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      • KCI등재

        2차 진료기관 비뇨기과의 현황 및 비뇨기과 의사의 역할

        김종현(Jong Hyun Kim),박창수(Chang Soo Park),이웅희(Woong Hee Lee),신관희(Kwan Hee Shin),김용수(Yong Soo Kim),허준(Jun Heo),최동원(Dong Won Choi),안주형(Joo Hyeong Ahn),김강원(Kang Won Kim),강주호(Joo Ho Kang),원용연(Yong Yeun Won) 대한비뇨기종양학회 2013 대한비뇨기종양학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        Purpose: We investigated the characteristics of patients transferred from other department or other healthcare institution and tried to find a way to develop the role of urologist and department of Urology in secondary healthcare institution. Materials and Methods: Thirty-eight secondary healthcare institutions were involved in the survey of questionnaire study which includes overall status of urology department and private information of 357 patients transferred from other departments of same institution or other healthcare institutions. Results: The number of hospital bed was 267 and the urologists were at work for 4.7 years on average. In 35/38 (92%) institutions, only one urologist was at work for clinical practice. Average patients number was 39.7 per day in the outpatient clinic and the portion of urological patients among the outpatients were 76.4%. Average patients number was 20.6 per month in the inpatient clinic and average number of urological surgery was 18.6. The portion of patients transferred from other departments of same institution or other healthcare institutions was 16.4%. The answer which shows good communication between other departments of same institution was 78.9% and facilitating relationship among other healthcare institutions was 47.4%. Analysis of 357 patients shows that the period of symptom development was 26.2 months and the period of prior treatment in other department or institution was 5.3 months. Bladder related disease was most common and the next order of frequency were prostate disease and urinary stone. The rate of concordance of final diagnosis between urology and other department or institution was 52.7%, and rate of concordance of medication was 23.0%. The positive answer as ‘helpful" for the prior treatment in the other department or institution was 41.2%. Conclusions: The department of Urology in secondary healthcare institution has several limitations such as relative lack of man power and expertise, lack of awareness of patients or other physicians to urology specialty, and insufficient communication with other departments or institutions. In many case, urological diseases have been managed in other departments and it takes much limitation to help the urological patients. Therefore urologists in secondary health care institution should try to upgrade their specialty and make effort to educate and promote urological concern as well as better communication with other medical departments.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • 장을 이용한 요로전환술 후 요석형성 위험인자의 변화

