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        학교교육에 나타난 일제의 어문정책

        박성의 고려대학교 아세아문제연구소 1968 亞細亞硏究 Vol.11 No.1

        The linguistic and literal policy of Japanese colonial rule of Korea, spanning over a period of 36 years, was, in a word, a policy designed to eradicate Korean language and letters, with an nltimate aim of obliteration of the Korean nation as a whole. This was part of the Japanese colonial policy of converting the Korean people into "the Japanese imperial subject." Since it is an undisputable truism that a language originates ans grows over millenia with a precise reflextion of marked characteristics of the given nation, it was an attempt, impossible,<br/> stupid ans reckless. This becomes all the more evident when it was intended against the Korean language whose history and identity make it hardly susceptible to such an attempt of mere a decade's duration. It is not only stupid and reckless but a crime to human culture, invoking a anger of the world conscience.<br/> The same can also be applied to the Korean letters, Korea's own invention, developed, time-tested and accustomed to the usage by the Korean people over moer than 300 years, since it was first invented by king Sejong.<br/> Disregarding this self-evident truth, however, the Japanese colonial authorities had been vigorous and desperate in pursuing this policy. Through enforcement of the use of Japanese upon Koreans, they tried to bring forth a total convension of the Korean people into "the subject of the Japanese empire." In order to rationalize the absurdity underrunning in this policy, rosy thems such as "Identity of Japan and Korea" and "Japan and Korean with a Forefather" came into the forefront. Although repeatedly stated, it was an act of stupidity and<br/> crime to the world trend of cultural development that the Japanese had imposed upon Koreans such an absurdity and nonsense.<br/> An attempt to bring into a vivid memory of the atrocity of the Japanese colonial authorities' linguistic and literal policy is worth while in that it renews our recognition of the value of Korean language and stimulates our obligation to preserve and polish up our lingustic and literal heritage. This becomes all the more imperative to those young generations who did not come through the Japanese language obliteration policy.<br/> Although this piece is a direct outcome of necessity for such an attempt it pertains primarily to "the Japanese colonial authorities' linguistic and literal policy revealed in the school," a touch on a small and partial segment of the whole picture of the policy, leaving other spectrum untouched.<br/> Japanese suppression on Korean language studies activities, known as "the Korean Linguistic Society's Case", and the metabolic pace toward oppressing use of the Korean language taken at the turn of World II needs a through review and study.<br/> The methods employed to carry out the afore-mentioned linguistic and literal policy were severe and thoroughgoing. Through frequent revision of decrees and regulantion government school education, text-book were complied on the principle of the ban on use of Korean and of emphasis on infusion of Japanese spirit and transformation of antional character of the Korean people. School instructions were required to be conducted only in Japanese, with Korean<br/> forbidden. Accordingly, employment of Japanese teachers were preferable at all level of educational institutions, with a minimum employment of Korean teachers. Supervision and control by the authorities on private schools, mostly operated by Koreans, were suffocating. In innumerable instances, the Japanese handed out orders for suspension or close-down of schools, for fabricated reasons of instigating students to nationalistic awareness or fostering independent aspiration among them. But the contrary policy was applied to establishment and management of public school whose educational directives were in pararell with the colonial authorities policy.<br/> If a teacher was found using Korean in teaching, he was subject to punishment or deprivation of his prof

      • KCI등재
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        유아기 자녀를 둔 어머니의 양육역량강화 부모코칭프로그램 개발을 위한 탐색

