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        계층적 패턴인식과정의 단계별 효율성 분석

        송현경(Hyun Kyung Song),이영직(Young Jik Lee) 한국정보과학회 1993 정보과학회논문지 Vol.20 No.12

        본 논문은 패턴인식 과정의 계층별 효율성을 측정하는 방법에 대하여 기술한다. 여러 계층으로 이루어진 패턴인식 과정이 인식 대상의 분포를 연속적으로 변환해 나가는 과정이라고 볼 때, 효율적인 패턴인식 계층은 각 집단별 패턴이 서로 섞이지 않도록 유지하면서, 각 집단내의 흩어진 정도를 줄여 나가는 계층이라 할 수 있다. 이러한 관점을 정량화하기 위해서 본 논문에서는 다집단, 다차원 확률분포에 적합한 entropy를 선택하여, 이를 바탕으로 집단간 분리도와 집단내 분산도를 제시하였으며, 이 척도는 선형분리가 불가능한 패턴 분포의 집단간 겹친 정도를 측정할 수 있다는 장점을 가지고 있다. 아울러 필기체 숫자인식 문제를 대상으로 제안된 척도를 측정함으로써 비효율적인 패턴인식 계층을 찾을 수 있음을 보였다. This paper describes a method for measuring the efficiency of pattern recognition layers. Considering pattern recognition procedures as consecutive nonlinear transforms of multi-class pattern sets, we can say that the efficient layers reduce variations whitin the patterns assigned to the same class, while maintaining separability among the patterns assigned to different classes. In order to quantify these values, we define two measures, named as the inter-class separability and the intra-class variation, based on specific kinds of entropy. Utilizing these measures, we propose a method to test the efficiency of pattern recognition layers. Applying this method to a handwritten digit recognition problem, we can successfully identify inefficient layers.

      • KCI등재

        신석기시대 남부지역 후·말기 이중구연토기의 전개과정

        송현경(Song Hyun Kyung) 한국신석기학회 2012 한국신석기연구 Vol.- No.23

        본고는 한반도 남부지역을 대상으로 신석기시대 후·말기 이중구연토기의 전개과정에 대해 살펴보았다. 본고에서는 이중구연토기의 유물자체의 속성을 바탕으로 형식분류하였다. 그 결과 기형을 1차 기준으로 하고 점토띠 접합방식, 문양을 2차 기준으로 하여 5가지 형식(Ⅰ~Ⅴ식)으로 분류하였다. 각 형식에 대한 시간성 분석을 바탕으로 4단계로 구분이 가능하다고 판단하였다. 1단계는 신석기시대 후기 후엽으로 이 시기에 이중구연토기가 발생한 것으로 생각된다. 2단계는 말기의 획기가 되는 시기로, 한반도 남부 전역에서 출토된다. 낙동강 이서내륙지역, 낙동강 하류지역, 소백산맥 이서지역에서 소지역성이 확인된다. 3단계는 가장 넓은 지역에서 많은 유적이 확인되는 시기이다. 이 시기는 이전 단계에서 보이는 소지역성이 사라지면서 기형과 문양에서 제일화가 보인다. 4단계는 유적과 유물의 수가 감소하고, 원도권과 남해안 일부지역에서는 유적이 전혀 확인되지 않는다. 그리고 이중구연토기 분포권 최외곽지역에서 무문화라는 규범에서 벗어난 문양이 나타난다는 점에서 이중구연토기의 소멸·쇠퇴가 일어나는 단계로 생각된다. This study examines the development process of Double-rimed pottery in the late and the last Neolithic period in the Korean Peninsula. This study classified double-rimmed pottery based on the attributes of the remains. Through this analysis, I waw set up in five types(I-V types). I think that they could be divided into four stages, based on the time-oriented analysis for each type. The first period was predominated by the I-type and belonged to the Late Neolithic. It was thought to occur in the western Nakdong river interior region, seen from the patterns and the amount of pottery excavated. The second period, the Ⅱ and Ⅲ-types were mostly identified. This was the epoch-making end period. In this stage, the distribution of pottery was confirmed also in the areas outside the water system of the Nakdong River, and the amount of the remains and artifacts increased more noticeably than its previous stage. Meanwhile, in this stage, distribution in small areas was confirmed in the western Nakdong river interior region and the downstream of the lower Nakdong river and the western Sobaek Mountains region. In the third period, the Ⅳ-type was mostly found. This was the period when many remains were confirmed in the widest areas. In this period, distribution in small areas shown in the previous period disappeared and the pottery type became standardized as Bb style and short oblique lines. In the fourth period, the number of the remains and artifacts decreased and there were some areas where no remains were found at all. It was thought that this stage was the period of extinction and decline of double-rimmed pottery, in that the abnormal patterns called no pattern tendency emerged in the peripheral areas of the distribution sphere of double-rimmed pottery.

