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        테마파크 에버랜드의 수명주기 특성

        박양춘(Yang Choon Park),최정수(Jeong Su Choi) 한국지역지리학회 2002 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        본 연구는 우리나라의 대표적인 테마파크인 에버랜드를 사례로 급격한 관광수요 및 환경 변화에 대응하는 과정에서의 관광목적지 수명주기별 특성을 분석하였다. 에버랜드의 수명주기 단계는 일반적 지표(이용객수와 매출액)와 보조 지표(이용객수 속성과 이용객 유형)를 기준으로, 농원에서 위락공원으로의 변화가 진행된 초기개발기(1976년∼1980년대 중반까지), 위락공원적 성격의 강화와 함께 테마파크로의 변화가 시작된 성장기(1980년대 중반∼1990년대 초반), 테마파크의 기반을 다졌으나 자원의 진부화가 진행되어 복합테마파크화로의 변화를 계획한 성숙기(1990년대 초반∼1990년대 중반), 복합테마파크화의 실천 및 테마리조트파트로의 도약을 지향하는 재활성기(1990년대 중반이후)로 구분된다. 에버랜드는 새로운 시설 및 이벤트의 도입 또는 개선을 통하여 끊임없이 혁신을 행함으로써 현재 시장권도 서울중심에서 경기, 인천, 충북, 대전 등 전국으로 확대되고 외국방문객도 급증하고 있다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of a life cycle of a theme park through looking at Everland in Yongin, Korea. The life cycle of Everland is divided into four stages. In "initial development" stage(1976 ― the mid-80`s), Everland become inclined the characteristics of an amusement park by construction the amusement facilities in the Flower Center(botanical garden). In "growth" stage(the mid-80`s ― the early 90`s), Everland had full grown to the amusement park and inclined to a theme park. In "maturity" stage(the early 90`s ― the mid-90`s), many visitors were not motivated to re-visit Everland because the facilities and events did not change often. Therefore, Everland makes plans for multiple theme park. In "rejuvenation" stage(after the mid-90`s), Everland has practiced the plans for multiple theme park and has become the family and accommodating-oriented theme resort park. Since 1976 when Everland was opened, it has evolved from an amusement park to a theme park by creating various and continuous innovations in facilities and events.

      • KCI등재

        대도시근교 농촌지역의 농가특성과 시설농가의 경영규모 변화

        박양춘(Yang Choon Park),우종현(Jong Hyeon Woo) 한국지역지리학회 2001 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        우리나라의 농촌에서는 산업화와 밀접히 연관되면서 시설작물의 재배가 증가해 왔고, 특히 1970년대 이후에는 대도시 주변지역에서 급격히 증가해 왔다. 개별농가의 영농유형은 농업노동력의 양보다는 질적 수준과 관련이 있으며, 노동력의 질적 수준에서는 특히 경영주의 연령이 중요하다. 경영규모는 경영주의 연령과 관련이 있으며 미작 재배농가보다는 시설작물 재배농가의 경영주 평균 연령이 더 젊고 경영규모가 더 크다. 시설작물 재배의 주목적은 영농을 통한 상업성의 제고가 가장 큰 원인이지만 부족한 노동력 때문에 경영규모에는 한계가 있고 특히 농산물 가격의 불안정과 수익성 악화는 적극적인 경영규모 확대를 제한하고 있다. 시설작물 재배농가의 경영규모 확대는 농지의 매입보다 임차지의 확대를 통해 이루어지며, 이때 영농조건이 유리한 농지를 중심으로 임대차가 발생된다. 결과적으로 대도시 근교 농촌지역의 유지와 발전을 위해서는 영농의 상업화와 수익성 제고가 중요한 요인이지만 토지이용의 효율성 측면에서는 농지와 자연적 조건이 중요하게 작용된다. 그러나 농외부문의 취업기반이나 교육시설의 보완 없이는 촌락 공동체의 유지측면에서 가족 구성원의 분리문제와 농업노동력 부족문제가 해결될 가능성이 낮다. Summarized results of this study that examined the characteristics of farm household in suburban areas classified by the fanning types are as follows. When it was looked into with the side of farm household and his family, the type of the farm household in suburban areas are related to the quality of farming labor rather than the quantity of it. Regardless of the type of the farm household, it depends upon the family labor(usually men and wives). And the age of farm manager is an important part in the quality of farming labor. The size of the farm household is related to the individual farming labor. The size of self-sufficient crops(mainly rice) farm household will be small as the farmer gets to be old. But the size of commercial crops farm household has less tendency to change in terms with the age of farm manager. The farming commercialism takes an important part in the maintenance and development of suburban agricultural areas. But, in fact, there is a shortage of farming labor. So the physical condition of farmland is the most important part in agricultural durability. After this study, we can conclude that we won`t have enough chance to solve the problem of family member separation and shortage of farming labor even though it is in the suburban area or in the profitable farm until we give them more enough chance to get a job(except farming) and the better education infrastructure. To make matters worse, the aggravation of farm household`s economy due to unstable price of farming products` threatens the agricultural durability. Consequently, in order to get a development of agriculture and rural community, a qualitative change with improvement of agricultural conditions and of products distribution system is needed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        울산 중화학공업의 재구조화 특성

