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      • 자기주도 학습에 대한 학생 가정배경의 영향력 분석

        안우환(An Wo Hwan) 한국교육포럼(아시아태평양교육학회) 2010 韓國敎育論壇 Vol.9 No.3

        이 연구는 자기주도적인 학습자가 요구되는 현대 사회에서 자기주도 학습에 영향을 미치는 학생 가정배경의 영향력 정도를 알아보고자 수행되었다. 연구결과 자기주도 학습에 대한 학생 가정배경의 전체적인 영향력은 57.2%로 드러났고, 학생 가정배경의 모든 변수들이 유의미하게 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 부의 학력이나 가구주 직업, 종교유무 등의 변수를 제외한 나머지 변수들은 유의도 0.1%에서 상당한 영향력을 주는 변수로 나타났다. 정상가족 학생의 경우 6점정도 그 반대의 경우보다 자기주도 학습에 더 높은 점수를 받을 경향이 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 모의 학력이나 가족구조는 일관되게 학생의 자기주도 학습에 영향을 미치는 중요한 변수로 밝혀졌다. 향후 가족해체 즉, 이혼가족 및 사별가족 자녀의 자기주도 학습과 학업성취와의 영향 관계에 대하여 보다 심층적으로 탐색하는 연구가 요망된다. The purpose of this study is to search effects of students' family background on self-directed learning. Personal and professional success is seen to depend increasingly on continued learning and development throughout one's lifetime. The development of self-directed learning skills has become one of the primary aims of adult education in the last few decades. self-directed learners are proactive and take the initiative in learning rather than passively waiting to be taught as reactive learners. Their learning is more meaningful and purposeful, with greater motivation resulting in longer retention. They are more responsible in their own lives, having benefited from the self-disciplining process of their learning. All individuals are capable of self-directed learning but the degree of development varies due to their individual differences. It is important that both educators and learners have a clear understanding of the concept and nature of self-directed learning skills for its further development. Families are a primary source of self-directed learning for young people, especially in relation to their education. Scales items consist of that self-rating scale of self-directed learning(Williamson & Naskar, 2007) and student background. Using 6 elementary schools, fifth and sixth student were sampled. The final subjects were 785. The result of the full sample showed that all variable influenced self-directed learning. The influence of family background of the student self-directed learning was 57.2%. Family background variables that most gives an effect to student self-directed learning are birth rank. The family background attributes exert a significant influence on students' self-directed learning.

      • KCI등재

        부모-자녀 관계 사회적 자본과 교육포부 수준과의 관계: 초등학생을 중심으로

        안우환 ( Wo Hwan An ) 경북대학교 중등교육연구소 2009 중등교육연구 Vol.57 No.1

        교육포부 수준 형성에 영향을 미치는 요소로 본 연구에서는 부모-자녀 관계 사회적 자본을 상정하였다. 부모-자녀 관계 사회적 자본은 사회 구조 내에 위치한 가족 내 부모-자녀간의 관계를 통하여 목적 달성 행위를 촉진하는 메커니즘으로 학생이 얻게 되는 유·무형의 자원이다. 본 연구의 목적은 부모-자녀 관계 사회적 자본이 학생의 교육포부 수준에 미치는 영향력을 고찰하고자 대구 시내 초등학교 7개를 무선으로 표집한 4학년, 6학년생 총 763 (남학생: 298, 여학생: 465명)명이 연구에 동원되었다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 교육포부 수준에 학생의 성별, 학년별 특성이 유의미하게 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 남학생이면서 6학년 학생들이 보다 더 교육포부 수준이 높은 것으로 조사되었다. 교육포부 수준에 영향을 미치는 가족배경 요인은 부모의 학력으로 나타났다. 부모-자녀 관계 사회적 자본 변수 중에서 학생의 교육포부 수준에 가장 많은 영향력을 미치는 변수는 부모의 자녀에 대한 교육적인 관심과 대화(ECC), 적극적인 지원(PS), 부모의 기대와 규범(ENP) 변수들로 나타났다. 부모-자녀 관계 사회적 자본의 교육포부 수준에 대한 전체적인 영향력은 26%로 가족배경 23%, 개인특성 13%보다 높은 영향력을 발휘하는 변수들로 나타나 학생들의 교육포부 수준 형성에 영향을 미치는 또 다른 강력한 변수들로 밝혀졌다. The purpose of this study is to search the relationship between parent- child relations social capital and educational aspiration. Social capital is measured by the density of the interaction among parents, children and school. Within the family, social capital is measured by the amount of positive parent-child interaction. Using 7 elementary schools, fourth and sixth student were sampled. The final subjects were 763(298 male, 465 female), the fourth, sixth grade elementary school students in Daegu city. Data were collected by means of the PCRSCQ questionnaire and educational aspiration scores. For the statistical analysis is multiple regression was used. The result of the full sample showed that child`s gender and grade influenced children`s educational aspirations. Specially, male and sixth students level of educational aspiration appeared high. the educational level of the mother appeared that it is related to a majority effects variables. The influence of family background of the child on educational aspirations was 23% and parent-child relations social capital which gives an effect was 26%. parent-child relations social capital variables that gives an effect to educational aspiration of the child are ECC(educational concern and communication), PS (positive support), ENP(expectation and norm of parents).

