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        《서유기》를 통해 본 문화원형의 계승과 변용

        송원찬(Song, Won-Chan) 중국문화연구학회 2015 중국문화연구 Vol.0 No.27

        This study explores modern appropriations of the popular Chinese classic, 《Xiyouji(Journey to the West)》. Long before the term “culture contents” came into vogue, Chinese classics have been exploited for cultural archetypes or original sources. 《Xiyouji》 is an exemplary case, being used for a variety of performing fields including puppet shows, dramatic performances and animations. The source power of 《Xiyouji》 transcends the national boundary as the novel attracts (re)creative forces in Korea, Japan and America. The paper adopts the framework of MSMU (Multi-Source Multi-USE) in its attempt to examine the nature of the source power of 《Xiyouji》. In doing so, the paper focuses on and utilizes the concepts of modernization, localization and contemporization. Roughly speaking, 《Xiyouji》’s appropriations in China tend to stress the continuity and inheritativenes with the original source whereas those in non-Chinese cultures tend to highlight the reformulative aspects of their appropriations. Both local and international appropriations of 《Xiyouji》 are discussed with examples pertinent to the topic of the paper.

      • KCI등재

        청대(淸代) 한중 지식인 교류와 문자옥(文字獄) -『건정동회우록(乾淨동會友錄)』을 중심으로-

        송원찬 ( Won Chan Song ) 한양대학교 동아시아문화연구소 2010 동아시아 문화연구 Vol.47 No.-

        본 논문은 淸代 한중 지식인의 만남에서 나타나는 특수한 시대배경에 대해 논하고 있다. 연행록은 조선시대 한중지식인 교류를 기록하고 있는 매우 중요한 기록이다. 특히 중국의 자료에서 보기 힘든 일상생활과 섬세한 만남에 대한 풍부한 자료를 우리에게 제공하고 있다. 이러한 기록을 통해 당시 한중지식인이 매우 다양하고 활발하게 교류했다는 사실을 알 수 있다. 『건정동회우록』에는 한중 지식인의 만남에서 눈물을 흘리는 중국 지식인의 모습이 등장하는데, 이를 두고 일본 학자 후마 스스무는 한국지식인의 태도를 비판한다. 그는 조선 지식인이 너무 성리학에 심취하여 감정을 억제하였기 때문이라고 판단한다. 이 논문은 후마 스스무의 논리전개에 문제가 있다고 판단하여 당시 시대적 배경과 환경을 점검하여 이에 대해 비판한다. 우선 일반적인 만남에서 눈물을 흘리는 것이 일반적인 모습인가를 의문으로 시작하여 대다수 필담으로 진행되었던 한중지식인의 만남에 대해 살펴본다. 당시 지식인의 교류는 만남부터 헤어짐까지 모두 남의 눈을 의식하는데, 심지어 필담을 나눈 종이를 찢어버리는 등 어딘가 어색한 부분이 자주 존재한다. 어떠한 시대적 요소로 인해 한중지식인이 이처럼 어색한 만남을 지속했으며, 이러한 배경이 어떻게 만남에 영향을 주었는지 분석해보고자 한다. This research discusses unique background of the times displayed in the meetings among Korean and Chinese intellectuals. Yunhangrok is a very important record that keeps track of exchanges among Korean and Chinese intellectuals. Especially, it provides rich materials of daily lives and delicate meetings, which are difficult to be found in Chinese materials. Through this record, it can be found out about the fact that Korean and Chinese intellectuals had exchanged very frequently and variously. Ganjeongdongpildam shows that some Chinese intellectuals had shed tears in a meeting between Korean and Chinese intellectuals and a Japanese scholar, Huma Susumu critiqued the attitudes of Korean intellectuals. He evaluated that Korean intellectuals were so fascinated by neo-Confucianism and thus suppressed their emotions. This study attempts to critique the standpoint of Huma Susumu by checking out the background of the times and situations because it can be said that his way of presenting his logic has some faults. First, this study doubts if there is a common phenomenon to weep tears in a general meeting and examines meetings among Korean and Chinese at that time in which they exchanged conversation by writing. Exchanges at that time presented that the intellectuals were very sensitive to what others think about them during the whole process of greetings and farewells and even very unusual events often appeared such that they torn apart papers through which they exchanged conversation by writing. This research tries to analyze what motivated these kinds of unusual meetings to be continued among Korean and Chinese intellectuals and the way in which this background had influenced their meetings.

