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        漢文科 敎授·學習 方法 硏究의 成果와 方向

        송병렬 한국한문교육학회 2011 한문교육논집 Vol.37 No.-

        한문과 교수·학습 방법에 대한 연구가 처음부터 활발했던 것은 아니다. 연구는 두 가지 형태로 발표되었다. 즉 ‘교수 방법’과 ‘교수·학습 모형’이 그것이다. ‘교수 방법’의 성과는 강덕희의 「기초 조어표의 활용을 통한 조어표의 효과적인 지도방안」부터 비롯했다. 이후 김우용의 「특활을 통한 한문과 학습지도가 학습자의 학력신장에 미치는 영향」에서 ‘한자카드 놀이법’을, 조규남은 「그림을 활용한 한자지도법 연구」에서 한자를 그림으로 제시는 방법을 제시하였다. 그러나 이들 논문은 지도안의 성격을 띠는 것이었다. 배원룡은 「한문과 교수·학습 지도 방법」에서 ‘융판 활용 한자어 지도법’에서 ‘비교 학습법’, ‘색출 학습법’, ‘역할 놀이 카드 활용법’ 등의 다양한 학습법을 제시하였으나, 기존의 교육공학의 매체 제작 및 활용의 수준이었다. 이들 교수 방법은 대체로 모색과 모방의 수준이었다. 이에 한 걸음 더 나아간 것은 백원철의 「한문과 학습의 전통적 낭독법에 대하여-한문과 학습의 효과적 일방안의 모색-」, 이태희의 「근체시의 4단 구성과 그림으로 하는 한시 수업」, 이복규의 「옛날 이야기와 수수께끼를 통한 한자 한문 학습」, 송병렬의 「한문교과교육에서 ‘한자의 짜임’ 지도 방법의 일고찰」, 김은경의 「문화유산을 활용한 한자·한자어 교수·학습 방법」, 김재영의 「신문, 방송을 활용한 한자·한자어 교수 학습 방법」 등이다. 이들 논문은 한문과의 독자적인 방법을 제시하였다. 교수 모형에 대한 성과는 원용석이 「한자어 교수·학습 모형」에서 한자어 교수 모형을 제시했다. 백광호는 「한문과에 적용 가능한 웹기반 수업과 문제중심학습」에서 한문과 구성주의 이론에 따른 교수 모형을 소개했다. 김연수는 『한시 교육에서 구성주의 교수·학습 방법 연구』에서, 김재영은 「독자 반응 중심 한시 교수·학습 모형에서 ‘인지적 도제 중심의 한시 교수·학습 모형’과 ‘텍스트 중심 교수·학습 모형’을 제시하였다. 위의 두 모형은 앞서 제시한 구성주의 이론을 적극 수용한 데서 나온 성과물이다. 송병렬은 「한문과 교수·학습의 협동학습 모형 적용」에서 구성주의에 따른 협동학습을 한문과에 적용하여 ‘학습자 중심의 교수·학습 모형’의 사례를 보고하였다. 이경우는 「UCC를 기반으로 하는 한시 학습 방법 연구」에서 ‘동영상 활용 수업 모형’을 제시하였다. 이같은 연구 성과는 2000년 이후 매우 활발하게 전개되었다. 그러나 이같은 활발한 연구에도 불구하고 체계화 등 몇 가지 문제점을 안고 있었다. 이에 김재영이 「한문과 교수·학습방법의 체계화방안」에서, 송병렬이 「한문과 교수ㆍ학습의 이론과 방법」에서 각기 ‘교수 방법’을 분류를 시도하였다. 즉 교수 방법의 체계화를 시도한 것이다. 이러한 분류의 체계화는 한문과 교수·학습 방법에 대해 체계적으로 연구할 수 있도록 방향을 제시한 것이다. 또한 최근 한문과 교수·학습 방법 연구는 국제적인 학술대회의 개최 등으로 세계화할 조짐이다. 특히 중국·홍콩·대만 등의 국가들이 한자·한문의 교수 방법에 대한 연구가 활발해지고 있다. 이들과의 교류로 인해서 새로운 연구 주제와 범위가 확산되었다. 역시 교수·학습 방법 연구에도 새로운 방향이 열린 것이다. 그동안 한문과 교수·학습 방법에 대한 연구는 100여 편 이상이 될 정도로 많은 편이나, 대체로 중복이... Aspect of the study for the teaching-learning of Chinese Character can be integrated to three things in general. They are teaching method, teaching-learning model and classification of teaching method. The achivement of the teaching method had begun from 「An effective guide plan of coinage chart through the use of basic coinage chart」 by Kang Duk Hee. Since Chinese Character teaching through extracurricular activities have on the learner's academic ability」, and Jo Kyu Nam showed the method that indicates Chinese Character as a picture in 「Study of the teaching method of Chinese Character using pictures」. However, these papers were kinds of guidance plan. After them, Bae Won Ryong presented many learning methods such as 'Chinese Character teaching which uses felt boards', ‘Comparing', 'Searching' and 'Application of cards on role-playing', though, these were the level of imitation and search on the whole. Taking a stronger point of view, there are 「About the traditional elocution in Chinese Character study-Searching for effective way of Chinese Character-」 by Baek Won Chul, 