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        한위건의 초기 생애와 3・1 독립운동 참여 과정 톺아보기 -생애 초기 규명과 경성의학전문학교 특성 고찰을 중심으로-

        사오리,최규진 동아시아일본학회 2020 일본문화연구 Vol.0 No.75

        Han Wui-geon was born on May 29, 1896. His family was one of the local worthies in Hamheung and was an “enlightened” family. His family background may have served as the foundation for him to lead the Seobuk Students Society and YMCA Student Group. Han Wui-geon entered Keijo Medical College(KMJ) in 1917. Founded in 1916, KMJ was the successor to the Government Medical School of Joseon, the symbol of Joseon's independent modern medical education, which went through a rocky history such as degenerating into a medical training center by Japanese colonial rule. KMJ was also the best higher educational institution and the only Korean-Japanese coeducational institution in Korea. Such history and special academic environment of KMJ became the backdrop for promoting anti-Japanese sentiment among Korean students. The discriminating factors Han Wui-geon experienced in the admission process and the curriculum were enough to kindle his anti-Japanese consciousness.

      • KCI등재

        한국 근대의학 지식의 초기 수용 모습 - 의학교의 외국인 교원과 의학교과서를 중심으로 -

        하세가와 사오리(Hasegawa, Saori),최규진(Choi Kyu-Jin) 동아시아일본학회 2021 일본문화연구 Vol.- No.78

        대한제국 정부가 세운 최초의 근대식 의학교육기관인 의학교의 탄생은 지석영의 우두법 도입을 계기로 이어진 조선의 자주적인 근대의학 지식 수용의 결실이었다. 이 의학교에서는 본격적인 근대의학 지식 수용을 위해 초창기부터 일본인 교원 채용과 의학교과서 번역작업이 진행됐다. 그 과정에서 일본인 교원에게 의학교 학생들이 그들의 의학 지식을 따져 묻고 배제하는 상황이 발생했는데, 이를 통해 조선 근대의학의 변증법적 발전을 엿볼 수 있다. 이는 조선인 의서 번역자들의 등장과 그들의 작업물을 통해 더욱 분명해진다. 현재까지 발견된 의학교에서 사용한 의학교과서는 유창희가 번역한 『병리통론』과 유병필이 번역한 『해부신학박제진전』 두 권뿐이다. 하지만 이 두 권이 시사하는 바는 적지 않다. 근대 의학 중에서도 가장 핵심적인 이론이자 전통의학과 가장 큰 차이를 보이는 것이 병리학과 해부학이기 때문이다. 특히 1902년 학부에서 발행된 『병리통론』은 현존하는 가장 오래된 의학교과서일뿐 아니라 공식적인 의학 지식의 장(場)에 특정병인론과 국소병리학이라는 근대 의학관의 두 기둥을 최초로 제시한 작업으로서 그 역사적 의미가 매우 크다. The birth of Uihakgyo(the first modern government medical school in Korea) itself was the fruit of the subjective acceptance of modern medicine. In the Uihakgyo, the recruitment of Japanese instructors and the translation of medical textbooks were conducted to fully adopt the modern medical knowledge from the earliest days. In the process, students enrolled in Uihakgyo interrogated Japanese teachers about their medical knowledge, suggesting that the medicine in Joseon was developed into more independent one. Such a dialectic change was more certainly verified by the appearance of Korean medical book translators and their translations. The medical textbooks containing the modern medical knowledge used in Uihakgyo, which has been discovered, include only two volumes: 『Byeonglitongron』 translated by Yu Changhui and 『Haebusinhakbakjejinjeon』 by Yu Byeongpil. These two volumes, however, give significant suggestions, since it is both pathology and anatomy that are most central theories in the modern medicine and most significantly different from the traditional one. In particular, 『Byeonglitongron』 published by the Education department in 1902 have a very important historical implication, in that it is not only the oldest medical textbook among those that are existent, but also it first suggested two columns for the modern medical philosophy to the field of formal medical knowledge; specific etiology and regional pathology.

