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        공립학교에서 교복착용에 대한 헌법이론적 평가

        안성경(Ahn, SungKyoung),정필운(Jung, PilWoon) 한양법학회 2009 漢陽法學 Vol.27 No.-

        This is a study on constitutionality of uniform dress codes of public school in the U.S.A. An outline of this study is as follows : First of all, this research focus on the background of uniform dress codes in public school of the U.S.A., and examines a California Education Codes, the first legislation among stats, permitting an uniform dress codes in public school in Chapter Ⅱ. Second, Chapter Ⅲ surveys a constitutional scrutiny for uniform dress codes in public school and analyzes a uniform dress codes under First Amendment scrutiny. Finally, Chapter Ⅳ summarizes results of this research. According to the U.S. Supreme Court, students have constitutional rights on doing a expressive conduct in schoolhouse. By protecting the students’ freedom of speech, the Court advances the very purposes of the First Amendment. Some commentators claim that uniform dress codes in public school violate the First Amendment. However, The 5th Federal Circuit Court, another courts and some commentators insist that uniform dress codes in public school don’t violate the First Amendment and, uniform dress codes are rational means for protection students against gang activity. I note alternative means for reducing a unconstitutionality of uniform dress codes and dress codes prohibiting gang-related apparels.

      • KCI등재

        통합환경법 입법모델에 관한 연구

        안성경(Ahn, Sung-kyoung) 한국토지공법학회 2009 土地公法硏究 Vol.46 No.-

        독일은 민법전(BGB)과 같이 법전화된 법률이 많다. 환경법전(UGB)은 1980년대 이래 오랜 시간 법전화를 둘러싸고 매우 열띤 토론을 벌인 끝에 정부안이 마련되어, 드디어 오랜 논의에 종지부를 찍을 듯 하였지만 2009년 2월 공포될 것으로 예상되었던 환경법전이 연방하원의회(Bundestag)에서 통과되지 못하여 다시 난항을 겪게 되었다. 독일 연방 환경부장관인 시그마 가브리엘(Sigmar Gabriel)에 따르면, 이번 2009년 2월에는 의회 내의 기민당(CDU)과 사민당(CSU)의 협의그룹에서 합의를 이루지 못해 법률안이 부결되었지만, 곧 새로운 협의체를 구성하여 합의를 할 것이고 조만간 법률안이 의결될 것으로 낙관하고 있다. 환경법의 법전화 작업은 독일에서 연방의 각 분야의 환경관련 법률과 16개 주 법률을 통합하는 아주 의미 있는 작업으로 평가 된다. 그럼에도 불구하고 여전히 이에 반대하는 의견은 법전화 작업이 많은 문제점이 내재되어 있다고 지적하고 있다. 우리나라 환경법은 1963년 「공해방지법」을 시작으로 "단일법주의"에 의한 환경입법의 기초를 마련하였다. 이후 "절충주의"로 불리는 1970년대의 「환경보전법」시대를 거쳐, 1990년대 「환경정책기본법」에 의한 "복수법주의"를 채택하여 오늘날에 이르고 있다. “복수법주의”에 의한 환경법체계는 오염을 종류별, 대책별로 정리하고, 오염매체별로 체계화하고 있다. 따라서 경직성을 극복하고, 구체성과 시의성 있는 대책을 마련하기 용의하다는 평가를 받고 있다. 그러나 환경법의 분산과 이중규제, 체계적 통일성의 결여라는 문제점이 있다는 지적을 받고 있으며, 이를 보완할 필요가 있다. 이러한 대안으로 “통합법주의”에 입각한 통합환경법의 제정을 둘러싼 논의가 활발하다. 이 글은 우리보다 20년 정도 일찍 환경법전 제정 논의를 시작하고 환경법전안을 마련한 독일의 논의와 환경법전안의 내용을 살펴보아, 우리의 통합환경법 제정 논의에 시사점을 제시하였다. In Germany there are many codified laws such as the Code for Civil Law (BGB), which, when the idea of its codification was first introduced, caused heated discussions for and against it, but now is proven to be useful. So does the codification of Environmental Law in Germany, which has been progressed since the 1980s with intense discussion of its use. However, the House of Representatives of the German Parliament (Bundestag) could not pass the resolution for the Code for Environmental Law (UGB), supposed to be promulgated in February 2009, which becomes a huge setback. According to the Minister of Federal Department of Environment, Ms. Sigmar Gabriel, the reason for this failure was that at that time, there was disagreement between CDU and SPD at the council level and she was optimistic that there would be a new council to be formed in the Parliament so that this proposal for codification would be passed through the Parliament. The codification of the current Environmental laws, both federal and every 16 states, is evaluated as meaningful in Germany, despite the fact that there are still serious conflicts, oppositions and many inherent problems ahead . In the meantime, the Korean Environmental Law was started in 1963 as the Environmental pollution Act, a single law laying out the groundwork for the future legislation on the environment. Today, multiple codes have been enacted such as the Environment Conservation Act in 1977 and Environmental Policy Act in 1990. Note the plural codes system has organized the contamination by each kind and each measure and sorted contaminants systematically. Therefore, this approach has been assessed as effective to overcome rigidity and to take concrete and timely measures. However, there are still issues to be resolved: the uneven distribution of the regulations, and the dual-regulation problem, the lack of systematic uniformity. Today, with the development of environmental law in South Korea, the discussion on the uniform codification of environmental laws becomes active and it is now timely to bench mark the progress of such development in Germany.In this paper, with an overview of the development and the progress of German environmental codes, we will discuss integration process which gives us the direction on how to deploy the future legislative efforts in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        독일의 이민법에 관한 연구

