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      • KCI등재

        국민학교 학생들의 과학에 관련된 태도 조사 연구

        이운환(Woon Hwan Lee),김중욱(Jung Ouk Kim),손석락(Suck Rak Sohn),송남희(Nam Hee Song),송명섭(Myung Seub Song),임청환(Cheong Hwan Lim),최재환(Jae Hwan Choi) 한국초등과학교육학회 1995 초등과학교육 Vol.14 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the attitudes related to the science of elementary school students. To investigate the attitude, modified TOSRA and KEDI`s attitude instrument used for measuring attitudes which was developed by Korea National University of Education. 710 subjects was sampled by stratified cluster sampling method. The major findings of this study are as follows. 1. Fifth grade students have significantly higher attitude scores than other grade students. 2. The value of correlation coefficient among subcategories of science attitudes was 0.3773∼0.6336, which was significant at the 0.001 level. 3. There was statistically significant difference between grade and sex in elementary school students.

      • 지하집모기의 산란 활동과 난괴의 특성에 미치는 저온 효과

        손석락 대구교육대학교 과학교육연구소 2000 과학·수학교육연구 Vol.23 No.1

        저온환경에서 지하집모기의 산란활동과 난의 특성을 파악하기 위하여 1령 유충을 20℃,18℃, 16℃, 14℃에서 사육. 우화시켜 난의 특성을 조사하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 산란율에서는 14℃에서도 95.0%로 높게 나타나서 저온의 영향을 받지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 난괴내 난의 수는 18℃에서 95.8±3.4(mean土S.E)개로 가장 많았으며 그 이하의 온도에서는 점차 줄어들었다. 난의 부화율은 저온(16℃이하)에서 낮게 나타났으며 난괴내 무배란과 유배란의 비율도 높았다. 그러나 각 온도에서 난괴의 형태비(장축의 난의 수/단축의 난의 수)는 모두 동일 하였다(1.5±0.1). The 1st instar larvae of Cules pipiens molestus were reared under the low temperature conditions(20, 18, 16 and 14℃ ) to investigate the oviposition activity and characteristics of egg masses. The results are as follows : The oviposition rate was high(95.0%) at 14℃ and this shows that there was no influence of low temperature on their oviposition activity. The mean number of eggs per egg mass was highest(95.8±3.4. mean±S.E) at 18℃, and gradually declined in lower temperature conditions than this. The hatcing rate of eggs was low and the rate of embryonated and non-embryonated eggs per egg mass was also high at 16℃ and less. But the shape ratio(the number of eggs in the mayor axis/the number of eggs In the minor axis) was same(1.5±0.1) in all temperature conditions.

      • 한국산 Culex pipiens群의 연구 : 대구산 Culex pipiens molestus의 난과 수컷의 생식기 형질을 중심으로 On the egg mass and the male genitalia of Culex pipiens molestus from Taegu, Korea

        孫錫洛 大邱敎育大學校 科學敎育硏究所 1993 과학·수학교육연구 Vol.17 No.-

        The characteristics on egg mass of autogenous Cx. p. molestus collected in Taegu, Korea and the DV/D ratio of its male genitalia were compared with those of anautogenous Cx. p. pallens. 1) The oviposition rate of Cx. p. molestus (82.6%) was higher than that of Cx. p. pallens (53.7%). 2) The mean number of eggs per egg mass was 76.7±0.9(SE) in Cx. p. molestus, but 162.2±4.8 in Cx. p. pallens. 3) In the monthly change of the mean egg numbers per egg mass of Cx. p. molestus, eggs increased in number in June and October, but decreased in July and November. 4) The hatchability(%) of eggs per egg mass in Cx. p. molestus was lower in hot July and August. They showed a little higher percent of non-embryonated eggs compared to other months. 5) The mean DV/D ratio of the male genitalia was-0.02±0.00 in Cx. p. molestus, but 0.22±0.01 in Cx. p. pallens.

