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        문학적 전범으로서의 『춘추좌전(春秋左傳)』 인식에 관한 일고(一考) - 17세기 초 고문(古文) 학습관과 서적 편찬-

        심규식 ( Sim Kyu-sik ) 한국한문학회 2021 韓國漢文學硏究 Vol.- No.81

        17세기 초 조선에서는 先秦兩漢의 문장을 모범으로 하는 擬古文에 대한 관심이 증가하면서, 『春秋左傳』에 대한 문학적 논의가 크게 증가했다. 崔鳴吉, 張維 등 당대 의고문에 관심을 가진 작가들 뿐 아니라, 의고문에 비판적이었던 李植조차도 『좌전』을 문학 학습의 수단으로 보는 등, 『좌전』의 문학적 제고는 문학관과 당파를 초월한 시대정신이었다. 특히 『좌전』을 外書로 지칭한 최명길의 시각은 후대의 春秋大義에 입각한 『좌전』 이해와는 크게 달랐다. 17세기 초의 문학적 분위기는 서적 편찬에도 영향을 주었다. 官學의 입장에서 주석을 집대성하고자 한 조선 전기 좌전학, 춘추대의의 강화를 위해 朱熹의 『춘추』 주석을 집대성하고 『通鑑綱目』의 綱目體를 모방하고자 한 조선 후기 좌전학과 달리, 17세기 초에는 순수 古文 선집으로서의 『좌전』 관련 서적이 편찬되었다. In the early 17th century Chosŏn, interest in pseudoclassical writingwhich modeled pre-Qin and Han period works-had increased. Zuozhuan was recognized as a literary model accordingly. This acknowledgment was a zeitgeist that spread beyond political factions and literary circles. Not only Ch'oe Myŏngkil and Chang Yu-who had a positive opinion on pseudoclassicism-but also Yi Sik-who opposed pseudoclassical movementconsidered Zuozhuan as a literature textbook. Especially, Ch'oe considered Zuozhuan as "an auxiliary text." This opinion is completely different from an orthodox understanding based on the ideology of "the great cause in Chunqiu" in late Chosŏn. The zeitgeist greatly affected publications in the Chosŏn era. Early 17th century anthologies-Yu Mongin's Taega Munhoe for example-included Zuozhuan as important classical literature. This brief change is noticeable between the early Chosŏn compilations of annotations for the official study and the late Chosŏn adaptations of Zhu Xi's Zizhi Tongjian Gangmu and reconstructions of his Zuozhuan scholarship in attempts to emphasize "the great cause."

      • KCI등재

        청송심씨(靑松沈氏) 고문헌(古文獻)을 통해 본 저촌(樗村) 심육(沈錥)의 생애와 학문

        심규식 ( Sim Kyu-sik ) 민족문학사학회·민족문학사연구소 2018 민족문학사연구 Vol.68 No.-

        본 논문은 서울역사박물관 소장 靑松沈氏 古文獻을 중심으로 樗村 沈錥의 생애와 사유방식의 특징, 문인들의 이력을 상세히 밝히고, 심육과 江華學派의 관계를 논했다. 그 예비 작업으로 본 논문은 우선 청송심씨 고문헌 자료의 書誌를 밝히고, 그들 자료가 시문집 『樗村遺稿』로 정리된 과정을 추정했다. 이어서 심육의 일생 행적을 서술했다. 심육은 정국이 격화된 시기, 少論 緩論 명문가 출신으로 영조 초에 일시 정계에 나아갔으나, 일생의 대부분을 안성과 금천에 은거하며 학문에 종사했으며, 말년에는 서당을 운영하여 후학을 양성했다. 다음으로 청송심씨 고문헌에 들어있는 서책목록과 독서 관련 기록을 검토한 후, 심육의 문인들이 남긴 학술 기록을 중심으로 심육의 학문적 성향과 사유 양식에 대해 고찰했다. 그 결과 심육의 사유 방법으로 첫째, 格物을 卽物窮理로 이해하고, 知行을 두 가지 일로 구분하는 등, 주자학적 사유 체계를 따른 점, 둘째, 存心養性의 敬 공부를 중시하고 陽明學을 비판한 점, 셋째, 務實을 지향하고 禮의 실천을 중시한 점, 넷째, 사망 직전의 시기에 主靜 공부를 수용한 점을 밝혔다. 마지막으로 본 논문은 심육의 문인들을 조명하고, 심육의 학문이 서당을 매개로 전승된 양상을 고찰했다. This dissertation ascertained Sim Yuk(沈錥)’s life and his scholarship, and argued his relationship between Ganghwa school(江華學派) by analysing Cheongsong Sim family old documents.(靑松沈氏 古文獻) As a preliminary work, this dissertation explained how the old documents are organized into Sim Yuk’s literary collection < Jeochonyugo(樗村遺稿) >. Next, this dissertation revealed Sim Yuk’s life as a hermit and a educator. With through analysis of books lists and student’s recordings of Sim Yuk’s academic discussion, It was possible to present four characteristics of his scholarship. First, he followed the doctrine of neo-Confucianism. Second, he stressed on veneration(敬), criticising Yangmingism. Third, he valued practical ethics. Fourth, he accepted serenity(Taoistic 靜) in his latter years. In the last part of the dissertation, it focused on Sim Yuk’s students and the way of succession of his scholarship in seodang(private school).

