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      • 詩의 藝術性과 社會行爲

        宋洙環 명지어문학회 1990 明知語文學 Vol.19 No.-

        언어를 통해서 발전하는 문학은 아무데도 없다. 다만 그 언어를 통해 변화허는 삶의 힘에 대하여 문학은, 구체적으로, 크고 작은 사물ㆍ사건을 끌어 안으며 거기서 우러나는 의지ㆍ 방향과 서로 상관하는 운동을 줄기차게 보완해 나간다는 사실을 기억해야 할 것이다. 그러한 부채 속에서 문학은 또 영혼으로 지칭되는 문제와, 철저하게, 상응하고 있음을 주목하지 않을 수 없다. 따라서, 우리는 ‘영혼-실재’의 형식이 일러주는, 이른바 그 의미ㆍ소리 ㆍ힘 등 우주적인 이미지로 표출되는 형상을 더 이상 작품 속에 가두어 둘 수는 없는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        임진왜란 의병장 『일기』 조작의 한 사례―이경연의 「龍蛇日錄」을 중심으로―

        송수환 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2022 民族文化硏究 Vol.95 No.-

        『Jewoldang Silgi』 (霽月堂實紀) written by Lee Gyeong-yeon (李景淵), the leader of righteous army in Ulsan during the Imjin War, was compiled in 1909 by Lee Seok-jeong, a 10th-generation descendant. The 「Diary in the years of Imjin war」 (龍蛇日錄) that was published here includes the voluntary creation of righteous army at Hamwol Mountain Fortress from April 21 to 25, 1592, the organization of the command and gathering for battle, the joining of Gyeongju righteous army and the capture of Byeongyeong Fortress on May 5, the joining of monk soldiers from Sinheung Temple on the 15th, and providing military rice. Some local historians are using these records as an argument to distort history by exaggerating it as the nation’s first voluntary creation of righteous army during the Imjin War, the victory of the Byeongyeong Fortress that repulsed thousands and slaughtered hundreds of Japanese soldiers, and the first military participation of monks from the Ulsan temple to defend their nation since Silla. Beginning with this, the results of historical distortion are being revealed, such as the descendants of the righteous army carrying out a project to commemorate the ancestors with the cooperation of the officials. However, the 「Diary in the years of Imjin war」 is not written by Lee Gyeong-yeon himself, but it was manipulated by Lee Seok-jeong, the 10th-generation descendant, through modification and amplification based on the records of Lee Gyeong-yeon and Simhwasn (沈渙) written by his far ancestor, Lee Dong-yeong (李東英). This reveals that the records of the Ulsan righteous army of Hamwol Mountain Fortress are fictional. But the manipulated records related to Ulsan righteous army are being published in various records of later generations and spreading as facts. Taking this into account, it is time for the academic community to deal with the historical distortions of the local history academia. 임진왜란 당시 울산 의병장 이경연의 『제월당실기』는 1909년 10대손 이석정이 편찬하였다. 여기에 실린 「용사일록」에는 1592년 4월 21일∼25일 함월산성에서의 의병 창의, 지휘부 구성과 결진, 5월 5일의 경주의병 합류와 병영성 함락, 15일의 신흥사 승병 합류와 군량미 제공이 실려있다. 일부 향토사 연구자들이 이들 기록을 논거로 하여 임진왜란 중 전국 최초의 의병 창의, 왜군 수천 명을 격퇴하고 수백 명을 격살한 병영성 승전, 신라 이래 울산 호국사찰의 최초 승병 참전으로 포장하여 역사를 왜곡하고 있다. 이를 기화로 창의의병 후손들이 관변의 협조하에 선조를 현창하는 사업을 벌이는 등 역사 왜곡의 폐해가 드러나고 있다. 그러나 「용사일기」는 이경연 자신의 일기가 아닌, 10대손 이석정이 족조 이동영이 찬술한 「족조제월당공유사」와 「천재심공유사」를 바탕으로 하여 조작한 것이다. 이것은 함월산성의 울산의병에 관한 기록이 모두 허구임을 말해주고 있다. 조작한 울산의병 관련 기록은 후대의 각종 기록에 실려 사실로 확산되어 가고 있다. 이를 감안하여 학계에서는 지역사학계의 역사 왜곡에 대처해야 할 때이다.

