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      • 先天性 巨大結腸의 外科的 處置

        孫基燮 忠南大學校 1974 論文集 Vol.13 No.1

        Congenital megacolon, Hirschsprung's disease, is a disease in which obstinate constipation, marked abdominal distension and bile stained vomiting occur from birth. This disorder has a familiar tendency and is one of the commoner and more lethal form of intestinal obstruction in infancy. In 1948 Swenson and Bill had developed, on the basis of animal experiments, the technique for an abdominoperineal pull-through with resection of the aganglionic segment and preservation of the anal sphincters. This technique soon became the standard radical operation for many years and contributed greatly to pediatric surgery. However, as experience grew, it became apparent that Swenson's procedure was a delicate one and had so many serious complications even in the hands, of competent surgeons. Thereafter many authors has described the operations for this condition, but those has had advantages and disadvantages and used for special condition. In 1957, Duhamel described modified procedure based on the principle of resection avoid pelvic dissection and rectum is not resected. And at present many surgeons have mostly used modified Duhamel procedure, which has lesst mortality and complication, for congenital megacolon. Author has experienced 4 cases of congenital megacolon and treated with Swenson's pull-through procedure for 3 cases and modified Duhamel for a case. Two cases of Swenson's procedure, and one case of Duhamel's procedure, has had excellent result but one case of Swenson's procedure, had a generalized peritonitis and enterocolitis due to intestinal obstruction by numerous ascaris. Illustrations and summaries of different operations for congenital megacolon are presented.

      • KCI등재


        손기섭 동아시아일본학회 2006 일본문화연구 Vol.19 No.-

        본고는 한국의 시점에서 일본, 중국, 동아시아 공동체 논의의 현상분석에 주력하면서, 한일 및 일중 정치경제관계가 ‘65년 체제’ 또는 ‘72년 체제’로 나타난 전후적 ‘특수관계’에서 고이즈미 정권기에 여러 다양한 갈등적 쟁점들이 부각되는 탈전후적 ‘보통관계’에로 구조전환을 하는 주요 원인과 구조적 특징을 분석하는데 주요 연구목적이 있다. 첫째, 일본정치시스템이 소위 ‘55년 체제’에서 ‘2003년 체제’로 전환 재편됨에 따라, 고이즈미 수상의 동아시아 외교노선도 일본정치의 ‘2003년 체제’적 신보수본류의 정책노선을 강화할 것으로 판단된다. 둘째, 일중관계가 더욱 악화된다면, 그 기폭제는 단중기적으로 두 쟁점, 즉 고이즈미 수상의 야스쿠니신사 참배문제와 동중국해 천연가스 개발문제에서 비롯될 것이다. 일중관계의 경우, 고이즈미 신내각은 악화된 관계를 더 이상 방치하기 곤란한 것도 명백하다. 중국의 리자오싱 외상, 원자바오 총리 등이 끊임없이 야스쿠니 참배의 중지를 요구하며 침략전쟁에 대한 반성과 사과가 언어적 수사에 그칠 것이 아니라 이제는 ‘행동’으로 보여줄 것을 강력히 요구하는 심각한 상황이고, 국내 여론의 다수도 야스쿠니 참배에 더 이상 호의적이지 않기 때문이다. 현재의 갈등 국면은 심각하며, 정상적인 상황은 아니다. 해결 구도는 고이즈미 수상이 야스쿠니 참배를 중지하고 좀더 유연한 동아시아외교를 추진하는 길 밖에 없으나, 실제는 참배를 강행했다. 셋째, 동아시아 공동체 논의는 내셔널리즘, 야스쿠니 참배, 영토 및 해양자원 갈등 등 현실적인 다양한 장애 요인을 간직하고 있으나, 동아시아 시민사회의 창출 및 동아시아 ‘평화원조’ 등 이론적 규범적 어프로치를 바탕으로 다양한 기능적 접근을 강구해야 할 것이다. 마지막으로, 한국정부는 일중관계 변화의 세부내용에 유의하면서도 동북아 국제관계의 역학변화를 잘 분석하여 동북아 평화의 확보와 한반도 통일에의 가능성을 여는 단기적 및 중장기적 외교정책을 수립하여야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        나카소네 내각의 제2차 대중원조정책 : 원조내용과 정책결정