        안성경(AHN, Sung Kyung) 유럽헌법학회 2007 유럽헌법연구 Vol.2 No.-

        In den Bestandszahlen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland spiegelt sich jedoch neben anderen Faktoren und die Zuwanderung in kumulierter Form wider. Der Ausländerbestand hängt nicht nur von den erfolgten Migrationen (Zu- und Abwanderung), der Geburtenentwicklung und der Sterblichkeit der auslandischen Population ab, sondern spiegelt vor allem auch die jeweilige Einburgerungspraxis wider. Die Auslanderzahlen in Frankreich unterschatzen beispielsweise das Ausmaß der erfolgten Migration, da Frankreich ein relativ liberales und schnelles Einburgerungsverfahren hat. In Deutschland war bis Ende 1999 die Einburgerungsregelung fur Ausländer eher restriktiv, was zu einer im europaischen Vergleich unterdurchschnittlichen Einburgerungsquote gefuhrt hat. Entsprechend hoch ist der Anteil der auslandischen Staatsangehörigen, die trotz langer Aufenthaltsdauer nicht über einen deutschen Pass verfugen. Hingegen wurden die Spataussiedler welche unzweifelhaft zu den Migranten zu rechnen sind sehr schnell eingeburgert. Das heißt, die Mit Verabschiedung des neuen Staatsangehörigkeitsrechts am 1. August 1999 erwerben Spataussiedler und ihre Familienangehorigen soweit sie in den Aufnahmebescheid mit einbezogen sind. Mit der Ausstellung der Bescheinigung nach dem Bundesvertriebenengesetz automatisch die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit (§ 40a StAG). Darstellung der Migration durch die Auslanderzahlen ist in zweierlei Hinsicht verfalschend.: Die Auslanderzahlen unterschatzen die Migration durch die Nichteinbeziehung der zuwandernden Spataussiedler, sie uberschatzen aber auch die Migration aufgrund niedriger, jedoch kontinuierlich steigender Einburgerungszahlen und aufgrund jährlich circa 100 000 im Inland geborener ausländischer Kinder. Seit dem 1. Januar 2000 erhalt jedoch die Mehrzahl der in Deutschland geborenen Kinder ausländischer Eltern automatisch auch die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit, sodass die Zahl der im Inland geborenen Kinder mit ausländischer Staatsbürgerschaft (statistisch) sinken wird. Ausländische Staatsangehörige werden zusatzlich zur kommunalen melderechtlichen Registrierung im Auslanderzentralregister (beim Bundesverwaltungsamt in Köln) erfasst. Dort werden Informationen uber Auslander gesammelt, die sich drei Monate oder langer in Deutschland aufhalten. Dabei liefern die einzelnen lokalen Auslanderbehorden die entsprechenden Personenstandsdaten an das Auslanderzentralregister. Das Statistische Bundesamt erhalt zum Jahresende ausgewahlte, aufbereitete Daten aus dem Auslanderzentralregister und veroffentlicht diese. Am Ende des Jahres 1999 lebten insgesamt 7,344 Millionen Menschen mit einer auslandischen Staatsangehorigkeit in Deutschland. Das entspricht einem Anteil von 8,9 % an der Gesamtbevolkerung; dies bedeutet, dass jede elfte Person im Bundesgebiet keine deutsche Staatsan Wohnlichen Aufenthalt im Inland hat und eine Aufenthaltsberechtigung oder seit drei Jahren eine unbefristete Aufenthaltserlaubnis besitzt. Soweit diese Kinder auch die ausländische Staatsangehörigkeit der Eltern erwerben, müssen sie sich nach Erreichen der Volljährigkeit bis zum 23. Lebensjahr für eine Staatsbürgerschaft entscheiden (Optionspflicht). Erklaren sie, dass sie die ausländische Staatsangehörigkeit behalten wollen, verlieren sie die deutsche. Dies gilt auch, wenn sie bis zur Vollendung des 23 Lebensjahres keine entsprechende Erklarung abgeben. Entscheiden sie sich fur die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit, so müssen sie den Nachweis erbringen, dass sie die ausländische Staatsangehörigkeit verloren haben. In Ausnahmefällen kann die Mehrstaatigkeit hingenommen werden, z. B. wenn die Aufgabe der ausländischen Staatsangehörigkeit unmöglich oder unzumutbar ist.

