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      • 연극공연의 준거가격 형성요인에 관한 연구

        송은아(Eun-A Song) 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 2013 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2013 No.11

        가격과 관련하여 일반적으로 소비자는 싸다/비싸다를 판단하는데 내적기준이 되는 준거가격(reference price)과 실제가격을 비교하여 가격태도를 형성하게 된다. 연극공연의 실제가격이 소비자의 준거가격보다 높은 경우 ‘비싸다’라는 비호의적 가격태도를 가지게 되어 구매의도가 낮아지게 된다. 따라서 연극공연의 가격을 책정하기 위해서는 소비자의 마음속에 있는 준거가격과 이에 영향을 미치는 요인을 아는 것이 매우 중요하다고 볼 수 있다. 이 연구는 준거가격과 관련된 이론을 바탕으로 소비자 개인 차원에서 연극공연에 대한 준거가격 형성에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 밝히는 데 있다. 연구결과 공연장, 작품, 연기자, 연출자, 제작사 등의 연극공연 요소가 태도 및 지각된 판매자 비용(perceived seller"s cost) 등의 인식에 의해 준거가격에 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 이를 통해 연극공연 요소들이 어떻게 영향을 미치는지 분석함으로써 보다 높은 준거 가격을 형성시킬 수 있는 방안을 모색하고, 이를 통해 연극공연의 활성화와 수익성 증대를 기대할 수 있을 것이다.

      • 초등 수학 또래교수 활동에 나타난 의사소통 특성 분석

        송은아 ( Eun Ah Song ),강완 ( Wan Kang ),백석윤 ( Suck Yoon Paik ) 서울敎育大學校 初等敎育硏究所 2008 한국초등교육 Vol.18 No.2

        또래교수활동에서 나타나는 교수자와 학습자 사이의 의사소통 활동을 분석하기 위하여 서울 관악구 소재 N 초등학교 5학년 학생 중 8명을 선정하여 이들의 또래교수 활동을 비디오 녹화하고 이를 바탕으로 프로토콜 작성, 번호 부여, 해석, 코드부여, 범주 분류의 방법을 사용하여 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 또래교수자의 지시 내용은 문제 풀도록 지시하기, 문제해결전략 지시하기, 유사문제 해결하기 등으로 분류되었다. 또래교수자의 발문 과정은 문제해결 가능 여부 확인, 문제해결 과정 이해 여부 확인, 학습자의 행동 이유 묻기, 학습자의 의견 묻기, 다음 단계로의 진행 유도 질문 등으로 분류되었다. 한편 또래 학습자는 문제해결이 곤란한 상황에서 해결 불가 의사 표현, 문제에 관한 질문, 불명확한 대답하기 등의 행동 특성을 보였으며, 문제해결 과정중 새로운 것을 알게 되었을 때는 감탄사로 표현하기, 문제해결에 바로 주도적으로 참여하기 등의 특성을 보였다. To analyse communications between peer tutor and peer learner in peer tutoring activities, 8 students of the 5th graders in an elementary school were selected and organized. Upon the video tape recording of their peer tutoring activities, drew up a protocol and analyzed them by means of numbering, comment, coding and categorizing. The study obtained the results and conclusion as in the following. The process of peer tutors` instructing an action to peer learners could be sub-divided as ① asking them to solve the problem, ② instructing them how-to-solve-the problem strategy and ③ instructing them how to solve similar problems, the process of peer tutors` asking a question to peer learners could be sub-divided as ① checking whether peer learners were able to solve problems, ② asking whether they understood the problem-solving procedures, ③ asking them the reason for their behavior, ④ asking a question about their opinion, ⑤ asking a leading question for the next stage. On the one hand, the characteristics shown in situations in which it was difficult for peer included the following as learners to solve problems, ① expressing that they would not be able to solve the problems, ② asking questions on the problems, ③ giving unclear answers. The characteristics shown when peer learners came to know something new during the problem-solving procedure included the following ① giving a signal by saying an injection, ② participating actively in problem solving.

      • KCI등재

        헤르만 헤르츠버거의 사회적 소통을 위한 교육공간특성 연구

        송은아(Song, Eun-A),김문덕(Kim, Moon-Duck) 한국실내디자인학회 2011 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.20 No.6

        Recently, a new paradigm for the change in recognition on educational spaces and their recycling has been spotlighting a concept of community school. However in Korea, there have been few changes in physical environment since the modern education started, due to the inconsistent educational policies and bungled administration. In contrast to Korea, Netherlands has been activating educational spaces to communicate with the local community, reacting to the change in several educational policies for the last 20 years. We, therefore, need to analyze the recent community school of Herman Hertzberger who starting with the Montessori School, came to the fore with a proposal of new relational educational spaces. For linking his relational architectural philosophy to the local community and community school, he applied it to a contact area. He then organized socially sustainable spaces to promote different acts to take place, laying stress on mutual forms and behaviors between spaces and spaces, spaces and people and people and people. In addition to a structural relation with the macroscopic community of architecture, he also created opened spaces, not those where are independent or disconnected, by encouraging users to meet and act in detailed components such as stairs, walls, windows and others. This study aims to consider how Hertzberger"s various community spaces in the community school have been created after the 2000s and suggest design plans for educational spaces to communicate, according to the recent educational trend aspiring towards open education.