        박양춘(Yang Choon Park) 한국지역지리학회 2001 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        본 연구는 울산시를 사례로 IMF 체제를 극복하는 과정에서의 기업의 재구조화 전략을 중심으로 우리나라 중화학공업의 재구조화 특성을 분석하였다. 울산 지역경제는 중화학부문의 대기업 분공장과 그 관련기업의 비중이 절대적이고, 특정 대기업과 중소기업간 수직적 하청관계에 기초한 대기업 주도의 산업구조로 특징지워진다. IMF 체제를 계기로 시장 재구조화는 종래 가격경쟁에서 품질경쟁으로의 전환을 기조로 시장 확대, 판매처의 다양화 그리고 수출 확대 전략을 중심으로 생산제품 및 시장 다변화, 수출과 내수시장의 점유비율의 조정 등 다양한 전략으로 수요환경 변화에 대응하고 있다. 생산체계가 변화된 기업체는 절반에 미치지 않으나, 주로 소품종 소량생산체계에서 소품종 대량생산체계 혹은 다품종 대량생산에서 전문화와 규모경제를 동시에 추구하는 소품종 대량생산 체제로 전환하였다. 그리고 생산조직에 있어서는 특히 전문하청의 확대로 핵심기능만을 내부화하고 나머지는 외부화하여 비용절감과 수요변화에 신축적으로 대처하기 위한 전략을 추구하였다. 노동 재구조화에 있어서는 팀제도입, 육체적·정신적 노동의 결합과 소사장제 도입으로 생산현장의 의견을 의사결정에 반영할 수 있고, 다기능화와 노동혼합을 통한 노동조직상의 유연성을 제고하려는 전략을 채택하였다. This paper is to analyze how firms in a large firm-led industrial city have carried out the restructuring in the face of radical shifts, with focus on the strategy and the restructuring of firms in Ulsan, a typical industrial district in Korea that is specialized in heavy & chemical industry. It has been well known that the local economy has been led by a small number of large firms, including affiliates of chaebol, and its industrial structure has also been characterized as a clear dichotomy between large firms as a customer and small and medium-size firms as a supplier, which can be called not horizontal but vertical relations. It can identify some tendencies, however, that local companies have been rather dynamically changing in response to increasingly turbulent environment since the Asian crisis. Some are radical, but some incremental. These can be summarized in four distinctive but interlinked ways. First, more than half of local companies surveyed have attempted to change their production systems, mainly from the fordist mass production towards the flexible mass production, seeking both economies of scale and scope. Second, local firms have vigorously continued to reorganize the boundary of the production and the organization, by specializing products and focusing on the core competence in order to save costs and cope with radically changing customer demands in a flexible way. Third, there have been various strategies for the organizational innovation such as the introduction of team organization, the boundary blurring between the managerial and production workers and the intra-firm spin-offs, so as to improve managerial efficiency and competence in the use of internal labour market. Finally, they have tried to be more sensitive to the market and customers. These tendencies seem to be increasingly critical to sustain their competitiveness. To do so, they tend to focus increasingly not only on the competing via the product quality rather than through price, but also to seek to diversify the market and customer firms beyond national boundary.

