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      • KCI등재

        텍스트 결속 표지로서 조사 교육의 가능성 탐색

        양세희 ( Se Hui Yang ) 한국어교육학회(구 한국국어교육연구학회) 2013 국어교육 Vol.0 No.142

        The purpose of this study is to help students enhance the grammar ability to understand and explore particles in a more intense manner by teaching them particles as the cohesive markers, and improve skills to read and write by means of texts, and ultimately lay the foundation for education to enhance Korean language ability· Although studies on Korean particles have been conducted in various levels, particles in Korean language education were structured to be taught and learned in terms of morphology and syntax· Particles as the cohesive markers should be studied with the approach of Korean language education and the results should be reflected in Korean language education· Even though particles also are expressed with the morphological and syntactic relation, Korean curriculum presents only reference, conjunctive, ellipsis, repetition, substitution and vocabulary as the cohesive markers· In order to approach particles as the cohesive markers, a different perspective is needed in viewing the education for particles· In this study, the function of particles as the cohesive markers in texts was examined, with the focus on ‘do’ and ‘man·’ Writers combine the lower propositions only using ‘do’ and ‘man’, considering the upper propositions, while readers can identify the propositions in the upper category by identifying the cohesion pattern of ‘do’ and ‘man’·

      • KCI등재

        국어과 예비 교사의 교과서 분석 양상 연구 - 교수 학습 과정안을 중심으로

        양세희 ( Yang Se Hui ) 고려대학교 한국어문교육연구소 2022 한국어문교육 Vol.39 No.-

        이 연구는 국어과 예비 교사의 교수 학습 과정안을 분석함으로써 내용 지식과 방법적 지식이 수업 실연에 어떻게 연계되는지 예비 교사의 인지 구성 양상을 파악하고자 한다. 예비 교사가 교수 학습 과정안을 개발하고 수업 실연을 하더라도 학습자의 국어교육 목표 도달 여부는 미지수이다. 따라서 이론과 실천의 각 연결 지점들을 예비 교사가 명확히 인지할 필요가 있다. 이론과 실천을 연계하기 위해 교과서에 주목하여 교수 학습 과정안을 분석하였다. 분석 기준은 1) 교과서의 체재, 2) 학습 목표, 제재, 학습 활동의 관계, 3) 국어교육학 이론에 대한 이해로 범주화하였다. 국어과 예비 교사의 교수 학습 과정안의 분석 양상은 예비 교사가 내용 지식과 방법적 지식이 수업 실연과 유기적으로 연계하도록 대안을 제시하는 데 기여할 수 있을 것이다. This study aims to understand the cognitive construct aspects of prospective teachers, and how content knowledge and methodology knowledge are linked to teaching demonstrations by analyzing the teaching - learning plans of prospective teachers. Prospective teachers develop teaching plans and perform teaching demonstrations. However, this cannot guarantee that learners will reach their Korean language education goals. Therefore, it is necessary for prospective teachers to clearly recognize parts that connect between theory and practice. This study reconsidered the concept of practical knowledge, and paid close attention to textbook to link theory and practice. The analysis criteria were categorized into 1) the system of textbooks, 2) the relationship between learning goals, texts, and learning activities, and 3) an understanding of the theory of Korean language pedagogy. This work can contribute to suggesting alternatives for prospective teachers so that they can link content knowledge and methodological knowledge organically to class performance.

      • KCI등재

        평생 교육 관점에서 KBS 한국어능력시험의 문법 영역 분석

        양세희 ( Yang Se-hui ) 한말연구학회 2022 한말연구 Vol.63 No.25

        The purpose of this study is to highlight the importance of the Korean Language Proficiency Test from the perspective of lifelong education and to analyze the grammar area of the KBS Korean Language Proficiency Test. To this end, first, the relationship between lifelong education and grammar ability was discussed. Next, questions in the grammar area of the KBS Korean Language Proficiency Test were analyzed based on the perspective of lifelong education. Questions in the areas of vocabulary, language norms, sentence expression, and Korean culture were analyzed and their characteristics were discussed. 1) It is composed of a method of measuring whether the question knows grammar correctly. 2) Examples containing the context of adult learners' daily lives are used, but the context is not diverse and is presented only at the sentence unit. 3) Questions about systematic knowledge of grammar are gradually decreasing. This result will help to explore the requirements of the Korean Language Proficiency Test from the perspective of lifelong education and suggest ways to improve the test.

      • KCI등재

        학습자 인식을 통한 `이다`의 성격 분석

        양세희 ( Yang Se Hui ) 한국어교육학회(구 한국국어교육연구학회) 2017 국어교육 Vol.0 No.157

        School grammar defines `ida` as a predicative case particle. However, `ida` has been discussed as a grammatical category such as a verb, a copula, an affix, etc. This shows that `ida` has various grammatical properties. But learners learn `ida` as a predicative case particle, and simply memorize the difference with other particles as an exception without the process of observing and understanding diverse grammatical properties. Since school grammar should be systemized in the aspect of education which is different from the normative grammar, learners should be seen as an important factor. Therefore, this study analyzed how learners have recognized `ida` morphologically and syntactically through an oral test and learning activity of `ida.` As a result, most learners understood that `ida` has the property of a verb (rather than a particle) and the semantic relationship of `anida.` About 30% of the students write `ida` apart from preceeding nominal words, and the majority of students recommended that it`s okay to write `ida` apart. Accordingly, the learners` perception of `ida` presents the need to reconsider the characteristics of `ida` of school grammar.

