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      • KCI등재

        누에 short neuropeptide F receptor (BsNPF-R)의 cDNA cloning

        신효정(Hyojung Shin),권기상(Kisang Kwon),홍선미(Sun Mee Hong),김홍근(Hong Geun Kim),박관호(Kwan-Ho Park),최지영(Ji-Young Choi),김승환(Seung-Whan Kim),유권(Kweon Yu),권오유(O-Yu Kwon) 한국생명과학회 2016 생명과학회지 Vol.26 No.6

        누에(Bombyx mori)에서 short neuropeptide F (sNPF) receptor를 encoding하고 있는 cDNA를 cloning하여서 BsNPF-R라고 이름을 붙였다. BsNPF-R는 이미 보고된 sNPF-R들과 아미노산 수준에서 사람(36%), 쥐(34%), 제브라피쉬(35%), 초파리(51%)와 상동성을 보였다. BsNPF-R는 계산적으로 분자량이 42,731 Da이고 원형질막을 관통하는 단백질이다. BsNPF-R 유전자발현은 중장, 후견사선, 말피기관, 정소에서 강한 반면 지방체, 혈세포, 난소에서 약하게 발현하였다. 그리고 합성된 sNPF에 의해서도 BsNPF-R의 유전자발현이 조절되었다. It has already been reported that short neuropeptide F (sNPF) stimulates feeding behaviors in a wide variety of insect species. In the present study, we cloned cDNA, encoding a sNPF receptor homologue from a silkworm, Bombyx mori, named BsNPF-R. The amino acid sequence of BsNPF-R was compared with those of sNPF-R thus far reported, which is shared with humans (36%), mice (34%), zebrafish (35%), and fruit flies (51%), respectively. A BsNPF-R protein"s mass was theoretically estimated to be 42,731 Da and it is a putative plasma membrane-penetrating protein. The mRNA expression of BsNPF-R was tested; the results showed that a strong expression was detected at the midgut, post-silk gland, Malpighian, and testis; however, a weak expression was at the fat body, hemocyte, and ovary. In addition, the synthesized sNPF of a silkworm regulated the BsNPF-R mRNA expression through the cell-based functional analysis.

      • KCI등재

        「위험한 관계」에 나타난 영-미 문화 간화용방식 차이

        신효정(Hyojung Shin) 한국영미어문학회 2014 영미어문학 Vol.- No.113

        Speakers of different languages have different language-use conventions. But pragmatic variation occurs not only across languages, but also across cultures of a same language and each culture has linguistic norms its native speakers tacitly follow. The present paper analyzes pragmatic variation between American and British English described in Douglas Kennedy's A Special Relationship. It can be argued that novels are not subject to linguistic analysis, but a story of an American lady who marries a British man and lives in London, contains a lot of struggles caused by different communication behaviors of two cultures. Based on Politeness Theory, I explain what causes one to feel the opponent impolite and have negative image against her/him in a cross-cultural conversation. I attempt to explain the underlying difference of cultural values and priorities of the two countries based on Face Theory. I claim that Americans and the British have slightly different value toward Face and it is reflected in different politeness strategies and communication behavior.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 2인칭 호칭어의 사회적 화용성과 외국어로서 한국어 교재의 화용성 재고

        신효정(Hyojung Shin) 한국영미어문학회 2013 영미어문학 Vol.- No.107

        The present study describes socio-pragmatic patterns of Korean address forms. It investigates whether KFL textbooks represent these patterns, and explores the potential of learners' inadequacy in the case of textbooks failing to represent the patterns. To describe authentic pragmatic patterns, this study analyzes Korean TV dramas and a Korean movie. To see the authenticity of textbooks, eleven KFL textbooks published by three different universities have been used. In addition, interviews and surveys have been conducted to reveal learners' inadequacy. The result is that the textbooks fail to represent the authenticity of address forms found in real conversations. They often over-emphasize the form of 'ssi following a person's name, which has limited use in real situations. Both interviews and surveys, however, show that learners use relatively various and adequate address forms in spite of the simplicity and overuse of 'ssi' in the textbooks. This is probably the result of regular interactions with native speakers. The conclusion is that the simplicity of the textbooks has less effect on learner's socio-pragmatic competence than hypothesized and is no serious obstacle. This study still suggests, however, that textbooks should contain enough authentic data to help foreign students, especially those for whom textbooks are the only tool. This will help teachers make better teaching strategies.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 신문 읽기에서 성별추론

