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      • KCI등재

        초고층 아파트 거주 아동의 건강성 조사연구

        백혜선,강인호,Paik, Hae-Sun,Kang, In-Ho 한국주거학회 2006 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.17 No.6

        Though super-highrise apartment buildings have become increasingly widespread, their negative effects on the residents have not been investigated sufficiently and practically in domestic situations. In particular, the foreign discussion on residential environment and the residents' health can not be applied domestically due to physical or cultural differences including physical residential space structure and life-style. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the inter-relationship between residence in super-highrise apartments and their residents' health, to reveal the problems which exist. for this purpose, a parental-response health evaluation - questionnaire on children's physical, emotional and behavioral characteristics was given to a total of 336 persons. The health of the children living in super-highrise apartments is evaluated to be good, and is related to what floor of the apartment building people live on. It is represented that the higher the story, the better the children's health. However, there is no meaningful difference according to various evaluation items including the frequency and type of disease, emotional health, behavioral characteristics, etc. Therefore, it cannot be said that children's health shows no meaningful differences depending on what floor they live on. The parents dwelling on higher floors of the building display a more careful educational attitude. This is because they feel anxious about the children's safety as shown by the fact they live on higher stories.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        공동주택단지 주민공동시설의 총량제 설치기준 도입효과 분석

        백혜선(Paik, Hae Sun),이영환(Lee, Young Hwan),권혁삼(Kwon, Hyuck Sam) 대한건축학회 2015 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.31 No.3

        The required number of community facilities in apartment complexes had been determined by the number of households. The recent revision of the required number calculation of community facilities modified the calculation method to base on the total area of an apartment complex. However, the previous method is still implemented by some. The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of the revised system and to suggest areas of improvements. Fifty six apartment complexes that received construction approvals under the revised regulation were selected for this analysis. In addition, four local governments that enacted revised regulations autonomously were analyzed as well. The findings are as follows; 1) the average of total areas of community facilities under the revised regulation was 29.2% bigger than the minimum required total area, 2) the local difference is not statistically significant, 3) the average total area of community facilities governed by the local regulations was 45.9% bigger than the legal minimum, and 4) there are differences in the area of some community facilities since the implementation of the revision.

      • KCI등재

        친환경 공동주택 인증단지의 실태 및 거주자 만족도 조사에 의한 지표 개선방안 연구

        백혜선(Paik, Hae-Sun),김종엽(Kim, Jong-Yeob),정윤혜(Jung, Yoon-Hye),송옥희(Song, Ok-Hee) 대한건축학회 2014 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.30 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to explore the validity of green building certification and regulations and to improve the design guidelines and green building rating system based on green-certified score, field survey, resident satisfaction survey of green-certified apartment complex. The 6 green-certified apartment complexes in metropolitan area were selected for this study. The findings are as follows ; 1)It found that eco-friendly environment factor has higher correlation with green-certified score and resident satisfaction than the other factors, such as land use and transportation, energy, indoor environment. 2)Defects of unit and outdoor space after occupancy have impacts on the satisfaction for eco-friendly environment factors due to a link between residential satisfaction and satisfaction for eco-friendly environment factors. Thererfore, post management system with relation to green-certified score is required for manage the green-certified apartment complexes consistently. 3)Authors also suggested improvements on community center and facility, pedestrian road in apartment complexes, bicycle parking lot and bicycle road, separating the household recyclables from the garbage, offering the user’s manual, and aquatic biotope and land biotope.

      • KCI등재

        공동주택 공급유형별 부대복리시설에 대한 거주자 의식 및 이용현황조사 연구

        백혜선(Paik, Hae-Sun),권혁삼(Kwon, Hyuck-Sam) 대한건축학회 2012 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.28 No.12

        While 1.5 million Bogeumjari housing, including rental housing for low-income people and small- and medium-sized housing based on sales, will be constructed and supplied in the near future, its community facilities are not sufficiently reflecting the characteristics and demands of residents by diverse housing types. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the characteristics of residents and their demands on community facilities by types of supplying housing, which can be the basis for making the housing regulations. The following four types of housing are considered in this study: 1) permanent rental housing, 2) public rental housing (50-year), 3) National Rental Housing (30-year), and 4) housing for sale. We surveyed 1,300 residents from 16 housing complexes in those four housing types. The key findings of the survey are as follows. First, each housing type has different household characteristics. An average age of residents and the number of households are different in each housing type. Second, the criteria for housing selection are different (i.e., housing size and distance from work for rental housing vs. housing expense for housing for sale). The expected residence time is longer in rental housing than in housing for sale. Third, local community activities, which require the reasonable operation of resident representative meetings and financial assistance from government, are the most important in permanent rental housing. Lastly, residents are generally satisfied with service facilities, but their satisfaction level and the facilities they need are different depending on housing type. Accordingly, the housing regulations should be improved to compute the total amount of areas of community facilities and, within the total amount computed, flexibly implement the facilities reflecting the characteristics and demands of residents by housing type.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        부분 임대형 주택의 개선방안에 관한 연구

