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      • KCI등재

        근대 초기의 설계경기 시스템 - 영국 빅토리아 시대의 설계경기 시스템을 통하여 -

        신태양,Shin, Tae-Yang 한국건축역사학회 1993 건축역사연구 Vol.2 No.1

        I focused my attentation on two points in this paper. Firstly, I explore the relationships between the competition system and the philosophical bases in economic and social doctrines which encouraged, the architectural profession which it supported. Secondly, I intend to describe the development of the modern competition system. The economic theories were applied to architecture; these were natural laws and laissez-faire. The principles of competition and progress were never doubted. Two developments aided architects in attaining both a sense of professional identity and a way of regulating the comprtition system; these were the founding of professional societies and the emergence of a professional architectural press. The first organized effort to control the competition system was made in 1839 by the Competition Committee of the Institute of British Architects, but the problems had remained virtually unchanged by the 1880s. A code of regulations was drawn up by the RIBA in 1872, but this were much like earlier codes and recommendations. From the 1890s, the RIBA established a permanent committee to review the conditions of all competitions and authorize members to participate; the measure was paralleled in various other countries, notably in the 1911 international regulations of the CIAM.

      • KCI등재

        노인전문병원의 시설 및 인력에 관한 평가기준 설정 연구

        신태양(Shin, Tae-yang) 호남대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2010 인문사회과학연구 Vol.29 No.-

        우리나라에서는 고령화 사회로의 진입에 따른 장기요양 노인의 증가에 따라 장기요양 노인에 대한 적정 시설 및 서비스 확충과 질적 수준 제고 방안이 요구되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 문제의식에서 출발하여 노인전문병원(요양병원)의 운영에 대한 개선 방향을 제시하기 위해 시설.설비 및 인력에 관한 평가기준을 설정하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 제2장에서는 요양병원과 노인전문병원으로 대표되는 노인의료복지시설에 대한 기본 개념과 시설 및 인력 기준을 파악하고, 선진외국의 노인의료시설의 시설, 인력 기준을 고찰하였다. 제3장에서는 광주광역시 소재 요양병원을 대상으로 운영 실태 분석 및 평가를 위해 시설‧설비부문 17개 항목, 주요 의료인력 및 기타 인력부문 10개 항목, 총 27개의 평가 항목을 개발하였으며, 12개소의 요양병원 조사 결과를 종합하여 평가등급을 부여하였다. 그 결과 1등급 1개소, 2등급 4개소, 3등급 5개소, 4등급 2개소로 구분되었다. 제4장 결론에서는 요양병원 운영에 대한 개선안을 마련하기 위해 현황조사 결과와 선행 연구, 국내외 시설기준 등을 비교분석하여 요양병원의 시설 및 인력에 대한 적절한 평가 기준 및 조건을 도출하였다. Motivated by the aging population and an increasing need for geriatric medical care facilities in Korea, this study considers geriatric hospitals in Gwangju City, Korea. In particular, the study defines appropriate evaluation standards for facilities and staff members of those hospitals. For this, the study differentiates between geriatric hospitals and ordinary ones in terms of their personnel and facilities. The results have important implications for practitioners attempting to improve their facilities and personnel.

      • KCI등재

        영국 빅토리아시대의 「철의 문제」

        신태양(Shin Tae-Yang) 대한건축학회 2009 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.25 No.12

        Many architects and architectural writers in the Victorian period were deeply involved with the question of new materials and the proposed quite a variety of solutions to the??iron problems??In the late 1840s and early 1850s, several attempts were made to device a new kind of decorations for iron constructions, in order to avoid the thin, utilitarian treatment of building like the Crystal Palace. At that date Pugin and ecclesiological architects were much more advanced as regards the actual decorative treatment of iron. On the other hand, the growing awareness of the different properties of different materials had led to a new evaluation of the specific possibilities of stone in architecture. The effect which these development had on contemporary attitudes toward iron can best be seen on Ruskin's theory. And the ecclesiologists for some years continued their attempts to tackle the??iron problems??The Ecclesiological Society put forward a proposal for a building made entirely of iron : The??Iron Church?? In France the attitude of Viollet-le-Duc to the use of iron in architecture was similar to that of the ecclesiologists. He pleaded strongly that iron be kept visually distinct from stone. In contrast to Ruskin he advocated iron supports, But these supports were to be decorated. The dynamic architectural transformation of the last century occurred because of intense social and industrial changes. Functional rationalism had becomes a key to architectural design, but the new structural rationalism made possible the accomplishment of the forms which the function demanded.

