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      • KCI등재

        솔젤법으로 제조된 고활성 $TiO_2$ 광촉매에서 미세구조-물성-공정조건의 상관성

        신현기,김헌,Shin, Hyun-Ki,Kim, Hern 한국결정성장학회 1999 韓國結晶成長學會誌 Vol.9 No.5

        솔젤법을 사용하여 광촉매 $TiO_2$ 분말체를 제조하였으며 제조조건으로서 R값(물/알콕사이드 몰비), 열처리 온도, 미세구조로서 결정상, 물성으로서 비표면적과 입자크기의 상관관계를 조사하였으며 기능성으로 수용액상 염료의 광표백반응에 적용하여 광분해능을 극대화하기 위한 최적조건을 결정하였다. $TiO_2$ Powders were prepared by sol-gel method to testify the characteristics as the photocatalysts. The relationship between processing conditions (R-value (molar ratio of water to alkoxide)), heat treatment temperature, microstructures (crystalline phases), and properties (surface area, particle size) was examined. The optimal conditionsto improve the activity of photocatalyst for photobleaching of dyes in aqueous solution, Were determined.

      • KCI등재

        보조공학용품 소개 수업이 장애학생에 대한 일반학생의 태도변화에 미치는 효과

        신현기 ( Hyun Ki Shin ),한경진 ( Kyung Jin Han ) 대구대학교 한국특수교육문제연구소 2006 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.7 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of lesson on assistive technology to children``s attitude toward the disabled peer group. To verify the effects of the lesson, researcher put the experiments into class on 32 fifth-grade students(boys 17, girls 15), a sample group, in a Elementary school in Seoul. There isn``t any disabled student, so the students are limited from any contact of the disabled. These programs, lesson on assistive technology, were carried out to students during the 40 minutes in a week for four weeks. Every lesson time, researcher introduced to the students the equipments of each 5 fields - movement, position support, daily life, education, environmental control- with pictures and made them know the use of the equipments can help disabled people to live independently and offer convenience to non-disabled people as well. Researcher carried out acceptance scale and activity preference scale in order to evaluate the effects of these experiments before and after the experiments. Results of the research ; ⅰ.scores of the acceptance scale -social contact willingness, deviance consequence, mild deviance consequence ⅱ. scores of the activity preference -home life, school life, social life ⅲ. Expressions toward the disabled -cognitive-affective and behavior expressions According to researcher``s analysis, scores of non-disabled student``s became higher significantly on these parts toward the disabled after taking lessons on assistive technology. Finally, it is convinced it``s more effective way to give lessons on assistive technology than to educate understanding about handicaps of the disabled to improve the non-disabled students attitude.

      • KCI등재

        서울시 민생사법경찰조직 운영상의 문제점과 개선방안

        신현기 ( Shin Hyun Ki ) 한국경찰학회 2019 한국경찰학회보 Vol.21 No.5

        In this paper, we analyzed the operational status of the judicial police system in Seoul. From 2008 to 2013, 17 metropolitan cities in Korea have installed special judicial police system directly in the wide area to crack down on intelligently increasing administrative crimes and send tens of thousands of cases to the prosecution. The city of Seoul was launched as the first civil service law enforcement department under the administrative bureau in 2008, and was promoted to the civil welfare law enforcement team, which is a “national” organization directly under the first vice mayor. In the early days of the civil and criminal law enforcement system, it started in five fields, including food, public health, medicine, and the environment, but as of January 2019, the field of work was expanded to 16 areas, and the number of professional investigators was 103 and qualitative rather than quantitative. Capabilities have been advanced. Investigating crimes can lead to misuse of human rights violations, so the Seoul Metropolitan Police's Civil Service Judicial Police Corps has greatly expanded and supplemented and improved the Korea Institute of Justice, Seoul Human Resource Development Center, and their own special lectures for education and training related to investigators. This paper presents in-depth analysis of the personnel, organization, and budget areas of the Seoul Civil and Civil Police, and suggests tasks that should still be systematically improved. In other words, personnel administration centered on circular positions, performance and compensation system, reduction of dispatched personnel to the autonomous district and the proportion of employees in city halls, expansion of educational and training institutions, expansion of incentive system such as securing investigative expenses, professional investigation system of civil law enforcement officers It is the activation of the forensic technique, the expansion of forensic and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, and the provision of regulations and guidelines such as general judicial police.