「Four step-construction of modern-style poetry and Chinese poem class using picture」 by Lee Tae hee, 「Chinese character and Chinese classics learning though old stories and puzzles」 by Lee Bok Kyu, 「A Thought about the Method to Teach 'The Principle of Creation of Chinese Characters' in Chinese character Education」 by Song Pyung Nyul, 「Method of Teaching and Learning Chinese Characters and Words Written in Chinese Characters Utilizing Cultural Heritage」by Kim Eun-kyung and 「A Method of Teaching and Learning Chinese Characters Using Newspaper and Broadcasting」by Kim Jae-young. They showed their own ways in Chinese Characters. The result concerned with teaching models indicated Chinese words teaching models in 「Chinese words teaching-learning models」 by Won yong suk. Baek Kwang-ho introduced a new teaching models that are based on the Chinese Character's constructivism theory in 「Web-based course and problem-based learning that can be applied to Chinese Character」. Kim Yeon soo showed 'Cognitive apprentice centered Chinese poem Teaching-Learning model' and ' Text centered Teaching-Learning model' in 「Constructivism method study of teaching-learning in Chinese poem education」, Kim Jae-young did in 「Readers' Responce centered Chinese Poem Teaching-Learning Model」. Those two models are the results of accepting constructivism which were mentioned before this actively. Song Pyung-nyul reported the example of 'Teaching-learning model focused learners' to apply cooperative learning following to constructivism in 「Cooperative model Application of Chinese Character teaching-learning」. Lee kyung woo presented 'Model of lesson that uses video' in 「A study on teaching and learning method of Chinese poem using U.C.C in education」. Systematization of teaching method was tried by Kim Jae-young in 「A study on How to Systemize Teaching-Learning in Classical Chinese」, and Song Pyung-nyul in 「Theory and method of Chinese Character teaching·learning」by attempting to classify each 'teaching method'. Systematization in classification has contributed to the methodical study of Chinese character teaching-learning method. Until now, there were many studies about the method of Chinese character teaching-learning method as many as more than 100, however, they have many overlaps. Because they are not only unfamiliar about the study of Chinese character teaching-learning method but failed to classify the difference of the things like 'Teaching method and model'. Though, many scholars' achivements were very noticable and played a role to expand the subject matter education of Chinese Character. Recently , it looks like being globalized through the things like holding international symposiums. Especially in the countries that include China, Hong Kong , Taiwan ,etc, the study is lively being conducted. Therefore, inter...

