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      • KCI등재

        李箱 시의 근대성 연구

        박성필(Park Sung-Pil) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2008 한국민족문화 Vol.31 No.-

        This study discussed 'modernity' in Lee Sang's poetry. A human being runs life in the fantasies which are linked with his desire. There are some importance poet in 1930's, but we must attend his poetry. Because the 'modernity' in his writing is very unique. In the concrete, he expressed 'sense of inferiority' and 'distrust' by the medium of writing. I think that reason are one way of resistance to Japanese imperialism. In chapter 2, I examined 'sense of inferiority' in Lee Sang's poetry. Therefore I make certain of special aspect. He expressed 'self-command' while expressed 'sense of inferiority' against modernity. In chapter 3, I wished to make clear the way of resistance. On the concrete, the way related with a feeling of uneasiness to attachment. In last chapter, I wished to examined 'a form of configured modernity'. His poetry is great in the way, that pervert the modem world. For instance, special number '13' or sign' ?/\?' is presumed that way.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국인 성인의 머리뼈 방사선사진에서 아래턱뼈 계측치와 턱뼈가지굽이의 남녀 차이

        박성필(Sung Pil Park),김희진(Hee Jin Kim),허경석(Kyung Seok Hu),박광균(Kwang Kyun Park),고기석(Ki-Seok Koh) 대한체질인류학회 2000 대한체질인류학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        20세 이상의 한국인 성인 241 명을 대상으로 머리뼈계측 방사선사진올 촬영하고 아래턱뼈와 머리뼈의 체질인류학적 계측을 시행하여, 남녀에 따른 머리뼈와 아래턱뼈 계측치의 차이를 조사하였다 또한, 아래턱뼈에 서 턱뼈가지 뒤모서리의 굽이정도를 계측하여 남녀차이를 확인하고, 턱뼈가지굽이와 아래턱뼈 성장 양상파의 연관성, 턱뼈가지굽이와 씹기근육과 연관된 턱뼈각앞패임, 그리고 턱뼈각과의 상관관계를 조사하였다. 그 결과 턱뼈각을 제외한 대부분의 계측항목에서 남자의 계측치가 컸으나 머리뼈바닥각은 여자가 남자보다 컸으며, 턱 뼈가지굽이의 위치는 여자가 남자보다 높았다 남녀 모두에서 턱뼈가지굽이는 턱뼈각이 작은 경우, 턱뼈가지가 긴 경우, 그리고 턱뼈각앞왜임이 깊은 경우에 깊은 경향을 나타냈다 또한 SNB 각(뇌하수체정 코뿌리정 B점)각 이 클수록 턱뼈폼통길이는 큰 경향을 보였으며, 머리뼈바닥각도가 큰 경우에는 턱뼈몸둥길이. 턱뼈가지높이와 SNB 각 통은 작은 경향을 나타냈다 또한, 아래턱형연각이 클수록 머리뼈바닥각과 턱뼈각은 큰 경향을 보였고 , SNB 각과 최대머리뼈높이는 작은 경향을 나타냈다 그라고 최대머리뼈길이가 클수록 턱뼈몽통길이 , 턱뼈가지높아 ,SNB 각은 큰 경향을 보였으며 , 최대머리뼈높이가 농은 경우에는 턱뼈몸통길이와 턱뼈가지높이 항목에서 큰 양상인 반면, 턱뼈각은 작은 경향을 나타내였다.


        A Comprehensive Compulsory License under the WTO TRIPS: Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic

        박성필(Sung-Pil Park),이용중(Eric Yong-Joong Lee) 한국무역학회 2024 Journal of Korea trade Vol.28 No.4

        Purpose - The primary purpose of this research is to refine the concept of the Comprehensive Compulsory License System in legal context combining IP laws, international trade laws, and the Common Law of contracts to achieve a harmonious equilibrium. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the global supply chain of vaccines prioritized developed countries to an extreme degree. The global health community requested that the developed countries and pharmaceutical companies producing the vaccines strive for vaccine equity. However, the pharmaceutical companies producing COVID-19 vaccines were reluctant to waive their intellectual property rights. To resolve this stalemate and meet the demand for vaccines by LDCs, we propose a comprehensive compulsory license system. Design/Methodology - Our research analyzes a potential bargain between inventors and governments to support vaccine equity by proposing a new compulsory license system in the post-pandemic era. Findings - The European Union was against the waiver, while the United States changed its initial position to eventually support the waiver. In practice, the stringent consensus rule of the WTO’s Ministerial Conference may make it so that waiver requests are not always granted. The existing compulsory license over vaccine patents was not sufficient because vaccine production requires all types of IP, including secret information. Originality/value - This new system is based on the disclosure theory of patents and the concept of patent quid pro quo. The proposed design may work as an essential option to resolve the defects in the global vaccine supply chain.

      • KCI등재

        미당 서정주의 친일 기점에 관한 연구

        박성필 ( Sung Pil Park ) 한국어교육학회(구 한국국어교육연구학회) 2013 국어교육 Vol.0 No.142

        In this article, we would like to explained the Pro-Japanese start point of in Mi-dang``s poetry· In order to achieve this purpose, in this paper, we would like to the next two kinds item was important looked into with the important· As to that, the reason in which his record of achievements was not well clarified is what, whether the start point is that it of the pro-Japanese, when and this poetic logic is what· For the cause which the pro-Japanese activities of Midang did not inform clearly, the record of achievements in which Midang is already clarified even when its own pro-Japanese activities disliked exceedingly to be released was due to take the defensive attitude admitted the recognizes· And the creation of the city genre thanked drastically since it came out on the pro-Japanese· When it showed up in the conclusion till the phenomenon that genre of poem disappears from his chronological record· In conclusion, It cooperated with Japan from April, 1941· In it after this time, two phenomena shows· When looking at the appearance 2 specimens were confined, which deviated through the consideration and which it leaves from the specific space as the back to be, it could grasp to be put at the process where these specimens progress with ‘pro-Japanese’·