      • KCI등재

        왜란 직후의 울산 소모군 - 1609년 울산부호적대장을 중심으로 -

        송수환 부산경남사학회 2015 역사와 경계 Vol.96 No.-

        In order to repair all the damages inflicted by the war with the Japanese in the 1590s, the Joseon government and local authorities decided to establish military units called as “Somo-gun(recruited soldiers)” in areas like Dong’rae, Chang’weon and Ulsan. They were originally mobilized as defensive forces that would be dispatched to expel any probable future invasions from Japan, but after the war ended, they were ordered to new missions, like re-cultivating all the wastelands produced in the area as a result of the war. Ulsan mobilized these Somo-gun soldiers in 1600, 34th year of King Seonjo’s reign. The total number of these soldiers’ households are recorded as 236 in the 1609 version of the Ulsan-bu Census register. They were stationed in areas that suffered the most damages, inflicted mostly due to their location upon the roadways frequented by advancing, retreating and camping Joseon, Japanese and Ming troops. Soldiers recruited as Somo-gun troops were mostly refugees who lost their homes and towns during the war, and many of them had been living in areas close to Ulsan. They were organized as a single household or as a pair, trio and even a quartet. People from the Gyeongsang-do province occupied the largest block, while there were some people from Chungcheong-do and Jeolla-do provinces as well. In terms of social statuses, 73.5% of the recruited personnel were commoners, while 26.5% were from lowborn heritages. And their ages varied from 20s to 70s. These Somo-gun units were disbanded at some point after 1612(4th year of king Gwang’hae-gun’s reign). Later they were assimilated into the Ulsan-bu population. They hugely contributed to the restoration of lands and stabilization of the region. 울산은 임진‧정유왜란 중 6년 7개월간 왜군의 점령 하에 있었다. 이 기간 중 인구는 격감하고 농경지는 진황하였다. 정부는 왜란 후 전란의 피해를 복구하기 위해 동래‧창원‧울산에 소모군을 설치하였다. 이들은 본래 이들 지역의 왜군 재침에 대비하는 군사전략에서 비롯되었으나 전후의 진황지 복구에 투입되었다. 울산은 선조 34년(1600)에 조호익이 소모군을 모집하였다. 1609년 울산부호적대장은 이들 소모군의 실태를 알 수 있는 자료이다. 이에 따르면, 울산 소모군은 모두 236호이며, 조‧명연합군과 왜란의 피해가 심했던 지역에 집중 배치되었다. 이들에게는 전세와 요역을 면제해 주어 소모군 운용은 자영농 육성책이었음을 말해준다. 소모호는 2∼4명 가족이 많아 왜란 중의 난민이 대부분임을 알 수 있다. 이들은 울산과 가까운 지역 출신이 대부분이다. 신분은 양인 73.5%, 천인 26.5%였고, 연령은 20대에서 70대에 걸쳐 있다. 이들은 경상도 출신이 가장 많고, 소수의 충청‧전라도 출신도 있다. 소모군은 광해군 4년(1612) 이후 어느 시기에 혁파되었다. 이후 이들은 울산부의 자영농 주민으로 동화해 갔다. 이처럼 왜란 직후 울산의 소모군 운용은 유이민 안집과 진황지 복구에 크게 기여하였다.

