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      • KCI등재

        전통시대 베트남과 태국의 관계 : 베트남의 『大越史記全書』등을 중심으로

        송정남(Song Jung Nam) 한국태국학회 2012 한국태국학회논총 Vol.18 No.2

        As the historical experience tells that "the relationship has never been friendly between neighboring countries," Vietnam-Thailand relationship has not been a cordial one. One of the reasons why Vietnam's relationship with neighboring countries including Thailand has not been friendly was its so-called little Sinocentrism. Fortunately, confrontation between the two could have been regulated because both Champa and Cambodia has played buffer roles. However, with the decline of both Champa and Cambodia the relationship between Vietnam and Thailand has become more confrontational and fallen into the courses of collision. Since the early days southward advance of China which had political as well as economic objectives and the northward advance of Champa has made the Vietnamese history as the one which is full of struggles. Under the circumstances of continuing conflict and collision with Myanmar and Cambodia which was aimed at regional hegemony, Thai history has also been studded with various struggles. In order to overcome these problems the two countries has respectively pursued Southward and Eastward advance policy. As such, the bilateral ties between Vietnam and Thailand has been affected by Champa and Cambodia on the one hand and expansionist policy on the other. Both the Southward and Eastward advance of Vietnam and Cambodia has affected on the two countries' relationship, too. Nonetheless, it has not been so bad as the ones between Vietnam and Cambodia, or Thailand and Cambodia. It was because there were Champa and Cambodia as buffer zones. But then, of course it was not a friendly one because the two were both expansionist countries.

      • KCI등재

        가습기 살균제 사건의 민사적 쟁점

        송정은(Song, Jung-Eun),정남순(Jeong, Nam-Soon) 강원대학교 비교법학연구소 2016 환경법과 정책 Vol.16 No.-

        가습기살균제를 사용함으로써 손해를 입은 피해자들은 현재 가습기살균제를 제조 및 판매한 업체를 상대로 손해배상소송을 진행하고 있다. 가습기살균제 사건은 고도의 기술이 집약되어 대량으로 생산되는 제품의 결함으로 인하여 피해자에게 손해가 발생한 사안으로 일반불법행위책임의 특칙이라고 할 수 있는 제조물책임법이 적용된다고 할 것이다. 우리 법원은 제조물책임법 제정 이전부터 제조물책임적 성격을 갖는 일련의 사건들에서 제조물의 결함에 대한 제조자 등의 과실 및 결함과 손해 사이의 인과관계를 추정하여 피해자의 입증책임을 완화함으로써 피해의 구제를 모색해 왔다. 그러나 법원은 일부 사례에서 제조물책임법상, 결함을 ‘제조상의 결함’, ‘설계상의 결함’, ‘표시상의 결함’으로 유형화하고 있다고 하면서 ‘설계상의 결함’ 및 ‘표시상의 결함’의 경우는 과실책임으로 해석된다고 판단하고 있다. 이는 결국 피해자가, 제조자가 결함의 존재를 알았거나 알 수 있었을 것이라는 사실을 입증해야하는 것으로서 일반불법행위책임과 실질적으로 차이가 없는 것이라 할 것이다. 제조물책임법의 영역에서도 사실적 인과관계, 즉 결함으로 인하여 손해가 발생하였다는 사실이 입증되어야 하는 점은 일반불법행위책임에서와 다르지 않다. 그리고 그러한 제조물책임에서는 특히 역학적 인과관계의 적용여부가 문제되고 있다. 우리 대법원은 역학적 관련성이 인정된다고 하더라도 곧바로 개별적 인과관계까지 인정되는 것은 아니라고 하고 있기 때문이다. 또한 대법원은 특이성 질환 혹은 비특이성 질환을 구분하여, 특이성 질환의 경우 역학적 상관관계로 인과관계를 인정할 수 있지만 비특이성 질환의 경우는 역학적 상관관계가 있다는 것만으로는 개별적 인과관계를 인정할 수 없다고 하고 있다. 그러나 이러한 법원의 논리는 상당한 비판을 받고 있다. 특이성 질환 및 비특이성 질환의 구분은 학문적 근거가 없는 것이고 법원에서 말하고 있는 ‘하나의 병인에 의하여 발생’하여야 한다는 것과 ‘병인(원인)과 질병 발병(결과)이 명확하게 대응’하여야 한다는 요건을 갖추는 특이성 질환은 존재하지 않는다는 이유 때문이다. 우리 법원은 환경소송 및 제조물소송에 있어서 이른바 인과관계 입증 완화 법리를 채택함으로써 실질적인 피해구제를 시도하고 있다. 가습기살균제 사건에서도 이러한 법리가 적용되어야 한다. 또한, 비록 법원의 인과관계 입증 완화 법리 채택여부와 무관하게 법관의 자유심증에 따라 판결이 내려진다고 하더라도, “감정인의 감정결과가 감정 방법 등이 경험칙에 반하거나 합리성이 없는 등의 현저한 잘못이 없는 한 이를 존중해야 한다”는 대법원의 입장에 비추어, 법원이 당해 사건을 판단함에 있어 역학연구결과 역시 증거로서 부정하지 말고 존중해야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        축산업의 환경적 영향과 한국 환경법의 대응 ― 밀집형가축사육시설을 중심으로 ―

