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      • KCI등재

        우줘류, 吳濁流(오탁류) 의 장편 소설 『아시아의 고아』(アジアの孤兒)에서 드러나는 식민지인의 정체성 연구

        신민영 ( Min Young Shin ) 서울대학교 인문학연구원 2014 人文論叢 Vol.71 No.2

        Wu Zhuoliu’s novel Orphan of Asia (1943~1945) was written inJapanese, the national language under Japanese occupation; the novel’sprotagonist is Hu Taiming, an intellectual from Taiwan during the colonialperiod. Existing studies on this novel have not gone beyond Han racialnationalism, interpreting Taiming’s transition as a recovery of Han racialconsciousness or as an overcoming of the consciousness of having beenorphaned. It should not be overlooked, however, that the novel was writtenin the 1940s, which means that about forty years had passed since colonializationtook place. Therefore, the issues about which the young intellectualsof the 1940s agonized over do not necessarily correspond withso-called nationalistic tendencies. They were not only the colonized but alsothe youth who desperately explored what to do and how to live in thegiven situation. On the other hand, it should not be ignored that the settingfor the novel is Taiwan, a nation which needs to be understood in termsof its relationship with imperial Japan and mainland China. Identities ofthe colonized Taiwanese show different aspects in and out of the islandof Taiwan, respectively. While the binary structure of the colonizer versusthe colonized and Japanese versus Taiwanese (Chinese) is noticeable inthe island of Taiwan, the situation becomes more complex outside of theisland with the intervention of the third component that is mainland China. Taiwan was facing double exclusion and double surveillance, and wascompelled as an in-between being by both mainland China and Japan. Through the protagonist, Hu Taiming, Orphan of Asia depicts a long journeyof seeking one’s self-identity and, simultaneously, shows aspects ofliberation beyond colonialism, imperialism and nationalism.

      • KCI등재

        1940년대 ‘國語’잡지 속 ‘南方’, 서로 다른 욕망 -在台 일본인 작가 니시카와 西川滿와 대만인 작가 龍瑛宗 작품을 중심으로-

        신민영 ( Shin Min-young ) 대구가톨릭대학교 인문과학연구소 2021 인문과학연구 Vol.- No.43

        In this paper, we focus on “The Red Fort”(Sekikanki 赤嵌記) by Japanese writer Mitsuru Nishikawa and “Die in 'the Southern'” by Taiwanese writer Long Ying-zong. I looked at how the meaning of ‘Southern’ is different in the two works. “The Red Fort” has heterogeneous elements. Nishikawa insisted on the homogeneity of Taiwan and Japan through the story of the Zheng Dynasty. This story hinted at the continuity between unfinished work of Zheng Cheong-gong and Japan’s Great East Asia War. However, by vividly depicting Taiwan’s nature, customs, and Taiwanese life, the unfamiliar and exotic ‘Taiwan’ was reproduced. This drew the attention of Japanese and literary circles. At this time, Taiwan became a “different” place from Japan. On the other hand, “Die in ‘the Southern’” exposed that Taiwanese youths had the imperialist desires of. Long Ying-zong depicted the desire of Taiwanese young people to become ‘the colonizer’. It was the desire for Taiwan to become the “Japan” of 'the southern', not just the southern part of the Japanese Empire. The story took an attitude that seemed to agree with this desire through ‘you’ going ‘the southern’. But he was also well aware of the inherent pitfalls of that desire. That is why ‘the madman’ character-‘your brother’ appeared in the novel in his novel. ‘Your’ brother knew the meaning of the trap, and that's why he couldn't help but go crazy.