      • KCI등재

        Monocephalus Tripus Tribrachius 환아의 부속 하지 관절 이단술 및 골반 재건술 후 18년 추시 관찰 결과

        김태승(Tai-Seung Kim),신태양(Tae-Yang Shin),김성재(Sung-Jae Kim) 대한정형외과학회 2014 대한정형외과학회지 Vol.49 No.4

        결합 쌍둥이의 일종인 monocephalus tripus tribrachius는 하나의 머리와 세 개의 상지 및 하지를 가지고 태어나는 보기 드문 기형으 로 현재까지 국내 문헌으로는 분리 수술 후 장기 추시 관찰 결과가 보고되지 않았다. 저자들은 monocephalus tripus tribrachius 환아 에 대하여 생후 부속 하지 및 그와 관련한 고관절 및 골반골의 문제들의 해결을 위하여 부속 하지의 관절 이단술 및 골반 재건술을 시 행한 바 있다. 이후 추시 관찰상 문제가 되었던 교정되지 않는 편측의 족부 변형에 대해 Syme 절단술을 시행하였으며, 대퇴 골두의 골반내 피복 불량이 관찰되어 추가적으로 편측의 대퇴골 내반 감염 절골술을 시행하였다. 저자들은 이러한 술식들에 대한 18년 장기 추시 관찰 결과를 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Monocephalus tripus tribrachius, a type of conjoined twins with one head and three upper and lower extremities, is a rare congenital disorder. To date, no long-term follow-up results of surgical procedures for this condition have been reported in Korean literature. We experienced a case of monocephalus tripus tribrachius, which had been surgically managed with an accessory lower limb disarticulation and pelvic bone reconstruction to manage this accessory limb and accompanying comorbidities in hip joint and pelvis. Subsequently, ipsilateral Syme amputation was done for intractable deformity of foot, and later, ipsilateral femoral varus derotational osteotomy was done for inadequate coverage of femoral head observed in follow-up. We report 18-year follow-up results of the procedures with a review of literatures.

      • 건축에 있어서 의미론적인 접근에 관한 연구

        신태양 호남대학교 1998 호남대학교 학술논문집 Vol.19 No.2

        The concern here is with the 'meaning' in architecture. Meaning in a specialized professional community is similar to other forms of meaning-common sense, religious, scientific-in that it is only comprehensible in terms of both cognitive and subjective elements. What are the similarities and differences between 'meaning' and the semiotic concept, 'signified' ? In linguistics signified is the social significance, or idea, that accompanies sound. The signifieds of architecture include social customs and anthropological data and a whole host of possible iconological meanings. According to Panofsky's definition and distinction, iconology must be set off against iconography as the difference between unconscious symbols and symptoms which are conveyed by an art work versus those intended and conventionalised meaning. Charles Jencks and Robert Venturi discuss meaning codes which encompasses individual elements and how these terms apply in architecture. Signified becomes the contents or the abstract concept or meaning of architecture, and the signifier is the form or, more simply, the building. But, the Revi-Strauss version of Structuralism discuss the structuralists would never assume that the community of architects can be described in terms of its own generic framework of meaning.