        손기섭 한국정치정보학회 2018 정치정보연구 Vol.21 No.1

        This article aims to clarify the characteristics and the meaning of contents of Japan's aid policy to China in the era of Nakasone Cabinet in the 1980s. It was the second aid package to China pledged through Nakasone's visit to Beijing in 1984 after Ohira in 1979. We can see some major characteristics and meanings in the pledges of aid giving policy during 1983-1984. Firstly, it was carried out by Kantei leadership given by prime minister, his advisers and key political staffs. Secondly, the choice of aid projects was much faster than we thought and there were hardly special pressures around Japan's aid to China such as exterior pressures from USA or interior pressures from LDP and strong business groups. Thirdly, it was special aid package from the viewpoints of aid policy decision-making. Its aid contents, namely, were consisted of giving pledges of multiple years and big size aid porojects more about three times than the first case in 1979. Finally, prime minister Nakasone have played a major roles on the aid package case. His leadership was positive and affirmative in the aid case and based on friendship diplomacy. He was very friendly to Fuyaobang and Dengxiaoping, Chinese top leaders who were pursuing open modernization policy for China. Nakasone weas also filled with strong convictions that he could extend Japanese national interests through his aid policy. I believe this article could get some good proofs to examine Japan's characteristics of ‘politicle aid’ cases in the region of East Asia like as Korea and China. 이 연구논문은 일본 나카소네 정권이 1984년 3월에 결정한 제2차 대중국 원조정책을 분석한 것으로서, 80년대의 중일관계의 흐름 속에서 어떠한 공여내용의 원조를 어떤 정책결정과정을 거쳐 결정했는지 분석하는데 주된 연구목적을 두었다. 분석구도는 ‘내외압 조정’ 의 구도를 활용했다. 제2차 대중원조의 총액결정을 두고서는 관계성청 간의 줄다리기가 치열했던 것으로 분석되었다. 일본의 핵심 경제관청인 대장성은 5년간 3천억 엔 대를 주장한 반면, 외무성과 통산성은 4천억 엔 대를 고집하여 좀처럼 합의를 보지 못했다. 이 점이 제1차 정부초안, 제2차 정부초안, 정부안 등 다소 긴 과정의 정책결정프로세스를 보여주는 요인으로 작용하였다. 총액 규모를 두고 대장성과 외무성 및 대장성과 통산성간의 대립구도를 보여 주었지만, 나카소네 수상은 제1차 미 이행분 상품차관 300억 엔을 포함하여 5,000억 엔 규모의 원조 제공을 위한 공여안 작성에 정치적 리더십을 발휘한 것으로 나타났다. 중국의 대일본 전쟁배상권 포기에 대한 보은의식도 작동한 정치적 조정과 판단의 결과였다. 나카소네 수상의 ‘조기 방중’의 의사는 강했으며, 스스로 ‘데즈쿠리외교(手作り外交)’라고 부르듯이 양국 정상 상호간의 프렌드십 외교를 중시하는 동시에 한미일중 외교협력과 제휴 네트워크를 위해 엔차관 원조를 외교수단으로서 활용한 점이 가장 큰 특징으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        샌프란시스코 강화조약과 동아시아 국제질서-소련, 인도네시아, 호주, 일본의 강화정책 내용분석을 중심으로-

        손기섭 대한정치학회 2022 大韓政治學會報 Vol.30 No.1

        The San Francisco Peace Treaty in 1951 was made to end The Second World War finally and to reconcile war responsibility & reparations between Japan and the concerned countries. The Treaty has been proceeded in the mid of Cold War atmosphere and confrontation. American Truman government has tried to make a friendship with Japan as military alley against the communist countries such as Soviet Union and continental China. As a result, the contents of the international conference was very generous to Japan. This paper aims to clarify the recognitions and diplomatic characteristics of Soviet Union, Indonesia, and Australia in the San Francisco Conference compared with Japan’s Yosida Prime minister’s policies and speech. 일본의 전후처리를 담당하고 제2차 세계대전 중 태평양전쟁을 종결시키는 샌프란시스코 강화조약은 동아시아 국제관계의 대립구도 속에서 진행된 것이었다. 일본의 침략전쟁에 따른 전쟁책임 및 동아시아 전쟁 피해국에 대한 배상이나 전후처리도 중요했지만, 소련이 주도하는 동유럽과 동아시아 공산주의 팽창정책에 대한 비판도 강하게 제기었다. 본고는 이러한 샌프란시스코 강화조약의 체결과정에서, 일본과의 전쟁처리와 전후책임문제에 임하는 소련과 인도네시아, 호주 정부의 기본적 국제정세 인식과 정책제안 내용이 어떠했는가를 분석하고, 조기 강화조약을 희망한 일본 요시다 수상의 전후처리외교 인식과 정책대응을 분석하는데 주된 연구목적이 있다. 즉, 1951년 9월 샌프란시스코 강화조약 협상에 나타난 주요 각국의 시각과 정책제안들을 분석하고 비교하며, 이에 대응하는 요시다정권의 전후처리외교의 내용적 특징을 분석한다.