      • KCI등재

        コミュニケーション上の問題の引き金となり得る 日本語母語話者の会話参加に関する一考察 ―日韓接触場面の意味交渉を中心に―

        나가타 사오리 한국일어교육학회 2016 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.35

        This study attempts to investigate how the conversation participation of Japanese native speakers can be a trigger for communication problems in the two aspects of language production and reception in contact situations between Japanese and Korean. On the basis of 18 Japanese conversations between Japanese native speakers and Korean non-native speakers of Japanese, this paper investigates language production and reception by Japanese native speakers that lead to communication problems in situations where negotiation of meaning occurs. The results suggest that (1) language production by Japanese native speakers that can cause communication problems includes the use of code-switching, the utterance that depends on context, and the utterance that needs pragmatic interpretation, (2) language reception by Japanese native speakers that can be a trigger of communication problems includes the lack of a native speakers' knowledge or information and the suggestion of words or expressions that is inconsistent with the intended meaning of non-native speakers. 本稿は、日韓接触場面における、コミュニケーション上の問題の引き金となり得る日本語母語話者の会話 参加の実態を、言語産出と言語理解の二つの側面から明らかにすることを目的とした研究である。 分析資料は、日本語母語話者と韓国人日本語非母語話者の1対1の自由会話18件の録音データとその文字化 データである。本稿では、「聞き手が話し手の発話を聞き取れない、もしくは理解できない場面」と「聞き手 が話し手の発話意図を誤解した場面」を意味交渉場面と定義し、意味交渉場面における、母語話者の会話参 加の問題点について、会話の前後関係から質的に考察した。 その結果、母語話者の言語産出においては、相手言語へのコード·スイッチング、文脈依存の発話、語用論 的意味の理解を必要とする発話といった母語話者の発話が、非母語話者とのコミュニケーションにおいて、 問題となり得ることが明らかになった。また、母語話者の言語理解においては、母語話者の知識や情報の欠 如と、非母語話者が意図した意味とは食い違う語彙·表現の一方的な提示が、問題の引き金となり得ることを 指摘した。以上の結果を踏まえ、接触場面において母語話者は、自身の言語規範を基底規範としながらも臨 機応変に相手言語規範も取り入れ、非母語話者が理解しやすいよう、言語産出を調整する能力と、非母語話 者の発話を最後まで聞き、聞き取れない箇所は聞き返しを行うなどして、非母語話者が本当に言いたいこと を引き出せる能力が求められることを提言した。

      • KCI등재

        한국의 근대적 병리학 지식의 수용 경로 - 『병리통론』의 전염병 관련 서술을 중심으로 -

        하세가와 사오리,최규진 한국과학사학회 2022 한국과학사학회지 Vol.44 No.1

        Byeonglitongron (病理通論, General Theory of Pathology), published in 1902 by the Hakbu (Ministry of Education) was the first modern pathology textbook translated and published in Korea. Byeonglitongron was also published by the Hwangsungjejungwon (Severance Hospital) in 1907, which suggests Byeonglitongron was a key textbook in medical education. The Korean version of Byeonglitongron presented the core modern pathological knowledge for infectious diseases. Analysis on the preface of the Korean version of Byeonglitongron (1902) showed that the book was a retranslation of the Japanese version of Byeonglitongron. Japanese version was compiled and translated by Yamada Ryosyuku and Hasegawa Junchiro from German pathology books, mainly from lecture notes of Erwin von Bälz and the pathology books of Julius Friedrich Cohnheim. Byeonglitongron, a textbook in Uihakgyo (the first government modern medical school) and Severance Hospital, showed the early transfer of modern medical knowledge from Germany to Japan, and in turn, Korea. In particular, since the first volume of Japanese version of Byeonglitongron was mainly based on the lecture notes of Bälz, it can be said that German pathology knowledge had a significant influence on the formation of early modern pathology knowledge in Korea through Bälz.