      • 미국교육사회학의 연구흐름 1980~1996년대를 중심으로

        안우환(An Wo-Hwan) 한국교육실천연구학회(한국교육포럼) 2005 韓國敎育論壇 Vol.4 No.2

        교육사회학은 어떤 분야이며, 어떤 연구가 이 학문 분야의 골격이 되는 이론이며, 어떤 연구들이 현재 진행되고 있으며 앞으로는 어떠한 연구들이 필요할 것인가 등을 고찰하기 위해 본 연구는 미국교육사회학회에(Sociology of Education) 게재된 논문을(1980~1996) 대상으로 내용 분석(Content Analysis) 방법을 택해서 미국교육사회학 분야에서 논의되는 연구영역을 가지고 이를 유목화하여 분석한 결과 75개의 하위유목과 12개의 주유목을 추출하였다. 학교교육효과 21.9%, 학교수업: 능력별 집단 활동 16.4%, 학교교육과 노동시장 10.9%, 가족과 교육 9%, 인종차별과 철폐 7.1%, 성과 계급 6.8%, 지역 사회와 학교교육 6.8%, 비교교육 5.5%, 교육 불평등 5.1%, 진로 4.5%, 학생특성 3.5%, 교육정책 2.6%로 드러났다. 이는 미국교육사회학의 연구영역을 대표하는 연구영역으로 파악할 수 있겠다. 교육-사회 현상은 어느 한 가지 이론과 주장만으로는 해석, 분석하기엔 곤란한 난제들을 많이 함축하고 있기에 다양한 분야의 학문적 방법과 준거 틀을 동원하여 이를 교육사회학의 고유한 연구영역으로 발전시킬 필요가 있다고 본다. The purpose of this study is to scope of research American's Sociology of Education identify the major research area. In order to establish the research areas of sociology of education, this study seeks to identify the research areas presented in last article American's Sociology of Education; 1980~1996. A purpose of this study is as follows: (1) To examine the research areas of American's Sociology of Education article. (2) To conduct the research areas categories by the content analysis method and identify the specific content of research areas of Sociology of Education after to define the structure of research areas exposed in the American's Sociology of Education. (3) To provide useful perspective for the research and developing Korean Sociology of Education. The Analyses are based on data collected from American's Sociology of Education article 311 papers. According to findings of contents analysis of 311 papers, the conclusion of the study is as follows: Based on 75 Subcategories, 12 Major Categories(Major Domains) of research areas exposed in 311 papers. The Subject to have shown most a lot of frequencies here (1) School Education Effect (68 parts, 21.9%) (2) School Instruction: Ability-Group: 51 parts (16.4%) (3) Schooling and Labor Market (34 parts, 10.9%) (4) Family Effects on the Education: 28 parts (9.0%) (5) Segregation and Desegregation: 22 parts (7.1%) (6) Gender and Class: 21 parts (6.8%) (7) Community and Schooling: 21 parts (6.8%) (8) Comparative Education: 17 parts (5.5%) (9) Educational Inequality: 16 parts (5.1%) (10) Courses: 14 parts (4.5%) (11) Students' Characteristics: 11 parts (3.5%) (12) Educational Policy: 8 parts (2.6%).