      • KCI등재

        初等學校 漢字 敎育 方向 定立과 實行 方案

        송병렬 한국한자한문교육학회 2010 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.25 No.-

        현재 初等學校 漢字 敎育은 私敎育의 級數 試驗에 의존하고 있다. 이는 正規 敎科目으로 실시하지 않는 初等學校 漢字 敎育의 空白을 메워 주었다. 그러나 私敎育의 漢字敎育만으로 言語生活과 敎科目 漢字 語彙에 대해 體系的으로 敎育시키기에는 부족하며, 전반적인 漢文 言語文化를 교육하기에도 매우 부족하다. 級數 試驗 實施 기관의 敎材를 중심으로 운영되다 보니, 漢字 敎育에 필요한 ‘學習 內容 要素’ 등에 대해 體系的인 目標와 內容, 方法 등을 정하지 못한 채 각각의 기관에서 정한 것으로 실시되어 왔다. 2009년 改定 初等學校 敎育課程의 「創意的 體驗學習」에서 漢字 科目을 실시하기로 결정함에 따라, 國家 水準의 初等學校 ‘創意的 漢字 體驗活動’의 敎育課程을 마련하여야 한다. 이에 본 學會가 先導的인 역할을 하기 위해 교육과정의 안을 논의한다. 漢字 敎育이 敎育課程에서 創意的 體驗活動으로 規定되어 있다고 해서 ‘體驗 活動’에 국한하다 보면 ‘漢字 敎育’ 본래의 性格과 趣旨를 喪失할 수 있다. 따라서 漢字 敎育이 ‘創意的 體驗 活動’이라는 점을 顧慮하되, ‘漢字 敎育’의 一般的 性格에서는 ‘漢字 및 漢字 語彙의 學習과 古典을 飜譯한 글의 理解와 漢字成語의 理解’를 제시해야 할 것이다. 漢字의 水準과 學習 內容의 문제는 일부분 重複될 지라도 中·高等學校 漢文敎育용 基礎漢字 1,800자와는 별도의 기준을 적용해서 정해야 한다. 日常 言語에서 사용이 중요한 고려 대상이 되어야한다. 漢字의 水準을 고려한 等級이 필요하다. 가장 基礎가 되는 基礎漢字, 語彙의 基本을 다져주는 基本漢字, 基本보다 等級이 높은 擴張漢字 등의 수준을 정하여야 한다. 그리고 中等 漢文 敎育과의 連繫性을 위해 ‘漢字 및 漢字 語彙의 學習과 古典을 飜譯한 글의 理解와 漢字成語의 理解’ 등의 내용에 따른 漢字의 範圍와 水準도 고려되어야 한다. 初等學校 漢字 數의 範圍는 400~600字 정도가 바람직하다. 學會는 學問的인 立場에서 初等學校 敎育用 基礎 漢字와 그 範圍에 대한 準據를 마련해야 한다. 內容은 初等學校 漢字의 範圍와 初等學校 漢字 敎育 性格 및 目標와 聯關되어야 할 것이다. 性格 및 目標의 範圍가 ‘漢字, 語彙’, ‘漢字, 語彙, 成語’, ‘漢字, 語彙, 成語, 古典을 飜譯한 글’ 중에서 選擇되어야 할 것이다. 內容 體系 또한 이를 顧慮해서 定해야 한다. 敎材를 構成하는 方法이나 技法은 각기 저자마다 자신들의 생각을 반영하는 것이 바람직하지만, 국가 수준 또는 그에 준하는 교육과정에서 정한 내용 요소를 제시하는 교재가 되어야 한다. 初等學校 漢字 敎育의 敎授·學習 方法은 주로 漢字와 語彙에 관한 것들이 適用이 될 것이다. 따라서 ‘敎授·學習 行態’에 따른 漢文科 敎授·學習 方法은 그에 따른 漢字 敎授·學習 方法으로의 명칭 변경이 요구되며, ‘敎育課程 領域’에 따른 敎授·學習 方法, ‘漢文 텍스트(內容)’에 따른 敎授·學習 方法은 그 內容의 變化에 따라 變更하여야 할 것이다. 初等學校 漢字 敎育의 窮極的 實行은 學校 敎育課程의 編成·運營과 敎師의 配置이다. 敎師 養成의 問題는 法律的이고 복잡한 문제이다. 初等學校 敎師에 대한 補習 敎育 實施, 敎育大學校에 ‘漢文科’의 設置 및 ‘漢文 科目’ 運營, 初等學校 專擔 敎師 配置(敎育大學校에서 初等學校 漢字 敎師 輩出 후 配置, 中等敎師 資格證 所持者 活用 配置) 등 ... Currently, Chinese characters education in elementary school is dependent on private qualification exams, which complements Chinese characters education where it is not recognized as a regular course. Still, private education alone is not sufficient to offer systematic education of vocabulary in Chinese characters, nor to educate Classical Chinese linguistic culture in general. Based on the textbooks published by private exams organizations, the essential ‘learning factors’ including systematic purpose, contents, and methods have been incoherent. The elementary school curriculum, revised in 2009, assigned the subject of Chinese characters to ‘creative field studies’. A curriculum serving ‘creative Chinese characters activity’ in consequence needs to be developed at the national level. Our society takes the initiative to discuss proper curriculum practices. Notwithstanding the definition and limitation of creative activity by the curriculum, Chinese characters education should not lose its very nature and purpose. Therefore