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        고려 전기 후비의 생활공간과 의미

        신혜영 ( Shin Hye-yeong ) 한국여성사학회 2021 여성과 역사 Vol.- No.35

        이 글은 ‘고려 전기 후비는 어디에 살았을까?’라는 질문에서 출발하였다. 고려의 후비는 정궁 밖의 궁(宮)·원(院)의 건물을 보유하며 궁주(宮主) 원주(院主)로 불렸다. 따라서 고려의 후비는 자신의 후비궁에서 살았는지, 정궁에서 살았는지 아니면 후비궁과 정궁 모두에서 살 수 있었는지 의문이 생겼다. 이 질문에 답하기 위해 부왕(夫王) 생전과 사후로 구분하여 후비들의 생활공간을 살펴보았고 이를 통해 고려의 사회사 정치사적 의미를 도출하고자 하였다. 우선 후비궁의 공간적 기능을 보여주는 사료를 한 데 모아, 후비궁의 공간적 기능을 살펴보았다. 그 결과 후비궁에서 후비의 출산, 왕자녀의 양육 그리고 왕비 책봉 의식이 거행되었음을 확인하였다. 그러나 이들 기록만을 가지고 후비가 자신의 후비궁에 상주하였다고 보기는 어렵다. 오히려 후비는 출산 등을 위해 임시로 후비궁에 나갔던 것이다. 후비는 정궁 내 내전에 살았으며 특히 만령전(萬齡殿) 사례로 말미암아 후비는 국왕과 동일한 구역 내에 기거하였음을 확인하였다. 한편 신왕(新王) 즉위 후 정치 세력에 변동이 생기는 것처럼, 정궁 내 후비들의 생활공간에도 변화가 생길 수밖에 없었다. 부왕 사후 태후가 되지 못한 후비들은 출궁하여 자신의 후비궁에 살았던 반면, 신왕의 친모는 태후의 지위에 올라 계속해서 정궁에 살 수 있었다. 그리고 태후가 살았던 거소(居所)가 『고려사』 「백관지 입전주부의 ‘입전(立殿)’ 조항임을 확인하였다. 고려시대 혼인 풍속은 서류부가혼으로, 신부집에서 아이를 출산하고 양육하는 풍속이 일반적이었다. 그러나 국왕의 아들과 딸을 외가에서 생장하게 하는 것은 외척 성장의 지름길이었다. 따라서 고려에서는 왕실과 외척, 공간적으로는 정궁과 외척집의 제3의 장소로서 후비궁이 존속하였던 것이다. 그리고 부왕 사후 태후가 되지 못한 후비는 자신의 후비궁에 나가 살았는데, 이는 고려에 일부종사와 같은 유교적 관념이 부재한 사회였기 때문으로 이해하였다. 마지막으로 정궁 내 후비의 거소 변화는 고려 왕실혼에서 기인한 현상으로 이해된다. 고려의 왕실혼은 일부다처제로, 국왕 생전에 후비 내 차등이 명확하지 않다가 국왕 사후 태후로 높여지는 후비와 그렇지 않은 후비로 서열이 분명해진다. 이러한 고려의 후비제가 생활공간에 영향을 미쳤던 것으로, 부왕 생전 여러 후비들이 국왕과 동일한 구역에 기거하다가 부왕 사후 신왕의 친모만이 태후가 되어 독립 거소인 태후전을 설치하여 정궁 내에 살 수 있었다. This article started from the question ‘Where did the empresses(后妃) of Early Goryeo live?’ The empresses of Goryeo were in possession of buildings such as palaces(宮) or courts(院) and were referred to as gungju(宮主) or wonju(院主). The palaces or courts owned by the empresses were buildings located outside the main palace. Therefore, the question that arose was whether the empresses of Goryeo lived in their empress palaces, the main palace, or both. To answer this query, we observed the living spaces of empresses before and after the deaths of their kings and went further to determine the social and political historic implications for Goryeo embedded in this. We first collected all the historical data in literature records that reveal the spatial functionality of empress palaces and made close observations. As a result, we confirmed that the birth of empresses, nurturing of princes/princess, and queen proclamation ceremonies were performed in the empress palaces. However, it is difficult to conclude from such records that the empresses lived in their palaces. Instead, the empresses temporarily went to their empress palaces to give birth. Furthermore, it is assumed that empresses lived in annexes of the king’s sleeping quarters inside the main palace, as in the case of Mallyeongjeon(萬齡殿). With the changes in political power when a king was succeeded also came changes in the living spaces of empresses inside the main palace. Empresses that could not become Empress Dowagers left the main palace to live in their empress palaces. Empresses that became Empress Dowagers as mothers of the new king were able to live in the empress quarters inside the main palace, which was confirmed to be the Ipjeon(立殿), or “entering into the quarter,” as recorded in 『Goryeosa(高麗史)』 「Baekguanji(百官志)」. The marriage custom during the Goryeo era was a matrilocal residence where the child was born and raised in the home of the wife. However, raising the sons and daughters of a king in the home of the wife would accelerate the growth of maternal relatives. Therefore, the empress palace acted as a third location between royalty and maternal relatives, and between the main palace and the maternal household from a spatial perspective. Empresses that failed to become Empress Dowagers would live in their empress palaces, which is understood to be because of a lack of Confucian concepts in the Goryeo society such as serving only a single husband. Finally, the change in the empresses’ living quarters inside the main palace was viewed as a phenomenon arising from Goryeo’s royal marriages. The royal marriage in Goryeo were polygamous events where the disparity between empresses was unclear until the death of the king, at which point there was a clear separation of empresses as some became Empress Dowagers and some did not. This empress system of Goryeo affected the living spaces where the empresses stayed in annexes of the king’s quarters, but only the mother of a new king was able to live in the main palace after establishing the empress quarters.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        확인적 요인분석을 통한 또래 놀이행동 척도의 타당화