      • KCI등재

        전후(戰後) 대만 문단의 연속과 단절 - 뤼허뤄呂赫若의 「月光光」 「冬夜」를 중심으로

        신민영(Shin, Min-young) 영남대학교 인문과학연구소 2021 人文硏究 Vol.- No.97

        본고에서는 먼저 전후 대만문단의 특수한 상황을 여러 보도자료와 기록을 통해 검토하고, 뤼허뤄(呂赫若)의 중문 소설 月光光-光復以前 과 冬夜 을 통해 전후 대만사회의 정치 사회적 변화와 ‘국어’ 교체에 따른 대만인들의 곤경을 살펴보았다. 여기에서 필자는 뤼허뤄가 국민당 정부의 중국어/‘국어’ 교체의 강제를 비판하는 데에서 대만어라는 존재가 담보하는 ‘대만인’이라는 자각으로까지 나아갔다고 분석했다. 그리고 그 자각은 冬夜 에 이르러서는 천이(陳儀) 행정당국의 실정(失政)과 외성인들의 정치/경제 권력의 독점을 비판적으로 바라보며 개혁을 요구하는 의식으로 발전했다고 보았다. 또 이 시기 뤼허뤄가 외부 세계의 혼란과 폭력으로부터 대만인 스스로 자신을 지켜야 한다는 자각과 함께, 직접 행동을 통한 현실 개입을 고민하기 시작했으리라 판단했다. In this paper, first, the situation of Taiwanese literary circles after World War II was reviewed through various newspaper articles and records. Through Lu He-ruo’s Chinese novels, I looked into the changes of Taiwanese society after the war and the difficulties of Taiwanese due to the replacement of the ‘National language’. I analyzed that Lu He-ruo started as a critique of the Kuomintang government’s compulsion to replace the Chinese language/‘National Language’ and led to the perception of ‘who are Taiwanese’. And that awareness in “Dong-ye (Winter night)” was seen that developed into a consciousness demanding reform the Chen-Yi administrative authority by critically looking at the incompetence of the Chen-Yi administrative authority and the monopoly of political/ economic power. Also, it was judged that Lu He-ruo at this time became aware of the need to protect Taiwanese by themselves from the chaos and violence of the world, and began to think about intervention in reality through action.

      • KCI등재

        단방성 법랑아세포종의 보존적 수술에 관한 증례보고 및 문헌고찰

        신민영(Min-Young Shin),이혁기(Hyuk-Kee Lee),최제원(Je-Won Choi),신성수(Sung-Soo Shin),박양호(Yang-Ho Park),박준우(Jun-Woo Park) 대한구강악안면외과학회 2005 대한구강악안면외과학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        An Ameloblastoma is one of the most common odontogenic tumors. The treatment of ameloblastoma has been controversial because of this disease entity as a slow-growing, locally invasive tumor with high rate of recurrence. Recurrence rate of ameloblastoma are reported 15% to 25% after radical treatment and 75% to 90% after conservative treatment. On the other hand, Robinson and Gardner reported that the recurrence rate after conservative treatment of unicystic ameloblastoma was lower than those of multicystic or solid lesion. In this report, what we want to show is to review the articles to find out pros and cons of conservative treatment of ameloblastoma. In addition we would like to discuss which requies conservative treatment or radical treatment are more acceptable through our case report.

      • KCI등재후보

        맞춤형 신발 깔창과 4주간 하지 운동 프로그램이 보행 역학에 미치는 영향

        신민영(Shin Min Young),최민라(Chio Min Ra),이기광(Lee Ki Kwang) 세계태권도문화학회 2017 세계태권도문화학회지 Vol.8 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to compare kinematic variable of gait velocity, stride length and range of motion(ROM) of lower body jonit angle by apply of the lower body exercise program and of customized insole. thirty-six males without lower body medical history participated in study. In this study, lower body exercise program composed for aim to improve normal range of motion(ROM) of lower body jonit angle, strengthening of muscle and stability of gait were conducted for 4 weeks. Using the Depth Camera, we measured the height of the arch and produced a customized insole. To analyze the kinematic variable of gait after exercise program, the data were collected using the Xsens MTX sensor. The analyzed data brought about the following results by using two-way repeated ANOVA. As a result, gait velocity and stride length was indicated significant difference in apply of insole, the knee joints and ankle joint in range of motion(ROM) jonit angle showed significant difference in exercise program, apply of insole, exercise program apply of insole(p<001). From the result, lower body exercise program and apply of customized insole considered positively effects on strengthening of muscle and stability of gait.

