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      • KCI등재

        미지시료에서 부신피질호르몬제의 확인을 위한 라이브러리 구축

        박미정,홍효정,이상기,Park, Mee-Jung,Hong, Hyo-Jeong,Lee, Sang-Ki 대한약학회 2011 약학회지 Vol.55 No.4

        Illegal addition of steroids into cosmetics, ointments or drugs have been increased and their careless usage induced detrimental effect on health. We developed simultaneous analytical method using TLC, HPLC and LC/MS for the identification of 40 corticosteroids. 34 corticosteroids were well separated in HPLC with isocratic mode and remaining 6 drugs were also separated with gradient mode. All of the 40 corticosteroids were detected in negative mode in LC/MS. Halcinonide, prednisolone, triamcinolone acetonide and methylprednisolone hemisuccinate were detected in real samples.

      • KCI등재

        중증장애학생의 죽음에 대한 특수교사의 상실 경험

        박미정 ( Mee Jung Park ),박경란 ( Kyung Ran Park ) 대구대학교 한국특수교육문제연구소 2015 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.16 No.4

        To analyze the loss experiences of special education teachers from deaths of students with severe disabilities, data were collected via individual interviews with six special education teachers who had experienced the loss.The interviews were performed in a setting where the interviewees could explain their experiences as naturally as possible, and were semi-structured to maximize the amount of information earned. Interviews were tape-recorded under each interviewee’s agreement, and the recorded interviews were analyzed by taking open coding of grounded theoretic approach through transcription. As results, first, the special education teachers reacted to their students’deaths with various emotional responses including a shock from unexpectedness of an incident, an evasion of the fact, and an insensitivity. Second, the teachers experienced many different changes such as accepting the reality in an affirmative attitude for a new life. Third, they came to understand the reality of special education, and mentioned on a need for a support system for the application of diverse education methods for students with severe disabilities to overcome the reality.

      • KCI등재

        메타기억전략이 지적장애아동의 단기기억과제에 미치는 영향

        박미정 ( Mee Jung Park ),김향지 ( Hyang Ji Kim ) 한국지적장애교육학회(구 한국정신지체아교육학회) 2015 지적장애연구 Vol.17 No.1

        이 연구는 메타기억전략이 지적장애아동의 단기기억과제에 미치는 영향을 검증하는데 목적이 있다. 연구 참여 대상자는 지능지수가 55-70 범위에 있고, 정신연령(MA)은 7세5개월-8세9개월의 범위에 있는 지적장애아동 26명을 선정하여 정신연령(MA)을 통제한 짝짓기에 의해 실험집단과 통제집단에 무작위 배치하였으며, 교육과제와 전이과제의 재생수, 유지수, 학습시간을 구하여 집단별로 비교 검토하였다. 결과분석은 SPSS WIN 18.0이 사용되었으며, 두 집단의 기억과제를 독립변인으로 하고 재생수, 유지수 그리고 학습시간을 종속변인으로 한 t-검증을 실시하였다. 그 결과, 실험집단에서는 자유재생과제에 있어서 전체적으로 재생수 및 유지수가 증가하였으며, 학습시간도 길어졌다. 또한 쌍제시과제에 있어서도 재생수 및 유지수가 증가하였으며, 학습시간도 길어졌다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the metamemory strategy instruction for enhancing short-term memory of the intellectual disabilities children. The study involved twenty-six intellectual disabilities children within intelligence quotient (IQ) range between 55 and 70 and about the mental age (MA) of 8. They were randomly assigned to two groups (the experimental group and the control group), and the groups were cross-checked on the reproductive number and recognition number of the training tasks. The list of metamemory tasks was chosen by the researcher based on the results of preceding researches. The experimental group was taught the metamemory strategy while the control group was not. The results are as follows. In the free recall task of the experimental group, there was an overall increase in both reproductive number and recognition number. In the paired recall task of the experimental group, there also was an overall increase in both reproductive number and recognition number. The learning time in each of the tasks were lengthened.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 학습공동체 활동에서 협력적 자기조절, 협력적 자기효능감과 팀 효능감, 문제해결력 간의 관계에 대한 의사소통능력의 매개효과

        박미정(Mee Jung Park),박성희(Sung Hee Park) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2022 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.22 No.11