        송정은 ( Song Jung-eun ) 한국환경법학회 2017 環境法 硏究 Vol.39 No.1

        덴마크, 뉴질랜드 등 유럽의 일부 국가들은 그들의 국가주력사업이기도 한 축산업에 세금을 추가로 부과하고 있거나 혹은 부과하려는 논의를 진행하고 있다. 이는 축산업의 급속한 성장으로 인하여 환경문제라는 부작용이 발생하고 있기 때문이다. 축산분야는 대기, 기후변화, 토양, 수질 및 생물다양성 등 사실상 환경의 모든 측면에서 상당한 영향을 미치고 있다. 그 중에서도 특히 산업적이며 기업화되어 거대한 규모의 양상을 보이고 있는 현대 밀집형가축사육시설(CAFO)은, 밀집된 공간에 동물을 가두어 사육함으로써 발생하는 각종 질병에 따른 공중보건의 문제, 가축동물이 밀집된 장소에서 뿜어내는 엄청난 양의 이산화탄소, 메탄, 이산화질소, 암모니아 등으로 인한 대기오염 및 온실가스 배출문제, 밀집된 사육양식에 필수적일 수밖에 없는 물과 곡물 등의 소비로 인한 물 또는 자연자원의 고갈문제, 자연서식지의 파괴 및 기후변화의 가속화 그리고 생물다양성의 감소에 이르기까지, 환경전반에 걸쳐 부정적인 영향을 발생시키고 있다. 전 세계적으로 이러한 과밀집 형태의 농장운영을 운송수단, 에너지 등과 함께 환경오염의 주요 원인으로 인식하고 있으며 그러한 맥락에서 미국은, 청정수질법(CWA) 하에서 점오염원의 하나로서 밀집형가축사육시설(CAFOs)의 개념을 인정하고 EPA가 관련 규칙을 제정하여 CAFO에 대한 규제를 하거나 혹은 각 주에서 규제를 할 수 있도록 하고 있다. 또한, 비록 미국 청정대기법(CAA)에는 CAFO에 관한 개념이 없지만, 한국보다 다소 넓은 범위의 원고적격을 인정하는 미국의 시민 소송제도에 의해 해당시설의 배출에 대한 환경단체 등의 소송을 통한 이의제기로 인하여 사실상 시설에 대한 오염통제가 가능하다. 이에 반해, 한국의 현행 법체계에서는 이러한 과밀집형식의 농장운영이 대기 및 수질오염 등의 배출오염원으로서 작용하고 있음에도 불구하고 법상의 개념정립 조차 불비한 상황이다. 현행 「대기환경보전법」의 `사업장 등의 대기오염물질 배출 규제` 규정을 CAFO에 적용하려고 하여도 우리는 대기오염물질과 온실가스를 법상 별개의 것으로 구분하고 있기 때문에 CAFO를 하나의 점오염원으로서 통합하여 규제할 수 없는 것이 현재 실정이다. 마찬가지로, 현행 가축분뇨법에서도 CAFO의 개념은 찾아볼 수 없다. 따라서 기존 과밀집형가축사육시설들의 규제를 위하여 「대기환경보전법」 `사업장 등의 대기오염물질 배출규제`와 관련된 부분에서 밀집형가축사육시설(CAFO)의 개념을 규정 속에 포함시켜야 한다. 또한 수질환경법인 가축분뇨법에서도 CAFO에 대한 별도의 조항을 마련해야 한다. 그리고 새로 운영되는 가축사육시설에 대해서는 환경영향평가제도를 통하여 과밀집가축사육을 제한함으로써 궁극적으로 가축사육시설 내에서의 가축의 마릿수를 제한할 수 있도록 하는 환경법제 정비가 필요하다. Livestock activities have significant impact on virtually all aspects of the environment, including the atmosphere, climate change, soil, water quality and biodiversity. In particularly, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations(CAFOs) and/or factory farming with industrialized and commercialized farming operations are having negative impacts to the whole range of the environmental issues, including problems that create significant threats to public health, pollute the air and water for animals generating enormous amounts of solid, liquid and gaseous wastes. Because Intensive confinement operations are also require large amounts of water and grain, the expansion of factory farming has exacerbated the exhaustion of natural resources. And factory farms also undermine biodiversity by facilitating the destruction of natural habitat, accelerating climate change. For those reasons, densely populated animal feeding operations are recognized as the main cause of environmental pollution around the world, along with sectors of transportation and energy. CAFO is accepted as one of the non-point sources under the United States Clean Water Act(CWA). The EPA therefore has enacted relevant rules to regulate CAFOs or allows states to enforce regulations. Although there is no concept of CAFO, as in CWA, under the US Clean Air Act(CAA), US citizens` suits, which acknowledge, to some extent, a broader scope of standing to sue than that of Korea, enable environmental groups or citizens to appeal against CAFOs. So it is practically possible to control the pollution of the facilities. On the other hand, it does not even establish the concept of the law on the current legal system in Korea even though factory farming is the environmental pollutants in the atmospheric and water quality environment. Therefore, in order to regulate existing concentrated livestock breeding facilities, it is necessary to include the concept of CAFO within the `Chapter Ⅱ Regulation of Emissions of Air Pollutants in Places of Business, etc` under the Clean Air Conservation Act of Korea. Furthermore, the provisions related to CAFO should be established in the Act on the Management and Use of Livestock Excreta. And, to regulate new livestock breeding facilities to be operated in the future, it is necessary to restrict densely populated animal feeding operations by using the environmental impact assessment system. Ultimately the environmental legal system in Korea should be developed to limit the number of livestock in the animal breeding facilities.

