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      • KCI등재

        일본의 대학입시와 입학사정관제도

        선형(Park Sun Hyung),남기(Park Nam Gi) 한국비교교육학회 2008 比較敎育硏究 Vol.18 No.3

          본 논문은 대입완전 자율화 시행에 앞서 대학입학사정관제의 효율적 운영을 위한 미래적 대비점을 일본 대학입시정책과 일본대학의 관련사례를 분석하여 제시하고자 하였다. 중앙교육행정조직은 고등교육의 다양화와 자율화를 위한 적극적인 지원행정의 역할을 수행하여야 하며, 입학사정관제의 효과적 정착을 위해서 동제도의 대학별 이원적 운영(명문대는 우수학생 선발 수단으로, 다른 대학들은 학생 조기선발수단으로 이용)의 문제점과 부정적 측면(입학생 기초학력저하, 조기선발로 인한 고교교육정상화 저해 등)을 완화할 수 있는 정책대안 개발이 필요함을 논의하였다.   As deregulation policy efforts ensuring the autonomy of university entrance such as diversification of admissions criteria are being implemented by the government, there has been much enthusiasm for further developments of admissions officer systems in higher education. However, guidance principles and much information regarding quality assurance measures and alternative forms of admissions criteria to select prospective students are not available sufficiently, since the admission officer systems in Korea have been just implemented in a trial manner. The paper has tried to examine the main feature of admission officer systems in Japan, being successfully run for more than 20 years, based on a critical analysis of individual universities" cases such as Keio University and Kyushu University. Some possible ideas for the establishment of the admission officer systems have been suggested. First, admission policies dealing with quality assurance measures in the admissions process that prevent admission officers from recruiting prospective students simply for the fulfillment of a college admission quota, need to be developed. Second, various types of admission criteria(eg. interviews, essays and practical tests) need to be introduced in an effort to match candidates to departments. Third, some remedial education efforts focusing mostly on academic writing, note-taking and presentation skills for unqualified students who may have been allowed for entering universities by admission officer systems need to be implemented further.

      • KCI등재

        지방교육자치를 위한 시민교육의 쟁점과 발전 과제

        선형(Park, Sun-Hyung) 한국교육정치학회 2021 敎育政治學硏究 Vol.28 No.3

        지방교육자치제 도입 30주년을 맞이해서 더욱 긴요해진 교육민주주의 회복과 교육자치 강화를 위해서는 시민(권)교육의 제도적 활성화 방안과 선진화된 접근에 대한 체계적 탐구와 심층 논의가 그 어느 때 보다도 적극적으로 개진될 필요성이 있다. 지방교육자치의 핵심인 분권화 토대 정립과 자치기반 확대를 위해서는 궁극적으로 자치의 출발점인 주체적 시민의 참여의지와 협의역량 및 정치적 문해력 등이 총괄적으로 가용될 필요성이 있으며, 이는 전적으로 시민(권)교육의 활성화에 의해서 가능하기 때문이다. 그러나 시민(권)교육의 제도적 안착과 관련 연구 활성화를 위한 민관학의 상호협력 연계노력에도 불구하고 시민(권)교육의 개념과 목표 및 정치철학적 기반, 관련 쟁점, 단위학교 추진 방향과 실행 방안 등에 대해서는 여전히 교육현장 이해당사자의 혼란과 이견이 도출되고 있는 상황이다. 본 논문은 이러한 문제의식을 반영하여 시민(권)교육과 관련된 쟁점(제반 정의 및 유형, 학교교육과 민주교육 및 시민(권) 교육의 연계성, 민주학교의 특성, 쟁점기반 토론 교육의 난점 등)과 발전 과제를 관련 문헌을 중심으로 포괄적으로 분석 확인하는데 목적을 둔다. 또한, 시민(권)교육의 정치철학 기반이자 교육 지향점으로 강력한 영향력을 행사하고 있는 자유주의와 공화주의의 핵심 주장을 상호 비교적 관점에서 개관하여 그 시사점을 확인하고자 한다. In order to restore educational democracy and strengthen educational autonomy, which has become more important on the 30th anniversary of the enactment of the local education self-government system, systematic inquiry and in-depth discussion on the institutional revitalization plan for citizen education and advanced approaches need to be conducted more actively than ever before. However, despite the public-private partnership efforts to establish the institutional settlement of citizenship education and revitalize related research, the concept and goal of citizenship education, the philosophical basis, related issues, and the implementation plan of citizenship education in schools are still not shared by stakeholders and researchers in the field of educational politics. Given that main problems regarding the implementation of citizenship education for educational autonomy need to be solved urgently, the paper focuses on comprehensively analyzing and critically examining main issues related to citizenship education(specific definitions and types, connections among school education, democratic education and citizenship education, and the nature of democratic schools), Also, the main argumentations of liberalism and republicanism exerting strong influence as the basis of the political philosophy of citizenship education are identified in a detailed manner.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        폭력의 해체 사유에 대한 신학적 소고

