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      • 교육대학생의 교직에 관한 의식 : 춘천교육대학생을 중심으로

        宋楊燮 춘천교육대학 학생지도연구소 1984 學生生活硏究 Vol.9 No.-

        This study is purposed on the presenting essential materials for the improvements on the teacher training system, the management for the curriculum and the guidance with the analyzing the students' angles on the teaching profession. 302 students in Chun Cheon Teachers College served as subjects, This survey is devided into 6 areas ① The basic angles on the teaching profession, ② The angles on the teaching activities, ③ The angles on the human relations, ④ The angles on the education of children, ⑤ The angles on the social recognition of teaching profession, ⑥ etc, . Conducting this survey.I suggest some proposals as follows. ① It is necessary to establish the systems that students can apply for the teaching profession with the firm beliefs and a sense of duty on the teaching profession. ② It is necessary to reinforce the traning for the preparation, producing materials for the lesson. ③ It is also necessary to change the students' recognition that the educational administrative authorities are supporting positively for the teaching activities of teachers. ④ It is necessary to train the future-teachers that they should have devote themselves to the children with the full understandings and warm affections. ⑤ It is also necessary to improve the training systems for the high professional qualification,the rise in teachers' social status and to produce the atmosphere that the autonomy of teachers can be respected.

      • 교육대학생의 교직에 관한 의식 : 춘천교육대학생을 중심으로

        宋楊燮 춘천교육대학 학생지도연구소 1982 學生生活硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        This study is purposed on the presenting essential materials for the improvements on the teacher training system, the management for the curriculum and the guidance with the analyzing the students' angles on the teaching profession. 347 students in Chun Cheon Teachers College served as subjects. This survey is divided into 6 area ① The basic angles on the teaching profession, ② The angles on the teaching activties, ③ The angles on the human relations, ④ The angles on the education of children, ⑤ The angles on the social recognition of teaching profession, ⑥ etc, . Conducting this survey, I suggest some proposals as follows. ① It is necessary to establish systems that students can apply for the teaching profession with the firm beliefs and a sense of duty on the teaching profession. ② It is necessary to reinforce the training for the preparation, producing materials for the lesson. ③ It is also necessary to change the students'recognition that the educational administrative authorities are supporting positively for the teaching activities of teachers. ④ It is necessary to train the future-teachers that they should have devote themselves to the children with the full understandings and warm affections. ⑤ It is necessary to improve the training systems for the high professional qualification,the rise in teachers' social status and to produce the atmosphere that the autonomy of teachers can be respected.

      • KCI등재

        19세기~20세기 초 巨濟 舊助羅里의 洞中과 洞錢의 운영

        송양섭 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2021 한국문화 Vol.- No.94

        In the 19th century and early 20th century, the village of Gujora, Geoje island, discussed and managed various matters in the village community with the structure of ‘Dong-jung’. Dong-jung of Gujora was organized in a flexible and practical form, while its power seizing and unifying the villagers was rather loose. The relationship between Dong-jung and the villagers, and that among the villagers were mostly horizontal. The authority of Dong-jung was limited, so that matters hard to be solved autonomously were handled by the governmental authority. Geoje-bu invested a certain amount of funds into the villages in jurisdiction, and with the interest income, the local administration tried to cover the taxation and corvee imposed by various authorities. Permeation and intervention of the official authority mediated with the coin were almost routine. Most of the coin expenditure was for taxation and miscellaneous corvee, while a little portion of the coins were used for the village itself. Gunpopyosikjeon, which were raised for the payment of Gunpo(military cloth levy), was changed in the early 20th century when the country was colonized by Imperial Japan, in a way less people were assigned for more amounts. This was to shift responsibility onto a small number of members and thus covering rational and stable management of the interest loan. The usage of Gunpopyosikjeon was also altered around the beginning of the 20th century, where most of the coins were spent for the village, unlike the original intent. The alteration of usage in Community Coin shows the signal of seeking new identity of the village in the time of rapid change when the dynasty fell and was colonized by Imperial Japan. .