      • KCI등재

        AI 시대의 문법 교수 학습 방법의 모색

        양세희 ( Yang Se Hui ) 고려대학교 한국어문교육연구소 2024 한국어문교육 Vol.47 No.-

        이 연구는 지능 정보 사회가 도래한 AI 시대에 알맞은 문법 교수 학습방법을 모색하는 데 목적이 있다. 국어 교육에서 미래 사회에 대비하기 위한 방향성을 제시한 것과 마찬가지로, 문법 교육 역시 미래의 언어 환경의 변화에 적응하고 학습자의 사고력과 인성을 함양하는 방향으로 이루어져야 할 것이다. 이를 위하여 문법적 속성을 통해 그 방향성을 탐색하였다. 첫째, 문법적 사고 과정과 빅데이터의 활용 과정의 유사점과 차이점을 통해 디지털 환경에서의 문법 탐구 과정을 설정할 수 있다. 둘째, 문법의 사회적 실천 행위로서의 기능을 통해 빅데이터와 온라인 플랫폼의 활용 과정에서 사회 문화적 특성을 깊이 있게 분석하고 올바른 소통 방법을 탐구할 수 있다. 구체적인 문법 교수 학습 방법은 텍스트 마이닝과 오피니언 마이닝의 사례로서 설명하였으며, AI 기반 교수 학습 플랫폼의 활용을 통해 학습자가 문법 탐구 활동을 하고 피드백으로까지 이어질 수 있음을 제안하였다. This study aims to find a method for teaching and learning grammar suitable for the AI era. Directions for preparing for future society have been presented in Korean language education. Accordingly, grammar education should be conducted in the direction of adapting to changes in the future language environment and cultivating learners' thinking skills and personality. First, the process of grammar exploration in a digital environment can be established through similar and different factors between the grammatical thinking process and the process of using big data. Second, through the function of grammar as a social practice, it is possible to analyze socio-cultural characteristics in depth and explore correct communication methods in the process of using big data and online platforms. The study explained some specific methods for teaching and learning grammar as examples of text mining and opinion mining, and proposed learners' grammar exploration activities and feedback through the use of AI-based teaching and learning platforms.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        속담에서 보조사의 화용적 기능에 대한 교육 연구 - `도`를 중심으로 -

        양세희 ( Yang Sehui ) 한국문법교육학회 2017 문법 교육 Vol.29 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to find out the main features of pragmatic functions that the auxiliary particle `-do` performs in proverbs by investigating the ways of its use in proverbs, and to discuss about ways to utilize them in the grammar education. Proverbs perform pragmatic functions in communication situations. That is, when a proverb is used in a discourse, it comes to have a conceptualized meaning with the addition of α produced by the figure of speech. At this time, the auxiliary particle `-do` will also perform a certain pragmatic function in the creation of a meaning conceptualized by the proverb. The auxiliary particle `-do` has the semantic functions of `identity,` `extreme,` `emphasis` or `concession and permission.` When it is used in a proverb, however, it shows the pragmatic functions of `strengthening the speaker`s negative attitude` and `expressing the speaker`s expectation.` Discussions about the ways to utilize proverbs in the Korean language education have mostly focused on the use of the Korean language. But it is also worth paying attention to grammatical elements that are involved in interpreting the context or the intention of a speaker who selects and includes a proverb in the contents of an utterance. Therefore, this paper discussed about how to actualize this in the grammar education.

