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      • KCI등재

        정약용의 ≪주역사전(周易四箋)≫에 보이는 한자자형에 대한 인식 연구

        徐漢庸 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2014 中國學論叢 Vol.44 No.-

        本硏究限於≪周易四箋≫,考察了茶山對≪周易≫註釋的內容,把타歸類於字形構造,字形變遷,字形關係,試探了茶山文字注釋的特點. ≪周易四箋≫裏,有茶山的的文字註釋,也有他兒子的文字註釋,卽是丁學淵和丁學游的文字註釋. 他們註釋≪周易≫,或參考了中國字書的解釋,也考慮了≪周易≫卦形, 有근≪說文≫說解一樣的解釋,也有根≪說文≫說解不一樣的解釋. ≪周易四箋≫的文字註釋特點有以下幾點. 第一, 茶山釋形,有的參考中國字典的古文字資料,近於造字理據. 有的依據楷書形體,遠於造字理據. 他釋形之誤主要來源於他重義的態度. 第二, 茶山對會意字說解裏,不僅有以‘從’釋會意字形的說解,也有以‘象釋會意字形的說解. 據此,可以看到他對象形和會意不太嚴格的態度. 第三, 茶山在≪周易四箋≫對形聲字,主要解釋了義符的義,흔少解釋聲符的音. 這是因爲他注箋≪周易≫的目的在於釋義,不在於釋音. 所以他解釋的聲符主要是兼義的. 卽茶山注箋文獻,要以字符義來提高文獻的解讀效果,盡量解釋漢字字形所表的意義. 這導致了讓他解釋聲符的意義. 可是這也引起他解釋兼義的聲符,進一步解釋同聲符同源字的字際關係.

      • KCI등재

        <篆訣歌>의 隸變 分析에 대한 고찰- 字形의 合倂을 중심으로 (2)

        서한용 중국학연구회 2016 中國學硏究 Vol.- No.76

        The 『Zhuanjuege(篆訣歌)』, quatrain with seven Chinese characters in each line, has the Gugyeols, a system for rendering texts written in the Zhuanshu(篆書) writing system into another understandable form of the Lishu(隸書) writing system and is the textbook for the learning of the Zhuanshu(篆書) writing system. The book was written in Kaishu(楷書) writing system by Ying Zai(應在) in Won Dynasty and the Zhuanshu(篆書) writing system was added and edited by Zhu, Zhi-fan(朱之蕃) in Ming Dynasty. Due to the addition of Zhuanshu(篆書) writing system by Zhu, Zhi-fan(朱之蕃), the book has undergone some radical changes in the seven texts such as 『Zhuanfabianjue(篆法辨訣)』 written in Kaishu(楷書) writing system by Ying, Zai(應在), Zhong Guoshibanben(中國石版本), Lindemingben(林得明本), Weichangduben(韙倡讀本), Weichangchaoben(韙倡鈔本) written in Kaishu(楷書) writing system and Zhuanshu(篆書) writing system by Zhu, Zhi-fan(朱之蕃), 『Zhuanfatanyuan(篆法探源)』 written in Zhuanshu(篆書) writing system by Yang, Jia-xiang(仰嘉祥), and 『Zhuanjuege(篆訣歌)』written in Zhuanshu(篆書) writing system by Han, Tian-heng(韓天衡). This article aims at analysing the relationship between Zhuanshu(篆書) and Kaishu(楷書) of 『Zhuanjuege(篆訣歌)』.