        목적 본 연구는 대학생의 학습공동체 활동에서 학습 성과를 촉진하고 효율적인 지원 방안을 모색하기 위해 학습자의 협력적 자기조절, 협력적 자기효능감과 팀 효능감, 문제해결력 간의 관계에 대한 의사소통능력의 매개효과를 검증하고자 하였다. 방법 이를 위하여 경기도 소재 A대학교 교수학습개발센터에서 2021-1학기에 운영된 학습공동체 프로그램에 참여한 대학생 509명을 대상으로 자료를 수집, 분석하였다. 의사소통능력이 협력적 자기조절, 협력적 자기효능감과 팀 효능감, 문제해결력 간의 관계를 매개하는지 알아보기 위해 매개 회귀분석을 실시하였으며, 매개효과의 유의성을 확인하기 위해 Sobel검증을 하였다. 결과 연구결과, 협력적 자기조절, 협력적 자기효능감과 팀 효능감의 관계에서 의사소통능력이 부분매개효과가 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 협력적 자기조절, 협력적 자기효능감과 문제해결력의 관계에서 의사소통능력이 부분매개효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 결론 연구 결과를 통해 대학생의 학습공동체 활동에서 학습자들의 협력적 역량은 학습 성과 증진과 핵심역량 개발에 효과적이라는 것과, 학습공동체 활동에서 의사소통능력이 중요한 요인임을 규명하였다. 이를 바탕으로 학습공동체 활동에서 학습자들의 원활한 상호작용과 협력적 역량, 의사소통능력 수준을 높일 수 있는 지원책이 필요하다는 점을 강조한다. Objectives This study examines the mediating effect of communication skills on the relationship between learners' collaborative self-regulation, collaborative self-efficacy, team efficacy, and problem solving skills in order to promote learning outcomes and find efficient support measures in university students' learning community activities. Methods To this end, data were collected and analyzed from 509 university students who participated in the learning community program operated in the 2021-1 semester at the A University Center for Teaching and Learning in Gyeonggi-do. Mediated regression analysis was conducted to find out whether communication skills mediates the relationship between collaborative self-regulation, collaborative self-efficacy, team efficacy, and problem solving skills. In addition, Sobel test was used to test the significance of the mediation effect. Results As a result of the study, it was found that communication skills had a partial mediating effect in the relationship between collaborative self-regulation, collaborative self-efficacy, and team efficacy. In addition, it was found that communication skills had a partial mediating effect in the relationship between collaborative self-regulation, collaborative self-efficacy, and problem solving skills. Conclusions Base on the research results, it was identified that the collaborative competencies of learners in the learning community activities of university students are effective in enhancing learning outcomes and developing core competencies. In addition, it was confirmed that communication skills is an important factor in learning community activities. It emphasizes the need for support to increase the level of learners' interaction, collaborative competency, and communication skills in learning community activities.

      • KCI등재

        일상생활중심 대화식 저널쓰기가 경계선지능 언어발달지체학생의 쓰기능력에 미치는 영향

        박미정(Park, Mee-jung),박경란(Park, Kyung-ran) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2019 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.19 No.16

        이 연구는 일상생활중심 대화식 저널쓰기(dialogue journal writing)가 경계선지능 언어발달지체학생의 쓰기능력에 미치는 영향을 살펴보고자 하였다. 연구 목적 달성을 위해 경계선지능 언어발달지체학생 3명을 연구 대상으로 선정하여 5개월 간 17회기에 걸쳐 일상생활중심 대화식 저널쓰기 프로그램을 적용하고, 문장의 유형, 문장 및 글의 길이, 문장의 구성 성분의 세 가지 관점에서 쓰기능력의 변화를 살펴보았다. 연구절차는 사전평가 1회기, 대화식 저널쓰기 중재 15회기, 사후평가 1회기로 진행되었으며, 사전-중재중-사후 대상 학생들의 쓰기 자료를 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 첫째, 문장 유형 측면에서 세 명의 학생 모두 단문과 복문 사용에서 향상을 가져왔다. 둘째, 문장 및 글의 길이 측면에서 3명의 학생 모두 한 문장 내 단어수와 전체 문장수의 증가를 보였다. 셋째, 문장 구성 성분에서는 품사 사용이 확대되었으며, 특히 주어, 서술어, 부사 사용이 증가 하였다. 이러한 결과를 통해 경계선지능 언어발달지체학생의 쓰기교육 방법으로 일상생활중심 대화식 저널쓰기의 활용 가능성을 시사하였다. The study examined the effect of everyday-life-based dialogue journal writing on writing ability of the students with borderline intellectual disability and language disorder. The total of 3 students with borderline intellectual disability and language disorder were selected as subjects of this study. The everyday-life-based dialogue journal writing program was applied in 17 separate sessions over 5 months and the subjects writing abilities were compared in three perspectives: type of sentence, lengths of each sentence and the passage, and constituent parts of the sentence. The study analyzed the subjects written materials and was divided as following: 1 session of pre-assessment, 15 sessions of interim assessments, and 1 session of post-evaluation. The results are the following. First, in terms of the type of sentence, all 3 students showed improvements in writing both simple and complex sentences. Second, in terms of the lengths of each sentence and the passage, the writing program positively affected all 3 students. Lastly, in terms of the constituent parts of the sentence, while various changes were observed, the usages of the subjects, predicates, and adverbs were increased. The study implied the application of the everyday-life-based dialogue journal writing as a teach