      • KCI등재

        기관소송과 권한쟁의심판과의 관계 정립에 관한 연구

        안성경(Ahn Sung Kyoung) 한국헌법학회 2008 憲法學硏究 Vol.14 No.3

          기관소송이란 국가기관 상호간의 권한의 존부나 그 행사에 관한 다툼이 있을 때 그 다툼의 최종적 종식방법으로 고안된 제도이다. 우리나라는 1984년에 행정소송법을 전면개정하면서 행정소송의 한 유형으로 기관소송제도를 명시적으로 도입하였다. 한편 1987년 제9차 개정헌법과 1988년 헌법재판소법에 따라 헌법재판소를 신설하고 헌법소송의 하나로 권한쟁의심판제도를 도입하였다. 이러한 입법과정 속에 양자의 관계를 어떻게 정리할 것인가가 문제되었고, 헌법재판소법부칙 제8조 제2항에 의해 행정소송법 제3조 제4항에 “다만, 헌법재판소법 제2조의 규정에 의하여 헌법재판소의 관장사항으로 되는 소송은 제외한다”라고 하는 단서를 추가함으로써, 위와 같은 문제를 입법적으로 해결하는 듯 보였다.<BR>  그러나 기관소송과 권한쟁의심판의 구체적 운용현실을 살펴보면 결코 모든 문제가 입법적으로 해결된 것이 아님을 알 수 있다. 학계에서는 이러한 구체적 문제점을 예견하고 여러 가지 해결책을 제시해 왔으나, 제도운용과정에서는 이러한 해결책이 진지하게 받아들여지지 않았고, 입법적 수준에서는 한 치도 나아가지 못했다. 이러한 학계의 우려는 이미 현실화되었다.<BR>  이 글은 이와 같은 문제의식을 가지고, 행정소송법상 기관소송과 헌법상 권한 쟁의심판의 바람직한 관계를 제시하고자 하였다. 이 글은 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위하여 다음과 같은 순서로 논의를 전개하였다. 우선 바람직한 상호관계를 정립하기 위하여 우선적으로 검토되어야 하는 기관소송과 권한쟁의심판의 개념, 법적 성질 등에 관하여 정리하였다. 그리고 이러한 일반이론에 기초하여 위에서 제시한 기관소송과 권한쟁의심판의 상호관계를 정립하고, 이에 근거하여 그동안 헌법재판소에서 행한 권한쟁의심판 판례를 비판적으로 분석하였다.   The Agency Litigation is that the litigation between Public agencies as the final searching for ways to end the litigations. It means a litigation instituted when disputes arise over the existence or non-existence and exercise of power between agencies of the State or organs of public entities. In Korea, since 1984 total reform of the Administrative Litigation Act, the act says the agency litigation is one of the administrative litigation. Also in 1987, as the 9th constitutional amendment and in 1988 the constitutional court act, make the Constitutional Court and Authority dispute judgments as a litigation. Through the making the law, there are the relationships problem of between “the agency litigation” and “the Authority dispute judgments”, by Art. 8 (2) additional constitutional court act, as a conditional clause “except for a litigation instituted against matters of which the Constitutional Court is in charge under Article 2 of the Constitutional Court Act.(Art.3(4))” try to result the problems.<BR>  Nevertheless it is not solved only legislation process between Agency litigation and Authority dispute judgment. Since 1988 foresees like this concrete problem point from the academic world and presents comes a various branch solution like this solution sincerely from institutional use process, accepts and support is not, even one cannot advance from legislation level. The worry of like this academic world was actualized already.<BR>  Like this writing has a problematic consciousness, administrative lawsuit legal as a matter of agency litigation and constitutional as a matter of Authority dispute judgment under taking a triangular position a desirable correlation. For that, concept of the agency litigation in order to take a triangular position first of all must be investigated certainly a desirable correlation, about legal nature, arranges etc. And establishes in like this general theory and correlation of the agency litigation which presents from above and authority dispute judgment takes a triangular position, the Authority dispute judgment judicial precedent which does consequently during that time from the Constitutional Court under analyzing cases critically.

