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        이부세 마스지(井伏鱒二)론 『깊은 밤과 매화 꽃(夜ふけと梅の花)』의 경위

        신현태 중앙대학교 일본연구소 2016 日本 硏究 Vol.0 No.43

        I have reviewed the bare face of misfortune of 「I」, a nameless young writer of Tokyo, shown in 『Plum Blossom by Night』 while comparing it to the real life of Ibuse. For him, complex of all the suffering of youth, except romantic feeling, has become the motif of his early works. Afterwards, he recognized that his egoism(obsession), his characteristic demerit, was the main factor causing tragedy and from that recognition, he started to realize the misfortune as an avoidable fact of life and ceased useless emotional exhaustion. That is, the sensual enlightenment letting him recognize all the reality in a positive attitude was naturally occurred from of inner side of him. Since then, the works showing formula that 「I」 am Ibuse" has been almost disappeared. Even though 「I」 showed his presence in the novel, he only faithfully redendered narration but exerted no impact to it; a literary youth in the early days, filled with agony, could not be found anywhere. Ibuse has overcome the tragedy of youth appeared in earlier works and has steadily grown up while making real life of ordinary people main theme of life on the enriched base of painful personal experience.

      • KCI등재

        소세키 『三四郎』 고찰 - 인물조형의 전략 -

        신현태 중앙대학교 일본연구소 2013 日本 硏究 Vol.0 No.35

        We could say that the reason why there are relatively much articles related to 『Sanshiro』 among lots of achievements based upon so-called early trilogy of Natsume Soseki is that the episodes occurred to Sanshiro, a village youth from the time he got on the train does not ends as a mere story of suffering a village youth experienced in big city. It is also because that the events and happenings Sanshiro experienced while facing plunging world were telling the look of Japan as it has been then. It will be the share of readers to choose read this book in which the spirit of Sanshiro grows up, modernity and pre-modernity coexist in the code of lovelornness or read as a course of growing pain. However, if we read again this book focusing on Mineko and Mr. Hirota, two decisive characters to Sanshiro, and assuming that we are not afraid to be cajoled by thoroughgoing strategy of storyteller, we can newly construe this book with the concepts of Sanshiro captivated by himself, Mineko objectificated by Mr. Hirota not Sanshiro and the position of Mr. Hirota critically managed in downright concealment. This is the power of Soseki’s literature and at the same time, the possibility of 『Sanshiro』.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        이부세 마스지(井伏鱒二)의 한계 - 여주인공의 경우 -

        신현태 한국일본학회 2016 日本學報 Vol.108 No.-

        인간과 인간적인 것에 대한 추구를 기조로 하는 이부세문학은 일반서민들의 생활을 주된 모티브로 하여 그들의 일상을 과부족 없이 표상화해 왔다. 독특한 리얼리티가 살아있는 면밀한 필치에 의해 표상화되는 인물들은 사회나 시대의 유행 등에 민첩하게 반응하지 못하는 단점이 있지만 그들 삶의 희로애락에는 민감한 반응을 보이는 평범한 서민들의 전형적인 특징을 가지고 있다. 한편 다양한 인물 묘사는「시정풍속소설」로 분류되어 때로는 통속성이나 경박함으로 오해를 불러일으킬 경우도 있는데 그들의 대부분은 이부세문학의 근간을 이루는 인물들로 이부세가 추구하는 소위 인간냄새가 나는 사람들이다. 그리고 그들 중에는 반드시 이부세의 대변자가 있어 그들을 통해 이부세는 자신의 메시지를 개진하고 있다. 그런데 이런 인간 중심의 이부세문학에 유일하게 여성과 여성성에 관련된 문제가 거의 배제되어 있다는 것은 매우 놀라운 일이다. 여주인공은 등장하지만 등장하는 장면도 드물고 당연히 필요 이상의 대화도 없다. 마치 이부세문학은 여성에의 접근이 제약되고 있는 듯이 보인다. 엄밀하게 말하면 여성을 피하고 있다. 본디 일본의 근대문학이 상당 부분 남성작가들에 의해 발전해온 만큼 여성의 시점에서 사회나 시대를 바라본 작품은 저명한 여류작가의 작품을 제외하면 거의 없다고 해도 과언은 아닐 것이다. 하지만 여성의 시점이 아니라고 하더라도 여성의 심리와 여성성에 관련된 문제는 적지 않은 작품에서는 오히려 작품의 전개를 좌우할 정도로 커다란 비중을 차지하고 있는 것도 사실이다. 여성에게로의 접근이 차단되어 있는 것은 작가 독특의 성향에 의한 결과라고 생각되는데 본고는 그 원인과 그것이 어떠한 형태로 작품 속에 두드러져 있는지를 고찰한 것이다. The life of common people has been a motif of Ibuse's literature, being based on humans and humanism. The weakness of these people is their inability to quickly respond to changes in society and the times, but otherwise they seem like typical ordinary people who sensitively react to the changes in everyday life. On the other hand, his novels are misunderstood as popular or flippant ones due to the variety of characters. However, it should not be overlooked that they are the foundation of Ibuse's literature in the pursuit of humanism. One of the aspects of being human, namely any elements related to a woman or womanness, seem to be absent from Ibuse's humanistic literature. Even though a heroine does appear in a few of the scenes, she is a woman of few but necessary words. At first glance, it looks as if Ibuse quite restrains himself from coming close to feminism, but there is no such rule. Conversely, even if it is not the perspective of a woman, it is found that the analysis of women's psychology or other gender issues of feminism are largely proportioned to the intent that it determines the overall development of the plot. Considering that the moderate access to women is derived from Ibuse’s unique nature, I have investigated the form of the cause-and-effect relationship shown in the novels and present my results in this paper.

      • KCI등재

        에도가와 란포 초기 고찰 -본격탐정소설을 향한 여정-

        신현태 한국일본언어문화학회 2023 일본언어문화 Vol.62 No.-

        As Edogawa Ranpo’s work was published in the application year as a creative novel, 1923 is remembered as an indispensable year in the history of Japanese creative mystery novels. It is no exaggeration to say that there were mystery novels in popular literature magazines, but in most cases, there were many works that were read and discarded because the composition of the works was crude, the characters were sparse, and the sanctions were so popular. In such a situation, the appearance of Ranpo would have served as a refreshing agent like rain in a drought. At that time, at a relatively late age, Edogawa Ranpo appeared like a comet under the pen name of a pun and published many hot topics, but over time, the early witty and challenging fresh materials were depleted faster than expected, and by the time he reached an age of doubt, he was branded as a representative writer of Eroticism and Grotesquery. Perhaps it is related to the dreamy, erotic material and gothic atmosphere, which are somewhat different from the early styles, but considering the impact of his works on general popular culture in the process of being consumed as media content such as movies, TV, and radio, I think Ranpo’s achievement is somewhat negative. Moreover, it should not be overlooked that his mystery novel has a unique location and historical achievement that divides Japanese mystery paragraphs before and after Ranpo, and is still loved by the general public to the extent that it is constantly reproduced and reinterpreted through video media as well as general research. Therefore, I would like to analyze the works of the early Ranpo period, which received enthusiastic support and support from mystery writers and readers, focusing on “Exploration of Human Psychology”, “Intellectual Play”, and “The Pursuit of Honkaku Detective Story”, which he was very interested in and played a decisive role in the early works. Specifically, this study tried to find out the unique value of Ranpo’s detective story 「Dzakanosatsujinjiken」, 「Shinrishiken」, and 「Yanenouranosanposya」 in the early days of Ranpo’s works.

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