      • KCI등재

        불가리아 한류의 의미와 발전방향

        송정은(Jung Eun Song),남기범(Kee-Bom Nahm) 한국콘텐츠학회 2016 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.16 No.6

        동유럽 지역의 한류는 2000년대 후반부터 확산되고 있으며 한국의 인지도와 친숙도 형성에 기여하고 있다. 동유럽권의 한류는 루마니아와 헝가리를 중심으로 확산되었으며, 불가리아에도 한국 드라마와 케이팝이 유입되었다. 한국과 불가리아는 수교 25주년을 맞이했지만, 아직 양국의 대중은 상대국에 대한 인지도가 낮다. 본 연구는 한국과 불가리아의 관계를 바탕으로, 불가리아 한류의 의미와 한류를 매개로 양국 간에 문화적 관계형성의 방향을 논의할 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해, 본 연구는 불가리아의 수도 소피아에 거주하는 20대와 30대의 남녀 24명을 대상으로 초점집단토론을 실시하여 한국에 대한 인지도와 한류의 의미 및 영향력을 살펴보았다. 불가리아의 한류는 한국대사관, 한국어교육기관, 한류 팬이 각자의 영역에서 각기 다른 대상에게 한국의 문화를 알리면서 확산되고 있지만, 대중들에게 한류는 낯선 현상이다. 경제적, 문화적으로도 한류의 영향력은 낮다. 불가리아의 한류가 한국 드라마나 케이팝의 선호를 넘어 현지의 다양한 문화적 스타일의 하나로 지속되기 위해서는, 한류 콘텐츠 제작자들의 불가리아의 사회문화적 특성에 대한 이해와 현지에서 한국문화를 다방면으로 경험할 수 있는 환경이 우선적으로 마련되어야 한다. 이를 바탕으로 한류의 특징인 혼종성과 현지 문화적 코드를 반영한 한국 드라마, 영화, 케이팝을 제작하여 한류를 확산시킬 수 있다. Hallyu in East Europe has been spread since the end of the 2000s and contributed to boost the familiarity and favorability of Korea. Hallyu in East Europe started from Romania and Hungary, Korean dramas and K-Pops spread to Bulgaria. Korea and Bulgaria established a diplomatic relations in 1990; however, people of both countries do not share enough information or knowledge on each other. This study aims to understand the meaning of Hallyu and the ways of building cultural relations through Hallyu based on the cognitions and attitudes toward Korea and Korean culture in Bulgaria. It conducted the Focus Group Discussions(FGD) for 24 Sofia residents in their 20s and 30s. The FGD questions were mainly on the level of familiarity and of impacts of Hallyu in Bulgaria. The Hallyu in Bulgaria is still not so popular although Hallyu has been promoted through the diverse activities of Korean Embassy, Sofia University, Korean language institutions, and the Hallyu fans. The economic and cultural impact of the Hallyu is not yet viable in Bulgaria. In order to be recognized as one of the foreign popular culture in Bulgaria, Hallyu should be promoted with various endeavors for Bulgarian people to experience Korean culture beyond Korean drama and K-Pops based on the understanding of socio-cultural characteristics of Bulgaria. Then, Hallyu will be spread by producing Korean dramas, films, and K-pops reflected by local cultural characteristics in Bulgaria and hybridity of Korean popular culture.