        신효정(Hyojung Shin) 한국영미어문학회 2010 영미어문학 Vol.- No.96

        This paper investigated how gender inference is generated in Korean newspaper reading, in which there are no specific gender-markers except for gender stereotyped personal names and occupations. Three experiments were conducted to see how these two factors actually work in gender inference. In experiment 1, to check stereotyped gender information for personal names of native Koreans, I collected 20 personal names from different languages (written in Korean) from daily newspapers and asked participants about the gender they guessed intuitively. While most of the Korean names were distinctively divided into female and male, other foreign names written in Korean showed unstable division. In experiment 2, participants were instructed to read a newspaper article where a gender stereotyped occupation, 'politician(the spoke person of Grand Nation Party)' was included and to recall the gender of the person. The result showed that 68% of the participants recalled the politician as a male even though she was referred with a female name which was assessed as a female name at 98% in experiment 1. It reflected the strong effect of a stereotyped occupation in gender inference. In experiment 3, three foreign names were respectively combined with different occupations and were asked to check the gender. The result indicated that there was no difference between with and without a name in judging gender. It gave me the evidence that personal names are not reliable gender-marker when they comes with a strongly stereotyped occupation which is common in newspaper article, and in the case, gender inference is likely based on the background knowledge about the stereotyped occupations stored in a reader's mental model.

      • KCI등재

        대학생 영어 학습자들의 세계시민의식과 만국공용어로서의 영어(ELF) 인식

        신효정(Hyojung Shin) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2023 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.23 No.20

        목적 본 연구의 목적은 글로벌 시대 영어 학습자들의 글로벌 정체성과 상호문화 역량의 개발을 위해 세계시민 교육과 만국공용어로서 영어(ELF: English as a lingua franca)를 겨냥한 영어 교육의 융합에 대한 가능성을 탐색하는 데 있다. 방법 K대학에 재학 중인 136명의 영어 학습자들을 대상으로 세계시민의식과 영어 학습에서 ELF에 대한 인식 사이에 관련성과 인과성을 상관관계분석과 회귀분석을 통해 조사하였다. 결과 두 변수 사이에 통계적으로 유의적인 상관관계(r=.454, p<.001)가 관찰되었으며 이를 통해 세계시민의식이 증가할수록 ELF에 대한 인식도 증가할 수 있고 반대의 경우도 가능하다는 것을 유추할 수 있었다. 회귀분석에서는 세계시민의식의 하위항목 중 참여의식(β=.302, p<.01)과 다문화의식(β=.224, p<.01)에서 통계적으로 유의미한 계수가 산출되었다. 이는 다양한 글로벌 이슈의 노출과 다문화 경험이 학습자들로 하여금 ELF를 인식하고 다문화 역량을 쌓는데 긍정적인 영향을 줄 수 있음을 암시하였다. 결론 소통능력, 다문화 인식, 참여의식 등 글로벌 역량을 갖춘 세계화 시대의 영어 학습자를 배출하는데 세계시민 교육과 ELF를 겨냥한 영어 교육의 융합이 긍정적인 역할을 할 수 있을 것이라 기대한다. Objectives The purpose of this study is to examine if it is valid to integrate global citizenship education with ELF(English as a lingua franca)-aware teaching and learning in order for English learners to cultivate global identi-ties and multicultural perspectives as ELF speakers. Methods Based on a survey conducted among 136 English learners who attend K university, correlation and cau-sation between global citizenship and ELF awareness in learning English were analyzed. Results The result showed general global citizenship and ELF awareness in learning English were significantly correlated(r=.454, p<.001), indicating that the higher global citizenship they develop, the higher ELF awareness they perceive, or the other way around. In addition, two subcategories of global citizenship, social participation(β= .302, p<.01) and multicultural awareness(β=.224, p<.01), yielded a meaningful regression coefficient for ELF awareness, implying that exposure to various global issues and muticultural experiences cause the students to re-alize ELF awareness and build intercultural competence. Conclusions From these findings, it is expected that the integration of global citizenship education and ELF-aware teaching and learning may play a positive role in leading English learners to develop global competence, such as communication skills, multicultural awareness and social participation.

      • KCI등재

        A Contrastive Study of Compliment Responses among Korean and Dutch University Students:Pragmatic Transfer in Focus

        신효정(Hyojung Shin) 한국영미어문학회 2016 영미어문학 Vol.- No.120

        This study investigates the similarities and differences among Dutch and Korean university students in how they operate compliment responses (CRs) when they speak in English. It also analyzes the pragmatic transfer of each group by comparing the data with those from Shin (2015), which investigates CR patterns of their native languages. The data was collected through a discourse completion task (DCT) written in English, designed with four different situations. The results reveals that the Korean respondents represent a greater tendency to evade and reject a compliment and they are more sensitive to a person who gives them a compliment than the content of a compliment, itself. On the other hand, the Dutch respondents tend to accept a compliment and pay more attention to the content of a compliment, itself and the distance between the speakers. Moreover, the Korean students show relatively more pragmatic transfer at the macro level, while the Dutch students make clearer pragmatic transfer at the micro level. The difference is presumed to be derived from the different level of English proficiency of the two groups. The findings prove that compliments can be interpreted and used in different ways even when they use the same language. Thus, this study provides some evidence that millions of people work in global settings and speak a common language, but they still view things from their own cultural perspectives and communicate in their own cultural patterns and routines.