      • KCI등재

        교사의 수업효율성과 학업성취와의 관계 탐색

        안우환(An Wo-hwan) 한국교육행정학회 2004 敎育行政學硏究 Vol.22 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 학생의 배경에 따른 교사의 수업효율성 지각과 학업성취와의관계를 밝히는 것이다. 이를 위하여 학생의 배경에 따른 교사의 수업효율성 변인을 분석단위로 하여 교사의 수업효율성 지각과 학업성취와의 관계를 검증하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 학생의 배경(사회계충)과 교사의 수업효율성 지각과의 관계에서는 사회계층과 교사의 수업효율성 지각과는 대체적으로유의미한 관계가 없었다. 둘째, 학생의 학년, 성별에 따른 교사의 수업효율성지각과 학업성취와의 관계에서는 A, B 초등학교 공히 유의미한 관계가 없는것으로 나타났으며, 학생의 배경 변인에다 교사의 수업효율성 평정 변인이 추가됨으로써 학생의 학업성취는 각각 1.2%, 4.3%의 증가를 가져왔다. 셋째, 학업성취에 영향을 주는 학교수준 변인은 교사의 수업효율성 변인만이 학업성취에유의미하게 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between students' perception of teacher effectiveness and academic achievement on the basis of their socioeconomic status. To conduct the purpose of this study, the following research problems were established. First, to examine the relationship between students' socioeconomic status and perception of teacher effectiveness. Second, to analyze the relationship between students' perception of teacher effectiveness and academic achievement? Third, to analyze the effects of students' socioeconomic status and perception of teacher effectiveness on their academic achievement?<br/> The survey about what is good teacher's teaching behavior was made for the research. The results of this survey responded by a total of 847 fifth and sixth graders in two elementary schools are as followings: First, the analysis of correlation between students'<br/> socioeconomic status and their perception of teacher effectiveness shows insignificant, but teachers interaction is significant negative correlation. father's a level of education and validity factors in teacher effectiveness is significant positive<br/> correlation. Second, the analysis of correlation between students' perception of teacher effectiveness and academic achievement shows insignificant,<br/> Third, the multiple regression analysis of affection on students' academic achievement by their socioeconomic status and perception of teacher effectiveness shows that the affection of socioeconomic status on academic achievement is 2.6%, 1.3% each school. But when the variance of students trait added 1.2%, 4.3% plus, perception of teacher effectiveness is added, the correlation comes to 3.8%, 5.6% increased. fourth, the hIm analysis of affection on students' academic achievement is teacher effectiveness variance.

      • KCI등재

        교장의 미시 정치적 결합기제와 교사의 대응방식에 관한 문화 기술적 사례 연구

        안우환(An Wo-hwan),권민석(Kwon Min-suk),신재한(Shin Jae-han) 한국교육행정학회 2006 敎育行政學硏究 Vol.24 No.1

        학교전반에 대한 이해와 학교조직의 특성 및 핵심적 실체에 대한 보다 밀도 있는 분석을 위해 교육조직을 보는 시각인 구조적 기능주의와 체제관에 토대를 둔 종래의 조직 패러다임은 학교 교육활동 전반에서 나타나는 교육현실을 해석, 진단, 처방하는데 한계를 드러내고 있다. 이 같은 종래의 전통적 패러다임의 한계를 극복하기 위하여 정치적 갈등론적 관점을 가져와 학교 공동체의 구성원인 교장이 사용하는 결합기제와 교사의 대응방식을 미시 정치적 관점에서 문화적 의미를 분석해 내기 위하여 문화기술 연구방법인 심층면담과 참여관찰 방법이 사용되었다. 본 연구를 통하여 드러난 교장의 결합기제와 교사의 대응방식은 크게 교육 지도적 측면의 결합과 대응, 학교 관리적 측면의 결합과 대응의 두 가지 형태로 도출되었으며, 교육 지도적 결합과 대응에는 교과지도, 생활지도 등의 영역으로 세분되며, 학교 관리적 결합과 대응에는 학교관리, 교원의 인간관계 영역으로 드러났다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the elementary school principal's linkage mechanisms with teachers in daegu. Since the image of loosely coupled system was popularized by Weick(1976), the coupling or linkage mechanisms have seldom been empirically examined. Principals use linkage mechanisms and teachers use corresponding method is determines the climate of a school organization.<br/> Major analysis method was participant observation and ethnography interview were mainly used. A sample of 42 teachers and administrators in "sky elementary school" participated in this study.<br/> The main conclusions from the study are as follows: First, principals tended to place more value on informal and democratic linkage mechanisms than on formal and bureaucratic ones in influencing teachers' performance. Educational leadership and school management leadership linkage mechanisms and teachers' corresponding method are appeared. Second, Teachers' act against their principal by mutual consent, compliance, demonstration and public criticism on the principal or intentional negligence. Teachers' use other teachers to show their complaints about the principal linkage mechanisms. Third, Principal-teachers relationship is calculus based trust level. Based on this findings, several suggestions for improving the school community of primary school are proposed.