        박형국 ( Park¸ Hyung Gug ) 한국조직신학회 2020 한국조직신학논총 Vol.61 No.-

        이 논문은 폭력 해소에 있어서 경계 해체 사유가 제시하는 첨예한 문제의식과 미묘한 함의를 신학의 입장에서 성찰하는 것을 목표로 한다. 데리다의 폭력 해체 사유에 대한 기존의 해석과 평가는 폭력의 현실적인 불가피성이나 심지어 폭력의 실재를 정당화한다는 인상을 줄 수 있다. 논자는 폭력의 해체 사유를 일종의 폭력의 현실주의로 독해하는 것이 바람직스럽지 않음을 주장하면서, 폭력 해체 사유가 교회공동체들에 주는 교훈을 심도 있게 성찰한다. 논자가 보기에 폭력 해체론은 종교를 포함해서 도덕이나 법과 같은 교환경제에 기초한 제도적 기제를 통한 폭력 해소를 부정하지 않으면서도 교환경제를 초월하는 무조건적 사랑이나 용서나 환대와 같은 복음이 담고 있는 비경제적 선물들의 적극적인 역할을 위한 여지를 제공해 준다. 따라서 논자는 교회공동체들이 예수 그리스도가 선포한 복음이 교환경제를 초월하는 선물의 사유와 실천을 독려한다는 점을 숙고하면서 교환경제를 일방적이고도 경직된 방식으로 관철하고자 하는 시장경제에 의해 야기되는 폭력을 해체하는 더욱 포용적인 선교를 실천해야 함을 주장한다. This essay aims at reflecting theologically acute questions and delicate implications provided by the thought of the deconstruction with regard to the alleviation of violence. In my view, some precedent interpretations and critiques tend to give an impression that Derrida’s thought of the deconstruction of violence justifies the realistic inevitability of violence. Arguing that such a reading of the thought of the deconstruction of violence is not desirable, the author investigates into lessons that the thought of the deconstruction of violence teaches Christian churches. I think that while the discourse of the deconstruction of violence does not deny the settlement of violence by the mechanism based on the exchange economy like religion, morality, and law, it gives a room for the positive role of the uneconomic gifts like the unconditional love or forgiveness or hospitality rising above the exchange economy. Thus, the author argues that considering the fact that the Gospel proclaimed by Jesus Christ encourages the thought and practice of uneconomic gift freeing from the exchange economy, the Christian churches should carry out a more inclusive mission deconstructing violence brought about by the market economy which pushes the exchange economy unilaterally and rigidly.

