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      • KCI등재

        Procore and Flexible 19 Gauge Needle Can Replace Trucut Biopsy Needle?

        방지영,Shyam Varadarajulu 대한소화기내시경학회 2013 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.46 No.5

        Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) is routinely performed for establishing tissue diagnosis in patients with gastrointestinal tumors. The concept of delivering chemotherapy based on molecular markers and the ability to establish a reliable diagnosis in lieu of an onsite cytopathologist has fuelled the recent trend in procuring core tissue by means of EUS-guided fine needle biopsy. To overcome the technical limitations induced by the rigidity of the Trucut biopsy needle, a new ProCore needle with reverse bevel technology has been developed. Recent data suggests that the newly developed flexible 19 G needle can also procure core tissue and has easy maneuverability when navigating the transduodenal route. Irrespective of the needles being used, the best clinical outcomes can be attained only by practicing evidence-based techniques, procuring adequate quantity of sample for ancillary studies, and processing the specimens appropriately.

      • KCI등재후보

        Analysis of anti-angiogenic mechanism of HangAmDan-B (HAD-B), a Korean traditional medicine, using antibody microarray chip

        방지영,김응윤,심태경,유화승,이연월,김용수,조종관,최용진,정현자,강인철 한국바이오칩학회 2010 BioChip Journal Vol.4 No.4

        The inhibitory effects of the water extract of HangAmDan-B(WEHAD-B), which is a crude extract of eight Korean medicinal animals and plants on bFGF-induced neovascularization were investigated. WEHAD-B significantly prevented bFGF-induced HUVE cell proliferation, adhesion, migration, and capillary-like tubular network formation. Half-maximal inhibition of proliferation on the endothelial cells by WEHAD-B was observed at a concentration of approximately 250 μg/mL. Our antibody microarray-based ProteoChip data showed that WEHAD-B increased the expression of STAT1 and Rb2, which are involved in cell growth, apoptosis, and controlling the cell cycle in bFGF-induced HUVECs. These results indicate that the inhibition of bFGF-induced angiogenesis by WEHAD-B may be due to upregulation of cell signaling proteins, STAT1 and Rb2. The blood vessel formation in a chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) treated with WEHAD-B was markedly reduced in length compared with a PBS-treated control group. Taken together, these data suggest that antibody-arrayed ProteoChip technology may be an useful tool for determining molecular mechanism of natural products in biological samples.

      • KCI등재

        컨테이너 초과사용료 및 터미널 보관료에 대한 상법 제814조 제1항 제척기간의 적용범위 - 대법원 2022. 12. 1. 선고 2020다280685 판결 -

        방지영 한국해법학회 2023 韓國海法學會誌 Vol.45 No.1

        The Korean Supreme Court has recently handed down its final judgment in relation to the issue of whether the 1 year time-bar stipulated in Article 814(1) of the Korean Commercial Code (“KCC”) shall apply to container demurrage and terminal storage claims, and if so, the extent of its application. This has been in question over the past years without an established principle, which caused confusion in practice. The Korean Supreme Court ruled that while the 1 year time-bar stipulated in Article 814(1) of KCC applies to container demurrage and terminal storage claims that occur daily, the extent of its extinction shall be limited to claims that occurred before 1 year from the date the suit for the claim was filed. Such ruling is recognized as balancing the interests of cargo interests (such as the shippers or consignees) and the carriers reasonably and is in accord with international shipping practice. This article reviews the progress of the judgment and looks into how the Korean Supreme Court’s ruling was reached. 그 동안 상법 제814조 제1항의 단기 제척기간을 컨테이너 초과사용료 및 터미널 보관료와 같은 채권에도 적용할 수 있는지, 적용한다면 제척기간의 기산점을 언제로 보아야 하는지에 대해 법리가 확립되어 있지 않아 실무상 혼란이 초래되었는데, 최근 대법원은 대상판결을 통하여 위 쟁점에 관하여 명시적으로 판단하였다. 즉, 대법원은 컨테이너 초과사용료 및 터미널 보관료와 같이 날마다 계속 발생하여 나날이 새로운 채무불이행에 기한 손해가 발생하는 채권의 경우에도 상법 제814조 제1항의 단기 제척기간이 적용되기는 하나, 그 소멸되는 범위는 소 제기일로부터 1년 이전에 발생한 채권으로 한정되어야 한다고 판단하였다. 이러한 대법원의 판단은 장기 체화 분쟁에서 화주와 운송인 간의 이해관계를 합리적으로 조율하고 국제해운실무에도 부합한 것으로 평가되므로, 이 논문에서는 대상판결의 소송경과를 검토하여 대법원의 판단에 이르게 된 과정을 살펴보고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        커피전문점 비정규직 종사자의 직무요구와 직무자원, 직무열의의 관계 - 동일성 검증을 통한 성별차이 조절효과 -