      • KCI등재

        Intelligent Pattern Recognition Algorithms based on Dust, Vision and Activity Sensors for User Unusual Event Detection

        Jung-Eun Song(송정은),Ju-Ho Jung(정주호),Jun-Ho Ahn(안준호) 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2019 韓國컴퓨터情報學會論文誌 Vol.24 No.8

        According to the Statistics Korea in 2017, the 10 leading causes of death contain a cardiac disorder disease, self-injury. In terms of these diseases, urgent assistance is highly required when people do not move for certain period of time. We propose an unusual event detection algorithm to identify abnormal user behaviors using dust, vision and activity sensors in their houses. Vision sensors can detect personalized activity behaviors within the CCTV range in the house in their lives. The pattern algorithm using the dust sensors classifies user movements or dust-generated daily behaviors in indoor areas. The accelerometer sensor in the smartphone is suitable to identify activity behaviors of the mobile users. We evaluated the proposed pattern algorithms and the fusion method in the scenarios.

      • KCI등재

        베트남 레초(初)의 교육(敎育)과 과시(科試) 일고찰(一考察)

        송정남 ( Jung Nam Song ) 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2015 東南亞硏究 Vol.24 No.3

        The early years of the later Le dynasty held the Jinsashi (the civil service examination for selecting government officials) 26 times over the course of 100 years and selected 1003 Jinsa (government officials.) This period of time had the largest number of government officials selected by the civil service examination in the history of Vietnam. The early years of the later Le dynasty regularized the civil service examination, based on the three stages of the civil service examination system which had started from the Mongol period. The education and the civil service examination of the early years of the later Le Dynasty were far more advanced than the previous dynasties. The object of the education in the later Le dynasty was to select and train the brains, based on the scripture of Confucianism, for the sake of the king’s governing the country. Gwan-hak (the national school) and Sahak (the private school) were the two typical types of educational institutions at that time. In the case of Gwan-hak, there was Gookjagam in the capital city, and Rohak in the local area. In the capital city, there were also Sungmoongwan and Soolimgook, special institutions for the sons of noble government officials. Favors were given to the students of Gookjagam or Rohak. They could get exemption from the compulsory labor and the military service, and the latter was the biggest merit. In addition, the students of Gookjagam could get a certain amount of scholarship and government office position. However, it did not mean they were always treated specially. If they didn``t show improvement on their studies, obey the school rules, or pay attention to their studies, they were punished by writing a letter of apology, getting lashes, or being sent to the army forcibly. Not everyone can be a Hakgwan, a type of special government official. Among government officials, there were civil officials and military officers. Some of the civil officials inherited positions from their parents or were selected by the recommendation of other officials, regardless of a civil service examination. A Hakgwan had to passed an examination, and they were selected from the students of Gookjagam or the secretary of the government office who had been well-behaved and had in-depth knowledge. A Hakgwan selected from Gookjagam had more outstanding knowledge in Confucianism than a Hakagwan selected from Rohak.

