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      • KCI등재

        어머니의 영아에 대한 애착 및 양육효능감이 영아-어머니의 상호작용에 미치는 영향

        박화윤(Park, Wha-Yun),마지순(Ma, Ji-Sun) 한국산학기술학회 2013 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.14 No.6

        본 연구의 목적은 어머니의 영아에 대한 애착과 양육효능감이 영아-어머니의 상호작용에 미치는 영향을 알 아보는 것이다. 이를 위해 전라북도 G시의 어린이집 영아와 영아의 어머니 180명을 대상으로 연구를 실시하였다. 연 구결과는 첫째, 어머니의 영아에 대한 애착, 양육효능감, 영아-어머니 상호작용은 보통이상으로 나타났다. 둘째, 어머 니의 영아에 대한 애착과 영아-어머니 상호작용은 정적상관이 나타났다. 특히 민감한 반응과 정적상관이 가장 높게 나타났다. 반면 냉담은 영아-어머니 상호작용 전체와 부적상관이 나타났다. 셋째, 어머니의 양육효능감과 영아-어머니 상호작용은 정적상관이 나타났으며 특히 민감한 반응과 정적상관이 가장 높게 나타났다. 의사소통, 전반적 양육효능 감은 민감한 반응과 정적상관이 존재하였다. 교육과 통제는 양육자의 언어적 모델링과, 정적상관이 가장 높게 나타났 다. 넷째, 영아-어머니 상호작용에 미치는 요인은 어머니 양육효능감의 의사소통, 통제, 전반적 양육효능감이었으며, 어머니의 영아에 대한 애착에서는 접촉추구, 결속이 정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. This study was designed to examine the effect of maternal attachment of infant and parenting efficacy on infant-mother’s interaction. The subject were 180 infant and their mother who were early childhood education service in G city. Data analysed with Pearson correlation, regression. The results were as follows. First, there were showed tendency of normal level that mother’s attachment and parenting efficacy to infant, infant-mother’s interactions. Second, there were significant positive relationships between the mother’s attachment of infant and infant-mother’s interactions. Third, there were significant positive relationships between the mother’s parenting efficacy and infant-mother’s interactions. Fourth, the mother’s attachment of infant and parenting efficacy has effect on the infant-mother’s interactions.

      • KCI등재

        유아의 대인관계 형성능력에 미치는 정서조절능력과 대인문제해결사고의 영향

        박화윤(Park, Wha-Yun),마지순(Ma, Ji-Sun),김민영(Kim, Min-Young) 한국산학기술학회 2012 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.13 No.11

        본 연구는 유아의 대인관계 형성능력에 정서조절능력과 대인문제해결사고가 어떠한 영향력이 있는지에 대하 여 알아보고자 실시되었다. 연구대상은 G광역시의 어린이집과 유치원 3곳의 유아 133명이다. 자료의 분석은 t-test, ANOVA, Pearson의 적률상관관계, 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구결과는 첫째, 유아의 성별에 따라서는 대인관계 형 성능력 전체와 하위요인인 사회적 반응성에서만 여아가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 형제 수와 어머니의 취업여부에 따라 서 형제가 1명인 경우, 취업모인 경우가 대인관계 형성능력, 정서조절능력, 대인문제해결사고 모두에서 가장 높게 나 타났다. 둘째, 대인관계 형성능력은 정서조절능력과 대인문제해결사고와 정적상관이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 대 인관계 형성능력에 영향을 미치는 요인은 정서조절의 자기조절과 타인조절력이었으며, 대인문제해결사고에서는 원인 적 사고가 정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. This study was designed to examine the effect of emotional control and interpersonal cognitive problem solving ability on children's interpersonal relationship formative. The subjects were 133 boys and girls who were day care center in G metropolitan city. Data analysed with t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient, regression. The results were as follows. First, there were significant differences in the children's interpersonal relationship formative according to children' sex. There were significant differences in the emotional control and interpersonal cognitive problem solving ability according to their sibling and mother occupation. Second, there were significant correlations between the children's interpersonal relationship formative, emotional control and interpersonal cognitive problem solving ability. Third, the children's interpersonal relationship formative was affected by emotional control and interpersonal cognitive problem solving ability.