      • KCI등재

        미국 공립학교에서 학생의 복장 규제에 관한 연구

        안성경 ( Sung Kyoung Ahn ) 연세대학교 법학연구원 2009 法學硏究 Vol.19 No.1

        This is a study on public school dress codes in the U.S.A. An outline of this study is as follows: First of all, this research focus on the origin, history, background of dress codes in public school of U.S.A., analyzes cases law of U.S. courts about dress codes in Chapter Ⅱ. Second, Chapter Ⅲ surveys a constitutional standard of review for dress code of expressive conduct. Third, this study extracts from case law, proposes some general principles to guide school administrators in establishing a dress code for their school. Finally, Chapter Ⅴ summarizes results of this research. According to the U.S. Supreme Court, students have constitutional rights on doing a expressive conduct in schoolhouse. By protecting the students` freedom of speech, the Court advances the very purposes of the First Amendment. On the other hand, education is perhaps the most important function of state and local government. Schools must maintain a safe and educational environment before learning can begin. Further, part of any student`s education includes the inculcation of community values. In teaching community values, the school has a responsibility to teach its students the bounds of appropriate behavior. So School administrators need to have a control authority over student`s expressive conduct. There are three cases in the midst of the conflict between student speech and school control: Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District, Bethel School District No. 403 v. Fraser, and Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier. A Framework proposed in this study, Tinker-Fraser-Kuhlmeier Standards are as follows: First, if student expression is lewd or obscene, a school can simply prohibit it outright. This serves as a type of per se rule. That is, a school will always have the proper justification for regulating lewd or obscene student expression. If student expression is school-sponsored, the school can regulate it only if such regulation is rationally related to a legitimate pedagogical concern. Schools may not have absolute authority to regulate school-sponsored expression, but they need only satisfy the rational basis test to exert any authority. All other student expression is subject to Tinker`s substantial and material interference test, unless, of course, it is subject to some regulation permitted by an arm of the state beyond the walls of the schoolhouse.

      • KCI등재

        전자정부영향평가제도의 신설에 관한 탐색적 연구

        안성경 ( Sung Kyoung Ahn ) 연세대학교 법학연구원 2008 法學硏究 Vol.18 No.3

        Korea has developed arguably the most advanced e-government as demonstrated by the records that the country is currently ranked sixth in the world on the UN E-Government Preparation Index, and, also ranked first on the E-Government Assessment of Brown University in the United States. As the e-government system has been established and well advanced, there has been increasing concerns about enhancing the efficiency of e-government and the quality of service to the public that are in fact the fundamental goals of the development of the e-government. As a way of substantially promoting the effects of e-government, in this paper, we propose ``An E-Government Impact Assessment System.`` The proposed e-government impact assessment system is an institutional mechanism that is applied to evaluate and thus secure the efficient operation of both existing and newly adopting administrative measures in accordance with the purposes of e-government. Since there is no case of such the e-government impact assessment system in any part of the world, it is critical to develop a feasible assessment model for the e-governance by reviewing various existing or upcoming impact assessment systems including environmental impact assessment, legislative assessment, regulation impact assessment and others. Based on there views, this paper sorts out the evaluating bodies, subjects, and procedures of the assessment of e-government, and suggests possible several strategies for eventual Legislative Assessment system.