        방지영,김효연,김우종,류기상 한국관광학회 2015 관광학연구 Vol.39 No.1

        Despite of the consistent attention to the relationship among job demands, job resources, and job engagement, the research targeting casual workers and their distinctions depending on gender was scarce in the coffee industry. The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationships among casual workers' job demands, job resources, and job engagement and the moderating role of gender in the coffee industry. The results through structural equation modeling indicated that one of the factors of the job demands (i.e., work overload), and factors of job resources, except for job autonomy (i.e., social support, feedback, and opportunities for self-development), had a significant effect on job engagement. Furthermore, the invariance test showed that gender played a significant moderating role between all factors of job demands and job engagement. However, there was no moderating effect of gender between job resources and job engagement. Implications for academia and management are also discussed. 직무 요구, 직무 자원, 그리고 직무 열의에 관한 지속적인 관심에도 불구하고, 커피 산업에서 비정규직 종사자들을 대상으로 하며 동시에 성별 간에 차이를 밝혀내는 연구는 부족한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구의 목적은 비정규직 종사자들의 직무 요구와 직무 자원이 직무 열의에 미치는 영향을 밝혀내고, 성별의 조절효과를 알아보기 위해 시행되었다. 구조 모형의 결과는 직무 요구 중 한 요소인 업무 과부하와 직무 자원의 요소인 사회적 지원, 피드백, 자기개발 기회가 직무 열의에 유의미한 영향을 미쳤다. 게다가 조절 효과를 검증하기 위해 동일성 검증을 시행한 결과, 모든 직무 요구 요소들, 즉 업무 과부하, 감정 요구, 직장 가정 갈등과 직무 열의 사이에서 성별이 유의미한 조절 역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 여성의 경우 업무 과부하와 직장 가정 갈등은 직무 열의에 유의미한 부의 영향을 미치고 감정 요구는 직무 열의에 영향을 미치지 않는 반면, 남성은 감정 요구가 직무 열의에 부정적인 영향을 미치지만 업무 과부하와 직장 가정 갈등은 직무 열의에 유의한 영향을 보이지 않았다. 직무 자원과 직무 열의 사이에서는 성별이 조절 역할을 하지 못하는 결과를 보였다. 결론에서는 실무적인 시사점과 이론적인 시사점에 대해 논의하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Cell Proliferation and Motility Are Inhibited by G1 Phase Arrest in 15-kDa Selenoprotein-Deficient Chang Liver Cells

        방지영,허장호,나지운,Qiao Lu,Bradley A. Carlson,Ryuta Tobe,Petra A. Tsuji,Vadim N. Gladyshev,Dolph L. Hatfield,이병재 한국분자세포생물학회 2015 Molecules and cells Vol.38 No.5

        The 15-kDa selenoprotein (Sep15) is a selenoprotein residing in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and implicated in quality control of protein folding. Herein, we established an inducible RNAi cell line that targets Sep15 mRNA in Chang liver cells. RNAi-induced Sep15 deficiency led to inhibition of cell proliferation, whereas cell growth was resumed after removal of the knockdown inducer. Sep15-deficient cells were arrested at the G1 phase by upregulating p21 and p27, and these cells were also characterized by ER stress. In addition, Sep15 deficiency led to the relocation of focal adhesions to the periphery of the cell basement and to the decrease of the migratory and invasive ability. All these changes were reversible depending on Sep15 status. Rescuing the knockdown state by expressing a silent mutant Sep15 mRNA that is resistant to siRNA also reversed the phenotypic changes. Our results suggest that SEP15 plays important roles in the regulation of the G1 phase during the cell cycle as well as in cell motility in Chang liver cells, and that this selenoprotein offers a novel functional link between the cell cycle and cell motility.

      • 食欌山의 高等菌類相

        방지영,신광수 대전대학교 이과대학 기초과학연구소 1997 自然科學 Vol.- No.-

        국내 자연생태조사의 일환으로 1997년부터 8월까지 식장산을 대상으로 하여 고등균류의 분포상을 조사하였다. 채집, 동정된 고등균류는 담자균류가 6목 18과 33속 52종이었고, 자낭균류가 3목3과 6속8종으로 도합 9목21과 39속60종이었다. 우점종은 덧부치버섯(A. lycoperdoides)과 먼지버섯(A. hygrometricus)으로 조사대상 전 지역에 걸쳐 높은 빈도로 채집되었다. 또한, 국내에서 처음 발견된 미기록종은 4종이 채집되었는데 각각 바늘국수버섯(C. acuta), 에매미눈꽃동충하초(I. sinclairii), 박뉘나방유충동충하초(C. hepiallidicola), 하늘소유충동충하초(C. nakawawai)로 동정되었다. The flora of higher fungi in Mt. Shkjmg was investigated during the penod of July to August 1997. The fleshy fungi growing in the area were collected and identified into 9 order;, 21 families, 39 genera, and 60 species including 52 species of Basidiomycota and 8 species of Ascomycota. Asterophora lycoperdoides and Astraeus hygrometricus were commonly found throughout the survey area. Four species, Clavaria acuta, Isaria sinclairii, Cordyceps hepididicola, and Cordyceps nakawawai were recognized as unrecorded species to Korea.