        백혜선(Paik, Hae-Sun),이승미(Lee, Seung-Mi),강인호(Kang, In-Ho),강부성(Kang, Boo-Seong) 대한건축학회 2013 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.29 No.10

        The purpose of this study is to explore the validity and to improve the design guidelines based on the satisfaction survey of residents who have lived in Partial Rent Dwelling System House(PRDSH). The total of 456 households were selected from the 2 apartment house complexes which have PRDSH units for data analysis. The findings are as follows ; 1)The unit size for rental household should range between 14㎡ and 36㎡. 2)One or more bedrooms, an individual kitchen, an individual bathroom, and a separate entrance are required for the rental household unit. The door should be planned in the unit to integrate both owner"s and tenant"s units if needed. 3)The individual gauge system of gas, electricity and a piped water facility should be installed to impose the maintenance cost for each household. The building entrance open control device should be installed to access individually for each household as well. 4)A unit with PRDSH is counted as one household for planning welfare facilities except the parking lot. 5)The number of units with PRDSH should be less than 30% of the total households in the apartment complex.

      • KCI등재후보

        공동주택 친환경인증단지의 에너지성능지표 비교분석 연구

        김종엽,정윤혜,백혜선,Kim, Jong-Yeob,Jung, Yoon-Hye,Paik, Hae-Sun 한국토지주택공사 토지주택연구원 2013 LHI journal of land, housing, and urban affairs Vol.4 No.4

        Although many certification works have been carried out since Green Building Certification was enforced in 2002, analyses of the effects and efforts to improve this system are still poor. In the certification system, the energy performance was usually assessed by Energy Performance Index(EPI) of the Energy Saving Design Standards for Buildings. However, due to the inadequacy of analyses on current situation of the Index, there are difficulties to reform it. In this research of green-certified apartments, the author examined correlations between energy performance indexes and aimed to improve the Index by analyzing the scores based on point distribution of respective fields. The average EPI score of green-certified apartments was 74.68, and there was wide variations in min 63.4 and max 90. Furthermore, the average score of energy consumption, which was allotted the most points, was 7.04 out of 12. Therefore, betterments in the Index such as reinforcement in grade ranges and adjustment of the calculation method are necessary. 2002년에 친환경건축물인증제도가 시행된 이후 많은 인증 수행에도 불구하고 이 제도의 효과분석이나 개선방안 노력이 저조하다. 특히 인증제도에서 에너지성능은 에너지절약설계기준에 있는 에너지성능지표(EPI)로 평가되지만 지금까지 지표에 대한 현황분석이 미비하여 개선에 어려움이 있다. 본 연구에서는 친환경 공동주택 인증단지를 대상으로 에너지성능지표간의 상관관계를 살펴보고 에너지성능지표의 각 부문별 에너지 기본 배점에 따른 점수 현황을 분석하여 지표 개선을 도모하였다. 친환경 공동주택 인증단지의 EPI 평균득점은 약 74.68점, 최소 63.40점, 최대 90점으로 편차가 큰 것으로 나타났다. 또한 인증지표 중에서 최고의 배점으로 편성된 에너지소비량의 경우, 최대 12점 배점에서 평균 7.04점으로 평균 수준에 머물고 있었다. 향후 에너지소비량 인증지표에서 등급구간의 강화 또는 산출식의 조정 등의 지표 개선이 필요하였다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        주거급여 개편에 따른 유사 주거환경 개선사업의 통합 운영 방안

        문효곤(Moon, Hyogon),백혜선(Paik, Hae Sun) 한국주거학회 2015 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.26 No.5

        Several housing improvement programs for low-income have done by Ministry of Health & Welfare, Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy, Ministry of Security and Public Administration, Ministry of Environment, and Ministry of Land, infrastructure and Transport up to now. Each program practiced separately based on each agency's function and territory, but there are also negative opinion on beneficiary duplication, beneficiary omission, and the inefficient execution of the government budget. This study analyzes the housing improvement programs of each agency on the aspects of coordination, and suggests the integration system with coordination and delivery system. We selected 3 indexes such as similarity, integration effect and availability for integration system and analyzed the effects of integrated programs into one based on cost, repair effect and management. We proposed that the similar housing improvement programs of each agency should be coordinated for integration. But it is not easy to integrate similar programs into one program, therefore similar programs which support the house owner are needed to integrate into housing benefit except same beneficiary who owned own house.

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