      • KCI등재

        녹색성장론에 대한 비판적 연구

        안성경(Ahn, SungKyoung) 한양법학회 2010 漢陽法學 Vol.31 No.-

        On the last 15 August 2008, President Lee Myung-bak proposed the so-called “green growth” concept, which is a economic and environmental harmony, and balance. Since then, the concept of green growth is being used routinely in our lives, I think it is a problem. This Article is intend to criticize a use of the “green growth”, proposes to use the “sustainable development” which is a strategic concept that is combination of economic development and environmental protection from the theoretical and practical perspective. This article in order to achieve these objectives are being claimed by the government to clean up the green growth Theory (Ⅱ), the existing claims in the general persistence will organize the sustainable development theory (Ⅲ). Under this base, in terms of green growth conceptual and theoretical aspects and practical aspects after reviewing the “green growth” concept than the concept of “sustainable development” and the vague and abstract, theoretical, and practical perspective, the concept of the problem is will argue(Ⅳ). Finally, by discussing and writing more (Ⅴ). The concept of green growth requires interpretation. Even though using of the expression of green growth is familiar to researchers, the concept of green growth is abstract and vague in actual. We need to consider another expression, “sustainable development”. “Sustainable development” and “green growth”, both are in the same level in concept, however “sustainable development” is used worldwide and for a long time and more popular. By the government's line of view, the economic development and environmental protection are two sections in consideration of the concept of green growth. On the contrary, the concept of sustainable development, economic development, environmental protection and social justice are three elements to the content. Therefore, in the concept of sustainable development, social justice between the layers of social justice, between generations and between international communities is essential and must to be premised. On the contrary, the concept of green growth seems to neglect the social justice element. In addition, the concept of green growth is still incomplete as a strategic concept for environmental policy. The concept of green growth is the uncertain theoretical and practical issues. That is causing the problem. Finally, the “Low Carbon, Green Growth Act” as enacted into Law, “Sustainable Development Act” to refine this legislation changing its nature that relatively larger to carry out the policy up to the top of the law resulted in a logical contradiction, resulted in the confusion legislation.

      • KCI등재

        유럽연합의 공동유럽망명제도(Common European Asylum System; CEAS)에 관한 연구

        안성경(Ahn, Sung Kyoung) 유럽헌법학회 2008 유럽헌법연구 Vol.3 No.-

        The community measures on asylum are not addressed separately, but as constituents of a system, of an organised body of the law, `the Common European Asylum System (CEAS)`. This is not appear in the Treaty on European Community. The notion of the CEAS was introduced only in 1999 by the European Council. The community council took over this aim: according to the Preambles to the Qualification Directive, the Procedures Directive, the Reception Directive and the Dublin Regulation, these are included the CEAS. The Dublin Regulation, the Procedures Directive and the Residence Standards Directive apply to third country nationals who apply for the refugee protection, but not necessarily to persons who apply to subsidiary protection. The legislation making up the CEAS establishes four protection statuses: refugee status, subsidiary protection status, applicant status and temporary protection status. On the four Issues, the CEAS sets the Rules for all or some of the statuses. I will discuss about asylum law for north Korean, describe and analyse the rules on the European Aslym System Model and the International Aslym Law.

      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : 이러닝에 관한 현행 저작권법의 규정: 현황과 개선방안을 중심으로

        안성경 ( Sung Kyoung Ahn ) 대한교육법학회 2008 敎育 法學 硏究 Vol.20 No.2

        정보통신기술(ICT)이 빠른 속도로 발전하면서 정보가 부를 창조하고 인간의 주요활동이 정보통신기술을 이용하여 이루어지는 정보사회가 등장하였다. 이러한 변화에 따라 교육현장에서는 ICT를 통하여 교육의 효율성을 높이는 이러닝(e-learning)을 도입하여 운영하고 있다. 그러나 발달된 ICT를 교육영역에 도입하여 이를 활용하는 교육을 하는 데에는 현실적으로 여러 가지 어려움이 많다. 이러한 이유로 정부는 지난 2004년 「이러닝산업발전법」을 제정하였으나, 이 법은 이러닝 활성화를 위한 지원근거를 마련하는데 초점을 두고 있어 이러닝의 핵심인 교육용 콘텐트와 소프트웨어의 보호와 이용에 관해서는 실질적으로 규율하고 있지 않다. 따라서 이에 관한 규율은 여전히 저작권법을 중심으로 하는 기존 법에 여전히 맡겨져 있다. 그러나 현행 저작권법제도는 이러한 변화를 충실히 수용하고 있지 못하다고 평가된다. 이 글은 이러한 문제의식을 가지고, 이러닝의 핵심인 교육용 콘텐트와 소프트웨어의 보호와 이용에 관한 현행법상의 규율내용을 정리하여 그 내용과 한계를 제시하고자 한다. 나아가 그 문제점을 파악하고, 그에 대한 개선방향을 탐색해 보고자 한다. During the Information and Communication Technology(ICT) is developing, come to the Information Society in which information make wealth and the people activate with ICT methods. Electronic learning(e-learning) which use a ICT methods in education area has been spreading extensively. Because there are many problems to execute a e-learning in Korea, Representative has made "E-learning Industry Development Act". But this act focus on progressing a e-learning industry, not on regulating a content and software copyright to execute e-learning. So Representative has amended "Copyright Act" in 2006. But there is some problems. The purpose of this thesis aims to analyze the current regulations on e-learning of the copyright law and to research improvements. To this purpose, it is organized as follows. First of all, it analyzes the current regulations on e-learning of the copyright law(Ⅱ). And we inquire into a related law in USA and Germany(Ⅲ). And we research improvements in korean copyright law(Ⅳ).

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