        박성의,도미향 한국코칭학회 2017 코칭연구 Vol.10 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 유아기 자녀를 둔 어머니의 양육역량강화 부모코칭 프로그램개발을 위한 것이다. 선행연구 분석을 통해 양육역량강화의 개념을 파악하고 구성요소를 설정하여 유아기 자녀를 둔 어머니의 양육스트레스 감소와 양육효능감 증진을 위한 양육역량강화 부모코칭프 로그램 개발의 기초자료로 활용하고자한다. 이를 위해 다음과 같은 연구문제를 설정하였다. 첫째, 양육역량강화 부모코칭프로그램의 개념과 구성요소는 무엇인가? 둘째, 양육역량강화를 위한 부모코칭프로그램의 개발 방향은 어떠한 가? 셋째, 유아기자녀를 둔 어머니의 양육역량 강화 부모코칭 프로그램의 구성 및 내용은 어떠한가? 이러한 연구문제를 탐색한 바에 따르면 첫째, 양육역량강화의 개념은 유아기자녀를 둔 어머니가 바람직한 양육지식과 양육 태도를 가 지며, 양육에 필요한 기술을 갖도록 내적인 힘과 행동력을 증진하는 것이다. 또한 양육역량강 화의 구성요소는 양육지식, 양육스트레스, 양육태도인 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 양육역량강화를 위한 개발방향은 계획, 실행, 평가에 걸친 전 과정에서의 부모의 요구도 수용, 연령별 자녀의 부모교육 내용 반영, 다양한 부모코칭 교수방법 , 양육효능감 증진 및 양육스트레스 감소를 위한 부모 코칭, 양방향적 소통 시스템 기획으로 나타났다. 셋째, 유아기 자녀를 둔 어머니의 양육역량강화 부모코칭프로그램의 구성 및 내용은 Co-Active 코칭모델에 의한 양육역량강화 부모코칭프로그램의 탐색을 기반으로 구성하였으며, 추후 연구에서의 사전사후 검증과 양육 역량강화 부모코칭프로그램의 기초적 자료로 활용할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        시각장애 연구자의 학술정보 획득 및 활용 경험에 관한 질적 연구

        박성의,심원식,Bak, Seongeui,Shim, Wonsik 한국도서관정보학회 2017 한국도서관정보학회지 Vol.48 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to describe the experience of visually impaired academic researchers' use of scholarly contents and to explore intrinsic nature of the experience. In-depth interview was conducted with a total number of twelve visually impaired academic researchers and the data were analyzed using Colaizzi's phenomenological research method. A total of 107 significant statements were extracted, divided into 44 themes and 12 theme clusters. The statements were then classified into four categories. The 'scholarly contents acquisition and use' category has to do with difficulties that these experience when negotiating with internet sites with poor web accessibility and full-text availability. The 'changes in perception and emotions' category deals with transitions in perception and mood experienced by visually impaired academic researchers' over time. The 'relationships with support personnel' category includes issues related with the difficulty of securing support person, support person's inadequate level of competence, and establishing/sustaining personal relationships. Finally, the 'improvement requirements' category includes issues that these researchers want resolved with regard to contents acquisition and use. 이 연구는 시각장애 연구자의 학술정보 획득 및 활용에 대한 경험을 시각장애 연구자의 관점에서 기술하고, 그 경험의 내재된 본질을 탐색해 보는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 시각장애 연구자 12명을 심층 면담하고 Colaizzi의 현상학적 연구방법으로 분석하였다. 107개의 의미 있는 진술과 이를 통해 구성된 의미에서 44개의 주제, 12개의 주제묶음을 확인하여 구분한 결과, 총 4개의 범주가 최종적으로 도출되었다. '학술정보 확보 및 활용' 범주는 학술정보 제공 사이트의 웹 접근성 및 원문 접근성 수준이 낮아 시각장애 연구자들이 자료 검색-확보-활용과정에서 겪는 어려움을 보여준다. '인식 및 감정의 변화' 범주는 시간의 흐름에 따른 시각장애 연구자의 인식 및 감정을, '지원인력과의 관계' 범주는 지원인력 확보의 어려움, 지원인력의 역량 문제, 지원인력 관리와 관련하여 시각장애 연구자가 겪는 고충을 보여준다. '개선요구사항 범주'는 연구 참여자들이 학술정보 획득 및 활용과 관련하여 개선되기를 희망하는 내용이 무엇인지를 기술하고 있다.

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