      • KCI등재

        조선 후기의 庶․賤人 범죄자 유배

        송수환 한국고전번역원 2023 民族文化 Vol.65 No.-

        This research aims to explore the exile system for the commoner and the lower-class crimimals in the Joseon dynasty. In fact in the past the study on the exile system of the Joseon dynast was focused on the exile of the state criminals and high-ranking criminals, overseen by Uigeumbu(義禁府, the office for the deliberation of forbidden affairs), but recently the importance of studying the exile of the commoner and lower-class (庶‧賤人) criminals, overseen by both Hyeungjo(刑曹, the ministry of Justice) and gwanchalsa(觀察使, local governors), has been raised. The Korean term "seo-cheunin(庶‧賤人)" encompasses the yangban(兩班 the gentry) not in public office, lower-military officials and lowest-class people, as well as the middle class. Their exile was overseen by Hyeungjo and local governors called gwanchalsa. Uigeumbu exiled convicts from Hanseongbu(漢城府, the capital city administration) to a local province, while local governors exiled their convicts to another province. Once a new convict arrived, the local governor handled the criminal according to the established regulations, such as assigning the convict a place to stay and appoint a bosujuin(保授主人) as supervising master, and reported the process to the king. If a convict was unable to maintain his own daily routine, and invariably rely on his bosujuin(保授主人), the supervising master would suffer from the convict's unreasonable demands and viciousness. Then in response the local governor (守令: suryeong) would replace the bosujuin or support him by collecting grain from villagers. If the place of exile was in a bad year, the convict was to be transferred to another province in a good year; if the district has more than 10 convicts, some of them were to be transferred to another district. Initially, this was limited to transfers within the province, but in severe years, transfers were also made to other provinces. If the convict under care fled and died due to poor conditions, and if the appointed bosujuin and local governor who failed to supervise the person were to be punished. If the criminal fled while being transferred, the governor and transporters were to be punished. When a sudden death occurred, the governor would send attendants to examine the fugitive’s body, listen to the statements of the supervising master and his close neighbors, identify the death from illness, and then report to the local governor, who would in turn report all the process to the king. The cases of exiles for commoner and lower-class criminals, carried out by Hyeungjo and local governors, were much more numerous than those of exiles for high-ranking officials sent by Uigeumbu. Accordingly, the procedures and methods of exile, as well as the transfers according to the circumstances of the place of exile, were stipulated in detail, and the treatment of the bosujuin was also explored according to the circumstances of the district. The rules for dealing with fugitives and the dead were also set in detail, indicating that the exile of commoner and lower-class criminals was an important part of the Joseon dynasty penal system.

      • KCI등재

        1858년 암행어사의 전울산부사沈遠悅 감찰

        송수환 조선시대사학회 2020 朝鮮時代史學報 Vol.- No.94

        Generally, positive functions have been emphasized in regard to Secret Royal Inspector System, which allegedly punished corrupt officials and relieved the distressed. Such understanding is based on the reports documented by the inspectors themselves that mainly comprise the surviving archive. Contrary to the popular belief, however, the inspectors often disregarded the mandated procedures consisting of disguised inspection, unannounced raid and requisition of the local governmental repository. Furthermore, the inspection of retired local governors heavily relied on informal methods such as interrogating the retirees’ former attendants or collecting rumors. Exploiting the authority endowed by the central royal government, the inspectors often accumulated wealth through bribery and blackmailing. When they were appointed governors themselves, they actively engaged in illegalities identical to those of the other governors. Sim Won-yeol(1792~1866), who served as the governor of Ulsan for 17 months between 1856 and 1857(King Cheoljong’s Year of Reign 6-7), was condemned to a demeaning exile to the village of his previous post when the inspector charged him with embezzlement of public wealth. While living in exile, he produced numerous writings arguing his innocence and condemning the inspectors’ corruption. The documents intensively disclose the fraudulence of the secret inspectors during the reign of the governments dictated by royal in-laws. 조선시대 암행어사 제도는 대체로 탐관오리를 징치하거나 억울한 백성을 구제하는 순기능이 강조되어 왔다. 이러한 인식의 저변에는 암행어사의 활동이 그의 일방적인 서계로서만 기록으로 남아있기 때문이다. 그러나 암행어사들은 많은 경우 암행, 출도, 봉고라는 암행어사 감찰의 정상적인 절차를 지키지 않았고, 감찰도 간접적인 吏招와 풍문에 의존하여 증거를 조작하는 경우가 많았다. 또한 국왕에 대해서도 피죄인의 입장에서는 일방적으로 불리한 편향된 보고서를 올렸다. 이렇게 피죄된 지방관들은 음관, 무과 출신 등 중앙권력에서 소외된 자들이 대부분이었다. 암행어사들은 국왕의 특명사신이라는 권력에 편승해서 곳곳에서 뇌물을 받거나 금품을 갈취하는 등 부정을 저질렀다. 또한 이들이 수령으로 전임되었을 때는 여타 수령과 마찬가지로 부정을 자행하여 조선말기 중앙과 지방의 부패구조에 함몰되어 갔다. 1856~1857년(철종 6~7년) 17개월에 걸쳐 울산부사를 지낸 심원열(1792~1866)은 1858년 전울산부사로서 암행어사의 감찰에서 公貨犯用 죄목으로 卽地定配라는 모욕적인 형벌에 처해졌다. 그는 즉지정배지 울산에서 유배상활을 하면서 자신의 무죄와 암행어사의 비리를 고발하는 여러 편의 글을 남겼는데, 여기에는 세도정권 당시의 암행어사 부패상이 많고도 자세하게 나타나 있다. 본고는 이를 중심으로 조선왕조 암행어사 제도의 부정적인 한 단면을 고찰하였다.

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