      • KCI등재

        20∼30대의 가족건강성이 심리적 안녕감에 미치는 영향 -적극적 스트레스 대처와 회복탄력성의 순차적 매개효과-

        권혜진 ( Kwon¸ Hyejin ),신효정 ( Shin¸ Hyojung ) 한국가족사회복지학회 2021 한국가족복지학 Vol.68 No.3

        This study tried to verify the sequential mediating effects of active stress coping and resilience in the relationship between family-strengths and psychological well-being in the 20s and 30s. For the study, a self-report questionnaire was conducted on 326 adults in their 20s and 30s, and the results of the study are as follows. First, there was a significant positive correlation between family-strengths, active stress coping, resilience, and psychological well-being. Second, there was a sequential mediating effect of active stress coping and resilience between family-strengths and psychological well-being. Through this, it can be seen that a healthy family relationship develops the ability to actively cope with stress, and through this, the psychological well-being is enhanced by the growth of resilience to overcome adversity. This suggests that even if family-strengths is low, psychological well-being in 20s and 30s can be increased through active stress coping and intervention in resilience-enhancing education. Finally, a discussion for future research is presented.

      • KCI등재

        대형 온라인 강좌의 설계와 운영 방안 모색: 재학생, 고등학생, 일반인 대상의 설문조사를 바탕으로

        장진영 ( Jinyoung Jang ),김령희 ( Younghee Kim ),손나경 ( Nagyung Sohn ),신효정 ( Hyojung Shin ),정현숙 ( Hyunsook Jeong ) 한국실천공학교육학회 2023 실천공학교육논문지 Vol.15 No.1

        The advancement of online technology in the 21st century has increased online courses and web-based communication in higher education. This type of education is not limited by time or location and has made it possible to expand university campuses globally and broaden the reach of university education to the general public and students from other universities. Changes such as a decrease in the school-age population and a reorganization of the university structure have also created an opportunity to change the perception of online education. In this paper, we conducted surveys on K University students, high school seniors, and the general public to assess their satisfaction with online courses, identify areas that require massive online courses, and determine students’ needs for the operation of massive online courses. The survey showed that K University students are generally satisfied with online courses. However, improvements are needed to ensure a smooth online course-taking environment, increase system uniformity, and enhance the overall online course environment. High school students have a strong preference for natural science and should be offered online courses in subjects such as mathematics and physics as prerequisites to prepare for their major classes. The general public prefers the humanities, which is evident in the purpose of the liberal arts lectures.

      • KCI등재

        온라인 마음챙김 자기연민(SCHC) 프로그램 참여에 관한 외과 수련의 마음챙김과 자기연민 경험: 합의적 질적 분석

        김양선(Yang Sun Kim),허보연(Bo Yeon Huh),신효정(Hyojung Shin) 한국재활심리학회 2023 재활심리연구 Vol.30 No.2