      • KCI등재후보

        식품의약품안전처 특별사법경찰 운영에 관한 실태분석

        신현기(Shin, Hyun-Ki) 한국민간경비학회 2016 한국민간경비학회보 Vol.15 No.3

        박근혜 정부는 출범초기부터 우리 사회를 해치는 4대악 근절정책을 국정 주요과제로 제시하고, 이 4대악을 척결하기 위한 예방과 처벌정책을 강력하게 펼치고 있다. 이른바 4대악방지란 성폭력방지, 가정폭력방지, 학교폭력방지, 불량식품방지를 지칭하는 것으로 우리의 사회질서가 제대로 정착되기 위해서는 반드시 뿌리 뽑아야 한다는 일념으로 국정의 주요과제로 선정하게 된 것이다. 본 연구에서는 4대악 중 불량식품방지에 한정하여 중앙정부의 주무단속 부처인 식품의약품안전처 산 하 특별사법경찰 활동을 중심으로 그 실태를 분석하고자 하였다. 우리나라 식품산업의 현주소를 보면 2011년 기준, 식품을 제조하거나 유통․판매하는 업체가 무려 100만여 개가 영업을 하고 있다. 이중 73만개소가 식당으로 최근 지속적인 경기 침체에 따라 음식업들은 창업 5년 이내 70% 정도가 폐업을 하고 있다. 이들은 관련 지식이나 철학이 없는 영업자들로 소수의 인원으로 기업을 운영하면서 이익 창출에 주력할 수밖에 없는 것이고, 더 나아가 경제적 이익이 높은 구조라면 의도적이고 악의적인 불량식품 제조와 같은 불법행위를 반복하여 초래하는 악순환의 고리에 빠질 수밖에 없는 것은 당연하다고 할 수 있다. 본 논문은 불량식품방지를 위해 전문조직으로 설립된 식품의약품안전처의 위해사범중앙수사단 소속 특별사법경찰에 관련된 제도를 고찰하여 현황과 문제점 및 실태를 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 통해 개선점을 찾고 미래지향적 제언을 하고자 한다. The Park Geun-Hye Administration declared eradication of four major social evils as one of the most eminent policy tasks at its earliest stage, therefore executing tougher prevention and punishment measures for the purpose. The so-called four major social evils include sexual violence, domestic violence, school violence and unsanitary food. This shows the current administration’s determination to eradicate the above-said four major social evils to preserve public order. The study aims to analyze the current status of the activities conducted by the special judicial police of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, which is in charge of crackdown on unsanitary food, among the four major social evils. As of the year 2011, more than one million companies are registered and in operation as food product manufacturer, distributer and seller in Korea. 730,000 of them are registered as restaurants and 70% of them are closed in five years from their opening due to recent continuous economic recession. The businesses are not based on related knowledge or philosophy and run on minimum manpower, only seeking for profit. Further, they are bound to fall in a vicious cycle of repeating illegal and evil acts of producing unsanitary foods intentionally, within the structure where high profit is guaranteed. Therefore, how to break from the vicious cycle emerged a san important task to us. In this study, the system related with the unsanitary food prevention activities implemented by the special judicial police, Risk Criminal Central Investigation Group, Ministry of Food and Drug Safety is reviewed to analyze the current status and problems and therefore to provide future-oriented advice to make an improvement based on the analysis.