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        총수담관 협착을 유발한 만성췌장염 2예

        정규원(Kyu Won Chung),선희식(Hee Sik Sun),정진우(Jin Woo Jeong),심규식(Kyu Sik Shim),채현석(Hyun Suk Chae),강숙영(Sook Young Kang),한석원(Sun Won Han),박영민(Yong Min Park),주상용(Sang Yong Ju),심상인(Sang In Shim) 대한소화기학회 1987 대한소화기학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        Chronic pancreatitis is mainly caused by chronic alcohol abuse and increases in incidence. The disease is characterized as epigastric pain radiating to back which is precipitated by alcohol inges- tion, and there may be nausea, vomiting, constipation, and mild jaundice with dark urine. The complications of chronic pancreatitis are diabetes mellitus, steatorrhea, pancreatic calcifica- tion, biliary obstruction, pseudocyst, peptic ulcer, abscess, carcinoma of pancreas, ascites and GI bleeding, etc. Since Riedel reported the case of common bile duct obstruction in chronic pancreatitis in 1892, there have been reported allmost 100 cases of common bile duct obstruction in pancreatitis. We report 2 cases of common bile duct obstruction caused by chronic pancreatitis without above complications.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        독우산광대버섯 중독 2예의 임상상과 조직학적 소견

        정규원(Kyu Won Chung),김부성(Boo Sung Kim),심규식(Kyu Sik Shim),양진모(Jin Mo Yang),안병민(Byung Min Ahn),이봉수(Bong Soo Lee),김진일(Jin Il Kim),김병욱(Byung Wook Kim),이영길(Young Gil Lee),황호원(Ho Won Hwang) 대한소화기학회 1993 대한소화기학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        Fatal cases of mushroom poisonings are mostly caused by Amanita species in Korea. Arnanita mushrooms induce severe liver damage by cyclopeptide toxins which are thermostable. Human victims of acute Amanita poisoning usually undergo typical three phases. The gastrointesti nal symptoms of colicky abdominal pain, vomiting, watery diarrheaa begin 6-12 hr after ingestion of mushrooms. In most cases, gastrointestinal symptoms regress spontaneously and then clinical signs of severe hepatic injury develop. The histopathological findings of acute liver injuries are acute hemorrhagic necrosis of parenchyma, coagulative necrosis, vacuolated degeneration, micro-vesicular fat droplets, and yellow atrophy in the literature. However, the ultrastructural findings on human victim have been rarely reported. In Korea, total number of reported human victims of Amanita poisoing in the literature was belov 60 and there was no precise description on the subspecies of genus Amanita except only one in 1987. Recently, we experienced two cases of mushroom poisonings by Amanita virosa. Thus we report the clinical findings of the patients with the histological feature of liver injury using light and electron microscopy.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Phalloidin 으로 유발되는 간세포막 변형에 대한 트립신 효과