      • KCI우수등재

        폼롤러 운동이 여성노인의 Fullerton 상급균형능력 및 기능체력에 미치는 영향

        송현경 ( Song Hyun-kyung ),천성욱 ( Chun Sung-wook ),신상근 ( Shin Sang-keun ) 한국체육학회 2021 한국체육학회지 Vol.60 No.1

        본 연구는 폼롤러를 이용한 운동프로그램이 여성노인의 Fullerton 상급균형능력(FAB) 및 기능체력(SFT)에 어떠한 영향이 미치는지 대해 연구하는데 목적에 있다. 연구대상자는 B광역시에 거주하는 여성노인들로 폼롤러 운동군 12명 대조군 12명으로 연구에 참여 하였으며, 폼롤러 운동은 60분으로 주3회 16주간 실시하였다. 자료처리는 spss version 22.0을 이용하여 평균과 표준편차를 산출하고, 그룹과 시기간 상호작용 효과를 알아보기 위해 반복측정을 실시하였으며, 유의수준은 .05로 설정하였다. 연구결과를 살펴보면 Fullerton 상급균형척도에서는 FAB 2번 항목(물체에 몸을 앞쪽으로 손 뻗기), FAB 3번항목(제자리에서 오른쪽, 왼쪽으로 360° 돌기), FAB 5번 항목(양 발로 일렬로 걷기), FAB 6번 항목(눈 뜨고 한 발로 서기), FAB 8번 항목(양발 멀리 뛰기), FAB 9번 항목(머리 돌리며 걷기), FAB 10번 항목(반응 자세 제어) 그리고 FAB 총점에서 상호작용 효과가 나타났으며, 기능체력에서는 30초간 덤벨 들기, 의자에 앉아 앞으로 뻗기, 20m 제자리 걷기에서 상호작용 효과가 나타났다. 따라서 저강도 유연성 운동인 폼롤러 운동 프로그램임에도 여성노인의 유연성, 평형성 및 근력에 긍정적인 변화를 주어 안전하면서도 효과적인 운동 프로그램이라는 것을 확인하였다. 폼롤러 운동은 운동을 두려워하거나 처음 시작하는 노인들이 집에서도 쉽고 저렴하게 접할 수 있는 유용한 방법으로, 넘어짐을 예방하는 것에 긍정적인 영향이 미칠 것이다. This research aimed to explore the effects of a 16-week Foam roller exercise program as an exercise intervention on Fullerton Advanced Balance scale and Senior Fitness Test in elderly women. It was conducted at J senior citizen center in B Metropolitan city, South Korea. A total of 24 subjects were recruited for this research. 12 were assigned to Foam roller exercise group and 12 were assigned to control group randomly. A 60 minute Foam roller exercise was applied to them as the intervention 3 times a week for 16 weeks. Mean and standard deviation were calculated to analyze the research data by using SPSS Version 22.0. repeated measures ANOVA was conducted to verify the differences between time and groups, and interaction between time and groups. Statistical significance was set at .05. This research showed that there was a statistically Significant increase between pre-post measurement among FAB scale items appeared in reaching forward retrieve object, turning in a full circle right and left direction, jump with both feet for distance, walk while turning head and total score for Foam roller exercise group. It also showed that Significant interaction was in reaching forward retrieve object, turning in a full circle right and left direction, stand on one leg, eyes opened, jump with both feet for distance, walk while turning head, restore balance after backward disturbance and total score for Foam roller exercise group. Significant increase between pre-post measurement appeared in upper and lower body strength, flexibility, dynamic balance & agility for Foam roller exercise group. Also, there were significant interactions in upper body strength, lower body flexibility and cardiovascular fitness for Foam roller exercise group. In conclusion, Foam roller exercise program confirmed the effectiveness on Fullerton Advanced Balance scale and Senior Fitness Test though it was a kind of low intensity exercise. This program can be used as an effective exercise intervention to enhance balance ability easily with reasonable price than other activities, prevent falls and maintain Quality of life in elderly women living in a community.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        백수오와 한속단 추출물의 비에스트로젠 효과에 관한 연구

        한송희(Song-Hee Han),이태희(Tae-Hee Lee),장자영(Ja-Young Jang),송현경(Hyun-Kyung Song),홍상근(Sang-Keun Hong),김유리(Yu-Ri Kim),한범석(Beom-Seok Han) 한국식품과학회 2015 한국식품과학회지 Vol.47 No.5