      • KCI등재

        Metal versus Plastic Stent for Transmural Drainage of Pancreatic Fluid Collections

        방지영,Shyam Varadarajulu 대한소화기내시경학회 2013 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.46 No.5

        The conventional management of pancreatic fluid collections (PFCs) involves surgery or percutaneous drainage. While surgery is associated with significant complications and mortality, percutaneous drainage is associated with prolonged hospitalization and oftentimes the need for other adjunctive treatment measures. Therefore, the use of endoscopy to drain PFCs is becoming increasingly popular. Randomized trials have demonstrated that endoscopic ultrasound-guided drainage is superior to conventional endoscopy in terms of technical success and potentially decreases the rates of procedural complications. While transmural drainage is usually undertaken by deployment of plastic endoprosthesis, of late, fully covered self-expandable metal stents are being placed with increasing frequency. However, the benefits of this approach are unclear and require further validation in prospective trials.

      • KCI등재

        사진매체를 통한 시간성 표현 연구

        방지영,유현정 한국기초조형학회 2011 기초조형학연구 Vol.12 No.6

        오래전부터 인류는 자연의 여러 가지 현상들을 관찰하면서 자연을 예측하고 대처할 수 있는 방법에 대하여 고민하여왔다. 자연의 질서를 활용하기 위한 인간의 노력은 시간을 측정하는 도구를 등장시켰으며, 과학기술의 발전에 의한 다양한 시간측정 장치의 진화는 우리의 시간의식을 변화시켜왔다. 근대이후의 많은 철학자들과 과학자들은 시간의 본질에 대하여 물리적이고 객관적인 것으로 설명하였으며, 현대 물리학의 근간을 이루는 상대성이론에 의한 사고방식의 변화는 시간의 본질을 개인적이고 상대적인 것으로 설명한다. 시간성을 고찰함에 있어서 연속으로서의 시간과 지금으로서의 시간으로 나누고, 사진매체를 통한 다양한 시간성 표현을 찾아보았다. 먼저, 촬영 시간에 따른 시간성 표현은 카메라의 셔터를 오랫동안 개방하여 대상의 움직임을 기록하는 긴 노출시간의 방법과, 이와 반대로 극히 짧은 노출시간의 촬영에 의한 순간적인 장면을 기록하는 것으로 나눌 수 있다. 둘째, 화면 구성 방법에 따른 시간성 표현은 단일화면, 중첩시킨 화면, 시간 순으로 열거한 화면, 여러 개의 이미지를 재구성하여 조합하는 화면과 같이 모두 네 가지의 화면 구성과 그에 따른 시간성의 표현들을 구체적으로 살펴본다. 이처럼 시간성은 사진매체를 통하여 다양하게 실험되고 표현된다. 향후 과제에서는 사진매체를 통한 다양한 시각적 표현을 토대로 좀 더 확장된 시간성 표현방법을 연구하고자 하며, 매체의 영역에 있어서도 그 범위를 넓히고자 한다 Since prehistoric times, mankind observed various natural phenomena which led them to understand the law of Mother Nature. Time measuring devices were made to utilize its power as a result of man’s effort. These devices improved our quality of life, as well as awareness of time management. During the early stage of modern times, philosophers and scientists tried to explain the essence of the time as physical and objective matter, however, due to the change of the way of thinking on a basis of Relativity Theory nowadays, the essence of time is described more towards personal and relative. The time can be considered as two different points of views. The time with consecutiveness and the one with present moment. The photography media can be used as an experiment method or an expression tool to understand what the time represents. To accurately evaluate the temporality in photography, two main expression tools need to be considered. First, one can consider the objects’ movements by shutter speed, which records its traces. Second, the composition of images, for example single image, overlapped images, rearranged multiple images and sequentially framed images represent the elapse of time. In conclusion, the time factor through photographic interpretations can be thoughtfully expressed and studied in many ways. For my upcoming studies, I will consolidate wider range of visual and photographic techniques and medium to find more about how the ‘time’ can be expressed in photography.

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