      • 嶺南圈의 工業立地 變動에 關한 硏究

        朴陽春,趙成鎬 경북대학교 문리과대학 지리학회 1981 洛東地理 Vol.- No.6

        This paper is concerned with changes in the distribution of industry in Young Nam area between 1966 to 1975. It has two objectives; first, an empirical appraisal of the locational dynamics of industrial growth at a regional scale and second, an explanation of these changes in the context of regional development theory. So, I have focused on the magnitude and general direction of these locational shifts. Finally, and foremost in my concern, has been the question of the spatial differentiation of these shits: Where has industry grown most rapidly and why? I used shift analysis to complement the absolute change measurements. It can be used to measure shifts in numbers employed in industry viewed as a whole, or sectorial changes in industrial development. In this paper, only overall shift procedures were used. To sum up the results of the preceding analysis, the following statements can be ventured on areal trends in Young Nam Manufacturing region during the study period 1) In spite of treat quantitative changes in industrial activity, the pattern of location was continued to display the overconcentration of manufacturing activity in two big cities, as Pusan and Taegu. 2) Nevertheless, there has been a significant relative dispersion of industrial activity out from the metropolitan areas into the adjacent, relatively unindustrialized regions and to the east southern coast. 3) In the point of industrial diffusion into the vicinity, Taegu area is more outstanding than Pusan. Seeing the stages of spatial pattern of locational changes, Pusan area is on the stage of forming of outer-ring, but the area of Taegu on the stage of expansion of outer-ring and formation of a industrial zone. 4) In the future, without the consideration for the balance of regional development, the industrial growth will be continued in the near of larger urban centers and the east southern coast.

      • 嶺南圈 落後地域의 區分과 開發戰略에 關한 硏究

        朴陽春 慶北大學校 1981 論文集 Vol.31 No.-

        In developing or underdeveloped countries, the Growth Center Theory has been used as a regional policy which has developed lagging regions, for the purpose of mitigating the regional disparity, and has prevented the migration to metropolitan areas. Accordingly, this study attempts to classify the lagging region in accordance with socio-economic indicators and find the characteristics of the region, and verify the Growth Center Theory as the development strategy in lagging region. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: First, the north-eatern and western regions of Kyungbuk Province and the western region of Kyungnam Province were found to be the typical lagging regions in the studied area. Most are characterized by mountaneous areas which are the major determinants of regional development. Second, while the areas accessible to large metropolis have good regional health, such phenomena are not common in the surrounding areas of regional centers. It indicates that the trick-ling-down effect to the periphery varies with the urban size. Third, the development axis in Youngnam Region was found in the heavy industrial belt of the east-southern coast and the Seoul-Busan development corridor. Fourth, inter-regional inequalities are inevitable in the course of national economic growth. Particularly, the economic disparities among regions were influenced by the industrial structure. Industrialized areas were found to be advanced, while areas based on agricultureal activities were identified as lagging regions. And regional variations in inflastructure and located and structural conditions are closely associated with developmental changes, particularly in the lagging region. For the last, it is recommended that cities such as Andong, Youngju and Jinju be established as spontaneous growth centers, and Guechang as an induced growth center.

      • 嶺南圈의 工業立地 變動에 關한 硏究

        朴陽春 慶北大學校 文理科大學 1978 文理學叢 Vol.5 No.-

        This paper is concerned with changes in the distribution of industry in Young Nam area between 1966 to 1975. It has two objectives; first, an empirical appraisal of the locational dynamics of industrial growth at a regional scale and second, an explanation of these changes in the context of regional development theory. So, I have focused on the magnitude and general direction of these locational shifts. Finally, and foremost in my concern, has been the question of the spatial differentiation of these shits: Where has industry grown most rapidly and why? I used shift analysis to complement the absolute change measurements. It can be used to measure shifts in numbers employed in industry viewed as a whole, or sectorial changes in industrial development. In this paper, only overall shift procedures were used. To sum up the results of the preceding analysis, the following statements can be ventured on areal trends in Young Nam Manufacturing region during the study period: 1) In spite of great quantitative changes in industrial activity, the pattern of location was continued to display the overconcentration of manufacturing activity in two big cities, as Pusan and Taegu. 2) Nevertheless, there has been a significant relative dispersion of industrial activity out from the metropolitan areas into adjacent, relatively unindustrialized regions and to the east southern coast. 3) In the point of industrial diffusion into the vicinity, Taegu area is more outstanding than Pusan. Seeing the stages of spatial pattern of locational changes. Pusan area is on the stage of forming of outer-ring, but the area of Taegu on the stage of expansion of outer-ring and formation of a industrial zone. 4) In the future, without the consideration for the balance of regional development, the industrial growth will be continued in the near of larger urban centers and east southern coast.