        정규원(Kyu Won Chung),이영석(Young Sok Lee),서정민(Jeong Min Suh),심규식(Kyu Sik Shim),양진모(Jin Mo Yang),안병민(Byung Min Ahn),김재광(Jae Kwang Kim),한남익(Nam Ik Han),김환묵(hwan Mook Kim),오구택(Goo Taeg Oh) 대한소화기학회 1993 대한소화기학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        N/A Phalloidin, a bicyclic heptapeptide isolated from the mushroom Amanita phalloides, was reported as a membrane specific toxin inducing membrane protrusions in the isolated hepatocyte. The molecular basis of this injury most likely lies in the interaction of phalloirlin with the protein filaments of the plasma rnembrane. Trypsin was reported as one of the agents which preuent membrane protrusions of hepatocyte, from phalloidin. However, the exact mechanism of trypsin to the phalloidin action is still obscure. This study was designed to investigate the ultrastructures of isolated hepatoryte treated by phalloidin and trypsin, as a part of study to elucidate the mechanism of trypsin antagonisrn to phalloidin. In our experiments, multiple protrusions on the surface of isolated rat hepatocytes were observed, whereas trypsinized hepatocytes showed mild degree membrane protrusions along with hepatocyte aggregation after 20 min incubation with 10 ug/ml of phalloidin. The total number of aggregated cells were increased with gradual increase in trypsin concentration. These trypsin effects were disappeared spontaneously after twice washing of trypsinized heptocytes with Hank's balanced salt solution (HBSS) or treatment with soy bean trypsin inhibitor. Without trypsin, both Tween 80 trcated hepatocytes and hepatocyte ghosts were not aggregated but showed membrane protrusions with phalloidin. However, electron microscopy revealed mild membrane deformity on trypsin and phalloidin treated cells that was determined as normal under light microscopy. In conclusion, these results suggest that certain memmbrane structures in isolated rat liver cell, to which trypsin is reversely reartive, are required to recognze or to uptake phalloidin. These trypsin altered membrane structures lead to aggregation of hepatocytes upon reaction to phalloidin. And more studies should be performed to evaluate the mechanism of trypsin especially in regard to the hepatocyte aggregation.

      • KCI등재

        중년여성의 12주간 수영참여가 건강체력, 혈중지질 및 스트레스호르몬에 미치는 영향

        이보애(Lee, Bo-Ae),심규식(Shim, Kyu-Sik),김종원(Kim, Jong-Won) 한국체육과학회 2021 한국체육과학회지 Vol.30 No.4

        In this study, swimming was performed for 12 weeks, 3 times a week, once for 60 minutes for normal middle-aged women living in P city. Health physical fitness, blood lipid and stress hormone were measured and analyzed using SPSS Ver.21.0 statistical program. The result was as follows. 1. Within the group, muscle endurance, flexibility, and lean mass significantly increased and body fat percentage significantly decreased in the exercise group. There was no significant difference in muscle strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, cardiorespiratory endurance, body fat percentage, and lean mass in the control group. There was no significant difference in all items between groups. 2. Within the group, there were no significant differences in all items in the exercise group. In the control group, only high-density lipoprotein cholesterol showed a significant decrease, and there was no significant difference in total cholesterol, triglyceride, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. 3. Within the group, there was no significant difference in both the exercise group and the control group, and there was no significant difference in all items between groups. Summarizing the above results, regular swimming exercise had a significant effect on health, but did not significantly effect on blood lipids and stress hormones. Regular and continuous aerobic exercise, such as swimming, proper personal fitness level, has a positive effect on preventing the increase of blood lipids and stress hormones. In the future, it is expected that many follow-up studies on changes in blood lipids and stress hormones will be studied for safe and systematic exercise intensity setting.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        회장에 발생한 원발성악성선암 2예

        송춘익(Choon Eck Song),심규식(Kyu Sik Shim),구완서(Wan Suk Koo),박동준(dong JUne Park),김철민(chul Min Kim),하현권(Hyun Kwon Ha),허미경(Mi Kyung Hur),강문원(Moon Won Kang) 대한소화기학회 1987 대한소화기학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        This is a report of two cases of adenocarcinoma in ileum of the small intestine. Ileal adenocar- cinoma has been noted at its rarity, etiology, distribution, and poor prognosis. Recently we experi- enced two interesting cases. One dveloped in 25 year-old rnan, and the other in 42 year old man, vho had treated by segmental resection and chemotherapy, was followed by development of gastric carcinoma after 8 year-survival.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국에서의 원발성 담즙성 간경변증