      • KCI등재

        訓詁에 보이는 ‘始’義 同源字에 대한 고찰 - <廣雅疏證>을 중심으로

        서한용 중국학연구회 2017 中國學硏究 Vol.- No.80

        Guang-ya(廣雅) compiled by Zhang Ji(張揖), in about A.D. 227, is a dictionary of synonyms. Wang Nian-sun(王念孫) discriminated among synonyms by Guang-ya-shu-zheng(廣雅疏證) in about A.D. 1795. In his book, Wang Nian-sun(王念孫) annotated synonyms of Chinese characters in Guang-ya(廣雅). At the same time, he also tried to find out the homophonic and synonymic relationship in Chinese characters. These are the foundation of the graphonomy of Chinese characters. So we can say, Wang Nian-sun(王念孫) made the greatest contribution to the theoretical construction to the etymology of Chinese characters. The outstanding dictionaries of Chinese characters were Shuo-wen-jie-zi-zhu(說文解字注) by Duan Yu-cai(段玉裁) and Shuo-wen-tong-xun-ding-sheng(說文通訓定聲) by Zhu Jun-sheng(朱駿聲). These books described Chinese characters and also analyzed the homophonic and synonymic relationship in Chinese characters. The representative dictionaries in the etymology of Chinese characters were Tong-yuan-zi-dian(同源字典) by Wang Li(王力), Wen-shi(文始) by Zhang Tai-yan(章太炎), and Shuo-wen-tong-wen(說文同文) by Huang Kan(黃侃). The homophonic and synonymic relationship in Chinese characters was described and analyzed in these books. This report consists of four chapters. The first chapter gives the purpose of the etymologycal study in synonyms of Chinese character 'Shi(始)'. The second chapter gives analysis of the etymologycal study in synonyms of Chinese character 'Shi(始)' in Guang-ya-shu-zheng(廣雅疏證). The third chapter gives analysis of the etymologycal study in synonyms of Chinese character ‘Shi(始)’ in Shuo-wen-jie-zi-zhu(說文解字注), Shuo-wen-tong-xun-ding-sheng(說文通訓定聲), Tong-yuan-zi-dian(同源字典) Wen-shi(文始), and Shuo-wen-tong-wen(說文同文). The concluding chapter provides the summary of the preceding chapters and the description of conclusion. 이 논문은 王念孫의 『廣雅疏證』을 중심으로 諸學者들의 訓詁에 보이는 ‘始’義 同源字에 대한 고찰한 것이다. 張揖은 『廣雅·釋詁一』에서 “古, 昔, 先, 創, 方, 作, 造, 朔, 萌, 芽, 本, 根, 櫱, 鼃, 䔞, 昌, 孟, 鼻, 業” 등 19字에 대해 ‘始也’로 풀이하였는데, 이 글자들에 대해 王念孫을 비롯한 諸學者들이 뜻과 소리가 통하는 글자들을 밝혔다. 王力은 『同源字典』에서 ‘古-故-詁’, ‘萌-芒-鋩’, ‘根-基-跟’ 등 3例의 ‘始’義 同源字 9字를 밝혔는데, 본 연구는 王力의 『同源字典』에서 제시하고 있는 同源字가 극히 미비하다는 것에 주목하여 王念孫의 『廣雅疏證』과 諸學者들의 訓詁에 보이는 ‘始’義 同源字를 고찰하였다. 그 결과 王念孫의 『廣雅疏證』에서 보이는 ‘始’義 同源字가 ‘朔-初’, ‘櫱-糱-孼’, ‘䔞-律-聿’, ‘昌-倡’ 등 4例의 10字, 段玉裁의 『說文解字注』에서 보이는 ‘始’義 同源字가 ‘古-故-詁’, ‘作-迮’, ‘櫱-糱-孼’ 등 3例의 8字, 朱駿聲의 『說文通訓定聲』에서 보이는 ‘始’義 同源字가 ‘古-故-詁’, ‘朔-初’, ‘萌-’, ‘鼻-自’ 등 4例의 9字, 章太炎의 『文始』에서 보이는 ‘始’義 同源字가 ‘先-兟-前’, ‘且-創-作-迮-初-唱-倡-祖’, ‘萌-芒’, ‘本-茇’, ‘根-氒-榦-竿-稈-䅌’ 등 5例의 21字, 黃侃의 『說文同文』에서 보이는 ‘始’義 同源字가 ‘先-丨--進-晉-兟’, ‘創-作-迮-初’, ‘萌-芒-’, ‘本-茇’ 등 4例의 15字가 있음을 확인할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『廣雅疏證』의 ‘行’義字 訓詁에 보이는 聲同聲近字에 대한 고찰