      • KCI등재후보

        철도특별사법경찰제의 실태분석과 개선방안에 관한 연구

        신현기(Shin, Hyun Ki) 한국민간경비학회 2012 한국민간경비학회보 Vol.11 No.1

        철도특별사법경찰제는 철도지역내 강·절도, 폭력 및 성폭력 등 중요범죄 예방에 비중을 두고 관할구역내에서 발생하는 각종 범죄의 방범․치안활동, 사건발생시 피해자 보호 및 신속한 범죄수사로 범인검거, 중요사건 발생시 전담하는 특별수사반을 편성․운영하는데 그 존립목적을 두고 있다. 이러한 목적하에 본 논문은 특별사법경찰권 부여의 제도적 취지, 원칙, 직무범위, 현실적인 수사권 행사 및 철도범죄의업무처리실적 등에 대해 그 현황과 기구와 직무상의 문제점을 분석한 후 발전방안을 제시하는데 목적을 두고 수행되었다. 그동안 철도특별 사법경찰제에 대한 연구는 매우 미진했으며 필자는 이 논문을 통해 다음과 같은 정책제언을 제시했다. 첫째, 인사상의 문제로서 4급으로 보하고 있는 본대장의 직급을 상향 조정할 필요가 있다. 둘째, 광범위한 업무영역에 비해 미비한 인력 유지 문제를 해결해야 한다. 셋째, 조직 제도상의 문제로서 철도특별사법경찰의 교육훈련을 강화해야 한다. 넷째, 철도특사경의 근무방법에서 개선이 필요하다. 철도특별사법경찰들은 주요역에 설치되어 있는 23개 센터를 중심으로 근무하는 것을 탈피하여 유동인구가 많고 범죄발생이 많은 지역으로 인력을 재배치하는 정책이 필요하다. 다섯째, 철도범죄종합상황실을 구축해야 한다. 여섯째, 철도특별사법경찰의 수사활동비를 마련해 주어야 한다. 일곱째, 철도특별사법경찰도 지역사회경찰제를 도입해야 한다. 여덟째, 철도범죄신고 전화번호를 기억하기 쉬운 3자리 숫자로 간소화함이 시급하다. 아홉째, 철도특별사법경찰의 총예산 중 대부분은 인건비 지출로 끝나지 말고 철도특별사법경찰 조직의 발전을 위한 투자예산도 확보해야 한다. The purposes that Railroad Special Judicial Police System should exist are crime prevention and police action of all kinds of crimes happened inside of the jurisdiction, the victim protection and criminal arrest and organization·operation of special task force for a serious incident and so on, focusing on the prevention of critical crimes such as robbery·burglary, violence, sexual violence, etc. inside of the railroad zone. Under such purposes, the purpose of this study is to analyze the current status for the systemic goal for the grant of special judicial police authority, the principle, the job scope, execution of actual investigation right and the job performance for railroad crimes, etc, the organization and occupational problems and then suggest the improvements. For a while, the study for Railroad Special Judicial Police System has not been satisfactory and the researcher would like to suggest the following political proposals through this study. First, it needs to raise the position of the commander of the main force who assigns 4th Grade in the field of personnel management. Second, the police personnel is insufficient than the wide job scope. Third, the educational training of Railroad Special Judicial Police Officers should be strengthened as an organizational policy. Fourth, it needs to improve their working conditions. They mainly work around 23 centers located at major railroad stations. But, it is necessary for a policy to relocate their force to the area where has lots of floating population and crime-ridden districts. Fifth, it needs to organize Railroad Crime Emergency Operation Room. Sixth, it needs to arrange their detection expenses. Seventh, it is necessary for inducing the community police system of railroad special judicial police officers. Eighth, it is urgent to simplify the call number of railroad crime as 3 digit number. Ninth, most of their total budgets has been spent as a labor cost. But, it needs to secure the investment budget for the development of railroad special judicial police organization. Tenth, it needs to found tentatively named "Korea Special Judicial Police Society".