        최혜영(Hye Yeong Choi),신혜영(Hae Young Shin) 한국아동학회 2011 아동학회지 Vol.32 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Penn Interactive Peer Play Scale (PIPPS) for Korean young children, with a special confirmative factor analysis. The participants were composed of 435 5-to 6-year-old children and their parents, and 42 teachers. The instruments included the 32-item exploratory PIPPS (Choi & Shin, 2008), the Preschool Behavior Questionnaire (PBQ; Park, 1992), and the PIPPS on parental reporting. The PIPPS was confirmed, and supported the following constructs resulting in the investigation of 3 factors, ``play disruption``, ``play interaction``, and ``play disconnection``, along with 30 items similar to the PIPPS (2008). Inter-correlations between the sub-factors of PIPPS with those of criterion measures were validated by ratings from the PBQ and the parent version of the PIPPS. The reliability coefficients of the sub-factors of the PIPPS ranged from .85 to .92. In conclusion, 3 factor structure of the PIPPS was appropriate to represent the interactive peer play of Korean young children.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        성, 학년, 지역에 따른 초등학생의 행복감 인식 수준 비교

        최미숙 ( Mi Sook Choi ),신혜영 ( Hae Young Shin ),조성연 ( Song Yon Cho ),최혜영 ( Hye Yeong Choi ) 한국청소년복지학회 2008 청소년복지연구 Vol.10 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to investigate children`s happiness recognition by gender, grade, and area from a sample of 3,608 children in six Korean provincial areas except Jeju-do. The data were analyzed by t-test and ANOVA using the SPSS/PC 14.0 compute program. The major results of this study were follows: First, there were significant differences in children`s happiness recognition by gender, grade, and area. The girls`` happiness score was higher than boys``. High grader`s happiness score was higher than that low graders`. And children`s happiness score in Jeolla-do was the highest among six provincial areas. Second, there were significant differences in each sub-domain according to gender, grade, and area in the extra curricula activity and children`s happiness recognition.

      • 중·고령자 가구의 소득의 변화가 주택소비규모에 미치는 영향: 공적연금수령유무를 중심으로

        정상준 ( Jung Sang-joon ),신혜영 ( Shin Hye-yeong ),이창무 ( Lee Chang-moo ) 한국부동산분석학회 2017 부동산분석학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2017 No.-

        According to Statistics Korea, Korea has entered the `ageing society` which is developing rapidly. Researchers anticipate that the ratio between real estate property to total asset being extremely high, 73%, for mid age to aged households in Korea who do not have a fixed income may cause such problems in the future. For example, the real estate market in Korea may be bombarded with properties listed for sale, causing the average property price to drop due to the abundant supply. Although this prediction may be reasonable, this concept has excluded the idea of pension, which is crucial as it can be considered as a consistent and a fixed income, due to limited amount of data available and therefore, it is important to include this factor to improve our research. Thus, we have preceded our research using the data from 3rd and 5th Korea Retirement and Income Study. As a result, we have evaluated that variables such as net asset, gender, education and the number of family member had the same impact as previously researched. To extend from here, we have introduced two new factors, the existence of pension and the amount of pension received by a household. From there, we have found that the existence of a consistent and a fixed income such as a pension have influenced the housing consumption increasing, the area where we were specifically interested in.

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