      • 파워포인트를 이용한 한자수업의 효율성 연구

        송원찬(Song Won-Chan),신병철(Shin Byoung-Cheal) 한양대학교 수행인문학연구소 2010 수행인문학 Vol.40 No.2

        This research aims at exploring how to better teach Chinese characters appropriate to the digital age. Nowadays, the education of Chinese characters is booming in Korea. Although the Chinese proficiency test for elementary students in particular is considered as a must, it is also true that there is no big difference in people’s negative sentiment to the Chinese education. The negative cognition is attributed to the traditional teaching methodology which is behind the digital age. Although there exists a big advantage of the traditional method, it may not apply to the new educational environments and the current learners. For this reason, this research attempts to study a methodology for teaching Chinese characters, which is suitable for the learners who are familiar with the digital environment. The new teaching method pursued at this research is hoped to help the new generation better learn Chinese characters as well as maintain the advantages of the traditional method. It especially focuses on the computer assisted language learning widely used in Korean universities. This research reviews the educational environments in which the digital era in the twenty-first century should bring changes and suggests a new teaching methodology which is appropriate to the digital generation and is presented in the PPT slides.

      • KCI등재

        중국 고전 속 SF적 사유

        송원찬(Song Won chan) 한국외국어대학교 외국문학연구소 2015 외국문학연구 Vol.- No.57

        본 논문은 중국 고전 속에 보이는 SF적 사유를 중국 고전 문헌인 『좌전』을 통해 살펴보았다. 일반적인 SF적인 관점으로 중국의 고전을 살펴보면 과학적 지식으로 해석이 가능한 다양한 일화들이 등장한다. 대표적인 예로 제갈량(諸葛亮)의 목우유마(木牛流馬)와 같은 일화가 있다. 또한 『자불어(子不語)』에도 나무로 만든 개, 닭 등의 이야기가 등장한다. 이런 일화들은 현대적 관점에서 로봇과 비슷한 존재로 인지되어 SF적 해석이 더해지기도 한다. 그러나 이러한 내용을 두고 곧바로 중국 고전의 SF적 요소라고 단정적으로 규정하기에는 좀 더 신중할 필요가 있다. SF science fiction는 서양에서 들어온 새로운 개념이다. 근대 중국은 당시 꼭 필요하다고 믿었던 과학의 필요성을 대중에게 계몽하기 위해 서양의 SF소설을 적극적으로 번역하여 소개하였다. 양치차오 梁啓超, 루쉰 魯迅 등 대표적인 문인과 지식인이 번역 작업에 뛰어들 정도로 적극적인 행동을 보여 한국과의 다른 수용양태를 보이고 있다. 『좌전』에는 다양한 천문기록이 등장하는데, 이는 당시 사관의 임무이기도 했다. 그런데 과학적 행위인 천문 기록은 종종 점성술의 도구로 연결되어 기록된다. 이와는 달리 이러한 행위에 대한 냉철한 평가나 일정한 경계심을 나타내는 기록도 존재한다. 예를 들어 『좌전』에는 ‘신보다 백성이 소중하다’는 사고가 자주 보인다. 이러한 민본사상은 중국 전통사상으로 고대사회를 관통하는 관념이다. 신비와 과학적 관념이 상충하는 부분에 대한 탐색을 통해 당시 사회의 SF에 대한 관념을 살펴보고 있다. This paper focuses on the science fictional mode of thinking found in the Chinese classic, ZUOZHUAN 左傳. Many episodes in Chinese classics seem to be open to interpretations from the science fictional perspective. For example, Zhuge Liang's horse carts and the wooden dogs and chicken found in ZIBUYU 子不語 are often compared to and recognized as robots, and science fictional interpretations ensue from this comparison. However, this easy application of scientific mode of thinking to classic Chinese texts needs to be better scrutinized. Western by nature, science fiction was brought into China as a way of promoting scientific enlightenment among Chinese people. Translations of western SF literature were done by such literary luminaries as Liang Qichao and Lu Xun, showing a different pattern of reception than that in Korea. Being a history book, ZUOZHUAN exhibits an emphasis on the facts as well as mainstream social views. In it are found astronomical records, which are scientific by nature, and they in turn are often linked to astrological ideas, which concern life's many vicissitudes. On the other hand, there are records in ZUOZHUAN that show patterns of rationalistic thinking that reveal doubts about and warnings against the easy combination of astronomy and astrology, of science and myth. The idea that people are more important than gods is pervasive in ZUOZHUAN. This humanistic idea, which can be traced back to the ancient Chinese thought and found in Confucius, should be considered, along with mythicastrological ways of conceiving the world and life, in understanding the overall nature of science fiction thinking in ZUOZHUAN.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한·중 예능 프로그램 자막 비교 연구

