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        『吏文輯覽』과 吏文의 언어

        양오진 한국중국학회 2014 중국학보 Vol.70 No.-

        我國在朝鮮時期把吏文作爲和中國交往的外交文書來使用,所以特意設置了漢吏科,通過吏文庭試等考試制度來培養和選拔了吏文人才。 由朝廷指定的吏文學習書種類有文言文類、 會話書類、 蒙文直譯體漢語、 史書類、 法律書類、 公文用語辭典類、 口語體故事集、 敎化書類, 以及和中國交往的外交文書類等多種文體。 此外, 還實行了製述‘奏本’、 ‘啓本’、 ‘咨文’等公文書的訓練。 據考察, 現存吏文資料里收錄的明朝聖旨分爲白話文聖旨和文言文聖旨兩類, 而且, 這兩類聖旨在語言特點上有很大的差異。 『吏文輯覽』\里除外的‘宣諭聖旨’爲白話文聖旨, 具有元代漢語和近代漢語的特點。 據本文考察, 吏文文體以正統的文言文爲基礎,其中摻和着近代漢語和元代漢語的語言成分,而且還具有公文文體慣用的特殊格式等, 所以沒有嚴格的語言敎育和作文訓練,就很難掌握其使用。 因此, 朝鮮時期由朝廷指定吏文的參考書種類, 從貴族階層選拔年輕有爲的敎習生, 幷且實行嚴格的考試制度等, 格外重視吏文敎育和吏文人才的培養。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『노박집람(老朴集覽)』과 표제어(標題語)에 대하여

        양오진 한국중국언어학회 2011 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.37

        「老朴集覽」是崔世珍在飜譯「老乞大」、「朴通事」的刪改本時, 彙集其中難解的詞彙(包括一些句子, 做詳細註解的一種詞彙解釋集。此資料由于沒有刊記和序跋, 具體的編纂經過及各項目的編纂順序、詞目的選定及排列標準等, 均不十分明確。經本文考察可以確認以下幾點內容: 卽「老朴集覽」各項目的實際編纂順序與現存本的編輯順序有所不同; <單字解>和<累字解>的排列順序與<老朴>本文裏的出現順序或其頻度均無直接關係; <老乞大集覽>和<朴通事集覽>的詞目基本上根據<老朴>本文裏的出現順序, 但也發現一些順序顚倒的詞目; 詞目的選定範圍基本在<老朴>的刪改本之內, 但也收錄了一部分<老朴>舊本裏的詞彙: 同時還收錄了在<老朴>本文裏未發現的部分詞彙。此外, 在凡例第二條裏明確表明<單字解>和<累字解>, "只取「老乞大」、「朴通事」中所載者爲解", 但經考察也能發現<老朴>現存本裏未出現的一些詞彙; 령外, <字解>部分詞目的排列標準以及<集覽>部分詞目的顚倒原因等, 還未조出其明確的答案, 尙待進一步的考察。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        ≪노걸대(老乞大)≫,≪박통사(朴通事)≫에 보이는 숙어(熟語)의 표현에 대하여

        양오진 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2010 中國學論叢 Vol.30 No.-

        熟語是反映一個民族的歷史、社會及文化背景的特殊的語言形式, 這種語言形式具有흔强的表達功能, 因此, 要熟練地掌握某種語言, 對熟語的學習和運用是必不可少的。但是, 由於熟語所負載的文化內容豊富而複雜, 正確地習得和運用熟語却幷非易事。≪老乞大≫和≪朴通事≫是幾百年來我國培養漢語譯官時使用的漢語會話敎材, 本論文著重考察此兩種敎材所使用的熟語種類及其在諸板本裏的變化狀況。據考察≪老乞大≫裏使用了十七個熟語, ≪朴通事≫裏共收錄七十二個熟語, 而且絶大多數設置在對話場面的結尾部分。據本文分析當時流行的漢語熟語非常豊富, 而且此兩種敎材在熟語的選擇及設置語言環境方面, 卽使個別用例有些生硬, 不自然, 但大部分使用得體, 恰如其分, 可以看出當時的編寫者們爲掌握熟語而付出的心血。這對於今天的編纂漢語敎材, 也將提供實用而有效的參考價値。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        조선시대 이문(吏文) 취재서(取才書)에 대하여

        양오진 한국중국언어학회 2016 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.67

        Imun is the official style of writing that has been used since the Yuan Dynasty period. Our country concentrated on educating talented individuals of Imun in order to form an exchange relationship with China. Thus, during the Joseon Dynasty, the government appointed a variety of Chwijaeseo in order to acquire and select talented individuals of Imun. If looked into the separated categorizations of the Chwijaeseo, the Confucian scripture holds the most important position; aside from that, it consists of diverse reference books such as category of Lawbook, category of history book, Collection of Ancient Events, diplomatic documents for China, Chinese Phrase Book. In particular, the reference books Ihakchinam and Sengcayhyokyeng take distinctive positions. The Ihakchinam lists and translates administrative and legal terms once used in China back at that time. It also lists the virtues and exemplary cases that government officials needed to possess, along with moral cases that showed the miserable end of cruel government officials. Therefore, Ihakchinam not only holds the purpose in language acquisition, but also educates the meaning of the responsibilities of government officials. For these reasons, this reference book is one of the most appropriate materials to acquire Imun. Sengcayhyokyeng is the translated version of the Confucian scripture called hyokyeng and it is translated in Mongmwuncikyekchey, which is the Chinese language that was used during the Yuan Dynasty. The Sengcayhyokyeng is also appointed as an important study material of Imun. Although Imun is rooted from traditional Chinese characters, the vocabulary and grammar is mainly composed of Wondaehaneo, which is a language influenced by both the distinct characteristics of the official writing style and the Mongolian language. Therefore, ever since the Goryeo Dynasty, specialized institutions, such as Ihaktogam, were built for Imun education. During the Joseon Dynasty, Hanigwa was built for the selection of talented Imun individuals. The government also appointed a variety of Chiwijaeseo to help with acquiring Imun and selecting talented individuals of Imun.

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