      • KCI등재

        서울시 지하철보안관제도의 개선방안에 관한 연구

        신현기(Shin, Hyun Ki) 한국민간경비학회 2013 한국민간경비학회보 Vol.12 No.2

        서울시 산하에는 3개의 지하철이 운영 중인데 서울메트로(1234호선), 서울시도시철도공사(5678호선) 그리고 서울시 자본이 아니라 민간자본에 의해 건설되어 운영 중인 서울메트로9호선(주)가 바로 그것이다. 서울메트로9호선(주)가 2009년 최초로 지하철보안요원 제도를 도입한지 4년이 지났고, 서울메트로와 서울시도시철도공사도 이 제도를 도입한지 2년이 지나는 동안 지하철 내 성범죄를 비롯해 각종 범죄를 예방함은 물론 주취자나 잡상인의 단속을 통해 지하철을 이용하는 시민들에게 쾌적한 분위기를 조성해 주는 제도로 점차 정착되고 있다. 그러나 아직 본 제도의 시행에 대한 역사가 짧고 담당해야 할 업무지역이 광활하며 지하철보안요원의 인력이 부족할 뿐 아니라 특별히 주어진 권한도 없는 관계로 업무의 효율성면에서 어려움이 많은 게 사실이다. 본 연구 결과 지하철보안관들은 그동안 수십만 건의 단속실적을 기록했으며 동시에 그들이 지하철 내에서 지속적으로 순찰활동을 펼침으로써 시민들은 쾌적하고 안전한 이동이 가능한 만큼, 본 제도가 잘 정착될 수 있도록 제도적 개선 및 보완이 필요하다. 본 연구의 목적은 서울시 지하철보안관제도의 문제점을 살펴보고 그 개선방안을 제시하는데 있다. 연구 결과 정책제언을 제시하면 첫째, 지하철보안관의 인원을 증원하여 지하철에서 증가하는 각종 범죄로부터 시민들이 안전을 느낄 수 있도록 해주어야 한다. 둘째, 현재 지하철보안관들은 단속권한이 없어 예방순찰 활동만 펴고 있는데, 중ㆍ장기적 차원에서 특별사법경찰권을 부여해 시민의 안전을 극대화하는 제도적 개선도 요구된다. 셋째, 서울 메트로9호선(주)의 보안요원을 제외한 나머지 2개 회사의 무기계약직인 지하철보안관들에 대한 신분안정과 열악한 보수의 현실화가 시급하다. 넷째, 지하철보안관들에 대한 재교육이 사실상 방치상태인데 비상시 지하철 시민을 위한 응급조치요령을 익히는 재교육이 분기별로라도 이루어질 필요가 있다. 다섯째, 지하철보안관들이 서울경찰청 소속 지하철경찰대와 공조를 통한 합동순찰이 미비한 실정인데, 이것을 제도적으로 더 활성화시킨다면 시민의 안전과 만족도는 더욱 상승할 것이다. Seoul Metropolitan City runs three subway systems, including Seoul Metro (Lines 1, 2, 3, and 4), Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit Corporation (Lines 5, 6, 7, and 8), and Seoul Metro Line 9. The third system was constructed and managed by private sector, not Seoul. Seoul Metro 9 introduced the subway protective guards system four years ago in 2009 for the first time and Seoul Metro and Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit Corporation introduced this system two years ago. Over this period, this system has prevented various crimes in the subway such as sexual harrassment. The status becomes more established to provide more pleasant atmosphere to subway users. However, the history is short while the areas to be covered are wide, resulting in shortage of labor. At the same time, the labor is not provided with specific authorities and there are many difficulties to guarantee efficiency. As a result of this study, Subway Protective Guards covered hundreds of thousands of accidents and their continuous patrols enabled citizens to enjoy pleasant and safe transportation. Hence, it is necessary to help the system to be well-established with institutional improvements and supplementations. The purposes of this study are to explore problems with the Subway Protective Guards system of Seoul and suggest ways for improvement. Based on the results of this study, first, the number of Subway Protective Guards shall increase to help citizens feel more safety from various crimes in the subway. Second, currently, Subway Protective Guards are not authorized to crack down and can conduct preventive patrols only. In the mid and long term, it is necessary to give the special judicial police authorities to maximize citizens' safety. Third, the indefinite contract-based employment of the guards under the two companies excluding Seoul Metro Line 9 shall be improved to stabilize occupational stability and realize better remuneration. Fourth, as re-education for Subway Protective Guards is almost neglected, it is necessary to provide first aid training opportunities for citizens in emergencies quarterly or more often. Fifth, coordinated joint patrols of Subway Protective Guards with the subway police from Seoul Police Station tends to be insufficient. If this is facilitated institutionally, safety and satisfaction of citizens will be improved.

      • 공사기간 연장에 따른 간접비 지급 타당성에 관한 연구

        신현기(Shin, Hyun-Ki),이현석(Lee, Hyun- Suk) 대한건축학회 2016 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.36 No.2

        For the country"s financial crisis, the economic recovery in the construction industry in accordance with the subsequent economic downturn the government eased restrictions, such as removing the barriers to market entry of the industry, but promote the overall improvement and through the reorganization of ordering system, thistle investment due to deterioration of the body, such as cough government, local governments, large companies eventually will lead to financial difficulties for companies that are caused to engage the construction industry. Among them is one that does not recognize the increase in overhead costs due to air on public works that extend from the government orders. In summary, on the other hand, the government due to the deregulation of the construction industry to lower the barriers to entry in the market this for as part of the construction license acquisition requirements to increase general enterprises to engage in construction in accordance with the Registration zero transition Sikkim in myeonheoje, Owner That is the reason attributable overheads recognized in accordance with the budget due to lack of air extending financial difficulties for companies engaged in the construction industry is insignificant, etc. are more serious problems.