        신관희,한광희,정원일,이형래,이상철,김원재 충북대학교 의학연구소 2002 忠北醫大學術誌 Vol.12 No.2

        연구목적: 장을 이용한 요로전환술을 받은 환자들에게는 여러 가지 대사적 장애에 따른 합병증이 발생하게 되는데 그 중 하나인 요석형성의 위험인자에 대해 대사적 검사를 실시하였다. 대상 및 방법: 장을 이요한 요로전환술을 시행 받은 후 적어도 6개월간 추적관찰이 가능했던 30명(회장 도관술 24명, Mainz pouch 4명, 방광 확대술 2명)을 환자군으로 하였고 요석의 과거력이 없는 건강한 38명을 대조군으로 선정하였다. 요로감염이나 항생제를 투여하는 경우에는 대상에서 제외하였고 식이 제한을 하지 않은 상태에서 24시간 소변을 외래에서 모았다. 소변량, 나트륨, 인, 요산, 크레아티닌, 칼슘, 마그네슘, 수산, 구연산 등의 요검사 항목을 조사하여 환자군과 대조군의 측정치 및 크레아티닌으로 보정한 측정값을 각 성별에 따라 비교하였다. 결과: 혈중 칼슘, 인, 요산, 나트륨, 칼륨, 크레아티닌, 혈액요소질소 (BUN) 등 대부분의 혈중 검사 항목들은 환자군과 대조군 사이에 차이가 없었으나 혈중 단백질 수치만이 차이를 보였다. 23명의 남성 환자에게서 수산의 요 배설량이 대조군에 비해 현저히 높았으며 반대로 구연산과 요산은 대조군에 비해 낮았다 (p=0.006, p=0.001, and p=0.005, respectively). 또한, 남성 환자의 칼슘의 요 배설량은 대조군보다 오히려 적게 나타나 환자군의 칼슘/수산 비가 현저히 감소하였다 (p<0.001). 요중 칼슘, 나트륨, 인 및 요산은 크레아티닌의 농도와 관련성을 보였으며, 오직 수산만이 크레아티닌 보정 후에도 남성 환자군과 대조군 사이에 유의한 차이를 보였다. 한편, 7명의 여성 환자들에게서 대조군에 비해 마그네슘의 배설이 감소한 것 이외에 유의한 차이는 나타나지 않았다 (p=0.04). 결론: 본 연구의 결과로 볼 때 요로전환술을 받은 환자에게 요중 칼슘, 마그네슘, 구연산 등이 요석형성에 영향을 끼치는 인자로 작용하지만, 요중 수산 배설의 증가와 이에 따른 칼슘/수산 비율의 감소가 보다 더 주된 위험 요인이라 할 수 있다. Purpose: The present study was performed to assess the risk factors for urolithiasis in patients receiving urinary intestinal diversion due to certain underlying etiology. Materials and Methods: This study included 30 patients who had undergone various forms of urinary intestinal diversion (24 of ileal conduits, 4 of Mainz continent diversions, and 2 of augmentation cystoplasties) with post-operative duration of at least 6 months and 38 age-matched normal controls. Urine samples (24-hour) were randomly collected on an outpatient basis without any dietary restriction when the patients were free of urinary tract infection or antibiotics. Investigation of urinary analytes comprised urine volume, sodium, phosphorus, uric acid, creatinine, calcium, magnesium, oxalate, and citrate. Data were compared in original values and adjusted values by creatinine in each sex. Results: Almost serum analytes such as calcium, phosphorus, uric acid, sodium, potassium, creatinine, and BUN were not significantly different between patients and controls except protein. In 23 male patients, mean urinary excretion of oxalate was significantly greater than control group and conversely in that of citrate and uric acid (p=0.006, p=0.001 and p=0.005, respectively). Unexpectedly, urinary excretion of calcium in male patients was lower than in control (p=0.002) resulting in significant decrease in the ratio of calcium to oxalate (p<0.001). Among the urinary analytes, excretions of calcium, sodium, phosphorus, and uric acid were significantly correlated with that of creatinine. Oxalate was only different analyte when adjusted by creatinine between male patients and controls. In 7 female patients, decreased excretion of magnesium was observed when compared to control (p=0.04). Conclusions: Our study indicated that urinary intestinal diversion cause increased excretion of urinary oxalate leading to decreased calcium to oxalate ratio, as major metabolic alteration for urolithiasis, although urinary calcium, magnesium, or citrate may take a role.