      • KCI등재

        하악골 결손환자에서 수평적 골 신장술과 임프란트 보철수복 : 증례보고

        신민영(Min-Young Shin),안준현(Jun-Hyun An),한정환(Jung-Hwan Han),신성수(Sung-Soo Shin),박양호(Yang-Ho Park),박영주(Young-Ju Park),박준우(Jun-Woo Park,이건주(Gun-Joo Rhee) 대한구강악안면외과학회 2003 대한구강악안면외과학회지 Vol.29 No.6

        Distraction osteogenesis is a biologic process in which new bone is formed between bone fragments being separated by a tractional force. This technique has the advantage of initiating new bone growth without bone transplantation and promoting the growth of soft tissue. Mandibular distraction osteogenesis has shown to be effective to treat congenital or acquired mandibular hypoplasias. On the basis of positive results with implant-supported prostheses, the use of implants in the distracted site can significantly help stabilize the prosthesis. We obtained good result in the patient with mandibular deficiency due to trauma, who have been reconstructed with distraction osteogenesis and implant. We report our experiences with literature view.

      • 황지본선 폐 터널들을 활용한 새로운 공간 "황지 둘렛길"-터널의 공간적인 활용을 중심으로-

        신민영(주저자) ( Min Young Shin ),정은영(주저자) ( Eun Young Jung ),허은영(주저자) ( Eun Young Heo ),이진민(공동저자) ( Jin Min Rhie ),장미정(공동저자) ( Mi Jeong Jang ) 숙명여자대학교 산업디자인연구소 2015 숙명디자인학 연구 Vol.21 No.-

        본 연구는 버려진 폐 터널을 기능성으로만 활용하고있는 현 상황에 대해서 비판하며 터널이라는 공간적 특성을 살릴 수 있는 활용에 대한 새로운 방향을 제안하는 작업이다. 터널이라는 좁고 한정적인 공간 속에서 터널이 가지는 고유한 Identity가 사라지지 않도록 터널의 본형태는 유지하면서, 구조적인 디자인을 추가해 공간의 활용을 최대한 끌어내는 것을 목적으로 진행되었다. 이프로젝트는 2015년 3월 ~ 6월 15주간 숙명여대 환경디자인학과 <공간 디자인 스튜디오 > 수업에서 진행된 수업의 결과물이며, 가인 디자인 그룹에서 주최한 <한국 인테리어 대전 제 28회> 공모전에 ``황지 둘렛길``이라는 제목으로 제출한 제안서를 논문 형식으로 정리한 것이다. 터널이라는 좁고 어두운 공간적인 특성 때문에 다양한공간적인 디자인이 힘들고 어렵지만, 오히려 그러한 공간이 가지는 특징을 이용한 디자인이 가능하다는 점을 보여준 것에 있어서 의의가 있다. 또한 이 프로젝트를 시작으로 다른 버려진 공간들을 그 나름대로의 공간적인 특성을 활용한 새로운 공간으로 디자인하는 것에 있어서 그 기초 자료로 활용될 것으로 기대한다. This project criticizes the current situation of a waste tunnel, which is currently only being utilized to function as a waste tunnel. This project suggests a new direction, saving the space of the tunnel. By adding structural designs to the tunnel, this project aims to utilize the tunnel``s maximum space as much as it can while still keeping the original identity of the tunnel in its limited area. During the first semester of 2015 (2015 March ~ June), this project was completed in a class called <Studio space design> Sookmyung Women``s University Environmental Design Department. This is the summary of the proposal called "황 지 둘렛길" submitted to <Korea interior War II 28th> Competition sponsored by Cain Design Group. Even though the characteristics of tunnel, such as darkness and narrowness were obstacles, there was a significant importance in the fact that the project proposes the utilization of those characteristics into positive design compositions. Therefore I expect that this proposal will be helpful in explaining ways to utilize the abandoned tunnel as a new design space.

      • KCI등재

        소설 속에 드러나는 뤼허뤄(呂赫若)의 내대일여(內台一如) 남방(南方)에 대한 인식 - 「인거(鄰居)」 (1942), 「청추(淸秋)」 (1944)를 중심으로