      • KCI등재

        쩐,호왕조의 교육(敎育)과 과시(科試)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        송정남 ( Song Jung Nam ) 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2013 東南亞硏究 Vol.23 No.1

        In this chapter(publication), the purpose is to see through the Tran?Ho dynasties civil service previously the study of education after the Tran?Ho dynasty. As more, based on this study, it can provide a compare of the three dynasties (Ly?Tran?Ho) which also enforced the civil examination in the same period. Because Tran?Ho dynasties inherited the tradition of Ly dynasty`s civil service examination and national university system, the education of both dynasty was able to grow up. Since the social interest of the examination grew, the number of appliers and the opportunity increased. The form of the test also became more organized. The activation of the exam increased the demand of education. As a result, in local areas national universities were built and even private schools were found. Since the purpose of the civil service examination was to choose government officials, national universities and private school both focused on producing exam appliers. Even though the three dynasties (Ly?Tran?Ho) were influenced by the chinese examination system, the reason why the three dynasty`s education and examination system couldn`t developed has relation with the expansion of Buddhism and Taoism. This can be proved by the progress in education from Ly dynasty which it`s national religion was Confucianism. As a result, Tran?Ho dynasties laid the foundation of Vietnam`s civil service examination and education system.

      • KCI등재후보

        거대 상상돌기 수막종에서의 미세수술 전략

        송정원(Jung-Won Song),홍제범(Je-Beom Hong),오성한(Sung-Han Oh),김한규(Han-Kyu Kim) 대한두개저학회 2016 대한두개저학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        Background : The giant clinoidal meningiomas (CLMs) inevitably engulf the neurovascular structures around the anterior clinoid process (ACP), which make the surgery in great danger of internal carotid artery (ICA) compromise, neuroendocrine disturbance, blindness and oculomotor nerve palsy. The aim of this study was to suggest the safe surgical strategy for these dreadful tumors. Materials and Methods : From March 2008 to April 2016, 12 patients underwent surgical removal for their giant CLMs. The clinical profile, radiological imaging, surgical records including surgical videos and postoperative neurologic outcomes were reviewed. Results : The mean age of patients was 51.9 years. Average size of the tumors was 6.3 cm ranging from 5.0 cm to 8.3 cm. Surgery was performed in supine position and head was rotated about 45°to the contralateral side. The extradural anterior clinoidectomy was applied with extended pterional craniotomy including zygomatic osteotomy or orbitozygomatic osteotomy. We removed the tumor with the concept of compartment dissection in which we divided the tumor into medial and lateral compartment with the reference of ICA-M1 (sphenoidal segment of middle cerebral artery) line. Total tumor removal was achieved in 8 patients (67%) and subtotal in 4 patients (33%). Postoperative complications were transient oculomotor nerve palsy in 3 patients and decreased visual acuity in one patient. The mean preoperative Karnofsky Performance Scale (KPS) score was 82.5 (range 60-90) and improved to 95.8 (range 80-100) in the last follow up period. Conclusion : The surgery of giant clinoidal meningiomas is difficult because of their giant size and multiple neurovascular and cisternal involvement. The most important factor for successful surgery is a three dimensional orientation of tumor with its surroundings. The concept of compartment dissection would help surgeons to be oriented in perception of neurovascular structure surrounding the tumor. The extended pterional craniotomy, extradural anterior clinoidectomy, extended durotomy, and compartmental dissection are recommended for the efficient removal of these dreadful tumors.

      • KCI등재

        청소년기 성교육 프로그램 연구

        송정아(Jung Ah Song),최혜영(Hae Young Choi) 한국아동가족복지학회 1999 한국가족복지학 Vol.4 No.1

        This paper was concerned with the sex education for the adolescents. In the adolescence developmental stage, most adolescents without right sex identity have experienced some sexual problems because of false sexual knowledge and value confusions. Therefore, the purpose ofor the adolescents to get the right sexual knowledge and to reduce the teenager sexual delinquency. In this study, Sex Education Program(SEP) is divided into 6 sessions. The included contents are adolescents physical changes and psychological changes, dating, conflicts and problems, sexual violence, and role play. The implications for the teachers, family life educators, and family welfare policy are discussed.

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