        서한용 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2019 中國硏究 Vol.78 No.-

        Guang-ya(廣雅) compiled by Zhang Ji(張揖), in about A.D. 227, is a dictionary of synonyms. Wang Nian-sun(王念孫) discriminated among synonyms by Guang-ya-shu-zheng(廣雅疏證) in about A.D. 1795. In his book, Wang Nian-sun(王念孫) annotated synonyms of Chinese characters in Guang-ya(廣雅). At the same time, he also tried to find out the homophonic and synonymic relationship in Chinese characters. These are the foundation of the graphonomy of Chinese characters. So we can say, Wang Nian-sun(王念孫) made the greatest contribution to the theoretical construction to the etymology of Chinese characters. The outstanding dictionaries of Chinese characters were Shuo-wen(說文) by Xu-shen(許愼), Shuo-wen-jie-zi-zhu(說文解字注) by Duan Yu-cai(段玉裁) and Shuo-wen-tong-xun-ding-sheng(說文通訓定聲) by Zhu Jun-sheng(朱駿聲). These books described Chinese characters and also analyzed the homophonic and synonymic relationship in Chinese characters. The representative dictionaries in the etymology of Chinese characters was Wen-shi(文始) by Zhang Tai-yan(章太炎). The homophonic and synonymic relationship in Chinese characters was described and analyzed in this book. This report consists of five chapters. The first chapter gives the purpose of the etymological study in synonyms of Chinese character ‘Xing(行)’. The second chapter gives analysis of the Yi-ti-zi(異體字) in synonyms of Chinese character ‘Xing(行)’ in Guang-ya-shu-zheng(廣雅疏證). The third chapter gives analysis of the Jia-jie-zi(假借字) in synonyms of Chinese character ‘Xing(行)’ in Guang-ya-shu-zheng(廣雅疏證). The fourth chapter gives analysis of the Tong-yuan-zi(同源字) in synonyms of Chinese character 'Xing(行)' in Guang-ya-shu-zheng(廣雅疏證). This report also gives analysis of the etymological study in synonyms of Chinese character ‘Xing(行)’ in Shuo-wen(說文), Shuo-wen-jie-zi-zhu(說文解字注), Shuo-wen-tong-xun-ding-sheng(說文通訓定聲). The concluding chapter provides the summary of the preceding chapters and the description of conclusion. 張揖은 『廣雅·釋詁一』에서 ‘行’의 뜻을 가진 글자가 “躔, 厯, 逝, 去, 趨, 徥, 流, 步, 遵, 遃, 蹠, 遂, , 從, 逯, 轉, 隨, 巡, 充, 略, 將, 進, 由, 駕, 帶, 貫, 䠶, 逭, 逳, 踚, 遡, 吉, 䞯, 蹈’ 등 34자가 있음을 밝혔는데, 王念孫은 張揖이 제시한 ‘行’義字에 대해 同字, 通字 등의 소리가 같거나 비슷한 聲同聲近字로 訓詁하였다. 王念孫이 ‘行’義字에 대해 訓詁한 聲同聲近字는 ‘帶’-‘遰, 逝’, ‘䠯’-‘䟑’, ‘遡’-‘泝’, ‘吉’-‘㣟’, ‘䞯’-‘赴, , 報’의 5組가 있음을 알 수 있는데, 본 논문에서는 張揖이 제시한 ‘行’義字 ‘帶’, ‘踚’, ‘遡’, ‘吉’, ‘䞯’의 5字와 이 글자에 대해 王念孫이 訓詁한 聲同聲近字 ‘遰’, ‘逝’, ‘䟑’, ‘泝’, ‘㣟’, ‘赴’, ‘ ’, ‘報’의 8字의 本義와 引伸義를 분석하여 이 글자들이 소리가 같거나 비슷하면서 의미상 서로 연관이 있는 同源字의 조건에 부합하는지를 모색하고자 하였다. 본 논문의 연구결과에 따르면 王念孫이 ‘行’義字 疏證에서 밝힌 同字, 通字 등의 소리가 같거나 비슷한 글자가 총 5組의 8字이고, 이 중 ‘䟑, 泝, ’가 異體 관계의 글자이고, ‘遰, 逝, 㣟, 報’가 假借 관계의 글자이며, ‘赴’만이 同源 관계의 글자라는 것을 알 수 있는데, 특히 이러한 연구 결과를 통해 王念孫의 『廣雅疏證』에서 보이는 ‘或作~, 亦作~, 通作~, 與~同, 與~通, 聲義相近, 聲近義同, 語之轉’ 등의 용어가 異體字, 假借字, 同源字 등을 구분하지 않은 것임을 알 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        許穆手稿本 『金石韻府』에 대한 고찰