      • KCI등재

        가족 친화적 남편 및 아버지의 역할수행을 위한 문화조성방안

        박화윤 ( Wha Yun Park ),마지순 ( Ji Sun Ma ),안라리 ( Ra Ri An ) 열린부모교육학회 2011 열린부모교육연구 Vol.3 No.2

        여성의 사회 참여 증가와 핵가족화로 인해 자녀 양육에 대한 사회적 지지의 약화는 심각한 수준의 출산율저하를 가져오게 하는데 이르렀다. 이는 전통적인 성별분업에 의한 역할구조상의 변화가 없는 현실과 자녀의 발달을 도모하는 자녀양육에 대한 여성의 책임이 부모 양쪽의 공동책임으로 해야 하는 시대적 요구를 실현하지 못하는 데에서 그 원인을 찾을 수 있다. 즉, 가정의 삶의 질을 향상시키기 위한 가사참여나 자녀 양육에 있어서 남편 및 아버지의 역할에 대한 논의는 물론 이에 대한 실천이 보편화될 수 있는 생태학적 환경의 배려가 따라가지 못한 것이다. 이에 본 연구는 여성의 사회 참여가 불가피해지고 있는 현 상황에서 가족 친화적인 남편 및 아버지의 역할을 이루기 위한 가정, 기업, 사회의 측면에서 그 방향을 알아보았다. 그 결과 한국 가정이 당면하고 있는 다양한 욕구들을 충족시킬 수 있는 같이 일하고 같이 키우는 성 평등에 기초한 양성평등적인 가정 문화의 조성이 되어야 하고 이의 실천을 위해 근로자들의 일-가족 관련 욕구를 파악하고 그에 대한 적절한 대응책을 마련해주는 가족 친화적인 기업문화가 조성되어야 한다. 또한 남성을 사회의 기초 구조인 가정에서 남편 및 아버지로서의 역할을 찾게 하는 가장 중요한 근간이 되는 사회의 패러다임 변화가 조성되어야 한다. 이러한 방향에서 접근되고 실천이 이루어질 때 일과 가정을 양립하는 가족친화적인 아버지로서 남편으로서의 역할이 보편화될 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study was to explore the support methods that family, company, and society help man enact the role as a husband and father in family. The results were as follow: In family, a man has to be aware that man should enact such things as child care and housekeeping among the husband`s and father`s roles and a woman has to support of such roles as the husband and father, and child care in the father`s role should be respected. In company, the family intimated policy should be organized and enacted in order to support husband`s and father`s role in the family. In society, social recognition of husband`s and father`s role in the family should be changed, and social prejudice and parent education supports of father`s role.

      • KCI등재

        5세 유아의 성별에 따른 리더십과 자아개념의 관계

        박화윤(Park Wha-Yun),마지순(Ma Ji-Sun),조진희(Chough Jin-Hee) 한국열린유아교육학회 2010 열린유아교육연구 Vol.15 No.4

        본 연구는 만 5세 유아의 리더십과 자아개념이 성차에 따라 어떻게 나타나며 리더십과 자아개념은 관계가 있는지를 알아보는데 있다. 연구대상은 전라북도 J, I, G시에 소재한 5곳의 유치원과 어린이집에 다니고 있는 만 5세 유아 137명이다. 유아의 리더십 측정은 이은미(2006)가 제작 사용한 것으로 담임교사에 의해 체크되었고, 유아자아개념은 송인섭(2004)이 개발한 것에 기초하여 이경화, 고진영(2006)이 보완한 도구로 유아와의 면담을 통해 수집하였다. 연구결과, 유아의 리더십은 성별에 따라 차이가 없었으나 하위요인인 친사회적능력에서는 여아가 남아보다 의의 있게 높게 나타났다. 자아개념은 여아가 남아보다 높게 나타났으며, 특히 하위요인인 친구관계 자아개념, 언어적 자아개념, 일반적 자아개념에서 높게 나타났다. 유아의 리더십과 자아개념의 관계는 정적 상관이 있었으며 성별에서는 여아의 리더십과 자아개념이 정적 상관을 보였다. 이러한 결과는 리더십과 자아개념과의 관계를 통한 유아교육프로그램발달에서 성별의 고려가 필요함을 시사한다. The purpose of this study was to investigate how five-year-old children's leadership and self concept were related by their gender and what the relationship between their leadership and self concept is. The subjects of this study were 137 five-year-old children involved in 2 kindergartens and 3 daycare centers of Jeon-buk province. For this study, teachers checked leadership checklist(Eunmi Lee, 2006) and researcher interviewed young children with their self-concept measurement tool developed by Kyunghwa Lee and Jinyoung Go(2006). The collected data was analyzed by t-test, Pearson correlation. The results showed that there was not any difference in leadership by children's sex. But girls' scores were higher than that of boys in pro-social leadership among leadership factors. Girls' self concept was generally higher than boys', especially in friendship, language ability, and general self-concept among self concept sub-areas. The relationship between children's leadership and self concept was positively correlated. Especially, family relation self concept and language ability self concept were highly related to leadership.