      • 空間發展理論에 關한 硏究

        朴陽春 경북대학교 사회과학연구소 1987 社會科學硏究 Vol.3 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to review comprehencively former scholar's efforts to overcome limitation of spatial development theory and them, to suggest possibilities of strategies for balanced spatial development. The spatial theories such as certral place, city-size distribution, growth center and spatial diffusion are identified as not relevant to the explanation of the spatial development processes which should be balanced and dynamic. So, many scholars have attempted to integrate the basic elements of the spatial theories so as to overcome their limitations. Among these theoretical disscussions, the special concerns have lain in the hierarchical system of growth centers. The concept of hierarchical systems of growth centers illuminates new suggestions to the growth center policies. In the case of new growth centers in a peripheral region for the reduction of inequalities between center and its peripheral region, the new center should functionally integrate the growth centers of higher orders and then arrange labor and raw materials of its peripheral regions and centers of low orders. Regional development has close relations with spatial diffusion of innovations. On one hand regional inequalities are understood being caused by difference of innovations diffusion. Entrepreneurial innovation is likely to stimulate the regional growth through the direct and indirect multiplier effects. To reduce the interregional gap of innovation diffusion, it is suggested that the regional policies be necessary which could enhance to lower the level of threshold requirement and to increase the accessibility.

      • 도시근교 자연휴양림의 이용객 특성과 이용행태 : 비슬산 자연휴양림을 사례로

        박양춘,박순호,최정수 慶北大學校 社會科學大學 1997 社會科學 Vol.9 No.1

        원래 자연휴양림은 대국민 휴양서비스의 제공과 산촌지역주민의 소득증대를 목표로 개발되었으나, 실제 개발방법이나 분위기가 일반 유원지 및 관광지과 뚜렷한 차별성을 찾아보기 어렵다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해서는 휴양림 이용객의 이용행태 및 만족도에 관한 연구가 전제된다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 비슬산 자연휴양림을 연구대상으로 이용객속성, 이용행태 그리고 만족도를 분석하여 개발방향을 제시하고자 한다. 비슬산 자연휴양림은 2계절형(여름ㆍ가을), 주말형, 당일이용형, 통과형 자연휴양림의 특성을 지니고 있다. 이러한 특성을 결정하는 가장 중요한 요소는 ‘접근성’이며, 이는 휴양림 이용객속성과 이용행태에 결정적인 영향을 미친다. 휴양림의 유인력을 높이기 위해서는 다양한 측면에서의 접근성 제고가 최우선과제이다. 그리고 기대도에 비해 만족도가 낮은 활동 및 시설의 보완 그리고 산촌지역주민들의 소득증대라는 측면에서의 임산물 생산기능과 관광기능을 연계하는 대책도 강구되어야 할 것이다. 결론적 편의시설 위주의 현 개발방식의 재검토가 요구된다. Recreation and leisure activities are recently increased and spread over all the social classes. Many people interest in natural recreation forest for recreation and leisure, and then the number of visitors is rapidly increased. There are few studies on the visitors' characteristics and behaviors. The purpose of this study was to analyze the socio-economic characteristics of visitors and their behaviors of Mt. Bisul natural recreation forest [BNRF], which is located in the close to a large city, Taegu. The data were collected by interviewing 59 visitors with a constructed questionnaire in BNRF. Like general natural recreation forest, BNRF is two season(summer, fall) and weekend type. In the socio-economic characteristics of visitors in BNRF, the noticeable characteristics of visitors were that the sex ratio was 1.17 and the high proportion of visitors of BNRF worked in professionㆍfreelancer and housewife. Most lodgers of BNRF were from Taegu and attracted by lodge itself. In terms of the visitors' behaviors in BNRF, the visit motivation in BNRF was accessibility and convenience of facilities. The informations were obtained by face-to-face. Most visitors were with their families and 3 to 9 persons. Most visitors traveled less than one hour to arrive in BNRF. The tour course of BNRF was mainly a piston type and a key type. The resource-used activities such as resting, walk, and talks with companions were preferred, and walk road and log cabin were most convenient. In the satisfaction for activities, most visitors of BNRF were satisfied with forest-recreational activities such as walkㆍforest-bathing, but not satisfied with sightseeing or exploring of adjacent resorts and forest products & local foods. This was resulted from no famous tourist resorts near BNRF. The level of satisfaction was more low than the level of expectation, generally. The gaps between two levels were considerable in watetplay and forest products. In BNRF the activities of waterplay and forest products should be developed to enhance the level of satisfaction. The studies on the visitors' characteristics and behaviors in the natural recreation forest are required to help develop natural recreation forest to compete with recreation resorts and make to improve the marketability. This study contributes to help make programs to attract more people to natural recreation forest and to improve the facilities that people want.

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