      • KCI등재

        초,중학생들이 일반학생과 장애학생에 대해 갖는 교우기대감 비교 분석

        신현기 ( Hyun Ki Shin ) 대구대학교 한국특수교육문제연구소 2012 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.13 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the students’ friendship expectations(FE) toward peers without disability and those with disabilities (visual and hearing impairments, intellectual disability) and to explore the grade and gender influence. For this purpose, the author collected data from 956 students across 5 schools. The data were collected by the Korean Friendship Expectation Scale. The results were the followings. First, the level of FE of the students toward peers without disability was significantly higher than those toward peers with disabilities. Also, there were significant differences of the FE scores according to the type of disability. Secondly, the lowest grade students rated the highest score toward peers without disability and the highest grade students rated the highest score toward peers with disabilities. Thirdly, the lowest grade students rated higher scores on Intimacy and Morality area but the highest grade students rated higher scores on Ability/Similarity area. Fourthly, Intimacy area score was the highest when rating toward peers without disability, but Morality area score was the highest when rating toward peers with disabilities. Fifthly, there was grade influence on the total scores of FE toward peer with and without disabilities. and gender influence on Intimacy area. Finally, the author provided several suggestions for future research.

      • KCI등재

        독일 주경찰단위의 범죄예방 프로그램에 관한 연구

        신현기(Shin Hyun Ki),임종헌(Lim Jong Hun) 한국민간경비학회 2015 한국민간경비학회보 Vol.14 No.1

        바이어른州 내무부는 1994년 1월부터 안전감시제도(Sicherheitswacht) 실시에 관한 법률을 제정하여 시민들로부터 정규경찰관과 함께하는 지역사회경찰활동의 성공적인 사례라는 환영을 받고 있다. 부언하면 시민들이 무보수명예직으로 적극 참여한 안전감시원제도는 수년이 지난 후 학자들과 시민들의 평가를 통해 범죄예방을 위한 시민참여 및 시민의 공동의식 강화면에서 크게 기여했다는 평가들이 나오고 있다. 특히 각 지역의 거리에서 벌어지고 있는 이른바 가두범죄를 예방 및 해결하는 동시에 여성과 어린이 및 노인 등 이른바 사회적 약자보호에 적지 않게 기여했다는 평가다. 바이어른州에서 안전감시제도는 시범실시 지역과 함께 60여개 이상의 지방자치단체에서 도입시행 중이고 그 수는 꾸준히 증가하고 있다. 역시 바덴-뷔르템베르크(Baden-Württemberg)州 내무부에서도 1963년부터 (有給)자원경찰관제도(Freiwilliger Polizeidienst)를 무보수명예직으로 도입하여 부족한 정규경찰 인력을 보완해 주고 있다. 본 제도의 도입을 통해 시민과 정규경찰이 지역사회경찰활동을 정착시킴은 물론 범죄예방면에서 성공적인 모델로 정착되었다. 이 밖에 독일 헤센(Hessen)주에서는 바덴-뷔르템베르크주의 모델을 그리고 작센(Sachsen)주에서는 파트너주인 바이어른(Bayern)주의 모델을 각각 도입하여 정착시켜 나가고 있다. 위의 제도들은 우리나라의 자율방범대제도와 너무나 흡사하다. 그들은 위 제도를 시행 법률에 근거해 운영 중인데 반해 우리나라 자율방범대제도는 아직 법적토대 없이 시행중이므로 정규경찰과 시민이 함께하는 진정한 의미의 지역사회경찰활동을 펼쳐 나가지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 현재 입법논의를 본격화 하고 있는 우리나라 자율방범대제도가 법적토대를 구축하는데 있어 독일의 범죄예방 모델은 좋은 벤치마킹의 대상이 될 수 있을 것이다. Following the increase in multicultural families in each of the Government departments to provide policy support for multicultural families, these government ministries is a Ministry of gender equality, Ministry of education, culture, sports and tourism, employment security administration, Department of labor, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and agri-food, Department of Justice, the Ministry of health, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Ministry of Home Affairs of Bayern enacted acts on safety monitoring system from January 1994, which are recognized as a successful example of community policing with regular police from citizens. Furthermore, the safety monitoring system in which citizens involved actively as an unpaid honorary position has received evaluations from scholars and citizens that it has contributed greatly in the civic participation and consciousness for crime prevention. It is also regarded to have contributed on protecting disadvantaged groups such as women, children, and the elderly as well as preventing street crimes. The safety monitoring system has been introduced in more than 60 local governments and model implementation areas in Bayern and it is increasing steadily. Also, the Ministry of Home Affairs of Baden-Württemberg adopted the volunteering policy system from 1963 as an unpaid honorary position to complement the lack of regular police force. These systems have settled down as successful models not only in community policing but also crime prevention. Besides, Hessen in Germany adopted and settled down the Baden-Württemberg's model, and Sachsen adopted the Bayern's model respectively. The above systems are very similar to Korean autonomous security system. However, while those systems in Germany are enforced on the basis of laws, Korean autonomous security system doesn't have any legal foundation that it is yet inadequate for a true community policing with regular police and citizens. Therefore, German crime prevention model can be a good benchmark for Korea to establish a legal foundation for the autonomous security system that is now accelerating legislative discussions.