      • KCI등재

        태권도 수련프로그램이 소아비만의 건강체력과 키 성장에 미치는 영향

        태형(Tae - Hyung, Park),허정석(Jeong -Seok, Heo) 한국무예학회 2009 무예연구 Vol.3 No.2

        체지방률이 20%이상인 소아비만 20명(대조군10명, 태권도 수련군10명)을 대상으로 1회 50분간, 주 5회, 12주간 태권도 수련을 실시하여 신체구성, 건강 체력 및 키 성장 인자에 미치는 영향을 연구하였다. 태권도 수련군에서 신장이 1.71㎝, LBM은 1.00㎏이 각각 유의하게(p<.01) 증가하고, 최대산소섭취량은 155.17(㎖/min), 체중당 산소섭취량은 3.98 (㎖/㎏/min) 각각 유의하게(p<.01) 증가되어 심폐기능이 개선되었다. 또한 악력 2.56㎏, 사이드스텝 12.00회, 제자리 멀리뛰기 19.14㎝가 각각 유의하게(p<.05) 증가하였으며, 인슐린 저항성의 지표인 HOMA 지수가 유의하게 (p<.05) 감소하고, 키 성장 인자인 IGF-1과 GH이 유의하게(p<.05) 증가되었다. 소아비만아동의 태권도 수련은 신체구성 및 인슐린저항성을 개선과, 키 성장 인자를 증가시켜 비만의 개선과 키 성장에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. I researched about the effect of Taekwondo training for obese children’s physical systems, physical strength, maximum oxygen intake, serum lipid and IGF-1. Subjects were consisted of 20 obese children(taekwondo: 10, con: 10) whose percentage body fat is over 20%. The taekwondo program was conducted 50minutes, 5 times a week for 12weeks.The results of this study are as follow; 1. Heigh(1.71 ㎝), LBM(1.00㎏) maximum oxygen intake(155.17 ㎖/mim), and oxygen intake per weigh(3.98 ㎖/㎏/min) were significantly increased after taekwondo group. The taekwondo training was effect of cardiovascular improvement. 2. Grip strengh(2.56㎏), side step(12.00 times), site-ups(11.57 times), standing long jump(19.14m) were signinficantly increased and 20m reciprocate running(-1.17 seconds) and 50m running(-1.11 seconds) were significantly decreased after taekwondo group. 3. HDL-C(4.00 ㎎/㎗) was significantly increased and insulin(3.0 ㎕U/㎖) and HOMA index(0.61) were significantly decreased after taekwondo group. 4. IGF-1 (81.10 ng/㎗) and GH (0.07 ng/㎗) concentrations were significantly incerased after taekwondo group. Consequently, taekwondo training program for obese children improved significantly cardiorespiratory fitness, healt-realted physical fitness and body composition. In addition, taekwondo program improved HOMA index through decreasing insulin concentration. Especially, GH and IGF-1 were significantly increased after 12weeks taekwondo training. Therefore, it might be thought that taekwondo training program would be a positive role for body composition, health-related and IGF-1 by growth of height.

