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      • KCI등재

        Impacts of Income Inequality on CO2 Emission under Different Climate Change Mitigation Policies

        배정환 한국경제학회 2018 The Korean Economic Review Vol.34 No.2

        This study empirically examines whether income inequality affects CO2 emission under various climate change mitigation policies. The climate change mitigation policies include carbon tax, emission trading, renewable portfolio standard, feed-in tariff, and renewable fuel standard. The total marginal effect of inequality on CO2 emission is divided into direct, indirect, and interaction effects. Results show that high-income inequality directly raises CO2 emission while indirectly reducing it through its impact on economic growth. Inequality weakens the effectiveness of certain climate change mitigation policies through an interaction effect between inequality and climate change mitigation policies. Whether inequality increases CO2 emission or vice versa cannot be confirmed from the empirical outcomes of total marginal effects of inequality on CO2 emission under different climate change mitigation policies. However, the effectiveness of climate change mitigation policies may be diminished when high inequality exists in a country.

      • KCI등재후보

        사회적 책임 경영을 위한 공공기관의 역할 연구

        배정환 한국지방행정학회 2011 한국지방행정학보 (KLAR) Vol.8 No.2

        Sustainability management and Corporate social responsibility are accepted as appropriateness and inevitable issue. But, the Korea's Sustainability management and Social responsibility is mainly led by large enterprises. Now a days, Sustainability management and Corporate social responsibility are not a problem of declaratory slogan any more in all organizational management and supervision including not only the private business sector but also public sectors. So This Study aim is finding a way to Strengthening Social Responsibility in Public Sector, specially Public Enterprises. As a result of study, Public Enterprises SR should be strengthened, and the head of each organization should judge the merits and deficiencies of each organization, which after SR examination and evaluation, the following; establishment of strategy, designing of organization. Second, for Public Sector, specially Public Enterprises, the government's role should be strengthened, and a SR model should be made. Third, SR report, annual report, Sustainability management report, and report of management evaluation result are evaluated by expert group or government.

      • KCI등재

        지역분산형 녹색전력구매제 도입에 대한 소비자 선호도 분석

        배정환 재단법인 에너지경제연구원 2018 에너지경제연구 Vol.17 No.1

        This paper analyzes which attributes improve participation rate of green electricity purchase program by using a choice experiment approach. Main attributes include new and renewable energy sources (solar, wind, fuelcell, and bio), distance from residence, job creation, proportion of green electricity, and incentive options (tax credit, green mileage, eco-labelling, and free visit of new&renewable theme park). According to panel logit and mixed logit model estimation, participation rates increase with fuelcell followed bysolar, and wind, and vicinity of power plants as well as more job creation increase participation rates. Proportion of green electricity has inverted U shaped curve withparticipation rate, and tax credit affects participation rates the most significantly. Preference heterogeneity based on mixed logit results exists the most for solar, followed by wind, and fuelcell, while green mileage has more heterogeneity than tax credit. Government should consider the outcomes revealed by this study when the green electricity purchase program is accounted. 본 연구는 신재생에너지에 의해 생산된 녹색전력을 소비자가 자발적으로 구매하도록 한 녹색전력구매제를 가상적으로 도입할 경우 소비자의 참여율에 어떤 속성들이 영향을 미치는 지를 선택실험법을 이용하여 분석하였다. 선택실험에 사용된 녹색전력구매제의 속성에는 신재생에너지원(태양광, 풍력, 연료전지, 바이오), 전기요금, 거주지로부터 발전소까지의 거리, 신규 일자리, 녹색전력비중, 참여인센티브(소득공제, 탄소마일리지, 녹색인증, 신재생테마파크이용)의 6가지를 고려했다. 패널로짓모형 및 혼합로짓모형에 의해 속성별 모수를 추정한 결과 연료전지>태양광>풍력순으로 참여율이 증가했고, 거주지와 근접할수록, 일자리가 늘어날수록 참여율이 늘어났다. 녹색전력비중과 참여율은 역U자 관계에 있었고, 참여 인센티브 가운데는 소득공제가 참여율에 가장 큰 영향을 미쳤다. 선호 이질성은 태양광>풍력>연료전지 순으로 크게 나타나고, 탄소마일리지>소득공제로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        Determinants of Technological Innovation of Photonics Industry in Korea: Focus on regional differences

        배정환 경성대학교 산업개발연구소 2018 산업혁신연구 Vol.34 No.2

        Technological innovation is a key driver of firm survival and prosperity in a competitive market. Though most economists consider the determinants of technological innovation as firm-level activities, concentrations of innovative performance within particular regions have been observed almost everywhere. We examine if performance of technological innovation for photonics industry in Korea will be affected by different regions as well as firm specific factors. By applying Heckman’s selection model, we found that specific regions such as Gwangju and Honam region have significant effects on the probability of obtaining patents, but there is no significant evidence that the location on specific regions increases the number of patents. On the contrary, firms with main plants in the SMA have not only significantly lower chances of obtaining patents but also produce significantly fewer patents than do firms in other regions. The analysis also found that the R&D spending–capital ratio, total employment–capital ratio of firms, and firm location in metropolitan cities are all positively related to the number of patents. As a policy implication, more active cooperation between the R&D cluster and the surrounding firms will be required to enhance the technology diffusion effects from the R&D cluster to innovative activity of the firms. This paper contributes relevant literature by showing empirically that regional location is an important determinant of technological innovation for photonics firms.

      • KCI등재

        Supply Portfolio of Bioethanol in the Republic of Korea

        배정환 한국경제학회 2014 The Korean Economic Review Vol.30 No.1

        Despite the co-benefits of bioethanol, such as energy security, environmentalimprovement, CO2 emission reduction and development of associated industry, bioethanolblendedgasoline without subsidy is more expensive than pure gasoline in Korea. Therenewable fuel standard (RFS) can contribute to the development of a bioethanol market. However, without controlling the portions of domestic bioethanol, it is highly plausible thata new bioethanol market will be filled with imported bioethanol. If the entire supply ofbioethanol is imported, Korea can no longer expect those co-benefits. This study aims atsimulating the desirable ratios of domestic versus imported bioethanol as well as domesticversus imported feedstock for producing bioethanol in Korea by combining the marginalsocial benefit (MSB) with the marginal social cost (MSC) for bioethanol supply. MSB isderived from a choice experiment and the MSC is derived from the differences in thebioethanol production costs and the petroleum price. The simulation results show thatconsiderable portions of bioethanol should be produced domestically under the conditionthat MSB is equivalent to MSC in bioethanol production. Thus, the upcoming RFS policyshould allow for some quota on behalf of domestic bioethanol with domestic feedstock ormore credit should be given to the petroleum companies that use domestic bioethanol withdomestic feedstock.

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