while considering creative activity, Chinese characters education in general ought to provide ‘learning Chinese characters and vocabulary along with understanding translated literature and four-character idioms.’It requires a particular standard distinguishing from 1800 basic characters for secondary education despite partial duplicated area of the contents and difficulty of levels. Usage in daily life will be deliberated in the standard. Levels for elementary, basic, and advanced characters also need to be determined. Furthermore, as a linking step to the secondary education, it needs to consider levels and range of characters according to the contents of ‘learning Chinese characters and vocabulary and understanding translated literature and four-character idioms.’The appropriate range of Chinese characters taught in elementary school is 400 to 600 characters. In terms of academic affairs, the society ought to provide the norms in accordance with basic characters and their range for primary education. The norms will deal with nature and purpose of Chinese characters education, among which ‘characters, vocabulary’, ‘characters, vocabulary, idioms’, or ‘characters, vocabulary, idioms, and translated literature’ need to be chosen. The system of contents will contemplate these aspects. It is desirable for each author to express his own thoughts where composing the textbook is concerned. However, those textbooks should represent curriculum of national level or its equivalence. Teaching/learning method in elementary Chinese characters education would primarily apply Chinese characters and vocabulary. Therefore, in secondary education, teaching/learning methods in relation to ‘teaching/learning behavior’, curriculum area and Classical Chinese texts demand to reflect those alterations. The ultimate execution of elementary Chinese characters education is to develop and operate school curriculum and assign teachers. Fosterage of teachers is legally complicated. Solutions include the followings: supplementary education for primary school teachers, establishing department of ‘Classical Chinese’ and opening ‘Classical Chinese’ classes in universities of education, and assigning specialized teachers ― regardless of primary or secondary school teachers. Plans for Chinese characters education in elementary school should be considered in various aspects: practical assistance in language in daily life, improving cultural capability of native language, and suitability of linguistic developmental stages. Chinese-character vocabulary formed in common in Confucian cultural sphere are very useful and can be shared among East Asians. Therefore Chinese characters education in the future needs to focus on language life.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        漢文文化 敎育의 現況과 課題