      • KCI등재

        바르트의 계시해석에 나타나는 탈(脫)형이상학적 현존의 사유

        박형국 ( Hyung Gug Park ) 한국조직신학회 2011 한국조직신학논총 Vol.29 No.-

        The reestablishment of a mutual relationship between being[s] and thought without total presence and mastery matters. In this paper, we propose to pay attention to the significance of emerging post-metaphysical thinking of presence to avoid the mastery of being[s] by a totalizing human metaphysical thought, that is, what Derrida calls "metaphysics of presence." From such a post-metaphysical perspective, we attempt to interpret Karl Barth`s conception concerning the mediation of revelation as a theological form of the post-metaphysical thinking of presence. To elucidate what Barth tries to reformulate the presence of God`s being in his conception as to the mediation of revelation against the backdrop of the modern metaphysical thought of presence, we shall look into the post-metaphysical thinking of presence by Jacques Derrida and Jean-Luc Marion as a convex mirror, bearing their divergence in mind. Our strategy for a Barth-Derrida/Marion parallel is twofold: on the one hand, we attempt to illuminate the post-metaphysical thrust of Barth`s critique of modern "religionism" based on the conception of the analogia entis in the light of Derrida`s and Marion`s critique of "metaphysics of presence." We would like to highlight Barth`s critique of the problem of the Cartesian "metaphysics of presence" foundational to modern "religionism." In other words, Barth is highly problematic with the inevitable eclipse of the otherness of God`s being by the direct or immediate economy of presence of self-consciousness. On the other hand, we try to elucidate Barth`s analogicallyoriented dialectical thinking concerning the mediation of revelation in the light of both Marion`s post-metaphysical thought concerning "the phenomenon" and "excessive givenness" and Derrida`s post-metaphysical thought about "the text" and "aporetic differance." Both Derrida and Marion would investigate the economy of presence free from some structural deterioration of the presence of beings to which Western "metaphysics of presence" has supposedly given rise and as its sequel the problem of the domestication of the otherness of beings. While Derrida suggests the post-metaphysical conception of presence in terms of the aporetic gift taking after textua "differance," Marion proposes the post-metaphysical economy of presence in terms of the excessive gift resembling phenomenal "givenness." However, their approaches are quite different. Derrida tries to make the direct or immediate self-presence of beings impossible by arguing for the represence of beings via the text as a medium. Marion proposes the mode of the presence of beings in terms of "the saturated phenomenon" as "pure givenness" through the excess of intuition over intention or concepts. However, in spite of their difference, both Derrida and Marion go hand in hand in laying out the economy of presence that honors the alterity of beings as the other without their assimilation into human thought through the immediate economy of presence. In the meantime, when Barth deploys the threefold form of the Word of God as the mediation of revelation in The Gottingen Dogmatics and Church Dogmatics, his primary concern is to secure the indirect economy of presence different from the immediate presence of the being of God via self-consciousness. Barth argues that God`s revelation is mediated through signs-giving in terms of the analogia fidei rather than the analogia entis. Barth`s point is that the r e-presence of God`s being in terms of the linguistic or semiotic mediation is a viable path to shield the otherness of God`s being, while eluding the total presence of the Cartesian metaphysical thought of presence based on self-consciousness. In this way, Barth`s thinking regarding the re-presence of God`s being seems to converge into Derrida`s post-metaphysical thinking as to the re-presence of reality in terms of the generalized text. In addition, what is noticeable in Barth`s thinking of the mediation of revelation is an evolving idea that "God gives himself" (the being of God) to the economy of presence. Barth`s theological conception of the divine gift is a postmetaphysical mode of presence entirely different from the modern metaphysics of subjectivity in that Barth`s conception of divine subjectivity is a giving subject in terms of the presence of the gift rather than a constructing subject in terms of self-presence. Barth`s emphasis on the primordiality of the presence of the gift of the being of God in the knowledge of God tends to be resonant with a certain fundamental feature of Marion`s phenomenological thinking of the excessive presence of the gift in terms of "pure givenness" or "the saturated phenomenon." For Marion, the phenomenon is fundamentally the presence of the gift rather than self-presence. Thus, Barth`s theological economy of divine presence seems to converge into Marion`s thinking of phenomenological presence in terms of their common emphasis on the primordiality of the gift of being[s].

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        급성호흡부전 호전 후 기관지폐포세척에서 지방과립구가 확인된 지방색전증후군

        송리 ( Song Ree Park ),김현수 ( Hyun Soo Kim ),이재형 ( Jae Hyung Lee ),김상헌 ( Sang Heon Kim ),김태형 ( Tae Hyung Kim ),윤호주 ( Ho Joo Yoon ),성수 ( Sung Soo Park ),신동호 ( Dong Ho Shin ),찬금 ( Chan Kum Park ) 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2006 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.61 No.6

        Fat embolism syndrome is a rare clinical diagnosis of dyspnea with acute respiratory failure and neurological signs caused by a traumatic long bone fracture. We report a case of fat embolism in a 22 year-old man after a traffic accident. Dyspnea and stuporous mental changes developed on the 1st day after the external fixation operation of a left metaphyseal femur fracture. On the following day, he was transferred from a hospital to this one because of acute respiratory failure. After recovery, macrophages with fat droplets were found in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid 1. It is important to diagnose a fat embolism as the correct cause of acute respiratory failure through the BAL in the acute state of fat embolism syndrome It is believed that clinically apparent or sometimes hidden fat embolism syndrome can be diagnosed from the BAL during the recovery state. (Tuberc Respir Dis 2006; 61: 562-566)

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