        서한용 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2020 中國硏究 Vol.82 No.-

        Jin Shi Yun Fu is a book that contains more than 120 kinds of epigraphs such as Han Jian, Yun Tai Bei, Shuo Wen Jie Zi. Jin Shi Yun Fu published by The Commercial Press, Ltd. of Taiwan in 1977, and it has been belonged in the Korea University Library. The National Record Heritage (http://www.heritage.go.kr) has been a treasure trove of Jin Shi Yun Fu (Treasure No. 592-2). The introductory remark mentioned that the Jin Shi Yun Fu is a Zhuan Shu dictionary gathered and compiled all the manuscripts in the old epigraph, and transcribed by Heo Mok who is a Confucian scholar of late Joseon dynasty. He was a disciple of Zheng Qiu when he was 23 years old (1543~1620) and respected the discipline of Li Huang (1501~1570). He learned about Li Huang from Zheng Qiu, served as successor of Li Huang, and delivered the Li Huang sudy to Li Yik (1681~1763). He was also an excellent calligrapher and was good at Zhuan Shu calligraphy. In 1642 when his age was 29 he began to live a secluded life in the Zi Feng Mount at Guang Zhou Woocheon, and had devoted himself to reading and writing. It was known that this book had been published by lithographic printing. This shows that Jin Shi Yun Fu was regarded as an important Zhuan Shu dictionary during the Joseon Dynasty. Because the Jin Shi Yun Fu was a very voluminous book, Heo Mok didn't transcribed all of the original contents. Instead, he transcribed some important and characteristic parts from the original version. In particular, the Heo Mok's domplied version of Jin Shi Yun Fu preserves much of the letters of Shang Sheng, which were missing from Jin Shi Yun Fu of the Taiwanese version. To date, the only research paper on the Jin Shi Yun Fu was published by Lin Wenhua as the dissertation of masters degree at the Fu Jian University in China in 2012. Guang Jin Shi Yun Fu is an enlarged edition of Jin Shi Yun Fu, and a small portion of the contents of Jin Shi Yun Fu can be seen through the Lin Wenhua's the dissertation. According to the Kang Mikyung's commented on the Kyujanggak collection of Guang Jin Shi Yun Fu, the collection is a rhyme dictionary written by Ren Shang Kui and Li Gen of Qing Dynasty. Ren Shangkui had the courtesy name of Zhu Chen and his home town was Putian. Li Gen had the courtesy name of A Ling or Yun Gen and his home town was Jinjiang. Their personal details reports were not known clearly up to now. Furthermore, the correct details about the Kyujanggak collection of Guang Jin Shi Yun Fu are not clear. Because the collection have missing some books and doesn't have preface, copyright information, and postface, it is very hard to identify the correct details of the collection. According to Si Ku Quan Shu Zong Mu, this book originally tried to emulated Zhu Shiwang's Jin Shi Yun Fu and excell it, the book have attached Chinese letter prefix of 'Guang' just before the original title. In this case, 'Guang' has the adjectival meanig of 'extensive', 'wide' or 'copious'. Accordingly, it can be clear that Guang Jin Shi Yun Fu is a extended version of the Zhu Shiwang's Jin Shi Yun Fu. This study focuses on the fact that the Heo Mok's transcription of the Jin Shi Yun Fu is the abstract of the original version of Jin Shi Yun Fu, and shows the characteristics of Heo Mok's transcription by the comparison of the two versions of the Jin Shi Yun Fu with the focus on the Heo Mok's transcription. 『金石韻府』는 明代 周時望이 『汗簡』, 『雲臺碑』, 『說文解字』 등 120여종의 鍾鼎石刻文字를 수록한 책인데, 고려대학교 도서관(대학원 공량 089.95 1912 1.472)에 1977년 臺灣商務印書館股份有限公司에서 影印하여 출판한 『金石韻府』 上·下 2冊이 소장되어 있다. 『金石韻府』는 그 내용이 매우 방대한 책이다. 따라서 이를 抄한 許穆手稿本 『金石韻府』는 원본의 내용을 모두 抄하지 않고, 그 일부의 내용만 抄한 특징을 보인다. 특히 許穆의 手稿本은 民國66년 影印本 『金石韻府』에서 누락된 上聲의 글자들을 상당부분 보전하고 있다. 현재까지 『金石韻府』에 관한 연구 논문으로 2012년 중국 福建師範大學 林文華의 碩士學位論文 『「廣金石韻府」研究』가 유일하다. 『廣金石韻府』는 『金石韻府』를 증보한 책인데, 林文華의 논문을 통해 『金石韻府』에 관한 내용을 일부 엿볼 수 있다. 본 연구는 許穆手稿本 『金石韻府』가 그 원본인 『金石韻府』를 抄錄한 것임에 주목하고, 許穆手稿本을 중심으로 두 판본을 비교 연구하여 原本을 소개하는 동시에 抄錄本의 특징을 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        규장각본 『篆韻』에 대한 고찰