        저성장 어린이들을 대상으로 하는 성장호르몬 치료는 다양한 부작용과 투여과정의 스트레스로 인한 환자 순응도 감소, 고가의 치료 비용 등의 단점을 가지고 있다. 이러한 이유로 부작용 발생의 위험성이 작고 낮은 비용으로 어린이의 성장에 도움을 줄 수 있는 천연물 유래 기능성 소재 개발에 대한 관심이 증가하고 있다. 그러나 성적으로 미성숙 상태인 어린이를 대상으로 한다는 점, 에스트로겐에 의한 뼈 성장과 성조숙증 발병기전 연관성, 천연물에 존재하는 다양한 식물성 에스트로겐의 영향으로 안전성에 대한 우려가 존재하는 것이 사실이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 앞선 연구를 통하여 뼈 성장 촉진 효과가 확인된 시험물질의 안전성을 확인하기 위하여 난소를 절제한 실험동물에 시험물질을 4주간 투여한 후 시험물질이 식물성 에스트로겐으로 작용하여 성조숙증과 성장호르몬 이상을 일으킬 가능성을 확인하고자 하였다. 실험 결과 난소 절제로 인한 체중증가, 혈중 지질 농도의 증가, 자궁 벽 두께의 감소 등이 나타남을 확인하였으며 시험물질의 4주 투여가 이러한 변화에 영향을 끼치지 않음을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 혈중 에스트로겐 농도, 혈중 성장호르몬 농도를 분석한 결과 시험물질 투여가 아무런 영향을 주지 않음을 확인하였다. 이러한 결과는 백수오와 한속단 동량 혼합물이 생체 내에서 식물성 에스트로겐으로 작용하지 않는다는 것을 의미하며 반복투여에 의한 성장호르몬 이상을 일으키지 않는 것으로 판단된다. Cynanchum wilfordii and Phlomis umbrosa Turcz. are known to contain isoflavone, a representative phytoestrogen. This study was performed to determine whether the extract mixture of C. wilfordii and P. umbrosa Turcz. would induce an estrogenic effect in ovariectomized rats. The extracts were administered to the ovariectomized rats at 30, 60, 120 mg/kg per day for 4 weeks, respectively. They showed no estrogenic effect, which was indicated by the decrease in uterus wall thickness as well as the increase in body weight and the level of cholesterol and triglyceride. The extracts also had no effect on the concentrations of estrogen and growth hormone in the serum. However, the increase in alkaline phosphatase activity, which leads to protection against the bone loss caused by ovariectomy, was noted on administration of the extract. Therefore, it seemed that the extracts of C. wilfordii and P. umbrosa Turcz. had no estrogenic effect in rats.

      • 한 지역 권역 응급의료센터 내원환자의 이용 행태 분석

        류황건,송현경,김혜숙,김태곤,Ryu, Hwang Gun,Song, Hyun Kyung,Kim, Hye Suck,Kim, Tae Gon 보건의료산업학회 2007 보건의료산업학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        Currently, we have seen sudden increase of demand for emergency medical services by reason for high-speed economic development increase of traffics, etc. in this society. Consequently the government enforced & operated emergency medical system in 1991 as a link of more positive countermeasure against it, but many problem; still remain in reality. In particular, the regional emergency medical center designated by the Ministry of Health and Welfare falls short of our expectations for its essential role by the reason of such as insufficiency in professional manpower and institutions concerned in small-scale hospital, matters with transportation system, preference of large hospital, etc. Therefore, this study was conducted grasp for the actual conditions of emergency medical system based upon literature research & the preceding studies and interview research the motive of coming hospital, satisfaction & understand to the subject of 150 persons of patients and their guardians who used regional emergency center of Pusan National University Hospital, thereby examining & analysing the cause of emergency room overcrowding by non-emergency cases, one of the problem; enumerated from preceding studies. The main result of this study is as follows. First the actual condition of non-emergency patients coming hospital for examining overcrowding of emergency medical center showed that, of the patients who used the emergency medical center, non-emergency patients accounted for 49.3%, which acted as the main cause of delaying medical care for emergency cases, cases of which medical person or first-aid man decided to come hospital accounted for 36.1 %, thereby suggesting essential need for re-education & wide public information to even the professional manpower besides patients & guardians for their using emergency medical system. Second, as the result of researching patient acknowledgement with reference to their using emergency medical center, the rate of their giving right answer is no more than 60%, which means that non-emergency cases' using as such is due to the shortage of their knowledge of the said emergency medical center, which suggests us that wider P.R for emergency medical system to common people who may be one of the patients of it at any time is still in need. Third, the result of researching for finding out a future remedy of emergency medical system showed that the users who know well of the way of using emergency medical center had relatively high satisfaction of it, ones who have lesser knowledge of it lower satisfaction and users who feel in need of emergency specialized manpower feel the necessity of public information of emergency medical information center(1339) at the same time. The finding of examining the subject of study, in conclusion, showed that the degree of the patients & their guardians' understanding of emergency medical system is lower and the medical persons concerned also had no distinct difference in their understanding of it from the common people's, which suggests us for extensive enforcement of systematic education and public information in aspect of the government via various media for the purpose of effective operation of emergency medical center.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        대장암 세포가 이식된 동물모델에서 사리장의 항암효과에 대한 연구

