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      • Analysis on the Development of Cultural Leisure Tourism Industry under Industry Convergence : A Case Study of Hangzhou

        Zhang Su(?素) 세계문화관광학회 2010 Conference Proceedings Vol.11 No.0

        文化?意??是?代服???展的强大“?意引擎”。休?旅游??文化?意??融合下的文化休?旅游?是消?需求新机遇下旅游??待培育的新消??点,是城市?代服???展的增??。―中?最佳旅游城市?之?的杭州在打造全?文化?意??中心的同?,提出?展文化休?旅游?是??杭州率先以?代服???支撑的后工?化?代的?略??。本文通??世界文化休?旅游?市?化、自?化、集群化等的?展??分析,?述杭州?展文化休?旅游?具?的?位、人才、文化、??等??基?????展方式、消???升??型、旅游??化等??的?略机遇,由此剖析杭州文化休?旅游?在未??展中?待解?的??及措施。 The cultural creativity industry has become the great “creativity engine” of modern service industry (MSI). Under the convergence of the leisure tourism industry and cultural creativity industry, cultural leisure tourism industry (CLTS) is the important new consumption hot spot and growth pole of urban MIS development. “The finest tourism city of China” Hangzhou while makes the national culture creativity industry center, thus proposed that developing CLTS is the strategic choose to actuate Hangzhou taking the lead to enter into the high technology industry , leading, MSL move into the post-industrial age. Through the analysis of world's CLTS marketing, consciously, clustering developing trends, this paper illustrates the strategic opportunities of Hangzhou CLTS development with location, talent, culture, industry and other Foundation and economic development, consumption patterns, tourism-internationalization. Thus the author analysis Hangzhou CLTS problems in the future development and propose support measures.

      • KCI등재

        신석정 후기 시의 도가사상적 성격과 그 생태학적 함의

        미(Wei Shao) 문학과환경학회 2018 문학과 환경 Vol.17 No.1

        신석정(1907~1974)은 작품 창작의 초기부터 도가사상(道家思想)의 영향을 많이 받아온 시인으로 알려진다. 그동안 도가사상의 관점으로 신석정의 초기 시를 설명한 연구가 이루어져 왔다. 그의 후기 시집, 특히 2007년에 뒤늦게 출판된 그의 육필유고시집 『내 노래하고 싶은 것은』에 관한 연구는 매우 미흡한 실정이다. 따라서 후기 시에서 자연 이미지가 어떻게 나타나고 자연에 대한 신석정의 인식이 일관되게 나타나는지를 논의한 연구도 거의 이루어지지 못하였다. 이러한 실정을 감안해서 본 연구는 유고시집 『내 노래하고 싶은 것은』을 신석정의 후기 시로 포함해서 후기 시에서 드러난 신석정의 자연에 대한 인식을 살펴보고자 한다. 신석정의 후기 시에는 시집 『대바람 소리』와 『내 노래하고 싶은 것은』이 포함된다. 『대바람 소리』에 관한 기존 연구를 살펴보면, 시집에 드러난 자연 친화적인 경향을 주목하여 초기 자연시로의 돌아감으로 보는 의견들이 주류를 이루어 왔다. 사실상 초기보다, 신석정의 시세계에서 노장사상이 가장 절실하게 드러나는 시기는 후기이다. 필자가 살펴본 결과에 따라 신석정의 후기 시에 나타난 도가의 무위자연사상은 다음 두 가지 측면에서 의미가 있다. 첫째, 유신체제기의 엄격한 검열제도에 대응하기 위한 우회적인 저항이다. 둘째, 근대화 사회의 여러 가지 문제를 해결하고 인간과 자연의 관계를 회복하는 대안책이다. 신석정은 자기중심적이고 인간중심적인 사고방식에서 벗어나 자연 본성을 되찾아야 하고, 세계관의 전환을 통하여 병리적인 인간사회를 개선하려는 주장을 내세우고 있다. 이러한 측면에서 볼 때, 신석정의 후기 시는 깊은 생태학적 함의를 지닌다. One of the most prominent figures in the modern literary circles of South Korea, Shin Seok-Jeong’s poetry is well-known for its recurrent Taoist leitmotif. Previous scholarship of his poetry has primarily sought to explicate and contextualize his early poetry with reference to its evocation of Taoism. There is, however, a general dearth of academic inquiry into his later poetry, and in particular his relatively neglected anthology The Songs I Want to Sing which was published posthumously in 2007. This paucity of research into how natural images and motifs manifest in his later poetry calls for greater theoretical exploration of his thought, especially with regard to potential progressions of his ontological consciousness of nature. This study seeks to contribute to the literature by examining his perception of nature in his later poems. Two anthologies constitute his later poetry, which notably includes his The Sound of Bamboo Wind collection that was published prior to his death. Previous research on his collection tends to invoke as a referential analytical framework the nature-friendly tendencies of his early nature poetry; yet, amore dominant form of Taoist thought similarly pervades his later poems. This study illustrates how palpable the poetic natural thought of ‘Wuwei-Ziran’ is in his later poems; first, in terms of roundabout resistance to oppressive censorship, and, secondly, as an alternative means to both addressing the ills of modern society and healing the relationship between nature and humankind. Shin advocates through his later poetry the abandonment of egocentrism and anthropocentrism and proposes instead the adoption of worldview informed by the tenets of ‘Wuwei-Ziran’, which he believes would afford society the opportunity to view its problems at a more elevated level. In this respect, the later poems of Shin Seok-Jeong have profound ecological implications.