      • 여성 요도증후군에서 Terazocin의 효과에 대한 연구

        우승효,신관희,한광희,정원일,이형래,이상철,김용태,김원재 충북대학교 의학연구소 2000 忠北醫大學術誌 Vol.10 No.2

        연구목적: 여성 요도증후군을 보이는 환자에서 교감신경차단제인 terazocin을 복용한 후 치료 효과에 대한 각 증상의 변화와 부작용을 알아보고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 1997년부터 1999년까지 충북대학교병원 비뇨기과에 내원한 35명의 여성 중 요검사 및 요배양 검사, 그리고 다른 이학적 검사에서 이상이 없는 요도증후군 환자를 대상으로 간질성방광염 증상점수(ICSS)를 terazocin (3mg/day for 3 months) 투여 전후에 조사하였고, 치료 후 3개월과 1년에 Likert scale 점수를 조사하였다. 결과: ICSS는 비치료군은 18.3±5.9점, 치료군은 16.5±6.8점으로 두군간의 차이는 없는 것으로 나타났다(p=0.52). 치료군은 치료 후 3개월에 시행한 ICSS가 9.9±7.8점으로 치료 전에 비해 현격히 증상이 호전되는 것으로 나타났다(p=0.0001). 특히 3개월에 시행한 Likert scale에서는 주간 및 야간빈뇨, 절박뇨, 배뇨통의 횟수 및 강도, 그리고 전체적인 증상정도에서 40-70% 가량 호전된 것으로 밝혀졌으며 이는 1년 후에도 증상의 호전이 지속되는 것으로 나타났다. 비치료군에서의 1년 후 Likert scale은 6명 중 2명이 전체적인 증상의 호전이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 결론: Terazocin은 환자의 약 70%가량에서 증상의 호전을 가져왔고, 비치료군에서도 환자의 33%가 저절로 증상이 좋아진 것으로 보아 Terazocin은 여성 요도증후군에서 분명히 효과가 있으나 증상이 심할 경우 보조적인 치료로 이용되는 것이 바람직할 것으로 사료된다. Purpose: We performed to assess the effects and complications of terazocin in women with chronic female urethral syndrome. Materials and Methods : Thirty-five women with chronic female urethral syndrome were studied from March 1997 to August 1999. The subjects exhibited normal findings without the pyuria and bacteriuria in urinalysis and urine culture and were invested the interstitial symptom score(ICSS). 29 subjects of them took a terazocin 1-4 mg/day for 3 months. They were reevaluated for the ICSS and Likert scale after 3 months and for Likert scale after 1 year. Results: The ICSS before treatment were showed 18.3±5.9 in the untreated patient group and 16.5±6.8 in the treated patient group, and no statistically difference between both patient groups(p=0.52). In the treated patient group, the ICSS after treatment were showed 9.9±7.8, significant difference between before and after treatment(p=0.0001). The Likert scale was showed at 3 months after treatment that frequency, nocturia, urgency, pain frequency, pain intensity, daily activities, and overall symptoms were improved in 65.5%, 55.2%, 24.1%, 41.4%, 41.4%, 70%, 70%, and 70% of 29 subjects, each other. Overall symptom score assessed at 1 year were showed that 3 subjects was aggravated. In untreated patient group, 2 of 6 was improved in overall symptom score. Conclusion: Terazocin was effective above 70% in the treated group, and symptoms were improved spontaneously in a third of the untreated group. So, we thought that terazocin would be useful as supportive treatment in period of severe symptoms.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • 진성 복압성 요실금 환자에서 복강경하 방광경부현수술의 유용성: 타술식과의 비교 연구

        김용태,엄민식,이석영,신관희,서정원,윤석중,이상철,김원재 충북대학교 의학연구소 2001 忠北醫大學術誌 Vol.11 No.2

        연구목적: 진성 복압성 요실금의 치료법으로서 복강경을 이용한 Burch 수술을 타수술법과 비교하여 그 유용성을 알아보고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 진성 복압성 요실금을 주소로 본원 비뇨기과에서 수술을 시행받은 44명의 환자를 수술법별로 분류하여 수술법에 따른 성공률, 수술 시간, 입원 기간 및 합병증의 빈도를 비교 분석 하였다. 결과: 전체 환자에서 수술 성공률은 86.4% 였으며 이들 중 복강경을 이용한 Burch 수술군에서는 성공률이 100% 이었다. 복강경을 이용한 Burch 수술군은 타수술군에 비하여 입원 기간이 짧았다. 복강경을 이용한 Burch 수술군은 합병증이 매우 경미하였으며 전체 환자의 31.8%에서 단기간의 배뇨곤란을 호소하였으나 장기간의 배뇨곤란은 없었으며 슬링 수술군에서는 3례(16.7%)에서 심한 절박성 요실금을 호소하였다. 결론: 복강경을 이용한 Burch 수술은 높은 치료 성공률과 낮은 합병증의 빈도를 나타내어 진성 복압성 요실금의 치료에서 매우 우수한 수술법으로 사료된다. Purpose: We performed this study to investigate the usefulness of laparoscopic Burch colposuspension as a treatment of genuine stress incontinence compare to other anti-incontinence operation. Materials and Methods : We analyzed success rate, operation time, admission day, and complication rate of various anti-incontinence operations in 44 genuine stress incontinence patients who have been received operation in our hospital. Results : Overall success rate was 86.4%, but laparoscopic Burch coposuspension showed 100% success rate. Laparoscopic Burch colposuspension required shorter admission day compared to other anti-incontinence oparations. Complication rate was lower in laparoscopic Burch colposuspension group. Short-term voiding problems were identified in 31.8% of total patients but 3 patients(16.7%) who have received sling operation complained severe urge incontinence. Conclusion : Laparoscopic Burch colposuspension is considered as an effective surgical method for genuine stress incontinence due to high success rate and low complication rate.

