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가족 연구에서의 유형화 연구 고찰 : 가정학 분야를 중심으로
성미애,옥선화 대한가정학회 2002 Family and Environment Research Vol.40 No.2
The purpose of this study is to analyze typologic methods in the Family Studies. For this goal, we reviewed literatures related to social research methodology, and analyzed articles in the Family Studies part on the basis of themes and typologic methods. The major results can be summarized as follow: Typology methods used to clarify complex and subtle family phenomena and distinguish redundant interaction in everyday life. Especially, they can show family system type, communication mode style, leisure activity type, life attitude type, and personality traits type. Typology was made by the methods as follow: the insight, crossing the two single question, intersecting scale's mean or middle point, cluster analysis, and factor analysis. Typology is useful method in the Family Studies, but the accuracy standard needs in the future studies.
사회투자론적 관점에서 본 새 정부의 가정정책 : 분석과 과제
성미애,송혜림,Sung, Mi-Ai,Song, Hye-Rim 한국가족자원경영학회 2008 가족자원경영과 정책 Vol.12 No.4
The purpose of this study is to analyze and assess the family policy of the Lee administration and to suggest agendas for sustainable future family policy. Traditionally, families are a unique unit of production and reproduction of family members and social laborers. In addition, families are the social safety net help people survive in a society. Therefore, family policies play an important role in contemporary society. In this context, we review the literature related to family and social policy, and the contents of Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs, which is the main authority in Korea. The results are as follow: Firstly, the Lee administration ignored the data showing that family policy should be a unique policy, and not a sub-division of welfare policy. Secondly, there is no difference between the active welfare policy of the Lee administration and policies of past administrations. Finally, this study suggests that subjects of future oriented family policy should focus on co-developing programs for the individual, family, and society, to develop problem-prevention and family needs- ordered policy, and to make integrated family policy through laws and delivery systems such as Healthy Family Centers.
일부지역의 노인에서 구강보건교육 경험이 주관적 구강건강수준에 미치는 영향
성미애,최성숙,이윤희,Sung, Mi-Ae,Choi, Sung-Suk,Lee, Yun-Hui 한국임상보건과학회 2019 한국임상보건과학회지 Vol.7 No.2
Purpose. This study was to correlations between oral health education experience and subjective oral health level of elderly in Yeongnam region. Methods. The data were collected from 254 elderly in Yeongnam region. Data analysis was performed using cross Analysis, t-test(One-way ANOVA), logistic regression by SPSS WIN 17.0 program. Results. According to the general characteristics of the study subjects, 42.8% of those under 75 years and 57.2% of those over 75 years of age had never been educated, 50.7% of living expenses less than 1 million won and 37.3% of those below 2 million won had never received oral health education (p<.05). The differences in subjective oral health levels with or without oral health education experience showed higher limitations of function and impairment of social psychic function in the elderly with no experience than those with oral health education experience(p<.05). Correlation between oral health education experience and subjective health level of the elderly showed a positive relationship with each factor, meaning that the subjective oral health level was higher with oral health education(p<.05). Subjective oral health levels for functional limitations or social and psychological disorders were high in the elderly without oral health education(p<.05). Conclusion. Considering the impact of oral health education experience on the subjective oral health level of the elderly as above, we should develop various continuous and systematic programs that can increase prevention and post-education practices for the increase of education beneficiaries through diverse approaches to enhance their usability.
치위생과 학생들의 전공만족도가 진로결정 자기효능감 및 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향
성미애,최성숙,Sung, Mi-Ae,Choi, Sung-Suk 한국임상보건과학회 2018 한국임상보건과학회지 Vol.6 No.2
Purpose. This study was to effects of major satisfaction of dental hygiene students and students on self-efficacy and career preparation behavior by investigation to provide basic data for developing a systematic career customized employment support program. Methods. The data were collected from 249 students from December 1 to 10 day 2016 in Yeongnam region. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics frequency, t-test(One-way ANOVA), logistic regression by SPSS WIN 18.0 program. Results. According to the general characteristics department dental hygiene students were major satisfied with 59.8%. Satisfaction with career decision self-efficacy and career preparation self-efficacy was found to $68.30{\pm}10.21$ statistically significant(p<.001). Satisfaction was also found to statistically significant ($32.65{\pm}6.05$) in career preparation behavior(p<.05). Satisfactory scores were found to 1.306 times higher than the dissatisfied students in the career decision self-efficacy goal setting. It was found that 8.423 times in satisfaction of career planning in career preparation. Conclusion. Considering the effects of dental hygiene students' major satisfaction on career decision self - efficacy and career preparation behavior, it would be good if we could develop and use various programs to improve the satisfaction of students in their majors.