      • KCI등재

        2인칭 주어에서의 `-겠-` 확대 사용에 대한 연구

        양세희 ( Yang Se-hui ) 우리어문학회 2016 우리어문연구 Vol.56 No.-

        이 연구는 2인칭 주어에서 `-겠-`이 일반적인 의미보다 확대된 의미로 사용되는 현상을 인지의미론적으로 설명하는 데 목적이 있다. 현대 사회에서 서비스 장면은 굉장히 자주 접할 수 있는 장면이다. 이를테면 미용실에서 점원이 “샴푸 서비스를 받으시겠습니다.”라고 말하거나 옷가게에서 점원이 “이 옷을 입어보시겠습니다.”라고 말하는 장면을 들 수 있다. 이 경우 기존의 의미 분석적 설명에 의하면 2인칭 주어에서 `-겠-`이 `공손`이나 `예정`의 의미로 사용된 것인데, 이에 대한 설명이 충분하지 못하다. 따라서 본고에서는 `-겠-`을 인지의미론적으로 설명함으로써 이러한 한계를 극복하고자 하였다. 먼저 `-겠-`을 용법토대적인 접근에 의해 도식으로 표현하고 이러한 도식은 연결망을 통해 다의성을 갖는 것으로 보았다. `-겠-`의 다의성을 전제로, Langacker의 인식적 모형에 의해 `-겠-`을 `실재`와 `비실재`로 먼저 나눈 후 다시 `직접적 비실재`와 `비직접적 비실재`로 분류하여 분석하였다. 서비스 장면에서 “샴푸 서비스를 받으시겠습니다.”와 “이 옷을 입어보시겠습니다.”에서 `-겠-`은 `계획된 임박한 미래`를 나타내면서도 `공손`의 의미를 지니기 때문에 직접적 비실재를 부호화한 것이다. 이러한 `-겠-`을 사용하게 된 과정은 화자가 장면을 인지적으로 해석하는 것에서 기인한다. 또한 손님을 통사적 전경으로 내세움으로써 `-시겠-` 구문이 고착화되었다. This paper aims to explain a phenomenon in which `-get-` is used in more expanded meanings than general meanings in the second person through a cognitive semantics. In modern society, a scene of services is very easy to find. For example, at the hairdresser, a clerk says, "You will receive a service of shampoo." and in a clothing store, a clerk says, "You will try on these clothes." In this case, `-get-` has a meaning of `polite` or `will` according to explanation of the existing semantic analysis, but it lacks persuasion. Thus, this study attempted to overcome these limitations by explaining `-get` through a cognitive semantics. First, I considered that `-get-` was represented as a schema by a usage-based view and then this schema had polysemy through network. On the assumption that `-get-` has polysemy, the meanings of `-get-` were first divided into `reality` and `irreality` by the epistemic model of Langacker, and again were divided into immediate irreality and non-immediate irreality and then analyzed. In "You will receive a service of shampoo," and "You will try on these clothes," `-get` is encoded immediate irreality because `-get-` has the meanings of `planned imminent future` as well as `politeness.` The process of use of this `-get-` results from the fact that speakers impose a unique construal upon that scene with a cognitive operation. Besides, `-siget-` construction was entrached by making a syntactic foreground for guests.

      • KCI등재

        옛말 문법교육을 통한 고려가요 <동동(動動)>의 효과적 이해 방안 모색

        양세희 ( Se Hui Yang ) 고려대학교 한국어문교육연구소 2011 한국어문교육 Vol.9 No.-

        이 연구의 목적은 옛말 문법교육을 통해 고려가요 <동동>을 올바르게 이해하는 방안을 모색하는 데 있다. 시가를 이해하는 데 있어서 화자에 대한 이해는 매우 중요하다. 화자를 이해하기 위해서는 옛말 문법 지식이 필요하다. 하지만 지금까지는 어구의 의미를 단순하게 설명하는 데 문법 지식이 사용되었고. 훈고주석을 경계하여 문법 지식 없이 작품을 이해해 왔다. 그래서 이 연구는 옛말 문법교육을 통해 작품의 화자를 이해하고, 이를 통해 작품을 효과적으로 이해하고 감상하는 방안을 제안한다. 또한 교육방법으로서 인지주의 이론가들의 연구를 확장시켜 만들어진 CVD 프로그램을 제안한다. The purpose of this paper is to grope teaching method of Middle Korean grammar for understanding Koryeogayo ``Dongdong`` properly. Meanwhile, on the understanding and appreciation of classical literature, which are separated from each other aspects of education. Teaching Middle Korean grammar can be contributed to help students understand the work, as well as appreciation for the work enough. In other words, it is stressed the necessity for education of Middle Korean grammar. In addition to this, it means that is needed the classic works of literature, which showed the context of use of grammatical knowledge, so that students learn Middle Korean grammar effectively. It is very important to understand a speaker for understanding a poem. And in order to understand the speaker, it requires knowledge of Middle Korean grammar. However, until now it has been used knowledge of grammar to explain simply the meaning of the phrase of the work, or it has been understood the work without knowledge of grammar against explanatory notes. Thus, this study suggest the effective ways to understand and appreciate the work by understanding of the speaker of work through education of Middle Korean grammar. I also propose CVD program, which was designed to extend the work of the cognitive theorists, as the instructional method.

      • KCI등재

        원리 중심의 국어 규범 교육 방안 모색

        양세희 ( Yang Se-hui ) 한말연구학회 2017 한말연구 Vol.- No.45

        The purpose of this study is to search for principle-based Korean language standard by extending recognitions on the standard and thus reorganizing contents system in grammar education. The status of Korean language standard has been gradually increased. However, the results of questionnaire survey show that the Korean language standard knowledge is recognized by learners as the knowledge that is disconnected with reality and other grammar knowledge and also has no hierarchy. Such problems can be solved through systematic modifications of Korean language standard education, ahead of changes in instruction-learning of it. Therefore, principle-based Korean language standard education was considered. Sum of provisions of language regulation does not correspond to the principle of Korean language standard knowledge. The principle of Korean language standard knowledge is derived from the fusion with other grammar educational contents. Hence, re-conceptionalization was realized by extending the recognition on `Korean language standard`. If the scope of Korean language standard knowledge is extended, then its parallel connection with knowledge of Korean language structure is not established, but the relation in which the knowledge of it is transformed into Korean language standard knowledge, so that it can be used in real language life, would be formed. Thus, Korean language standard education may achieve the purpose of better communication.

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