      • 초등학교 교장의 변혁지향적 지도성 측정도구 개발

        안우환(An Wo-Hwan) 한국교육실천연구학회(한국교육포럼) 2006 韓國敎育論壇 Vol.5 No.1

        이 연구는 초등학교 교사들이 생각하는 교장의 변혁지향적 지도성에 대한 측정도구를 만들고자 시도되었다. 지도성은 상황과 학교급에 따라 달리 발휘되며, 그 지도성의 행동 차원 역시 조직의 특성과 상황, 여건에 따라 변화될 여지가 다분히 내재되어 있다고 보기 때문이다. 이를 위하여 전국 초등학교 교사를 대상으로 하여 설문조사를 실시하였다. 초동학교 교장의 변혁지향적 지도성 측정 문항의 직교 회전 후 4개 요인이 추출되었다. 변화 촉진 및 비전 제시 요인에 6문항, 지적 자극 요인에 5문항, 인간적 배려 및 지원 요인에 6문항, 조직목표 지원 및 권한의 위임 요인에 6문항 등 모두 23문항이 제작되었다. 이를 ‘초등학교 교장의 변혁지향적 지도성 측정도구’(Elementary School Principal’s Transformational Leadership Questionnaire: ESPTLQ)로 명명하였다. The purpose of this study is to measure development transformational leadership of elementary school principal. The specific problems of the study are as follows: First, explore dimension transformational leadership of elementary school principal, Second, to analyze the factor transformational leadership of elementary school principal. Third, verification of Propriety measure development transformational leadership of elementary school principal. To answer these questions, 60 elementary schools teachers(1200) were sampled. The final subjects were 808. Four dimensions of transformational leadership of elementary school principal were extracted and conceptualized. (ⅰ) change promotion and vision setting. (ⅱ) intellectual stimulation. (ⅲ) individual consideration and support. (ⅳ) goal support and share of authority. Each dimension was composed of as follows: change promotion and vision setting are six-items, intellectual stimulation five-items, individual consideration and support six- items, goal support and share of authority six-items. This inventory was designation that elementary school principle's transformational leadership questionnaire(ESPTLQ). A factor analysis was made of inter correlation of factor scores. The principal component factor analysis revealed 4 factor with eigen-value of 1.0 over. These accounted for 60.6% of the total variance. The alpha coefficients of estimates of reliability was 879. This study suggested that SBM assumes a multiplicity of educational goals, a complex and changing educational environment, need for educational reforms, school effectiveness, and the pursuit of quality. Shared governance is a democratic process that gives all of a school's stakeholders the opportunity to actively participate in bringing their covenant to life. Shared decision-making basically fell under the theoretical umbrella of participative management.

      • KCI등재

        부모-자녀 관계 사회적 자본의 측정도구 개발

        안우환 ( Wo Hwan An ) 한국초등교육학회 2006 초등교육연구 Vol.19 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to development of parent-child relations social capital questionnaire. Social capital is measured by the density of the interaction among parents, children and school. Within the family, social capital is measured by the amount of positive parent-child interaction. To answer PCRSCQ questions is 60 elementary schools and 2-3 class per school were sampled. The final subjects were 1.240 the sixth grade elementary school students. Factor analysis was conducted. items were categorized into four factors: ECC(educational concern and communication), PEA(participation of education activity), FASN(friend and social network), ENP(expectation and norm of parents). As factors showed high correlation. 30 items total explained 70.6% and total reliability a coefficient is .787.

      • 지표로 본 한국 사회의 교육효과성

        김경식 ( Kyung Sik Kim ),안우환 ( Wo Hwan An ) 경북대학교 중등교육연구소 2004 중등교육연구 Vol.52 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to analyze educational effectiveness in Korea society. The analyzing method was used system analysis. Input data were the level of parents` educational expectation, the aims of education, and the ratio of school attendance, entrance, and number of teacher, etc. Process data were the number of school hours, subject, and satisfaction of school life. Output data were the educational achievement, the ratio of graduate, employment, drop-out and juvenile delinquency, and school effectiveness. The results of this study were as follows; First, Korean parents` educational fever was high, but overall school circumstances were not favorable. Second, Korean students positively perceived the educational effectiveness in the acquisition of knowledge & skill, and the formation of personal character.(Kyungpook National Univ.)

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