      • KCI등재

        생활주제에 따른 실내 모래놀이 활동이 유아의 친 사회적 기술 및 정서지능에 미치는 영향

        천은영(Chon Eun Yeong),박화윤(Park Wha Yun),김오순(Kim Oh Soon) 한국열린유아교육학회 2005 열린유아교육연구 Vol.10 No.1

        본 연구는 생활주제에 따른 실내 모래놀이 활동이 유아의 친 사회적 기술 및 정서지능에 미치는 효과를 알아보았다. 연구 대상은 어린이집 유아 24명으로, 실험집단 유아(12명)는 실내에 모래놀이 영역을 설치하고 유아의 친사회적 기술 및 정서지능 발달을 위해 생활주제와 관련된 모래놀이 활동과 자료를 제공하였다. 그 결과 유아의 친 사회적 기술 즉 개인정서조절능력, 대인관계조절능력, 유치원 적응능력을 증진시켰고 또한 유아의 정서지능 즉 자신의 정서인식, 타인의 정서인식, 감정이입, 자신의 정서조절, 타인의 정서조절에서도 의의 있는 증진이 있었다. 본 연구 결과는 유아의 사회 정서발달을 증진시키는데 모래놀이가 교육적으로 가치 있음이 검증되었으므로 유아교육현장에서 친 사회적 기술 및 정서지능을 증진시키기 위한 실내 모래놀이 활동의 운영 및 놀이자료 제공의 필요성을 시사한다. This study aims to investigate the effects of the indoor sand play related to life themes on young children's prosocial skills and emotional intelligence. The subjects were 32 five-year-old children who attended 2day-care centers in I city of Jeollabuk-do. To analyze the prosocial skills and emotional intelligence, two instruments were used: Prosocial Skills(Lee Won Young, Park Chan Ok, No Young, 1990) and the Emotional Intelligence(Moon Young Rin, 1996). The findings of this study were as follows: First, The sand play related to life themes improved significantly the children's prosocial skills. Second, the indoor sand play related to life themes improved significantly the children's emotional intelligence.

      • KCI등재

        아버지의 자아존중감과 양육태도가 유아의 자아존중감 및 정서지능에 미치는 영향

        안라리(An, Ra-Ri),박화윤(Park, Wha-Yun),신인영(Shin, In-Young) 한국산학기술학회 2013 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.14 No.6

        본 연구의 목적은 아버지의 자아존중감과 양육태도가 유아의 자아존중감 및 정서지능에 미치는 영향을 알 아보는 것이다. 이를 위해, J시에 위치한 2곳의 유치원에서 만 3, 4, 5세 유아 각 40명씩 총 120명과 그 아버지를 대 상으로 연구를 실시하였다. 연구결과는 첫째, 유아의 자아존중감은 아버지가 자아존중감이 높고 아버지의 애정적․자 율적 양육태도를 보일 때 높은 것으로 나타났고, 거부적 양육태도를 보일 때 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 아버지의 자율적․애정적 양육태도는 유아의 자아존중감에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 유아의 정서지능은 아버지의 자아존중감이 높고 아버지가 애정적․자율적 양육태도를 보일 때 높은 것으로 나타났고, 거부적 양육태도를 보일 때 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 아버지의 자아존중감과 자율적 양육태도는 유아의 정서지능에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. This study was designed to examine the effect of father's self-esteem and child rearing attitude on children's self-esteem and emotional intelligence. The subject were 120 children and their father who were early childhood education service in J city. Data analysed with Pearson correlation, regression. The results were as follows. First, there were significant positive relationships between the children's self-esteem and the father's self-esteem and affective․autonomous child rearing attitude. Second, the father's affective․autonomous child rearing attitude has effect on the children's self-esteem. Third, there were significant positive relationships between the children's self-esteem and the father's self-esteem and affective․autonomous child rearing attitude. Fourth, the father's affective․autonomous child rearing attitude has effect on the children's emotional intelligence.

      • 유치원의 놀이영역과 유아놀이행동 관계

        박화윤 圓光大學校 1991 論文集 Vol.25 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate relationships between play centers and children's free play behabiors in kindergarten. In order to achieve this purpose, following questions of study were given, 1. How is the children's preference of the play center and are these sex differences according to the play centers? 2. How are children's peer play behaviors according to play centers? 3. How are children's cognitive play behaviors according to play centers? 4. How are children's socialcognitive play behaviors according to play centers? Research method used in this in this study was a timesampling procedure that observed with the play recording sheet during the free play period, thirty two middle class cormal children(18girls, 14bodys)with a mean age of 67 months. Data collected 3-4 daus per week for four weeks was analyzed by using repeated measure ANOVA, Pearson's r, multiple regressions. The main results of the study are as follows; 1. Play centers which children preferred mostly much were large muscle center, book language center, and housekeeping center, one which children preferred mostly less were manipulative center and math. science center. The differences of these children's preference were significant.(p<.oo1) A significant play center by gender interaction indicated that boys and girls differed in preference for the play center, i.e., boys choosed more block center and girls choosed more housekeeping center and book·language center. 2. A statistical interaction between play centers and peer play behaviors indicated that there were significantly relationships like these; ① housekeeping center with complementary/ reciprocal social play (p<.001), complementary/ reciprocal play with mutual awareness(p<.00), and simple social play (p<.05) ② book language center with simple parallel play and pararell play with mutual regard(p<.001) ③ manipulative center with complementary/reciprocal play with mutual awareness(p<.01) ④ large muscle center with simple social play and complementary/reciprocal social play. 3. A statistical interaction between play centers and cognitive play behabiors indicated that there were significantly relationships like these; ① housekeeping center with dramatic play(p<.001) ② large muscle center with junctional play (p<.001) and game with rules(p<.01), ③ book language center with constructive play(p<.001), ④ art center with constructive play and dramatic play (p<.001) ⑤ math. science with functional play(p<.05). 4. A statistial interaction between play centers and socialcognitive play behaviors indicated that there were significantly relationships like these; ① housekeeping center with groupdramatic play(p<.001) ② book language center with parallelconstructive play (p<.01), ③ large muscle center with group functional play(p<.001) and groupgame with rule(p<.01) ④ art center with solitary constructive play (p<.01) and groupconstructive play(p<.01) ⑤ math. science with parallel functional play(p<.01)