      • 4차 산업혁명시대에서 공연예술의 관객선호도

        송은아(Eun-A Song),임준묵(Joon-Mook Lim) 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 2017 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2017 No.11

        4차 산업혁명시대에서는 정보기술의 급격한 발전과 관객의 라이프스타일의 급격한 변화에 따라 공연예술 시장의 새로운 패러다임의 등장이 예상된다. 특히 4차 산업혁명으로 스마트폰 사용자의 확대와 초연결의 시대가 예상됨에 따라 공연예술 시장에서 변화된 관객의 행동에 대한 명확한 이해와 파악이 필수적으로 요구된다. 본 연구는 이에 따른 공연예술 관객선호도의 변화를 예측하고 이에 기반한 공연예술 마케팅의 방향을 모색하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 본 연구에서는 크게 다음의 두 가지를 수행하고자 한다. 하나는 4차 산업혁명의 도래로 인한 공연예술의 변화와 그로인한 공연예술플랫폼(Art Platform)의 역할과 방향을 분석하며, 다른 하나는 4차 산업혁명시대 공연예술의 관객선호도를 조사하고 분석하여 새로운 패러다임 하에서의 공연예술 마케팅의 방향을 제시하고자 한다. In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, a new paradigm of the performing arts market is anticipated due to the rapid development of information technology and the rapid change of the lifestyle of the audience. Especially, as the 4th industrial revolution is expected to expand the number of smartphone users and to be hyper connected, a clear understanding and appreciation of the changed behavior of the audience in the performing arts market is essential. The purpose of this study is to predict the change of the preference of performing arts audience and to search for direction of performing arts marketing based on this. In this study, we try to do two things as follows. One is analyzing the role and direction of the art platform and the change of the performing arts due to the advent of the fourth industrial revolution. The other is to investigate and analyze the audience preference of performing arts in the 4th industrial revolution era and present the direction of performing arts marketing under a new paradigm.

      • KCI등재

        헤르만 헤르츠버거의 건축에 나타난 사회적 지속가능한 디자인 관점에 관한 연구

        송은아(Song, Eun-A),김문덕(Kim, Moon-Duck) 한국실내디자인학회 2011 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.20 No.3

        The concept of architectural sustainability is gradually being highlighted in several ills and consciousness of crisis of modern architecture. However, many of us tend to realize its sustainability focusing on ecological sustainability in many ways. Such perspective is considerably technical and extensive. Therefore, I paid attention to Herman Hertzberger’s architecture to find out how to consider spatial aspects, when interior architecture designers engage in design process. This study aims to analyze architectural progress for social communication of Herman Hertzbercer’s project, breaking from the existing research to only limit him to one of structuralism architects. In particular, it was found that in relation to social sustainability, universal/social design, cultural design and green/ecological design have been progressed in their forms through communicational perspectives of social architecture which he’s insisted since the structuralism era. Recently, majority of issues about sustainability are restricted to economical aspects. Accordingly, further study is needed to consider his architecture from social aspects. As his architecture is concentrating on coexistence from a social perspective for communication, not on modern spatial discourse, his architectural works need to be analyzed consistently as realistic measurements.

      • KCI등재

        헤르만 헤르츠버거의 문화공간에 나타난 공공성 구현에 관한 연구

        송은아(Song, Eun-A),김문덕(Kim, Moon-Duck) 한국실내디자인학회 2012 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.21 No.5

        Recent studies show that social networking within community is becoming more valuable than individualism, and many discussions of importance of social networking are taking place. In architectural term, the ultimate goal of designing public community space is to increase retention of people. Retention of people, in other words, making people "Stay Longer" is not exactly same as "The purpose of Public Community Space”, but it is one of the most effective methods to increase retention of people. An attempt of increasing retention of user through offering public community space suggests a significant change in spatial composition of Herman Hertzberger"s cultural space as they are becoming a new social interaction trend. This study aims to analyze architectural progress for the implementation of public of Herman Hertzberger’s cultural project. Access. The Characteristics of public community space used in cultural space were extracted and organized into the systemized elements. The systemized elements are comfort, connect, continuity, sphere, transition, and abide. Also, the extracted elements were activated Herman Hertzberger"s cultural space and processed the his architectural characteristics.

      • 고기동 BTT미사일을 위한 효과적인 시선변화율 추정 방법

        송은한(Eun-han Song),권정훈(Jeung-hun Kwon),하인중(In-joong Ha) 대한전기학회 2006 정보 및 제어 심포지엄 논문집 Vol.2006 No.1

        This paper describes a new LOS(Line-of-Sight) estimator for BTT missiles. The dynamic models of LOS rate and a seeker are derived. Based on these dynamic models, we design a nonlinear estimator, which takes into account roll motion of BTT missiles and sensor noises. Simulation results show that the LOS rate estimates of the proposed estimator are more accurate than those of the conventional estimator.

      • 포스트드라마 연극의 탈경계적 성격

        송은아(Eun-A Song),표원섭(Won-Soub Pyo),임준묵(Joon-Mook Lim) 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 2019 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2019 No.5

        드라마 연극이 희곡 텍스트를 무대 위에 재현하는 데 관심을 두고 있다면, 포스트드라마 연극은 희곡 텍스트로부터 해방된 연극을 지향한다. 이 과정에서 드라마 연극이 만들어놓은 여러 경계들이 해체된다. 포스트드라마 연극은 새로운 문화콘텐츠로서 관객과 소통하는 방법을 찾게 한다. 그 방법은 무엇보다 연극성의 회복에서 발견된다. 드라마 연극이 연극성보다 문학성에 종속된 것에 비해서 포스트드라마 연극은 문학성으로부터 해방된 연극성을 지향하고 있기 때문에 포스트드라마 연극의 문화콘텐츠로서의 가능성을 보여준다. If a drama play is interested in recreating the play text on stage, the post-drama play aims at a drama that has been liberated from the play text. In this process, the boundaries created by drama theater are dismantled. The post-dramatic play finds ways to communicate with the audience as new cultural content. The method is found above all in the restoration of dramaturgy. Because the post-drama play is more dependent on theatricality than literature, this shows the possibility of post-dramatic play as cultural contents.

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