      • KCI등재

        美國의 知的財産權 擔保制度에 대한 考察

        박성필(Sung-Pil Park),고영희(Young-Hee Ko),김용길(Yong-Kil Kim) 충남대학교 법학연구소 2010 法學硏究 Vol.21 No.1

        The economic success of a business in the future will be determined by its capability to strategically manage intellectual capital, whose major elements will be intellectual property rights (‘IPRs’). The IPRs are becoming promising source of financing even in today’s economic environment. Thus we will explore issues regarding the collateralization of IPRs under the UCC Article 9 and asset-backed IPR securitization. We will further review some exemplary IPR financing practices in the United States including the Pullman Group’s Bowie Bonds. Finally we will draw a few business and policy implications for companies and government of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        이승훈 시론의 의미 지향성 연구

        박성필(Park Sung-Pil) 국어국문학회 2008 국어국문학 Vol.- No.150

        This study aims at clarifying the inclination to 'meaning' and continuity of poetics's development through exam about 'The Non-object poetry'. Especially we attended to that poetics, because not only that on representation, but also it shows a stage of development. In this paper, we take notice of an esthetic feature, to put it concretely that transcend objective world, In order to, we refer to 'non-sense' by Gilles Deluze, 'Emptiness(空)' in Buddhism, and 'Nothing(無)' in Taoism, To sum up this article be as follows. First of all, through out exam about background of the dawn of The Non-object poetry'. we can notice that his poetry came under the influence Kim Chun-Su's poetics that is called 'The Non-sense poetry', Kim wanted remove poetic object exhaustively, but Lee noticed that impossible so that he instituted notions 'Non-object'. Second, we discussed that effect of 'non-sense', because pursuit of 'Non-object' don't mean that exclusion of meaning unqualifiedly. It is a effect of 'sense' through 'non-sence', it means change over from individual existence to universal that. Third, in this article, we groped about intention of 'The Non-object poetry' It is not different from S?n(禪), we founded competition 'Emptiness (空)' and 'Nothing(無)' in Lee's poetry. That means resistance to universal existence for the purpose get out of suffering in reality.

      • KCI등재

        김광균 시의 소리 표상에 관한 연구

        박성필 ( Sung Pil Park ) 한국어교육학회(구 한국국어교육연구회) 2009 국어교육 Vol.0 No.130

        The purpose of this treatise is to establish the meaning of correspondence of the poetry that Kim Kwang-Kyun showed in development of the modernization through the `sound` representation which appeared at the time. His poetry is different from what Kim Ki-Rim did in visual sense as sensation of synchronism at the time of modernization absolutely, he made full use of unique technique to build an image via `sound` representation to show by various methods while paying attention to visual sense. At first his poetic description lets you convert a sound by dynamic movement. It appears in the reason that must pay attention to such a technique very frequently, and as for the poetic element generating unique atmosphere is because is it. It prescribed character of such an image in a kind of `sensory image` by this treatise. Though `sound` representation is an image as a border of pre -modern/modern times and appears, it means correspondence of the poetry that he showed in full-scale development of the modernization.

      • 일반논문 : 한국 현대시에서 "흰 그늘의 시학"의 계보

        박성필 ( Sung Pil Park ) 서울시립대학교 도시인문학연구소 2011 도시인문학연구 Vol.3 No.1

        이 연구는 한국 현대시에 나타나는 ``억압``의 양상을 계보학적으로 살펴보는 데 논의의 목적이 있다. 그 동안 한국 현대시에서 ``억압``은 이른바 ``한(恨)`` 담론이라는 특수한 키워드로 분류되어 왔다. 그러나 ``한``이 한민족 고유의 정서, 즉 다른 언어/문화로 번역될 수 없다는 인식은, 의도된 것이든 그렇지 않든 간에 한국문학(문화)의 특수성을 획득하기 위한 하나의 수단으로 작용되어 왔다. 한국문학을 동아시아권 문학, 그리고 그 너머 비교 문학의 시각에서 논의하기 위해서는 좀 더 보편적인 방식으로 설명할 수 있어야 한다. 이를 위해 이 연구에서는 한국 현대시에 나타나는 ``억압``의 양상, 특히 가장 특수한 시적 특질이라 할 수 있는 ``흰 그늘의 시학``을 계보학적으로 살펴보고자 한다. 특히 이 연구에서는 이러한 시적 특질을 계보학적으로 살피되, 그 문학적 함의를 정신 병리학적 관점에서 조망함으로써 한국 문학에 나타나는 ``억압``의 양상이 비교 문학의 장에서 논의될 수 있음을 밝히고자 한다. This article scrutinizes past works for the aspect of ``repression`` in Korean modern poetry, which has been classified as the word ``Han(恨)`` in modern poetical discussion. It recognizes that ``Han,`` which is a feeling unique to the Korean race and which cannot be translated into other languages or cultures, has been a means to acquire the particularity of the Korean language and culture, whether intended or not. However, in order to discuss Korean literature from the viewpoint and the context of East Asian literature and world comparative literature, it should be able to be explained by a more universal method. To achieve this goal, this study tries to look at the aspect of ``repression`` emerging in Korean modern poetry taken from past works, especially in the ``Poetics of White Schattens``, in which it can be said to be the most unique poetic characteristic. While the study examines this poetic characteristic`s past by looking at its literary implication from the psychopathological point of view, it also shows that the aspect of ``repression`` in Korean literature can be discussed in the context of its comparative literature.

      • KCI등재

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