      • KCI등재

        유아의 성격유형에 따른 놀이성에 관한 연구

        박화윤,천은영 한국영유아보육학회 2004 한국영유아보육학 Vol.0 No.37

        The purpose of this study is to examine personality types of young children and to determine if there is any relationship of the personality with the playfulness of young children's. For this purpose, personality tests were conducted to 5-year old Kindergarten children according to the Korean version of MMTIC. Their playfulness was also measured by Barnett's playfulness measuring instrument(1991). As a result, most children turned out to have intuitive, feeling and perceiving personalities as personality indicators. U-Band indicators were also revealed as a type of indecisive personality. In the difference of playfulness according to children's personality the preferred indicator of thinking-feeling type was found to be associated with psychological functional type of personality. A significant relationship was shown between the perceptive spontaneity and expression of joyfulness. These findings indicated that INFP and ENFP are dominant types of personality in 5-year old children, but the personality tended to be indecisive may continue to change and, thus, their playfulness shall be understood on the basis of functional types of personality.

      • KCI등재

        학급보조 자원봉사활동을 위한 사전교육프로그램의 평가 : 사전교육 프로그램에 참여한 어머니들을 중심으로

        박화윤,최재숙 한국영유아보육학회 2003 한국영유아보육학 Vol.0 No.35

        This study was to examine the mother's recognition to the preparatory education for the volunteer activities as a kindergarten class-assistance. The subjects were 186 mothers who participated in the preparatory education. Data collected using questionaires were analyzed by the statistical methods of frequencies, percentages, a Chi-Square test with SPSS program. Results showed as follows : 1) Most mothers were satisfied with the preparatory education. 2) They liked the lecture among teaching methods and they thought that 10 hours of 2 days and 20 hours of 3 days were proper to the length of education. 3) Their best subject was the play instruction for children and anybody didn't respond to like the subject of the evaluation among all subjects. 4) They recognized that reeducation was important and that it need to do one time within 6 months after participating the preparatory education. 5) They wanted to open this preparatory education to all mothers and to use various audio visual electric medias.

      • 幼兒의 性役割 槪念發達에 관한 考察

        朴花允 圓光大學校 1987 論文集 Vol.21 No.1

        Sex-role concept development is one of the most important areas of human development and is closely related to personal happiness. Sex-role development becomes one of the major adjustment problems children must face in the process of growing up. Children have learned to accept their sex-roles culturally approved and prescribed. How and when do children develop ideas about sex-roles? How do teachers or parents guide children to learn their sex-role stereotypes in changing sex-role stereotypes? This thesis is composed of 4 chapters to find the answers to the questions as follows; 1. Theories of the development of sex-role concepts and sex-role behavior : biological, environmental views of sex differences, psychoanalytic theory, role theory, social learning theory, cognitive theory, gender schema theory. 2. The definition and the development of gender concept, sex concept & sex-role stereotypes sex-role typing, Kinds of sex-roles, Learning method of sex-role typing. 3. role of socializing agents in sex-role development : parents, siblings, teachers, peers, mass-media. 4. Hazards in sex-role development : the wide-spread effects of sex-role typing on the social group, confusion about approved sex-role stereotypes and about sex-role typing, difficulties in accepting approved sex-role stereotypes, the influence of the mass media on sex-role stereotypes, the effects on personality, and the persistence of the effects of sex-role typing. In conclusion we have to provide children opportunity to learn psychologically androgynous individual characteristics from early years-boys are able to employ such so called feminine traits like affection and gentleness, girls are able to employ such so-colled masculine characteristics as ambition, dominance, and self-reliance. In sex-role development the father role is important in producing appropriate sexual identities in both boys and girls.

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