        신민영 ( Shin¸ Min Young ) 연세대학교 인문학연구원 2020 人文科學 Vol.120 No.-

        본 논문에서는 뤼허뤄(呂赫若)의 1940년대 작품- 「鄰居」(1942), 「淸秋」(1944)를 독해함으로써 당시 식민정책에 대한 작가의 시대인식을 살펴보았다. 두 작품은 모두 본도 출신의 지식인 청년이 화자로 등장한다. 그런데 ‘나’(「鄰居」)와 야오쉰(「淸秋」)은 늘 불안하고 초조하다. 작가는 이들의 신경증적인 불안감을 ‘공거’(共居)라는 모티브를 통해 문학적으로 형상화 하는 한편, 이 초조하고 불안한 식민지 청년/지식인들을 빌려 대동아전쟁기 급변하는 시국과 그에 대한 시대인식을 전한다. 「鄰居」에서 작가는 자신의 친자식처럼 본도인 아이를 사랑하고 아끼는 내지인 부부의 감동적인 이야기 뒤에 자신의 아이를 내지인에게 내어주기 주저하면서도 속수무책으로 빼앗길 수밖에 없는 본도인 부부의 모습을 나란히 배치시킴으로써 ‘내대일여’(內台一如)의동화(同化)정책이 갖고있는 허위성과 잔인성을 은밀히 짚어내었다. 「淸秋」에서는 당시 대만을 휩쓸고 있던 ‘남방 열풍’(南方熱)에 대한작가의 시대인식을 확인할 수 있다. 작품에는 주인공 야오쉰 외에도 동생 야오동, 야오쉰의 의전(醫專) 동창생, 의사 출신의 장유하이(江有海), 식당 주인 아들 황밍진(黃明金) 등 여러 식민지 청년들이 등장하는데, 야오쉰을 제외하고 이들은 모두 남방으로 떠난다. 청년들의 남방행 소식에 야오쉰은 자기 혼자만이 고향에 남겨질 것이라는 초조함에 괴로워한다. 겉으로는 부모가 요구하는 대만의 전통적인 가치를 기꺼이 받아들이고 순응하는 듯이 보이지만, 야오쉰의 욕망 역시 여느 청년/지식인들과 마찬가지로 남방에서 식민지인/본도인이라는 꼬리표를 떼어버리고 자신의 꿈을 펼쳐보는 것이기 때문이다. 하지만 작가는 야오쉰의 개원이 순조롭게 진행되도록 모든 외부적장애물을 제거해주면서 이야기를 마친다. 필자는 이를 대만 내에서의 ‘대만의회설치청원운동’의 영향 때문이라고 해석한다. 다시 말해서, 뤼허뤄가 고향에 남은 야오쉰과 남방으로 향하는 본도의 다른 젊은이들 모두를 동시에 긍정할 수 있었던 이유라고 생각한다. In 1942 and in 1944, Lv He-ruo published 「鄰居(neighbor)」, 「淸秋(Qing Qiu)」, respectively. In this paper, I looked into howthe author thought of the colonial policy of the Japanese Empire in the 1940s. In both novels, the narrators are an intellectual young man fromTaiwan. “I” (「neighbor」) andYaoXun (「QingQiu」) are always anxious and nervous. Through the situation of “living together,” the author revealed neurotic anxiety. The anxiety of these colonial intellectuals is also the author's perception of the rapidly changing state during the Great East Asian War. In neighbor there is a moving story of a Japanese couple who cares very much about their Taiwanese child. However, this story hides the grief of a Taiwanese couple who lost their child to the Japanese couple. Through this work, the author secretly criticizes the falsehood and cruelty of the Japanese empire's assimilation policy. In 「Qing Qiu」, you can see the author's perception of Taiwan’s “Southern Frenzy” (南方熱). In addition to Yao Xun, many Taiwanes youths appear in the work, including his younger brother Yao-dong, Yao Xun's friend, Zhang Yu-hai(doctor), and Hwang Ming-jin(the son of a restaurant owner). However, all of them leave for 'the southern' except for Yao Xun. Yao Xun suffers fromisolation that only himself will be left alone in hometown. Yao Xun seems to be willing to accept and comply with his parents' demands. However, YaoXunwants to go to 'the southern' like other young people. This is because he wants to unfold his dream by removing the label of 'the colonized/Taiwanese Japanese' in 'the southern'. However, the author let Yao Xun not leave in his hometown. I believe this ending is due to the influence of the “Petition for the establishment of the Taiwan Parliament”. So that is why Lv He-ruo(the author) agreed Yao Xun left in his hometown, and at the same time, also agreed other Taiwanese youth to go to 'the southern'.