      • KCI등재

        조선통신사를 통해 본 조선 후기 한일 의학교류의 변화 양상: 통·번역 관점에서 본 의사문답(醫事問答)을 중심으로

        하세가와 사오리,최규진 한국통역번역학회 2024 통역과 번역 Vol.26 No.2

        This pioneering study examines the medical exchanges between Joseon and Japanese intellectuals, particularly through the medical conversation sessions conducted during the Joseon Tongsinsa missions, from the perspective of translation and interpretation. It provides empirical evidence that these medical conversation sessions can be framed as translation and interpretation activities, highlighting how two groups with different languages met and communicated, and how the knowledge from one group was transformed and disseminated in an understandable form to the other group. Additionally, this study illustrates that the medical exchanges via the Joseon Tongsinsa surpassed the traditional view that advanced knowledge flowed unilaterally from Joseon to Japan. It demonstrates that Western medical knowledge, initially absorbed by Japan, was being transmitted to Joseon. However, this advancement in Japanese medicine through the assimilation of Western medicine did not ultimately reach Joseon. The reason for this is that the Joseon intellectuals who participated in the 11th Tongsinsa mission of 1763-1764, despite observing the dialectical progress of Japanese medicine, were reluctant to adopt it. Consequently, the medical Q&A sessions conducted during this 11th Tongsinsa mission were, in effect, the last official medical exchanges between Joseon and Japan.

      • KCI등재

        일본 의료통역 사업의 현황과 과제 - 한국 의료통역 사업에 대한 시사점을 중심으로 -

        하세가와 사오리,최규진 한국통역번역학회 2018 통역과 번역 Vol.20 No.3

        Medical service is one of the most important considerations for people who plan to live in or travel to Korea. Medical interpretation is a service area that must be given the first priority to improve the access to medical services for migrants or foreign tourists to Korea. Therefore, this study examines a relevant case in Japan which shares a similar background with Korea in terms of social culture, institutions and geopolitics. First of all, the governments of Korea and Japan are similar in that they are promoting medical interpretation service focusing on foreign tourists. However, a careful examination reveals a few differences. First of all, Korea started to implement the Medical Interpreter Certification System ahead of Japan. The most striking difference between the two countries in the medical interpretation service is the level of activity in the private sector. In Japan, private agencies specializing in medical interpretation as well as the Japanese Association of Medical Interpreters are practically providing the medical interpretation service for the government, local governments or private medical institutions. Another noteworthy aspect of the Japanese medical interpretation service is that there is a sincere approach to medical interpretation service as a community interpretation service although the scale is not large at this point. Thus, the medical interpretation service in Korea is ahead of the corresponding program in Japan in terms of form, but there are a few aspects in content that should be noted.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        731부대에 대한 민족주의적 ‘소비’를 넘어서 ―731부대 관련 사진 오용 사례와 조선 관계 자료 검토

        하세가와 사오리(Hasegawa, Saori),최규진(Choi, Kyujin) 역사비평사 2020 역사비평 Vol.- No.132

        Unit 731 is quite familiar to Koreans, so much so that the term ‘Maruta’, which refers to the people who fell victim to the experiments by Unit 731, is often used in everyday life. However, it is not easy to obtain proper information about Unit 731 in Korea. Most of the information online display gruesome pictures and describe Unit 731 as a ‘mad group’ that used Joseon people as ‘Maruta.’ The efforts to properly learn about Unit 731 has been far from enough since information providers were bent solely on the nationalistic ‘consumption’ of Unit 731. It was a frequent occurrence for media outlets to be engrossed in stimulating nationalistic sensibility and hence use wrong photos. What is more problematic is that it is difficult to find academic papers or books that correct such cases. Based on the awareness of this problem, this study reviewed the most representative cases of photograph misuse by the media in Chapter 2. In fact, it would be unfair to blame the media alone for the repeated distorted reports on Unit 731 in the Korean media, because that signifies the absence of researchers who are able to review such reports. In that sense, this article is also a self-reflective essay by one the researchers related in the field. For a constructive reflection, historical records and topics that are worthy of note in relation to Joseon are presented in Chapter 3. While the topics mentioned here are microscopically limited to Joseon and hence are directly about Unit 731, opting a broader perspective will lead to a wide variety of research topics. In other words, the issue of Unit 731 is a subject worthy of further exploration rather than to be ‘consumed’ merely by nationalistic sentiments. It is expected that more diverse and thorough approach is taken in researching Unit 731 in the future. Hopefully, this article will help bring about such a change.

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