        송병렬 영남대학교 민족문화연구소 2008 민족문화논총 Vol.40 No.-

        Latin culture has fundamental influence in the West, and Classical Chinese is the equivalent in east Asia. Classical Chinese culture is the cultural pedestal of East Asia, and had been the dominating culture till the Western penetration. In Korea, Classical Chinese was adopted as independent local culture and evolved into the core of ethnic culture. Numerous words are derived from Chinese classical culture. Materials of literature, history, and philosophy are written in Classical Chinese. Classical Chinese deeply influenced the details of life. Nowadays, however, Classical Chinese culture is regarded no more than a legacy; we are rather reluctant to enjoy and develop this culture. Ecological factor of Classical Chinese culture uniting nature and man is safely preserved in language, literature, history, philosophy, and microhistory. We do not rejoice in this ecological heritage of Classical Chinese, though. Classical Chinese culture is organized in the curriculum and textbooks. Cultural factor is reflected in both current and future curriculums. The textbooks reflect adequate cultural material in accordance with the curriculum. Still, students are deprived of their opportunity to actually feel and experience the culture. Educating Classical Chinese and its culture is obviously ruined by education system concentrated on entrance exam and education policies based on short-term pragmatism. Today we confront the global environment crisis. Classical Chinese has its traditional ecological culture. We ought to rejoice in this ecological culture of literature, history, and philosophy. Educating Classical Chinese should follow this path. Latin culture has fundamental influence in the West, and Classical Chinese is the equivalent in east Asia. Classical Chinese culture is the cultural pedestal of East Asia, and had been the dominating culture till the Western penetration. In Korea, Classical Chinese was adopted as independent local culture and evolved into the core of ethnic culture. Numerous words are derived from Chinese classical culture. Materials of literature, history, and philosophy are written in Classical Chinese. Classical Chinese deeply influenced the details of life. Nowadays, however, Classical Chinese culture is regarded no more than a legacy; we are rather reluctant to enjoy and develop this culture. Ecological factor of Classical Chinese culture uniting nature and man is safely preserved in language, literature, history, philosophy, and microhistory. We do not rejoice in this ecological heritage of Classical Chinese, though. Classical Chinese culture is organized in the curriculum and textbooks. Cultural factor is reflected in both current and future curriculums. The textbooks reflect adequate cultural material in accordance with the curriculum. Still, students are deprived of their opportunity to actually feel and experience the culture. Educating Classical Chinese and its culture is obviously ruined by education system concentrated on entrance exam and education policies based on short-term pragmatism. Today we confront the global environment crisis. Classical Chinese has its traditional ecological culture. We ought to rejoice in this ecological culture of literature, history, and philosophy. Educating Classical Chinese should follow this path.