        金順子(Kim, Sun-ja),宋源燦(Song, Won-chan) 중국어문학연구회 2018 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.111

        This study aims at comparing the subtitles of TV show programs in Korea and China. TV show subtitles are more than a supplementary channel of information: they are a “communication via subtitles,” referring to a radically new mode of mass communication, Th study finds that while the TV show subtitles of Korea and China share general features, they also display many cultural-linguistic differences. Differences are more pronounced in the subtitles of linguistic supplementary nature than in the subtitles for situational explanations, where only details vary. In the Chinese cases, the linguistic supplementary subtitles copy what is spoken more fully whereas in the Korean cases, the phonetic sounds of the words and sentences spoken are often used often to create comic effects. Also on the Korean TV shows, vernacular aspects of the spoken language are stressed with the use of pause, hesitancy and the volume levels of the uttered sounds. These vernacular features are not prominent in China where only onomatopoeic words are subtitled. In matters of describing and explaining situations of characters, the Korean TV shows exhibit a greater variety of linguistic expression. Furthermore, the Korean use of the TV subtitles is more interpretive and evaluative of the characters’s situations and utterances, which reflect the intentions of the creators of these shows.

      • KCI등재

        외국인을 위한 한국어 교육 기반 융합교육 프로그램 개발 연구

        김순자 ( Kim Sun-ja ),송원찬 ( Song Won-chan ) 국제어문학회 ( 구 국제어문학연구회 ) 2013 국제어문 Vol.57 No.-

        한국 대학에서 외국인 유학생이 변수가 아닌 상수가 된 지금 한국어 교육 내실화는 필수적 요구이다. 기본적인 교양 교육으로 한국어 교육을 넘어 하나의 전공 과정으로 개발, 운영할 필요가 있다. 이 연구는 이러한 시대적 수요를 바탕으로 한양대학교에서 운영하고 있는 통상한국어커뮤니케이션 전공과정 운영 사례와 수요조사를 통해 그 교과 구성과 교육 방법에 대한 모색을 기하였다. 또한 외국인 유학생에 대한 수요조사를 통해 현재 운영되고 있는 한국어 교육 기반 융합전공에 대한 운영 현황 분석을 통해 제안점을 살펴보았다. 이 연구는 크게 3가지에 대해 논하고 있는데, 첫째, 외국인 유학생의 전공과정에 대한 필요성과 만족도, 둘째, 한국어 쓰기와 말하기 등 외국인 유학생이 어려움을 겪고 있는 부분, 셋째, 유학 목적에 맞는 취업 관련 분야 보강 등 향후 개선점이 그것이다. Korean universities are required to develop techniques for how to better teach Korean language to international students who no longer function as a variable but an invariant in the process. There is a strong need to organize and provide Korean language as a major course rather than teaching Korean as part of general basic courses. This study explores in what ways Korean language education should be taught as a major course on the basis of needs analysis and case studies conducted at Hanyang University which provides foreign students with a Business and Korean Language Communication program. Furthermore, the current study attempts to make suggestions for a better curriculum based on the results of a needs analysis and reflection on the experience of organizing the interdisciplinary Korean language major at the university. This paper discusses three major themes: 1) the needs and appropriate levels for offering the major to foreign students; 2) the difficulties which international students go through such as developing Korean speaking and writing skills; and 3) the career development and future improvement for foreign students appropriate for the purpose of their studying. In conclusion, this study introduces an interdisciplinary Korean language program for foreign students in Korea and explores current achievements and future curriculum developments.

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