      • KCI등재

        일반학교에 통합된 발달장애학생의 방과 후 활동 실태 및 지역 대학의 역할 : U대학 발달장애지원센터 장애학생 부모 면담을 중심으로

        박미정(Park, Mee-jung),박경란(Park, Kyung-ran) 한국청각·언어장애교육학회 2021 한국청각·언어장애교육연구 Vol.12 No.3

        이 연구는 일반학교에 통합된 발달장애학생의 방과 후 참여 활동 실태와 학생 및 부모 지원을 위한 지역 대학의 역할을 살펴보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 발달장애학생 어머니 5명을 연구 참여자로 선정하여 심층면담을 실시하고 그 결과를 분석하였다. 심층면담을 통해 얻는 자료는 근거이론의 개방코딩 과정을 통해 개념을 도출하고 그 개념들을 묶어 범주화하였다. 연구 결과, 발달장애학생의 방과 후 참여 활동 실태로는 방과 후 활동 참여의 어려운 현실과 가족의 다양한 어려움을 알 수 있었고, 발달장애 자녀의 성장과 함께 나타나는 신체적, 교육적 어려움 그리고 방과 후 활동을 위한 교육기관 및 사회복지기관을 통한 지원의 한계 등을 알 수 있었다. 방과 후 발달장애학생 교육지원을 위한 대학의 역할로는 방과 후 발달장애학생의 교육을 위해 가족지원 프로그램의 활성화를 요구하였고, 발달장애학생의 교육을 위해 지역 대학의 다양한 교육지원을 원하고 있었으며, 발달장애 자녀의 교육을 위해 효율적인 대학의 역할과 지원을 요구하였다. This study attempted to examine the status of after-school education of students with developmental disabilities integrated into regular schools and the role of local universities to support the students and their parents. The study conducted in-depth interviews with five mothers of students with developmental disabilities who are integrated into regular schools. Using the data obtained through in-depth interviews, the study derived the concepts via an open coding process of the grounded theory, and the concepts were grouped and categorized. As a result, in the actual conditions of after-school activities of students with developmental disabilities, we found the difficult reality of participating in after-school activities and the various difficulties of families. In addition, we also identified the physical and educational difficulties that occur along with the growth of children with developmental disabilities and the limitations of support through educational institutions and social welfare institutions for after-school activities. In the role of universities to support after-school education for students with developmental disabilities, study participants requested the activation of family support programs for after-school education of students with developmental disabilities. Furthermore they wanted various educational support from local universities, and requested efficient roles and support from universities for the education of children with developmental disabilities.

      • KCI등재

        어머니와 유아의 상호작용훈련을 통한 농중증,중복장애 유아의 전반적 발달 변화

        박미정 ( Mee Jung Park ),정재권 ( Jae Kweon Chung ),박경란 ( Kyung Ran Park ) 대구대학교 한국특수교육문제연구소 2010 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.11 No.3

        This study was conducted to investigate developmental changes of the deaf infant with severe and multiple disabilities by training mother. Subjects of this study were 38 months old deaf infant with severe and multiple disabilities and her mother. Interactive training program which consists of 6 stages to five developmental territory was implemented 65 times during 18 months. As results, the infant with severe and multiple disabilities was positively improved in the area of intelligence, social-emotion, movement, adaptation, communication and social age. The changes were remarkable at cognitive development and movement development. The communication skills had developed gradually during 12 months from training starting, however after 12 months considerable developmental change was shown.

      • KCI등재

        농중증 중복장애아동과 가족 지원을 위한 요구분석

        박미정 ( Mee Jung Park ),정재권 ( Jae Kweon Chung ),박경란 ( Kyung Ran Park ) 대구대학교 한국특수교육문제연구소 2011 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.12 No.2

        This study tried to clarify what is the difficulties of families who have deaf children with severe and multiple disabilities, and to assess what kind of supports are needed to nurture their children by in-depth interview with mothers. Through the interview, 16 sub-categories were derived from 63 concepts, and 8 major categories were derived. The practical difficulties that deaf children with severe and multiple disabilities affecting their families were as follows; difficulties to encounter experts while diagnostic process, communication difficulties of families with their children with severe and multiple disabilities, economic hardship to nurture and educate their children, suffering of depression, and guilt feelings for the siblings without disabilities. As the needed supports, they needed systematic supports for diagnosis and disability acceptance, enhancing interaction with their children, enlarging services for promoting quality of life, and social supporting systems for reinforcing family empowerment.

      • KCI등재

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