      • 誘蚊燈에 捕獲된 모기類의 季節的 發生消長 : 대구교육대학 Campus의 한 곳을 대상으로 At a site on the Taegu National Teacher's College campus

        安琪早,孫錫洛 大邱敎育大學校 科學敎育硏究所 1991 과학·수학교육연구 Vol.15 No.-

        Mosquitoes were collected with light trap at the Taegu National Teacher's College from July to November in 1991. Mosquitoes collected were 1,216 individuals, of which sex ratio(♂/♀) was 1.03. The catches were classified into 5 species of 2 genera : Culex pipiens pallens, C. triaeniorhynchus summorosus, Anopheles sinensis, C. bitaeniorhynchus, C. orientalis. The former three species showed distinct seasonal prevalence : C. pipiens pallens (88.7%), C. tritaeniorhynchus summorosus(6.8%) and Anopheles sinensis(4.3%). The monthly percentages of collected mosquitoes to the total catches were 44.2% in October, 27.3% in September, 16.0% in July and 4.0% in November. As for seasonal prevalence, Culex pipiens pallens showed the uniform pattern of appearance for the period of activity and reached the higher peak in the third week of July and the highest peak in the fourth week of September. C. tritaeniorhynchus summorosus reached the similar size of peak in the first week of August and in the fourth week of September. A. sinensis showed the peak in the third week of July.

      • 아파트 지하에서 발생하는 Culex pipiens群 모기의 계절적 발생소장

        孫錫洛 大邱敎育大學校 科學敎育硏究所 1999 과학·수학교육연구 Vol.22 No.-

        1993년 6월부터 1994년 5월까지(이하 93년으로 표시), 1994년 6월부터 1995년 5월까지(이하 94년으로 표시) 2년간 아파트 지하에서 발생하는 모기류의 계절적인 발생소장과 빨간집모기군(Culex pipiens group)의 월별 종 구성비율의 변화를 조사하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 채집된 개체의 대부분은 빨간집모기군이 었다. 빨간집모기군은 2년간 안정된 발생형태를 나타내었으며 93년에는 8월말과 9월초에, 94년에는 8월초와 말에 가장 많이 발생하였으며 11월 넷째주 부터는 감소하였다. 2) 빨간집모기군에는 지하집모기(Culex pipiens molestus)와 빨간집모기(Culex pipiens pallens)가 혼합되어 있었다. 지하집모기의 비율은 93년에 91.4%, 94년에 87.6%를 빨간집모기는 93년에 8.6%, 94년에 12.4%를 나타내어 지하집모기가 대부분을 차지하였다. 3) 93년과 94년 모두 지하집모기의 최다 발생시기는 8월이었으며, 빨간집모기의 혼합율은 5월(18.1%, 25.4%)이 가장 높게 나타났다. Seasonal abundance and monthly change of species composition rate of Culex pipiens group occurring in a basement of an apartment are investigated with light trap from June 1993 to May 1994(period Ⅰ) and from June 1994 to May 1995(period Ⅱ). The results are a follows. Most individuals collected were Culex pipiens group. Culex pipiens group showed stable seasonal prevalence pattern during two years, and reached peak in number in the late August and the early September in 1993, but in the early and late August in 1994, and began to decrease from the 4th week of November. C. p. molestus and C. p. pallens were mixed in the collected Culex pipiens group. C. p. molestus rate in sampled specimens was 91.4% and 87.6%, and C. p. pallens rate was 8.6% and 12.4% in period Ⅰ and period Ⅱ respectively, showing that C. p. molestus was predominant species. The peak of C. p. molestus in number was August and the intermixing rate of C. p. pallens was the highest in May(18.1% and 25.4%) in period and Ⅰ period Ⅱ.

      • KCI등재

        교육대학 과학교육의 내용과 바람직한 운영방안 : 교양과목을 중심으로 laying stress on the subject for general education

        손석락,이운환 한국초등과학교육학회 1989 초등과학교육 Vol.8 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to study an efficient operational device of the general science courses and its remedy by analyzing students conditions for the general science courses and literature study, and to examine the frame of the contents focusing on physics and biology in a teacher's college. The results of this study are as follows. 1. Natural science of the selective course among the cultural subjects was selected on the basis of the course which students had already chosen in a high school 2. Considering teaching all 4 courses of natural science in as elementary school after graduation, it was thought that integrated operation(7 credit, 8 hours) of the required and selective courses is desirable. 3. Experiment is indispensable in natural science, and introduction of experiment(at least 1 credit, 2 hours per course or 1 credit 8 hours in natural science) in a present curriculum is needed because elementary science has been organized in the center of inquiry. 4. A design for the frame of the contents of biology and physics among the general science courses is presented(tables 11 and 12)

