를 이용한 점유형태 결정요인 분석

        유창형 ( Chang Hyung Yoo ) 한국부동산분석학회 2015 不動産學硏究 Vol.21 No.1

        This study seeks to analyze factors influencing housing tenure choice by using residence survey data and to identify relevant considerations for urban planning. Results show that according to householder age and cohort generation, housing tenure preferences have shifted from home ownership to renting and that demand for housing tenure types varies by region and by cohort generation (pre or post baby boom). As housing sizes get smaller and income levels get lower, the probability of home ownership decreases. On the other hand, the probability of home ownership increases regardless of housing size and level of income as the distance between residence and place of work increases. In conclusion, renting is highly likely to increase in the future, compared to home ownership because home ownership is mainly made based on asset levels. It is necessary to develop housing supply measures tailored to demand characteristics which vary by the age and income bracket of people entering the housing market. More sophisticated housing supply planning and relevant policy improvements are needed, based on the characteristics of housing demand by housing tenure type and an end to simplistic quantitative estimates of housing demand.

      • KCI등재

        연대근대무역(煙臺近代貿易)과 도시발전(都市發展)(1861-1910) -인구와 무역관련 산업을 중심으로-

        유창 중국사학회 2011 中國史硏究 Vol.72 No.-

        本文以煙臺作爲硏究對象的根本原因在於煙臺是山東近代史和中國近代史硏究的重要區域. 針對煙臺近代貿易與城市發展的相互關係硏究有諸多層面, 但人口的增長變化及對貿易相關産業硏究無疑是最具有代表性的. 因此, 本文的硏究目的旨在通過對貿易與煙臺發展關係的考察, 來探究近代通商口岸煙臺的特點.通過筆者的分析可知, 煙臺的成長與貿易的發展有著極爲密切的關係. 貿易的發展速度不僅左右著煙臺的發展, 而且貿易的結構特點也對煙臺城市的發展起了흔大的作用. 與此同時, 煙臺的發展也對煙臺貿易的發展産生了深遠的影響. 貿易與煙臺發展的相互作用使位於中國南北貿易網和國際東西貿易網交匯點上的煙臺具有了自身的特點.

      • KCI등재후보

        칼빈의 칭의론에서 믿음, 선행, 영생의 관계

        유창형(Yoo, Chang-Hyung) 한국개혁신학회 2010 개혁논총 Vol.13 No.-

        This paper has investigated the position of good works in Calvin's doctrine of justification in five items. Firstly, sola fide excludes good works as the instrument and cause of justification, but does not exclude good works as the fruit and evidence of justification. Secondly, good works hold a necessary position as the evidence of true faith. When faith does not accompany good works, it cannot justify anybody because it is dead faith. Thirdly, good works are considered as righteousness to the believer because his faults are covered by Christ's righteousness imputed to him at justification. This means that the righteousness of works is subordinated to the righteousness of faith. Fourthly, Calvin maintained works are the inferior cause of salvation or eternal life, but did not maintain the true cause of salvation. Accordingly, good works are necessary to justification as the evidence of true faith, but it is not Calvin's thoughts that the believer must depend upon good works for assurance or do good works to dwell in the Lord. On the contrary, good works prove that the believer dwells in Christ. To attain the assurance of election and salvation the believer must depend upon Christ only. Fifthly, Eternal life is called the compensation of good works in that the deficiency of good works is covered by Christ's righteousness. In the sense that the elect are regenerated by the Spirit and do good works by his help, good works are called God's gift. But good works does not exclude human efforts. The believer should effort to do good works according to the guidance of the Spirit in him. Because the elect are predestined to do good works by grace, justification is not cancelled to them at final judgement. Nevertheless, pastors must teach that if any believer continually commit a sin and does not repent it, he can be a reprobated man and his faith may be dead. This teaching will contribute to reduce the critique of the world to the bad behaviors of the believers. At the same time, pastors need not drive them to do good works to get assurance of salvation, for a justified man has already eternal life and it will not be cancelled.

      • KCI등재

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