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        공공부문 자체감사기구 평가제도를 통한 역량진단에 관한 연구 : 서울시 투자 ․ 출연기관을 중심으로

        신민철(Shin, Min Chul),박성문(Park, Seong-Moon) 한국부패학회 2021 한국부패학회보 Vol.26 No.1

        오늘날 역할 및 기능이 확대되고 있는 공공기관의 책임성과 투명성 확보를 위해 자체감사를 통한 자율적 견제와 감시방안에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 이를 위해 공공부문 내부통제기구로서 자체감사기구의 역량수준을 평가를 통해 명확하게 진단하고 부문별 역량수준 개편방안을 마련할 필요가 있다. 본 연구에서는 서울시 산하 25개 투자․출연기관 25개 자체감사기구를 대상으로 자체감사활동에 대한 역량수준모형을 제시하고 이를 자체감사 평가제도와 연계하여 부문별 수준을 비교하여 실효성을 제고할 수 있는 방안을 모색하였다. 분석결과 조직체계, 인력관리, 전문성 그리고 사후관리 측면에서 각 기관 자체감사기구들 간 감사역량 수준 차이를 제시하였다. 특히 역량수준 진단모형을 통해 기존 평가제도에 포함되지 않는 자체감사기구 미보유 기관들의 역량수준 문제점이 두드러진 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 역량수준 진단모형을 토대로 서울시 투자․출연기관 자체감사기구의 평가제도의 개선안을 평가대상, 평가지표, 평가절차, 평가활용을 중심으로 제시할 수 있다. 먼저 평가대상은 서울시 투자․출연기관 전체가 자체감사 활동평가를 받을 수 있도록 대상을 확대하는 것을 기초로 기관의 규모 등을 반영한 대상집단의 구성이 요구된다. 평가지표는 평가의 객관성을 높일 수 있도록 정성/정량 지표의 비율을 조정하고, 기관별 고유특성 및 여건을 고려한 평가지표의 조정 및 개선이 필요하다. 차등적 평가지표를 별도로 선정하여 집단별로 차별화하여 평가할 필요가 있다. 평가절차는 반부패 시책평가 및 경영실적평가와 같은 다양한 평가 일정과의 중복을 최소화하여 평가의 효율성을 제고하는 것으로 하며, 평가활용은 현재의 순위 등급방식을 수정하여 자체감사기구 수준을 결정하는 방식을 통해 기관의 자체감사 역량을 높이고, 자체감사기구의 수준이 장기적으로 성장․발전할 수 있는 방향으로 활용이 되어야 할 것이다. 서울시 투자․출연기관의 경우 자체감사활동이 활발히 진행되는 기관과 그렇지 않은 기관의 편차가 크게 존재하고 있다. 외부감사만을 통한 감사활동은 한계가 존재하는바 이를 보완하기 위한 자체감사활동의 중요성을 인식하고 공공기관 모두가 적극적인 자체감사활동을 수행할 수 있도록 평가제도의 점진적 개선은 중요하다고 할 것이다. External control has limitations in trying to increase the efficiency and transparency required for the operation of public organizations. Accordingly, the role of internal audit based on autonomous management similar to public institutions is increasing. Under this background, the purpose of this study is to prepare measures to improve evaluation standards and indicators for internal audit capacity in order to enhance self-audit of public sector in Seoul, and to improve the utilization of the evaluation system in the future. As a result of the analysis, discrimination by audit competency occurred very prominently in the aspect of organizational system, manpower management, professionalism, and post management. In particular, organizations that do not have self-audit organizations, which are not included in the existing evaluation system, showed very low internal-audit capabilities, and in particular, directions for improvement in detail for each element were presented more clearly. The need for a internal audit evaluation system exists to improve audit capability and secure audit quality. Through the improvement of audit capability, it is possible to increase the independence of audit so that it can independently handle audit work smoothly by raising the audit capability of public institutions themselves. In addition, securing quality control enables analysis of major problems in the process of self-audit and enables improvement plans. It is necessary to improve the internal audit activity evaluation system that fits the circumstances of the public sector in Seoul.