      • KCI등재

        2007年 改定 漢文科 敎育課程에 관한 硏究 -中學校 漢文科 敎育課程 解說書를 중심으로-

        송병렬 우리한문학회 2008 漢文學報 Vol.18 No.-

        Many researchers have questioned about several issues of 7th National Curriculum. Two major issues were system of the contents and grammar described in it. Hierarchy is the main issue about the system; it is unreasonable that classical Chinese comprises practical words in daily lives. They insist, therefore, the system be reorganized based on 'function' and 'comprehension'. Grammar had three major issues. As for sentence element, range of complement was uncertain. As for sentence pattern, one identical sentence could be figured in many different patterns. Lexical category was not mentioned at all, making it impossible how to classify the category. Every field was revised in the new edition of the Classical Chinese commentary book. As for 'character' and 'objective' fields, knowledge in Classical Chinese took priority over reading comprehension and practical words. In 'contents system', considering scientific characteristics, 'classical Chinese' field consists of linguistic, literary, ideological, and cultural comprehension, while newly organized 'knowledge in Classical Chinese' field, considering linguistic characteristics, consists of grammatic comprehension. In 'contents', 'Classical Chinese' and 'knowledge in Classical Chinese' fields have their equivalent contents for each part. Lexical category is added to the grammar part. As for 'sentence element', the range of object has expanded for the purpose of clarifying difference between object and complement. An element following ‘有·無’ is defined as an object, rejecting former definition of complement in the 7th National Curriculum. As for 'teaching learning method' and 'assessment', concepts with wrong definition were corrected with accurate definition or new examples. In consequence, the new curriculum is not a supplement but a total revision of the 7th National Curriculum. 여러 연구자들이 제7차 교육과정의 여러 가지 문제에 대해서 문제제기를 하였다. 이 때 제기된 문제는 크게 두 가지이다. 하나는 교육과정 내용체계이고, 다른 하나는 교육과정에 서술된 문법이다. 내용체계에 대한 문제제기는 주로 위계성을 두고 제기되었다. 언어 생활의 한자어가 한문의 내용체계에 끼어 있는 것이 불합리하다는 것이다. 따라서 ‘기능’과 ‘이해’라는 두 개의 축으로 바뀌어야 한다고 하였다. 문법에 대한 문제제기는 주로 문장성분과 문형의 개념과 품사의 분류에 대한 기준을 두고 문제제기 되었다. 문장성분은 주로 보어의 범위의 애매성과, 문형은 동일한 문장을 두고 여러 개의 문형으로 판단되는 것이 문제였다. 품사는 아예 거론되지 않아서 품사의 분류를 어떻게 할 지 모르겠다는 문제였다. 그러나 새 한문과 교육과정 해설서는 ‘성격’ ‘목표’ ‘내용체계’ ‘영역별 내용(한문 문법 포함)’ ‘교수-학습 방법’ ‘평가’ 등 전 분야에 걸쳐 개정하였다. ‘성격과 목표’에서는 한문지식에 대한 학습을 우선하고 그 하위에 한문 독해와 언어생활의 활용을 하도록 하였다. ‘내용체계’는 학문적 성격을 고려하여 한문에 대한 언어적, 문학적, 사상적, 문화적 이해 전반을 ‘한문’ 영역으로 설정하였고, 한문 과목의 언어적 특질을 고려하여 한문에 대한 문법적 이해 측면을 별도로 ‘한문지식’ 영역으로 설정하였다. ‘영역별 내용’에서는 각 내용을 ‘한문’과 ‘한문지식’ 영역에 맞게 하였으며 문법에서는 품사론을 삽입하였으며, 성분론에서 목적어와 보어의 개념의 혼란을 정리하기 위해서 빈어라는 용어를 새로 사용하였다. 7차에서 ‘有 · 無’ 뒤에 오는 성분을 보어로 규정한 것을 새 교육과정에서는 빈어로 하였다. ‘교수-학습 방법’과 ‘평가’는 명칭과 다르게 정의되었던 개념을 용어에 맞게 개념 정의를 달리하거나 예시를 바꾸었다. 따라서 새 교육과정은 부분을 보완한 것이 아니라, 제7차 교육과정을 전면적인 개정으로 체계화를 시도한 것이라고 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        중의적(重意的) 서술방식에 따른 의인체(擬人體) 산문과 우화소설의 관계

        송병렬 동방한문학회 2001 東方漢文學 Vol.0 No.20

        Both personified proses and fable novels are using personified techniques in common. A personified prose emphasizes on an ambiguous description which uses old stories or codes without stories. Ambiguous stories of personified proses are divided into surfaced stories and concealed ones, and the former is exposed to on the stories, while the latter is not openly expressed on the stories but just metaphorically on them. Fable novels, however, have been believed for a long time that have been originated from fables. $quot;Seo Oak ki$quot; is a kind of fable novel, different from personified proses and it is exposed personified techniques and also, simultaneously, expressed with ambiguous description. Although the ambiguous description of $quot;『Seo Oak Ki(鼠獄記=鼠獄說)』$quot; follows personified proses' method, its description shows some differences. In other words, its ambiguous description shows exposing both its surfaced story and its concealed story. Therefore, the ambiguous stories of personified proses are exposed on the surfaced stories and written metaphorically, not exposed on the concealed stories, while $quot;『Seo Oak Ki(鼠獄記)』$quot; has both stories. This difference clearly shows that $quot;『Seo Oak Ki(鼠獄記)』$quot; accepts the description of personified proses and also uses a changed description style. And this testifies a fable novel. $quot;Seo Oak Ki$quot; has been mainly related with personified proses from their origin. Many fable novels since the second half of Yi Dynasty has been using ambiguous description within limited range. And this kind of novel has few ambiguous description, but follows the way of description of the personified proses. In conclusion. it is the excessively short-sighted analyses to persist all the fable novels are originated from fables. The partial use of the ambiguous description no doubt shows fable novels adopted the personified description.

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