        서한용 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2022 규장각 Vol.60 No.-

        In Kyujanggak, Zhuan Yun is stored as a material related to Zhuan Shu. The introductory remark mentioned that this is a book in which Yun Zi and the characters corresponding to each Yun are recorded as Zhuan Shu, and also revealed that the date of the editor and compilation is unknown. Although not disclosed in the introductory remark, the second part of the Kyujanggak collection of Zhuan Yun is written with the title 'Guang Jin Shi Yun Fu Chao' as a Zhuan Shu. It can be seen that most of the contents of this book are copied from Guang Jin Shi Yun Fu. This study focuses on the fact that Guang Jin Shi Yun Fu is the original version of the Kyujanggak collection of Zhuan Yun, and clarify the characteristics of the composition and content of the Kyujanggak collection of Zhuan Yun through comparative study with Guang Jin Shi Yun Fu. Looking at Guang Jin Shi Yun Fu, written by the Kyujanggak collection of Zhuan Yun, the index of Yun Zi is presented first. And then it can be seen that the Zhuan Zi is listed according to each Yun Zi. However, the Kyujanggak collection of Zhuan Yun does not distinguish the characters according to the Yun Zi, but writes the characters at the top. If you look at the Yun Mu of Guang Jin Shi Yun Fu, it can be seen that there are a total of 195 Yun, including 28 Yun of Shang Ping Sheng, 30 Yun of Xian Ping Sheng, 51 Yun of Shang Sheng, 52 Yun of Qu Sheng, and 34 Yun of Ru Sheng. However, if you look at the Yun Zi written at the top of the Kyujanggak collection of Zhuan Yun, it can be seen that there are 105 characters written in it. The National Library of Korea holds another Zhuan Yun that is different with the Kyujanggak collection of Zhuan Yun. According to this, it can be seen that the National Library collection of Zhuan Yun is a book composed of 106 Yun, which are Ping Shui Yun. Comparing the letters written at the top of the Kyujanggak collection of Zhuan Yun with those of the National Library collection of Zhuan Yun, it can be seen that there is only a difference between ‘Yu’ and ‘Ji’ without the character 'Tai'. The Kyujanggak collection of Zhuan Yun did not transcribe the characters of Guang Jin Shi Yun Fu as it is, but instead transcribed them by writing or revising them. The total number of characters in the book was 2,732 characters, 229 out of 2,937 characters contained in Guang Jin Shi Yun Fu. It can be seen that 24 characters of Guang Jin Shi Yun Fu were added. It can be seen that the Kyujanggak collection of Zhuan Yun relied heavily on Shuo Wen. Also, considering the addition of Yi Shan Bei, a representative Bei Wen that records Xiao Zhuan, it can be seen that the Kyujanggak collection of Zhuan Yun placed great importance on Xiao Zhuan.