      • 영국 빅토리아시대 건축연구의 변천

        신태양 호남대학교 산업기술연구소 2014 녹색산업연구 Vol.20 No.1

        많은 연구자들이 19세기 영국 건축과 근대건축과 관련성을 언급하고 있으나 그 방법은 다음 두 가지이다. 첫 번째는 근대건축의 사상적 배경을 19세기 빅토리아시대(1837-1901)의 건축에서 찾으려고 하는 입장으로 현재로서는 대다수의 연구자들이 인정하는 추세이다. 두 번째는 그 시작을 1세기쯤 더 거슬러 올라가서 잡고 있으며, 이들은 그 이전의 건축사상과는 현저히 다른 급진적인 변화가 18세기 중엽에 일어났다고 보는 연구이다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 문제를 19세기 빅토리아시대 건축에 대한 이론가들의 학술적인 문헌을 중심으로 어떻게 변화되어 왔는지 그 추이를 객관적으로 검토하는 것으로 한다. 더불어 이 문제와 관련하여 건축보전에 대한 문제와 새로운 건축을 가능하게 한 가장 큰 요인으로 볼 수 있는 교외주택 개발에 대해 살펴보기로 한다. Many studies are interested in the problem how the nineteenth century English Victorian Architecture transfigured into Modern Architecture. There are two ways of approach to make clear the process of the change, One is to go back into the origin of the Modern Architecture, and the other is to trace the changing ideas of the Victorian Architecture itself. Here, it is intended to make clear the change of the studies about the Victorian Architecture with a purpose to examine the scientific literature mainly. Especially the theories related to this problem of conservation theories and the development on residential suburb.

      • KCI등재

        G.E.Street의 다채장식론

        신태양 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.20 No.9

        This paper is the third part of the thesis on architectural polychromy revivalism in the nineteenth century. George Edmund Street stood at the beginning of one of the successful careers of the Gothic Revival. At First, he was more prolific with theories than with building, with a kind of architectural journalism, opinions and current problem the distinction between vjllage and town churches, the use of color in churches, and the subject of foreign architecture. But more than anything else Street was fascinated by materials and their colors, as the title of "Brick and Marble in the Middle Ages" indicated. Much of his final chapter is devoted to 'Italian Brickwork' and 'color in construction' I focused my attention on two points in this paper. I intend to describe the process of creation on Street's theory of constructional polychromy, and to reconstruct the characteristics of his theory of constructional polychromy through to discover his architectural theory.

      • 건축설계 교육을 위한 하이퍼미디어 지원 지능형 교습시스템(ITS)의 적용방법에 관한 연구

        박익수,신태양,정성구 호남대학교산업기술연구소 1997 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        본 연구의 최종목적은 하이퍼미디어 기법을 이용하여 건축학과 학생들의 설계교육에 필요한 제이론과 실습과정을 학습할 수 있도록 하이퍼미디어 지원 지능형 교습시스템(ITS)을 개발하는 것이다. 본 논문은 이를 위한 기초단계로서 먼저 건축설계 교육에 있어서 이론적 체계화 하이퍼미디어 지원 교습시스템에 적합한 영역구조를 구상해 보았다. 또한 적용방법의 기술적 환경으로서 CAI와 하이퍼텍스트의 개념과 구성 및 역할을 살펴보았으며, 하이퍼텍스트 개념을 적용한 원형모델을 구축하여 건축설계 교육을 위한 ITS 개발의 방법론적 형태를 고찰하였다. 앞으로 건축설계교육을 위한 ITS의 개발을 위해서는 타당성 검증을 통한 체계적인 건축설계교육안의 개발과 이에 적절한 ITS 프로그램 개발이 연구되어야 할 것으로 본다. The purpose of the study was to develope ITS for architectural design education by applying hypertext concept. For the purposes, this paper was the first step for applying architectural design education, dealed with the applicative method. The researchers trided to idealize the situable domain of architectural design education. Then, the researchers studied the concept of CAI and the composition of hypertext, moreover studied the applicative method for ITS development and built a prototype model to apply hypertext concept for architectural design education. The research is needed the development of the systamatic education model and the proper ITS program through a inspection of the propriety.

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