        이태희(Tae-Hee Lee),송현경(Hyun-Kyung Song),김동윤(Dong-Yoon Kim),이이삭(Isaac Lee),서형호(Hyeong-Ho Seo),최지영(Ji-Young Choi),김홍근(Hong-Geun Kim),최은아(Eun-A Choi),한범석(Beom-Seok Han) 한국식품과학회 2018 한국식품과학회지 Vol.50 No.4

        본 연구는 사람유래 대장암세포가 이식된 동물모델을 사용하여 사리장의 항암효과를 확인하기 이하여 수행하였다. 사리장은 죽염과 서목태, 마늘과 유근피를 혼합 추출한 물질로써 아이소플라본을 포함하고 있으며 항염, 항산화 등의 효능이 보고된 물질이다. 이러한 사리장을 종양이 이식된 동물모델에 4주간 투여하면서 종양 크기의 변화, 종양 성장인자의 변화와 사리장의 안전성을 평가하였다. 그 결과 사리장은 종양의 크기를 감소시켰으며, 종양 성장과 관련된 ERK와 p16의 발현량을 조절함으로써 종양의 성장을 억제하는 효과를 나타냈다. 또한 사리장을 투여한 시험군에서는 체중, 장기무게, 혈청생화학적검사와 조직학적 검사에서 독성으로 인한 변화가 관찰되지 않았다. 이러한 결과는 사리장이 장기복용이 가능한 항암 보조식품의 소재로써 활용될 수 있다는 것을 의미한다고 할 수 있다. The current study was conducted to confirm the anti-cancer effect of Sarijang, which is a mixture of extracts from purple bamboo salt, Rhynchosia nulubilis, garlic, and Ulmi cortex. Nude mice were injected with a human-derived colorectal cancer cell (HCT116 cell line) and subsequently administered Sarijang for 4 weeks, following which the body weight, organ weight, and tumor size were measured. To evaluate the anti-cancer mechanism of Sarijang, the levels of p- 16 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), cell cycle regulators in colorectal cancer, were measured. To evaluate the toxicity of Sarijang on liver and kidney, aspartate transaminase, alanine transaminase, blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine were analyzed. Sarijang not only reduced the tumor size by enhancing p16 and suppressing ERK, but also showed no side-effect in the liver and kidneys. Taken together, Sarijang has the potential to inhibit tumor growth without side effects, and may be used as a useful functional food.

      • KCI등재

        국외 GLP 제도 운영 현황에 관한 연구

        한범석(Beom Seok Han),김동윤(Dong Yoon Kim),송현경(Hyun Kyung Song),변종수(Jong Su Byun),신재호(Jae Ho Shin) 한국농약과학회 2019 농약과학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        This study was performed with investigation on current operation of foreign GLP regulation. The analysis of the foreign GLP regulation and operation was usually based on OECD GLP website and OECD mutual joint visiting (MJV) report. The MJV report of major OECD countries were contained information of GLP monitoring authority and program, organization including GLP regulation, number of inspector, type and method of inspection etc.. This study was also investigated comparative analysis of GLP regulation among domestic monitoring authorities. Improvement plan of domestic GLP regulation and preparations to the onsite evaluation of the OECD MJV to Korea in 2020 were suggested by the comparative analysis between foreign GLP and domestic GLP. These results in this study were summarized as GLP regulation characterization of 5 major OECD countries, analysis of recent OECD GLP inspection report, regulation difference of domestic GLP monitoring authorities, and preparation to the on-site evaluation of the OECD MJV. This study will be utilized as education material of domestic GLP inspector and preparation to the onsite evaluation of the OECD MJV to Korea in 2020.

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