      • KCI등재

        『急就篇』의 部首字形에 대한 고찰

        서한용 중국학연구회 2011 中國學硏究 Vol.- No.58

        In Han dynasty, there were several materials on the primary Chinese characters text-book, which are the Jijiupian(急就篇), Cangjiepian(倉頡篇), Xunzuanpian(訓纂篇), Fanjiangpian(凡將篇), Pangxipian(滂喜篇). Jijiupian(急就篇) is a textbook for teaching children to read and write compiled by Shi You(史遊), who was an office in the Western Han dynasty at the Yuan Di emperor(B. C. 43-39). It had not only played a very important role in the history of traditional Chinese education, but also in calligraphy creating. It also was prevailing as a textbook for children to recognize Chinese characters. As a matter of fact, it has the function of both a book for language and for common sense. This book has involved in many natural and social knowledge people then had. The content of this book is especially very rich which has special historical value to the research of the Chinese characters. This paper gives the precise statistical result of the radicals of chinese characters in Jijiupian(急就篇).

      • KCI등재후보

        이덕무의 중국 문자학 인식

        서한용 근역한문학회 2010 한문학논집(漢文學論集) Vol.30 No.-

        In his book『Qengjangguanjenseo(靑莊館全書)』, Lee,Deok-moo(李德懋) made the contributions to the theoretical construction to the science of Chinese characters. He analyzed the rules behind character construction, and tried to find out the nature of Chinese characters, the relationship between Chinese characters, the evolutionary laws of Chinese characters, the characteristic of ancient Chinese characters etc. These are the foundation of the science of Chinese characters. So we can say Lee, Deok-moo(李德懋) had a certain degree of understanding of character studies. This study tried to examine the various analysis about Lee, Deok-moo(李德懋)’s analysis of Chinese characters. 이병도(李丙燾)는『국역 청장관전서(靑莊館全書)』의 해제에서 “當世(당세)의 계몽적(啓蒙的) 조류(潮流)는 호벽(好癖)의 이덕무(李德懋)로 하여금 더욱 다채다기(多彩多歧)롭게 하여 그는 경(經)·사(史)·문예(文藝)로부터 경제(經濟)·제도(制度)·풍속(風俗)·금석(金石)·도서(圖書), 기타 조수(鳥獸)․초목(草木)에 이르기까지 널리 탐구하고, 고거(考據) 변증(辨證)에 정진하였다.”라고 하였다. 이러한 평은『청장관전서』에서 볼 수 있는 박학다식한 이덕무의 면모를 잘 설명해 주는데, 이 중 금석(金石)과 고거(考據)의 내용에서 이덕무의 문자학(文字學) 연구 성과를 찾아 볼 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 이덕무의 문자학에 대한 연구의 시작으로 이덕무의 문자학과 관련된 제반 사항에 대해 살펴보았다. 즉 이덕무의 생애 및 저술을 살펴보고, 본 연구를 시작하게 된 동기와 연구 방법 및 이덕무의 문자학에 대한 기존 연구 성과에 대해 서술하고, 이덕무의 ‘문자학사, 문자학, 한자의 기원’ 등에 대한 인식을 중심으로 이덕무의 중국 문자학 인식에 대해 연구하였다.

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