        본 연구는 외과 수련의들이 의료현장에서 경험하는 심리적 고통의 순간을 이해하고, ‘온라인 마음챙김 자기연민(Self-Compassion for Healthcare Communities: SCHC)’ 프로그램 참여에 관한 외과 수련의 마음챙김과 자기연민 경험을 탐색하여 추후 SCHC 프로그램 수정과 적용을 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 경기도 소재의 3차 의료기관에서 전공의 또는 전임의로 근무 중이며 SCHC 프로그램에 참여한 8명에게 면접을 실시하였다. 자료는 합의적 질적 분석 방법(CQR)으로 분석하였고, 그 결과 총 6개의 영역과 31개의 하위범주가 도출되었다. 첫 번째 영역은 ‘마음챙김-자기연민이 도움이 되었던 스트레스와 심리적 고통의 순간’으로, 환자의 상태가 나빠질까 불안, 압박감을 경험할 때, 환자가 사망했을 때 도움된 것으로 나타났다. 두 번째 영역은 ‘SCHC 프로그램 참여 동안의 인식 변화’로 프로그램 참여 동안 참여자들은 고통의 순간 멈추어 자신의 감정과 상황을 명확히 보고, 여유를 찾는 중요성을 알게 되었으며, 자신을 친절히 대하는 대처방법을 알게 된 것으로 나타났다. 세 번째 영역은 ‘SCHC 프로그램 후 일상생활에서의 변화’로 스트레스 상황에서도 위로, 진정됨, 이완됨을 경험한 것으로 나타났다. 네 번째 영역은 ‘수련의가 지각한 도움이 된 세부 프로그램’으로 고통의 순간을 알아차리고 잠시 멈추어 여유를 되찾는 프로그램이 도움된 것으로 나타났다. 다섯 번째 영역은 ‘수련의가 지각한 어려움이나 저항이 생겼던 세부 프로그램’에 대한 것으로 ‘평정심’ 실습이 포함되었다. 여섯 번째 영역은 ‘프로그램 운영에 대한 제안’으로 주로 구성원, 시간, 장소에 대한 의견들이 나타났다. explore the mindfulness and self-compassion experiences of surgical trainees participating in an online ‘Self-Compassion for the Healthcare Communities (SCHC)’ program. Eight surgical trainees working as residents or fellows in tertiary medical institutions in Gyeonggi-do who participated in the SCHC were interviewed. Data analysis followed the Consensus Qualitative Analysis Method (CQR), resulting in six domains and 31 categories. The first domain focused on moments of psychological distress where mindfulness and self-compassion helped. The second domain examined changes in awareness during the SCHC. the third domain explored changes in daily life after the SCHC. The fourth domain discussed helpful program details. The fifth domain addressed program details where difficulties or resistance arose. The sixth domain provided operational suggestions. Finally, the study discussed the significance and limitations, along with suggestions for follow-up studies.

      • KCI등재

        Isolation and Characterization of Six Microorganisms from the Digestive Tract of the Cricket Gryllus bimaculatus

        Kisang Kwon(권기상),Eun Ryeong Lee(이은령),Bo-Kyung Yoo(유보경),Young Hwa Ko(고영화),Hyojung Shin(신효정),Ji-Young Choi(최지영),O-Yu Kwon(권오유) 한국생명과학회 2017 생명과학회지 Vol.27 No.9

        우리는 처음으로 쌍별귀뚜라미 소화기관에서 6종류의 미생물을 분리하고 특성을 규명하였다. 이들은 16S rDNA을 기준으로 분류한 결과 4종류(Staphylococcus, Bacillus, Citrobacter, Proteus)에 속하였다. 분리된 6종류의 미생물은 공통적으로 ampicillin에 저항성을 보이지만 kanamycin 저항성은 보이지 않았다. 이들을 Gram염색하여 미생물의 형태적 특징을 확인하였다. Gram-positive한 rod-shaped GL2와 round-shaped GL4는 다른 분리 균 보다 많은 양의 세포외분비물을 만들었다, 이들을 MALDI-TOF-MS spectral analysis결과 87-kDa collagenase, 56-kDa & 200-kDa hypothetical protein이였다. 새롭게 분리된 6종류의 미생물은 귀뚜라미의 생리에 미치는 영향과 이들의 생물공학적 혹은 해충 방제에 이용될 수 있는 연구가 기대된다. We describe the isolation and characterization of six different intestinal microorganisms from the digestive tract of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, we obtained six isolates belonging to four different genera: Staphylococcus, Bacillus, Citrobacter, and Proteus. All the isolates were resistant to ampicillin. Ampicillin is an irreversible inhibitor of the enzymeetranspeptidase, which is needed to make bacterial cell walls. None of the isolates were resistant to kanamycin, which binds to the 30S subunit of the bacterial ribosome and then inhibits total protein synthesis. Gram staining was conducted, in addition to morphological classification under a microscope. Four grampositive isolates and two gram-negative isolates were detected. The gram-positive isolates were GL1 (round shaped, 2 am in diameter), GL2 (rod shaped, 2.5 μm in length), GL3 (rod shaped, 2 μm in length), and GL4 (round shaped, 1.5 μm in diameter). The gram-negative isolates were GL5 (rod shaped, 2 μm in length) and GL6 (rod-shaped, 2.5 μm in length). Notably, two of the isolates, GL2 and GL4, secreted specific extracellular proteins. These were determined by MALDI-TOF-MS spectral analysis to be a 87 kDa collagenase, 56 kDa hypothetical protein, and 200 kDa hypothetical protein. The six isolates in this study could be used for various biotechnological applications and pest management, both in the field and in greenhouse systems. In addition, it would be interesting to determine the relationship between these isolates and their host.

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