      • 특별사법경찰제도의 장기발전방안

        김찬동 ( Chan Dong Kim ),이세구 ( Se Koo Rhee ),박성문 ( Seong Moon Park ) 서울시정개발연구원 2009 연구보고서 Vol.2009 No.51

        The purposes of this study are to analyse the current conditions and to figure out the problems of Special Judicial Police (SJP) system of Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG), and to suggest the ideas to develop the future SJP. The SJP system in Korea has different historical background compared to foreign countries` SJPs. The SMG adopted the SJP system in 2008 in order to promote the civil safety in several areas as a citizen-centered administration. SMG plays the role to provide the necessary budgets to form the Division of Special Judicial Police while city`s 25 Autonomous Districts to dispatch the personnels to work with. The coverage of SJP includes food, juvenile delinquency, environmental pollution and hygiene. SJP has shown considerable performance so far through the investigation of such areas. However, there have been several difficulties for SJP to face with. First of all, the SJP officers who used to deal with the paperworks inside offices experience the difficulty of executing criminal investigation. There have been insufficient budget and instruments for criminal investigation. Moreover, the Division has experienced the difficulties in personnel and organization management together with the lack of expertise in criminal investigation for the officers. Whereas three to five year experience of investigation would lead the officers to become expertise in general, they have experienced the circulation personnel management system which usually results to less than three year work with the division. The rate of citizens` recognition of SJP is very low as 17%. But, so long as they recognize the SJP in SMG, their satisfaction for SJP is quite high as 57%. Also, they have felt the necessity of SJP strongly as 65%. The exact expression of SJP in SMG would be the comprehensive SJP which means any officers are in charge of whole areas of SJP while current officer has dealt with any specific area of SJP. Although SJP has already been existed in autonomous districts before SMG organized the division in the city, mayors of autonomous districts who are elected through public elections have a tendency not to utilize the SJP system because of popularity. However, mayor of SMG has a responsibility for public safety in Seoul metropolitan area. Thus the SJP division has been organized as a part of a city government to deal with the problems arised. The administrative problems of comprehensive SJP are as follows. First, while the officers are assigned to the division of SMG, they are evaluated for the promotion and other personnel management in their original organizations, that is autonomous districts. Second, there are insufficient budgets for the investigation and following activities. Third, there are lack of the systematical education and training to reinforce the officers to become investigation expert. Therefore, there need to apply the unified personnel management system for the SJP officers between city and autonomous districts, to increase budget to support SJP activities, and to provide the necessary education and training. Also, the future steering of SJP would be important to the development of future local autonomy system. This study suggests several short-term strategies to develop SJP on the basis of current structure. But the mid-term strategies as autonomous districts` proper role are also proposed since the SJP service should be provided by the lower-level government, that is autonomous districts. The long-term development strategies are also proposed on the basis of introduction of autonomous police system in local government level. The SJP needs to cultivate investigation capability. The city government and autonomous district governments might have their own SJP organizations, and coordinate SJP activities.

      • 계약사무 이관에 따른 전문성 강화방안 연구

        김찬동 ( Chan Dong Kim ),배준식 ( Jun Sik Bae ),박성문 ( Seong Moon Park ) 서울시정개발연구원 2010 연구보고서 Vol.2010 No.12

        The purpose of this study is to suggest methods of expertise reinforcement of local governments due to the transfer of contract authority into local governments. In Korea, contact authority had been a national work before 2005. The central government had all responsibility for the contract office work. Local governments must request contract office works to central government and the central government executed the contract in behalf of the local government. In 2005, the law was passed and the central government must transfer contract authority to local governments by 2010 and has continued to transfer contract office works to local governments. From 2010, local governments have to manage all contract office works by themselves. In the case of Seoul Metropolitan City (SMC) government, contract office works were managed by 38 different sectors of government. Therefore, SMC government experienced difficulties to secure expertise and responsibility. This study examines current conditions and problems of contract office works of SMC government and suggests methods of expertise reinforcement. The study analyses example of foreign contract administration to search for the best practice of other city governments worldwide. This study suggests four methods of expertise reinforcement. First, regarding the expertise of contract team, the number of contract officials in contract team should be increased by hiring external contract specialists from outside of organization. In addition, the career of contract officials should be managed by the human resource management system. Second, the study suggests the enlargement of organizational size. The contract team needs to be restructured by dividing into two sections, contract section and contract inspection section. The contract inspection section will be reduced in part and outsource works related to the cost examination to the external specialist group. Third, it suggests the enhancement of the linkage between contract organizations. The contract inspection section and technical inspection section should be integrated. By doing so, the SMC government can relocate the surplus personnel and increase technical competency. The last suggestion is the reinforcement of the responsibility by establishing the contract department that integrates all procedures of contract office works such as those of contract team, contract judging manager section, and technical judging manager section.

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