        서정민(Jeong Min Suh),심규식(Kyu Sik Shim),양영상(Young Sang Yang),윤승규(Seung Kew Yoon),한준열(Joon Yeol Han),안병민(Byung Min Ahn),이창돈(Chang Don Lee),정규원(Kyu Won Chung),선희식(Hee Sik Sun),박두호(Doo Ho Park),김부성(Boo Sung 대한내과학회 1996 대한내과학회지 Vol.50 No.2

        Objectives: Primary biliary cirrhosis(PBC) is a relatively common autoimmune liver disease in western country. But it is rare in Asia. Only 11 cases of PBC has been reported so far in Korea. We have experienced 7 cases of PRC recently. The aim of the present study is to assess the clinical characteristics of PHC in Korea. Methods: We ana1yzed 18 cases of PBC for the distribution of age and sex, initial symptoms and signs, associated disorders, frequency of autoantibodies, and pathologic stage. Results: Of 18 patients, the ratio of male to female was 1: 3.5 and the average age was 52.8 years old. Pruritus(77.8%) was the most frequent clinical symptom followed by jaundice(61.1%), chronic fatigue(44.4%), xerostomia and xerophthalmia(22.2%), and general weakness(16.7%). Associated disorders were Sjogres`s syndrome(22.2%), Behcet`s syndrome, (5.6%), bronchial asthma(5.6%), pleural effusion (5.6%), and bicuspid valve stenosis (5.6%), Detected autoantibodies were antimitochondrial antibody(100%), fluorescent antinuclear antibody(50%), rheumatoid factor(44.4%), and smooth muscle antibody(5.6%). The pathologic stages based on morphologic findings were stage 1(16.7%), stage 1-2(11.1%), stage 2 (27.8%), stage 2-3(22.2%), stage 3(16.7%), and stage 3-4(5.6%). Conclusion: The clinical characteristics of PBC in Korea are similar to those of western country`s cases. But the male to female ratio in Korea is higher than in western countires

      • KCI등재후보

        소화성궤양 1,179 예에 대한 역학적 및 내시경적 고찰

        김재광 ( Jae Kwang Kim ),정인식 ( In Sik Chug ),안병민 ( Byung Min Ahn ),한남익 ( Nam Ik Han ),서정민 ( Jeong Min Suh ),조현미 ( Hyun Mi Cho ),최상욱 ( Sang Wook Choi ),박영민 ( Young Min Park ),한석원 ( Suk Won Han ),심규식 ( Kyu 대한내과학회 1990 대한내과학회지 Vol.39 No.2

        Several environmental factors are known to contribute to the development of peptic ulcer. The incidence and prevalence of peptic ulcer are changing along with changes in the environment. Therefore, we analyzed 1,179 prospective patients, who were diagnosed as peptic ulcer with gastrofiberscopy, in eight hospitals of Catholic University Medical College from August, 1988 to April, 1989. The results were as follows: 1) Of the 1,179 cases, the number of patients with duodenal ulcer was 606 (51.4%), with gastric ulcer 489 (41.5%), and with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer (combined ulcer) 84(7.1%). 2) The mean age of each group of patients with gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, and combined ulcer was 50.3±14.4 years, 39.6±12.7 years, and 47.9±13.0 years (p<0.005), respectively. The ratio of males to females was 3.4:1 in patients with gastric ulcer, 3.1:1 in patients with duodenal ulcer, and 4.3:1 in patients with combined ulcer. 3) The percentage of smokers was higher in patients with peptic ulcer (68.1% in patients with gastric ulcer, 58.9% in patients with duodenal ulcer and 69.0% in patients with combined ulcer) than the percentage of smokers in the general population(32%). 4) Blood type was not associated with incidence of peptic ulcer, but non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and stressful stimuli may play a part in the genesis of peptic ulcer. 5) The incidence of peptic ulcer was characterized by regional variation and occupation. 6) The most common symptom was epigastric pain, but 3-4.5% in patients with pepetic ulcer had no complaints. 7) The most common shape of the ulcer was round or oval, and the most common aite was angle in gastric ulcer and anterior wall of bulb in duodenal ulcer. 8) The mean size was 1.4±1.0cm in gastric ulcer, 0.9±0.6 cm in duodenal ulcer, and 1.2±0.7 cm in combined ulcer (p<0.005). 9) The multiplicity of ulcers was 22.9% of gastric and 10.6% of duodenal ulcer.

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