출산 연기형 무자녀 기혼 여성의 관점에서 본 출산 연기의 맥락과 정책적 제언
성미애(Mi ai Sung),최연실(Youn shil Choi),이재림(Jae rim Lee) 한국가족학회 2015 가족과 문화 Vol.27 No.1
본 연구는 출산 연기형 무자녀 기혼 여성이 어떠한 맥락에서 출산을 연기하며 향후 출산에 대해 어떠한 인식을 갖고 있는지를 살펴보고, 이를 토대로 저출산 정책에 대한 제언을 도출하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 결혼 후 3년이 경과하였고 일시적으로 출산을 연기하고 있다고 보고한 무자녀 기혼 여성 5명과의 심층면접 자료를 주제 분석법을 사용하여 분석한 결과, 이들이 출산을 연기하는 가장 중요한 사유는 경제적 부담이었다. 이외에도 일과 자녀양육을 병행하기 어려운 현실, 자녀를 대체하는 애완동물의 존재, 그리고 시간적으로 자유롭고 경제적으로 여유로운 부부 둘만의 생활에 대한 만족 때문에 출산을 연기하였다. 그러나 이들은 출산 연기에 대한 주위의 부정적 시선으로 인해 부담감을 느꼈다. 출산에 대한 양가부모의 압력에 대해서는 부모의 경제적 지원 여부에 따라, 부당한 참견이라고 인식하거나 죄송한 일이라고 인식하는 대조적인 태도를 보였다. 이들의 향후 출산 의향은 부모됨에 대한 개인적 태도나 가족의 여건에 따라, 부담스럽지만 출산을 하겠다는 입장과 최대한 출산을 미루겠다는 입장으로 나뉘었다. 본 연구의 결과를 토대로 볼 때, 저출산 정책은 다자녀가족에 대한 지원에만 초점을 맞추기보다 출산을 계획하고 있는 예비부부나 무자녀 가족을 고려하는 방향으로 확대해야 하며, 미시적으로는 양성평등적 성역할 공유에서부터 거시적으로는 가족친화 사회환경 조성이 이루어져야 할 것이다. 또한 자녀양육에 대한 지나친 부담에서 벗어나 자녀를 독립적인 인격체로 보는 자녀관의 확립이나 공보육 및 공교육 체계의 정상화가 선행되어야 할 것이다. 이상과 같은 연구결과는 저출산 대응 정책에서 출산을 연기하는 집단과 관련하여 무엇을 고려할 필요가 있는지에 대한 구체적인 정보를 제공했다는 점에서 의의가 있다. The purpose of this study was to explore the context of childless married women who decided to postpone parenthood and their perceptions of having a child in the future. We also aimed to provide implications for public polices in response to the low fertility rate in Korea. In-depth interviews were conducted with five childless women who had been married for over three years, who reported that they were temporarily postponing parenthood, and who were younger than 50 years old. Three major themes emerged from our thematic analysis: (a) reasons for postponing parenthood, (b) others’ negative perspectives of postponing parenthood, and (c) intentions to have a child in the future. Economic pressure was the key reason they gave for postponing parenthood. The participants thought that childbirth and childrearing would be an economic burden and that properly raising a child meant providing the child with sufficient economic resources. They also postponed parenthood because they believed it would create challenges including juggling between work and child care due to a lack of satisfactory child care support, a possible career interruption, and a lack of shared housework support from their husbands. Other important reasons were having a pet that substituted for a child or feeling comfortable with a childless life style. Other people’s negative perspectives of postponing parenthood put considerable pressure on the participants. The women felt uncomfortable with their parents’ or parents-in-law’s attitudes if they did not agree with the women’s decision to postpone parenthood. Some participants thought that their decision to delay parenthood was the couple’s own business, while others perceived that it was a choice a filial daughter or daughter-in-law should not choose. Economic support from the parents or parents-in-law contributed to these contradictory perceptions. The participants thought the overall societal perceptions of childless couples who postponed parenthood were still negative in Korea despite recent changes. The participants’ intentions to have a child varied depending upon their family circumstances and their attitudes toward parenthood. Some women planned to become a mother in the near future while others wanted to postpone parenthood as long as possible or considered remaining childless. Regardless of their intentions, all of the women perceived childbirth and childrearing as a “burden” or “assignment” as compared to their childless lives that they characterized as having sufficient free time and economic resources. Based on the findings of this study, we suggest that public policies in response to low fertility rates should be extended to include premarital couples and childless married couples rather than exclusively supporting families with multiple children. At the micro level, it would be crucial to infuse egalitarian gender roles among couples and to reform Koreans’ attitudes toward children so they can view children as independent human beings rather than putting a heavy emphasis on parental roles and investments. At the macro level, public policies need to focus on building family-friendly social environments as well as strong public child care and education in order to remove societal barriers for parenthood.
[연구논문] 여성 퇴직자의 퇴직 후 생활에 관한 질적 연구-교직ㆍ공무원직 퇴직자를 중심으로-
성미애(Miai Sung),옥선화(Sun Wha Ok) 한국가족학회 2004 가족과 문화 Vol.16 No.2
his article explores how female retirees reconstruct their post-retirement lives. Participants had experienced conflicts balancing family and career in a society with sex discrimination. This study used in -depth interviews of women's life histories to identify the following key issues. First, participants expressed various attitudes toward retirement. Three types of attitudes were identified: pursuit of freedom, pursuit of job, and miss but adaptation. Second, they fulfilled housework unavoidably(with the exception of two participants) and reconstructed post-retirement lives with religious service, volunteer activity, habit, going back to work, and supporting their children. Third, they wanted couple-oriented lives but experienced ongoing conflict with their husbands. Fourth, they felt guilty for not having taken care of their children at home, and consequently most participants gave their chil?dren unconditional material support.