      • KCI등재


        小?裕二(오노유지),崔蓮姬(최연희) 동북아시아문화학회 2014 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.38

        The mission of literature is to see through the invisible reality by imagination, and to comprehend others on the point of view of others. Literature tries to look in to the things which political theory or general logic can not explain. Immigrants are the people who can realize a picture of the world, historical point of view, or vision of the nation which the settlers can not recognize. On the other hand, immigration has various unknown reality. Immigration literature is important as it sheds new light of the unknown reality of immigration. There are two characteristics of Japanese immigration literature. The first characteristic of Modern immigration literature is not only to focus on the "ekkyou bungaku". Japanese still got the logic and sense based on the colonialism. Criticizing and comprehension of the Japanese literature request the view of the post colonialism. Nakajima Atushi"s ‘Happiness’ is immigration literature which got the others" point of view. Secondly, it is the attention of Japanese immigration literature from the immigrants who still live in Japan after the war. It also shows how the Korean-Japanese immigration literature has been changed during 60 years after the war. Japanese gives a priority to the consideration of the boundary and the existence of others. These points are the characteristics of the Japanese Korean immigration literature. If Japanese Korean immigration literature changed the consciousness of Japanese, it could be possible for Japanese to cross the boundary. The ‘ekkyou bungaku’ comes from the point where we rebuilds the discriminated boundary.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        엘리트스포츠선수의 신체적 요소에 관한 검토

        小?優作(Ogura, Yusaku),藤井勝紀(Fujii, Katsunori),김준동(Kim, Jun-Dong) 한국체육과학회 2019 한국체육과학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        Exploration of the physical elements of elite athletes in Japan’s top leagues or around the world is a key issue related to the core aspect of discovering sports talent. We applied a radar chart analysis in evaluating the physical balance of elite athletes. First, we sought to build standards for evaluation of physical balance in each sport. Next, we investigated the sex differences in physical elements. We then also sought the meaning of sports gender in discovering sports talent. We found that both male and female athletes are taller than the general population. Sports in which height is a significant advantage are those in which height is prominent and there is much contact play. The ratio of weight to height tends to be large. With regard to the sex differences in physical elements, a physique chart of males and females in each sport showed almost the same forms in all athletes except short-distance track athletes. Therefore, it is thought that a physical balance suited to the sport is necessary regardless of sex. In terms of talent discovery, the first fundamental condition is thought to be to find individuals, both male and female, who are tall.

      • KCI등재

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