      • 韓國産 파리의 硏究 第18報 腐肉에 誘引된 파리類에 關하여 : 慶北大學校 캠퍼스 한 곳을 對象으로 At a site on the Kyungpook University campus

        朴星湖,孫錫洛 慶北大學校 1982 論文集 Vol.33 No.-

        1. A total of 8,434 flies were collected by the fly trap laid in the Kyungpook university campus on 28 separate occasion over a eight-month period. The collection comprised 21.7% males and 78.3% female at male-to-female sex ratio of 29.5. 2. The catches were identified and classified into 22 species: Calliphora lata Pierretia ugamskii Aldrichina grahami Ravinia striata Phaenicia sericata Musca domestica P. cuprina M. tempestiva Lucilia illustris Muscina stabulans Parasarcophaga similis M. angustifrons P. crassipalpis Fannia canicularis P. albiceps F. scalaris P. harpax Ophyra leucostoma Helicophagella melanura Anthomyia illocata Boettcherisca peregrina Graphomyia maculata 3. Of the 22 species, eight were of sanitary significance occurring in numbers exceeding 80. Arranged in the descending order in size of the catches: Lucilia, Phaenicia spp. 53.8% of the total collection (at sex ratio of 8.9), Fannia scalaris 11.2% (64.9), Aldrichina grahami 8.8% (93.2), Boettcherisca peregrina 6.6%, Ophyra leucostoma 4.9%(7.9), Muscina angustifrons 4.0%(21), Calliphora lata 2.7%(21.5) and Helicophagella melanura 1.9%. 4. As seasonal prevalence common among the species collected five times in 26 April, 24 May, 5 July, 27 September and 25 October while the least occurrences were observed in 17 May and 4 October. 5. Temperature and the length of sunlight hours, among the environmental factors, appeared closely related to the sized of the catches. 6. The five most frequently occurring species of sanitary significance, paragraph four above, were paired into four groups in terms of the similarity in their seasonal prevalence: Calliphora lata and Aldrichina grahami, Boettcherisca peregrina and Helicophagella melanura, Phaenicia, Lucilia spp. and Ophyra leucostoma, and Muscina stabulans and M. angustifrons. 7. Many similarities were observed in the seasonal prevalences of the flies collected simultaneously at a site on the Kyungpook University campus and at a hog and chicken raising farmhouse lacated in Gosan in the suburbs of Daegu. 8. Among the catches collected at the both sites, Phaenicia, Lucilia spp. prevailed the most at 53.8% on the Kyungpook University campus and 38% at the farmhouse of Gosan. 9. The seasonal prevalences of the five most dominant species collected at the both sites were compared.

      • Studies on Flies in Korea : 16. On the hitherto unreported fly species of Melinda and female of Polleniopsis chosenensis from Korea 第16報 Melinda屬 未記錄種과 Polleniopsis chosenensis 암컷에 關하여

        Park, Soung-Ho,Sohn, Suck-Rak 慶北大學校 1981 論文集 Vol.31 No.-

        1. Melinda pusila pusilla가 우리나라에서 처음 發見되었고 Melinda屬이 새로 記錄되었다. 2. 未記錄 1屬과 1種이 追加됨에 따라 우리나라 검정파리科는 14屬 21種이 記錄된다. 3. 北韓의 咸鏡南道 赴戰嶺이 模式産地인 Polleniopsis chosenensis Fan, 1965가 1980年 8月 江原道 五臺山에서 採集되었고 Fan(1965)의 原記載에 未知의 것이라 밝혔던 암컷이 發見되었기에 記錄한다. 4. Fan(1965)의 Polleniopsis chosenensis의 新種原記載에 圖解하지 않았던 수컷의 生殖器 및 射精管을 圖解했다.

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