      • 대학 태권시범단원의 운동 상해에 관한 조사 연구

        이용주 ( Yong Ju Lee ),신민영 ( Min Young Shin ) 국기원 2014 국기원태권도연구 Vol.5 No.1

        태권도 시범 중 발생 할 수 있는 상해에 대한 실태 분석으로 태권도 시범의 완성도를 높이는데 그 목적이 있다. 이 연구는 강원, 경기 그리고 서울 소재의 대학 태권도 시범단 200명을 대상으로 하여 설문조사를 하였다. 이 설문지는 조영묵과 진준수의 연구에서 사용된 설문지를 수정, 보완하여 작성하였다. 자료의 처리는 SPSS Windows 21.0 Version 프로그램을 이용하여 다중응답에 의한 빈도분석과 교차분석을 이용하여 산출하였다. 첫째, 부위별 상해가 가장 많은 부위는 이마, 입술, 등, 손가락, 무릎과 발가락으로 겨울 연습 시 많이 발생하며 가장 많은 상해는 근육통이다. 둘째, 상해의 주요원인은 과도한 연습과 피로 이며 상해의 예방 방법으로는 충분한 준비운동과 정리운동이다. 셋째, 상해를 입는 기술로는 1학년과 2학년, 3학년은 기술격파 그리고 4학년은 위력격파가 가장 높게 나타났다. 상해 시 치료방법 으로는 1학년, 2학년, 4학년은 본인스스로 하는 자가 치료가 3학년은 병원치료가 가장 높게 나타났다. 성별에 따른 상해 입는 기술로는 남자, 여자가 모두 기술격파이고 상해의 원인 남자는 과도한 연습과 피로이고 여자는 준비운동 부족이 가장 높게 나타났다. 상해 시 치료방법은 남자 여자 모두 본인스스로 치료가 가장 높게 나타났다. The purpose of this study is to increase the perfection of Taekwondo demonstration by surveying and analyzing injury elements during Taekwondo demonstration. The subjects of this study are 200 university demonstration members in Gangwon-do, Gyeonggi-do and Seoul and the research tool is questionnaires. The organization of questionnaires is by revising the questionnaires used in Jo Young Mook(2008) and Jin Joon Soo`s study. The data processing is carried out by a frequency analysis and cross analysis by multi response using a SPSS Windows 21.0 Version program. First of all, most frequent injury parts are a forehead, lip, back, finger, knee and toe and the Injury frequently occurs in the winter practice and the most frequent injury is a muscle pain. Second, the highest cause of injury is an excessive practice and fatigue and The method preventing an injury is a sufficient warm-up and warm-down. Third, the technique for injury is high level breaking in first year, second year and third year students and is power breaking in fourth year students. The treatment method for injury is by taking care of themselves in the first, second, fourth grade and by hospital treatment in the third grade. The technique for injury is high level breaking by male and female and the cause is an excessive practice and fatigue by male and lack of warm-up by female. Both male and female mainly take care of injury treatment by themselves.

      • KCI등재

        K-WMS-IV 디자인 소검사의 임상적 유용성: 경도인지장애 환자의 수행 특징

        배솔지 ( Bae Soul-ji ),신민영 ( Shin Min-young ),이준영 ( Lee Jun-young ),김지혜 ( Kim Ji-hae ),박광배 ( Park Kwang-bae ),황순택 ( Hwang Soon-taeg ),홍상황 ( Hong Sang-hwang ),최진영 ( Chey Jean-young ) 전북대학교 사회과학연구소 2017 지역과 세계 Vol.41 No.3

        This study was conducted to confirm the clinical utility of the Design subtest of the K-WMS-IV in detecting mild cognitive impairment, high risk of Alzheimer's dementia. We compared the performance of the patients with amnestic MCI to healthy controls in three subcomponents of Design, which were object, spatial, object-spatial binding memory. The results were as follows. First, amnestic MCI patients showed significantly lower performance in immediate spatial memory and object-location binding memory, and delayed object-location binding memory than healthy controls, whilst their object memory were intact. Second, immediate object-spatial binding memory was the only significant predictor on amnestic MCI in logistic regression analysis. Third, the Area Under the ROC Curve(AUCs) of the immediate spatial memory and object-spatial binding memory were 'fair', .71 and .74, respectively. In conclusion, the subcomponents score of the Design test was useful in detecting the characteristic pattern of the visuo-spatial memory performance in amnestic MCI, and these results suggested that the Design subtest of the K-WMS-IV could enhance the diagnostic accuracy.

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