      • 대장직장암 환자의 술전 및 술후 혈청 CEA측정의 의의

        손기섭,배진선,김인구,장일성,윤완희 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1988 충남의대잡지 Vol.15 No.2

        This report is a clinical study of the significance of preoperative and postoperative serial check of plasma CEA levels in 36 cases of colorectal cancer who were admitted and treated at the Chungnam National University Hospital from Mar. 1987 to Oct. 1988 and the results were as follows: 1. The positive rate of preoperative CEA level(over 5ng/ml) in colorectal cancer was 58.3% In resection group, positive rate and mean CEA level were 53.6% and 7.6ng/ml respective and in unresection group they were 75% and 36.7ng/ml respectively (p<0.05). 2. The proportion of patients with abnormal CEA level(over 5ng/ml)was 33.3% in Dukes B, 46.2% in Dukes' C and 69.2% in Dukes'D. 3. The proportion of patients with abnormal CEA level(over 5ng/ml) was 25% in wel1.diffe rentiated type, 60.9%in moderately differentiated type and 37.5 % in poorly differentiated type. 4. The recurrence rate after curative resection in preoperative normal CEA(0~2.5ng/ml) group was presumed 0% in borderline(2.6~ 5ng/ml) group was 33.3%, in high(over 5ng/ml) group was 16.7% 5. In 3 patients with postoperative liver metastasis had the highest frequency of elevated level(over 60ng/ml), whereas those with local recurrence had a lower frequency of elevated level. 6, A patient had second look procedure include segmental resection of local recurrence, buthe was dead of peritoneal caricinomatosis several months later.

      • 대장 및 직장암의 임상적 연구

        孫基燮,姜珉圭 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1988 충남의대잡지 Vol.15 No.2

        The colorectal cancer is the second most common cause of cancer deaths in the United States. The incidence of colorectal cancer is seemed to increase lately in our country as the dietary condition has been westernized. In addition that various diet, life style, hormonal, psychological variables and other unknown environmental factors may affect colorectal cancer. But earlier detection with numerous favorable means and appropriate surgical treatment for colorectal cancer used to improve survival and the quality of life of patients after surgical therapy. In this reguard authors reviewed 105 cases of colorectal cancers had been treated at the Department of General Surgery, College of Medicine, Chungnam National University from July 1984 to June 1988. The results are as follows; 1) The peak incidence reveales in the sixth decade and followed by seventh decade and those are 64.7%. The sex ratio is predominant in male as 1.1:1 2) The location of lesion is most frequent in the rectum(61.0%) and followed by sigmoid colon (16.2%). 3) The common symptoms and signs are bloody stool and melena, pencil like stool, constipation, abdominal pain and defication difficulty. 4) Major diagnostic methods and those accuracy are barium enema 96.2% sigmoidoscopy 92. 1 %, rectal. examination 54.3% and flexible fiberoptic colonoscopy 85.7%. 5) Pathologic diagnosis of patients were mostly adenocarcinoma 94.8%, which were moderately differentiated 66.7% and well differentiated 18.5%. 6) Dukes' classification shows. A: 16.7%, B: 19.8%, C:29.2%, D:34.4% and pathological staging shows. 1 :16.7%, Ⅱ:19.8%, Ⅲ:32.3%, Ⅳ:31.3%. 7) No correlation was found between the level of CEA and pathological grade and stage. 8) Major operative procedure were as follows; Miles' operation: 29.0%, sigmoid loop colostomy: 21.%, right hemicolectomy: 15.0%, anterior resection: 14.0%, lower anterior resection:9.0%. 9) Overall postoperative complication was 38.0% which include wound infection 34.7%, bladder dysfunction 24.5%, intestinal obstruction 18.4%, and leakage 10.2% and operative mortality is none. 10) Distant metastasis developed in the liver, 19.0% and in pelvic organ, 12.4%. 11) 4 years follow up shows as follows, 1 year survival rate is 83.0%, 2 years 61.5%, 3 years 30.4% and 4 years 29.6%.

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