      • Simple and Rapid Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Spot Test for Initial Screening of Prostate Cancer

        Kim, Wun Jae,Lee, Sang Cheol,Lee, Hyung Lae,Kim, Yong Tae,Lee, Seok Young,Lee, Gyoung Gyou,Han, Kwang Hee,Shin, Kwan Hee,Lee, Seung Chan,Jang, Hoon,Kim, Tae Hwan 충북대학교 의학연구소 2002 忠北醫大學術誌 Vol.12 No.1

        연구 목적: 증상이 없는 고령의 남성에서 전립선특이항원 (PSA) 검사가 전립선암의 조기 발견 및 치료를 통해 전립선암의 사망률을 감소시킨다는 데에는 논란의 여지가 있다. 또한 검사는 과도하고 불필요한 추가rja사를 하게 함으로서 환자에게 경제적 부담을 줄 수 있다. 따라서 선별검사로서 기존의 PSA 분석보다 값 싼 검사법이 필요하다 할 수 있겠다. 이에 저자들은 PSA spot 검사가 전립선암의 초기 선별검사로서 유용성이 있는지를 알아보았다. 재료 및 방법: 210개의 혈청에 대하여 PSA spot 검사 및 고전적인 단일클론항체를 이용한 PSA 면역분석 (monoclonal antibody-based PSA immunoassay)으로 PSA 수치를 측정하였다. PSA spot 검사는 면역모세관 분석(immunochromatographical assay)으로 기구는 sample well 및 2개의 반응 구획으로 구성되어 있으며 혈청 4 방울을 sample well에 점적 후 10분 내에 결과를 확인할 수 있다. 이 검사는 PSA 의 기준치를 4 ng/ml로 하였으며 양성인 경우 PSA 치가 4 ng/ml 이상임을 의미한다. 결과: PSA 4.0ng/ml 이상인 혈청 검체의 96% (132/137)가 PSA spot test 양성으로 나타났으며, 4.0 ng/ml 이하인 혈청 검체의 93% (68/73)가 음성으로 나타나 전체적인 일치율(concordance rate)은 95%였다. 52명의 여성 혈청 전부에서 가양성은 나타나지 않았다. 결론: PSA spot 검사는 PSA 4.0ng/ml을 기준으로 양성 여부를 판단하였으며 95%의 민감도 및 특이도를 나타내었다. PSA spot 검사는 간단하면서도 10분 내에 결과를 확인할 수 있는 신속한 검사법이다. 따라서 전립선암의 초기 선별검사로서 추후 검사의 필요성 여부를 결정할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. Purpose : The routine use of PSA testing in asymptomatic men, as a means for reducing prostate cancer mortality by early detection and treatment, is controversial. PSA testing may result in further tests that are unnecessary and costly without proof that screening reduces prostate cancer mortality. Therefore, a less expensive but accurate test other than the conventional PSA assay would be favorable for initial screening purposes. We evaluated whether the PSA spot test could be used as an initial screening test for prostate cancer. Materials and Methods: PSA levels of 210 serum samples were simultaneously determined by the PSA Spot test and by a classic monoclonal antibody-based PSA immunoassay. The test was also performed in 52 female serum samples as negative controls. The PSA Spot test is an immunochromatographic assay. The device consists of 3 sections, a sample well and 2 reaction zones. Results are read within 10 minutes after applying 4 drops of serum to the sample well. This test is designed to have a detection limit at about 4 ng/ml of PSA. Any positive result would be indicative of a PSA level of 4 ng/ml or above. Results: Overall concordance rate was 95%, and 96% (132/137) of all samples with a PSA value 4.0 ng/ml were positive in the PSA Spot test while 93% (68/73) of samples with PSA <4.0 ng/ml were negative. None of 52 female sera showed false positive with the test. Conclusion: The PSA Spot test was able to distinguish serum with PSA concentration below and above 4.0 ng/ml with sensitivity and specificity of approximately 95%. The test is simple and results can be obtained in 10 minutes. On a single visit to the clinic, all essential information is generated to decide whether further evaluation tests would be needed or not.

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