      • KCI등재

        초등 통합학급 저학년 장애아동의 사회적 능력 신장 방안에 관한 반성적 고찰

        신현기(Shin, Hyun-Ki) 한국장애인재활협회 2003 재활복지 Vol.7 No.2

        통합교육을 받고 있는 장애아동은 자연스럽게 비 장애 또래와 사회적 접촉을 하고, 그들을 모델로 하여 긍정적 행동을 모방하고, 비 장애학생은 장애 또래를 도와줌으로 써 인성이 발달하는 등 양자간에는 나름대로의 사회적 관계를 통한 이익이 있을 것이라는 잘못된 가정을 하고 있다. 비 장애 저학년(1, 2학년)아동들 또한 사회성 기준으로 보면 미숙아라고 할 수 있다. 따라서 장애아동과 비 장애 아동간의 원활한 사회적 관계를 통한 사회적 능력을 신장시키기 위해서는 학급의 모든 학생들에게 교사들이 의식적인 시범을 보여야 하고, 이를 통하여 비 장애아동들이 또래 교사 수준에서의 본보기 행동을 할 수 있도록 하여야 한다. 결국 장애아동 주변의 모든 학급 구성원들은 그들에게 진정한 애정 공급자로서 몸으로 보여주고 말로 설명하여 줌으로써 인위적인 사회적 상호작용을 이끌어야 한다. 특히 정신지체나 자폐성 장애를 가지고 있는 아동의 경우는 더욱 특별한 관심 속에서 단순한 시범 정도가 아니라 지나치다 싶을 정도의 '과잉학습'까지도 실시하여야 한다. 결국 통합학급 내 저학년 장애학생들의 사회적 능력 신장을 위해서는 일반교육 교사와 비 장애 또래의 적극적인 도움이 필요하며, 비 장애아동들과 장애아동들이 할 수 있는 사회적 상호작용의 다양한 역할에 대한 체계적인 지침이 마련되어야 한다. 이 연구는 이러한 지침을 마련하는데 필요한 기초적 제안으로 활용될 수 있다. Basic social skills training will always be necessary for all young children; the levels of successful acquisition will vary. Certainly, many children with disabilities form strong, meaningful friendships and have social skills equal to, or better than, some of their peers without disabilities. In general, teachers who consistently set a good example through conscious modeling and express genuine affection for all students, while at the same time verbally explaining or commenting on what is happening in the environment, are positively influencing social behavior in any classroom. However, some children with special needs(particularly those with mental retardation) may fail to acquire skills through simple modeling. These children require "over-learning" to an extent that may seem redundant to most regular educators and non-disabled students. The key, then, becomes providing multiple skill exposure and practice for children without such disabilities. Understandably, teachers often feel overwhelmed by the social and academic needs of their students in inclusive classrooms. Thousands of times each day, teachers must decide how to respond to student behaviors, both prosocial and antisocial. It is the author's contention that, in any classroom and especially in early childhood inclusive situations, the teacher should actively choose to teach social competence, using his or her professional knowledge of many perspectives to select from a wide repertoire of strategies.

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