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 강진병영의 지휘체계와 군수조달

        송양섭 호남사학회 2013 역사학연구 Vol.52 No.-

        Gangjin Garrison is a key army base during the late Joseon period. Its primary duty is to promptly thwart enemy’s raid in collaboration with the naval force; it is organized with five separate and independent camps. While its financial demand, based on the Daedong Policy, used to be secured by the approbation of regular amount of collected rice; it is soon to face chronic difficiency as a result of the Gyunyeok Order. Its major income, thus, gets entirely dependent on the interest accrued by the Hwangok Scheme afterward. 호남 지역의 육군은 병사의 통솔 하에 전・후・중・좌・우 5개영이 독립적인 방어단위를 이루었고 이들 진영은 군사적 기능 외에 토포군을 징발하여 치안도 담당하였다. 여기에 각처의 요해지에 산성진을 설치하여 입보의 근거지로 삼았다. 남서부 연해 지역에는 좌수영과 우수영이 배치되었고 병영은 그 사이인 강진에 위치해 있었는데 이는 일차적으로 남부 연해 지역을 기동로로 삼아 침입할 수 있는 일본에 대한 방어를 염두에 둔 것이었다. 이 지역의 중요성은 18세기에 접어들어서도 서남해 지역에 빈번히 출몰하던 황당선에 대한 경계와 국가적 물류의 기간인 조운로의 보호라는 측면에서 여전히 그 중요성을 잃지 않았다. 강진병영이 연해의 좌우 수영의 사이에 위치한 것은 육군과 수군진들이 유기적인 협력체제를 통해 효율적이면서도 극대화된 전력으로 초전에 적의 침투를 봉쇄하는 방식을 채택하고 있었음을 보여준다. 전라병사의 역할과 권한은 정기적으로 실시되는 습조의 주관, 그리고 병영속과 예하 영장에 대한 인사관리권을 가지고 있었다. 강진 병영은 인근의 요새지인 수인산성을 유사시의 입보처로 삼았다. 병영의 직임과 역종은 크게 친병・이노작대・군관・우후속의 네 범주로 나눌 수 있는데 1743년 『양역총수』의 액수가 19세기까지 어느 정도 지켜지는 모습을 보인다. 19세기 후반 병영에 소속된 다양한 역종은 납포군이 절대다수를 차지하고 있고 실역형태는 매우 미미한 실정이었다. 예하의 5개 진영 소속 직임과 병력은 전임영장이 파견된 순천・전주・나주진영이 겸영장 파견지역인 운봉・여산에 비해 많은 병력을 거느리고 있었다. 17세기 이래 강진 병영의 커다란 문제점 중 하나는 재정부족으로 인한 것이었다. 병영재정은 17세기 대동법의 실시로 병영에 일정액의 수미가 배정됨으로써 부족하나마 병영재정의 지속적인 확보가 가능해지게 되었다. 아울러 병영과 진영을 비롯하여 감・수영, (산성)진 등에 대한 재정 이속도 각 군현으로부터 이루어지고 있었는데 병영은 강진을 비롯한 몇 개의 군현으로부터 많은 액수의 재원을 지원받고 있었다. 병영 예하의 진영은 각기 소속 군현으로부터 일정액의 재정을 조달받았다. 이 역시 전임영장 파견지역의 재원 규모가 겸영장 진영보다 훨씬 많게 나타난다. 18세기 중엽 균역법의 실시도 병영재정 운영의 변화를 가져온 계기였다. 어염선세・은여결・이획・선무군관포 등 減匹給代 재원이 중앙으로 귀속됨에 따라 지방관청은 만성적인 재정난에 빠질 수밖에 없었고 이는 병영도 마찬가지였다. 재정문제에 직면한 강진병영의 대책은 환곡의 운영을 통한 수입 확보였다. 18세기 말 강진 병영에는 중앙아문 구관 환곡이 절대다수를 차지하는 가운데 병영곡 2천여 석이 확보되고 있었고 19세기 중엽 5천여 석으로 늘어난다. 하지만 이들 곡물은 半留半分의 원칙을 어기고 모두 盡分으로 운영되고 있었다. 수인산성에 비축된 조 300석과 별비미 2천 석도 환곡으로 운영하여 군수에 보태도록 하였다. 이제 강진 병영의 재정충당은 전라도의 각 군현에서 거두어들인 군량곡의 일부를 각 군현에 분급하여 그 이자로 군수에 보태는 방식이 주요한 형태로 자리 잡게 되었던 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        19세기 거제도 舊助羅 촌락민의 職役變動과 家系繼承 양상 -『項里戶籍中草』를 중심으로 -

        송양섭 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2014 한국문화 Vol.67 No.-

        Gujora village in Geojedo was strongly influenced by the environmental condition as fishing village and military area. People who are registered as Yuhak(幼學) in the Hojuk(戶籍) were apparently Yangban. However, it cannot be regard literally as Yangban and it is doubtful that they could be the beneficiaries of exemption from military service. And also Ejungjikyeok(二重職役: Doubled occupation) which widely appeared was appeased the evasion of military service and the intermediation to move toward the upper group from the Juho(主戶) occupation. Although there were numerous limitations, their movement toward the upper occupation continued. It was the result of compromise by the government which wanted to secure military service personnel and commoners who wanted to improve their social position. Each person’s pedigree who lived in Gujora village indicates that the occupations are distributed well and show the characteristics of succession. Occupations basically succeeded to the first son and if the first son died early or breaks away from the kinship bonding, then it is succeeded by the next son(次子). Also even if they have the same Bonkwan(본관), the distribution of occupation was processed based on the pedigree which is regarded as the same kinship. And if one who is regarded as a breakaway from the kinship bonding, a different form of occupation succession was applied.

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